Codes and Conventins of a Music Video

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Codes and Conventins of a Music Video

Codes and Conventions of music videos:

Camera movement: In every music video there is always a slight camera movement from panning to tracking. The camera movement often illustrate the pace and tempo of a song. Some music video can also be seen following the artists throughout the music video.

All music videos have codes and convention that represent a meaning. The convention of music videos vary depending on the genre of the song.

Camera angles: most music videos contain multiple camera angles that are used to portray a range of feelings and emotions to the audience. Angles include extreme close up, close up and establishing shots. Many directors of music video include close up to maintain the attention of the artists but also to set the scene. Long shots and establishing shots are used at the start to set the scene of the music. The type of camera angle use can spark a number of emotions for example a close up on an artists crying or looking upset can create empathy towards the artists or actor.

Editing: The way a music video is edited together had an important affect on the meaning of the video. Editing can include piecing together shots. Whether the shots fade, wipe or Quickly cut from one to another all has a important impact on the video. Special effect can also be used in video for example Rihanna and nick minja music video called (fly).

Music: The tempo of the track determents the editing of the music video. For example a fast pace tempo should reflect a fast paced editing and slow paced editing. Some sounds or lyrics in a track may be emphasized on screen to create meaning.

Genre: Different genres carry it's own codes and Conventions which a viewer would expect to see. This codes and conventions would be reflected in the mise en scene, camera work and editing techniques.

Lyrics: The lyrics establish a storyline or subject matter to the music videos. Key lyrics in the song sometime act a significant part in the visuals. However sometimes the lyrics do not directly correlate with the music video. It's mainly the tone or mood of the lyric which is displayed in the music video.

Modern music videos are used as a marketing and promotion tools for the sale of the music video. That's the reasons why many music videos usually include the artists to allow the target audience to identify with the artists and aspire to be like them. When an artists is established they can then use narrative music video instead of performance style music videos.