COLD WAR 1945-1991 ??? Satellite Countries Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Albania,...

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Transcript of COLD WAR 1945-1991 ??? Satellite Countries Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Albania,...

COLD WAR1945-1991 ???

Satellite CountriesLatvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and Hungary

Containmentrestrict Soviet expansion

Domino Effect

Greece Civil War

Turkey link to Mediterranean Sea

+ =

U.S. gives them $400 millionTo prevent Communism from taking over


•Truman Doctrine•Support any country that wants to resist Communism

•Czechoslovakia falls to Communism 1948

•Marshall Plan•George Marshall - Sec. Of State•Help economies and social aspects to prevent communism for taking over•Aid Western Europe with $12.5 billion

•NATO 1949•North Atlantic Treaty Organization•Alliance of non-Communist countries

•Warsaw Pact 1955•Alliance of Communist countries

•Berlin Airlift- June 24, 1948

•Soviets blockade all roads, canals, railways linking Berlin to W. Germany

•Intent: drive U.S., Britain, & France out of Berlin

•10 months airlift May 1949 Soviets end the blockade

China 1949

Chiang Kai-shekNationalism Party

Mao ZedongCommunist PartyPeople’s Republic of China

Chiang retreats to TaiwanRepublic of China

U.S. recognized Republic of China

Korean War

Background-Japanese rule 1910-1945-U.S. & Soviets split Korea 38th parallel after WWII

Kim Il Sung - North Korea People’s Republic of Korea

Syngman Rhee - South Korea Republic of Korea

June 25, 1950North invades South

United Nations & US support South

North winning until….Surprise attack on Inchon by US


President Eisenhowervs.

General Mac Arthur

Korea remains split

Armistice, July 27, 1953

China enters the war

South retreats to 38th parallel

Push North back to Chinese border- Yalu River

Home Front - Cold War

National Security Counciladvise to President CIA

gathers information overseas

Loyalty Review Board investigated all federal employees 1947

HUAC- House Committee on Un-American Activity

Joe McCarthy WI Senator McCarthism Army hearings Demogogue Censure

Hollywood Ten

Alger Hiss

Julius & EthelRosenberg

United Nations Plan for PalestineZionism 1948Israel created as a country

BrinkmanshipJohn Foster DullesSec. Of State


Secret actions


Open talks & aid

Guatemala 1954

Egypt 1955 Iran 1951

Eisenhower Doctrine 1957give military aidMiddle East

Nikita KhrushchevModerate

Hungary revolts 1956


U-2 Incident 1960 Gary Francis Powers


Sputnik 1957

Explorer I

National Defense Education Act

Space Race

Moon Landing1969

•New Frontier•Increase government involvement•Increase spending•Decrease inflation•Equal pay•Man on the Moon

Flexible Response

•Election 1960•JFK


CUBAFidel Castro 1959 Communist 1960

Bay of Pigs 1961 rebel Cubans attack US help

•Khrushchev ultimatum June1961

•Recognize E. Germany•Remove troops from Berlin

Berlin Wall Aug. 1961

Cuban Missile Crisis 1961

Oct. 14 - U-2 planes see 4 missile sites

Oct. 22 - US naval blockademissiles armed Soviet ships heading there

Oct. 24 - Soviet ships turn around

Oct. 28 - Agree to...

Cuba dismantles missiles

US agrees to never invade Cuba remove missiles from Turkey

Closest everTo NuclearWar!!!!





Panama We give the canal back to them on Dec. 31, 1999

Nicaragua &

El SalvadorThey become Communist! Oh No!!!

Communist Cambodia takes U.S. ship Mayaguez. President Ford sends in the military. 41 die to save the crew of 40.


Grenada becomes CommunistPresident Reagan send in troops to take back the country & college that had American students

Contras & SandinistasRebels who receive U.S. Communist governmentsupport, weapons, training

Iran-Contra Affair

Ayatollah KhomeiniShah of Iran

The leader the U.S. covertly put in power in 1951.He was a cruel leader the people didn’t like.He has cancer & comes to the U.S. for treatment.

While the Shah is gone, he takes over Iran. He attacks the U.S. embassy.52 Americans held hostage for 444 daysPresident Carter negotiations. Hostages released the day President Reagan takesoffice.

Congress says NO to any aid to Iran or Contras.Military sells 500 antitank missiles to Iran. To hide the sale & money, the money is given to the Contras. Congress finds out! White House Aide & Security Adviser take the blame. Supposedly President Reagan had no idea.

Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 1963-air and underwater-US, USSR, Britain Hot Line

Telephone between White HouseAnd Kremlin

Saddam Hussein attacks Kuwait.U.S. sends troops in to protect Kuwait.Norman Schwarzkopf U.S. General in command.


Mikhail Gorbachev 1985new Soviet leaderglasnost & perestrokiaEconomic openness. The beginning of the end!

PolandWants is freedom from Communist.It works!! 1989

Tiananmen SquareCommunist China violently puts down a student rebellion.He is run over by the tanks on world TV

1991 Dec. - Commonwealth of Independent StatesCIS

1989 Berlin Wall comes down

Boris Yeltsin, becomes the Russian President when Gorbachev steps down in 1991.