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CNN OP-ED CALLS FOR OBAMA TO DECLARE “NATIONAL STATE OF EMERGENCY” TO GUT 2ND AMENDMENTMartial law-style move would "scare" gun rights groups into submissionPaul Joseph Watson - JANUARY 8, 2016!A CNN op-ed piece by a leading gun control advocate has called on President Obama to declare a “national state of emergency” so that he can gut the Second Amendment.!Elliot Fineman, of the National Gun Victims Action Council, wants the president to follow through on his recent gun control efforts by “monitoring ammunition sales and banning those on the terror watch list from buying guns.”!This could be achieved without congressional approval by Obama enacting a “National State of Emergency (that) scares the gun lobby and pro-gun lawmakers,” writes Fineman.!In other words, Fineman is calling on Obama to use martial-law style powers in order to water down the Second Amendment and neutralize efforts by gun rights groups to oppose such a move.!“Why have you not declared a state of emergency to halt the Gun Violence Epidemic?” Fineman implores Obama.!A petition linked from the CNN article invites support for a “National Emergencies Act” that would hand Obama “the power and responsibility to declare a state of emergency when the government lacks the procedures and capacity to address an unchecked natural or man-made public health epidemic.”!The story is couched in emotional terms given that Fineman lost his son to a murderer who was able to legally purchase a gun despite previously being in a mental institution.!Fineman also demands that Obama, “force the gun manufacturers to make smart guns (guns that will only fire if the fingerprint of the owner matches the trigger) by requiring that the government only purchase smart guns.”!Whether this would make the hundreds of millions of firearms without smart technology illegal by default is not addressed in the article.!As we have previously highlighted, Second Amendment advocates are warning that Americans who hold “alternative views” could be declared mentally ill and have their firearms seized. Americans who follow “prepper” lifestyles have already had their guns taken as a result of falsely being labeled mentally ill.

New York: Legislators Propose Outrageous Ammunition Restriction Legislation !!Fairfax, VA -( Two New York legislators have announced that they are introducing legislation in 2016 that would severely limit ammunition purchases. !State Senator Roxanne Persaud (D-19) and Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon (D-52) want to pass a law that would limit ammo purchases to twice the capacity of the firearm during a 90-day period (3 months)! !Undeterred by the failed SAFE Act, anti-gun lawmakers in Albany seem determined to pursue the same failed policies and will not stop until the Second Amendment is completely dismantled. The SAFE Act has done nothing to lower crime in New York and has turned law-abiding citizens into criminals. The SAFE Act had its own ammunition restrictions and required ammunition background checks which were suspended after Governor Cuomo embarrassingly realized that such a system was impractical. In addition, the last attempt to regulate how many rounds a person could load into a gun was overturned by a Federal District Court in New York and ruled unconstitutional. !Persaud and Simon are justifying this bill by pointing to terrorism, as if terrorists are going to voluntarily ration ammunition. There are so many problems with this legislation that it would be impossible to highlight them all herein. Again, for the sake of New York citizens, we would hope legislators start focusing on the serious issues facing the state and stop introducing these embarrassing ideas. !It’s readily evident that the two lawmakers know next to nothing about the subject of firearms and ammunition. Manufacturers don’t even package ammunition with such a random number of cartridges in many cases. This is one of the most absurd bills being introduced in the entire country. !However, because anti-gun legislators in New York have a history of defying logic, we will treat this legislation as another serious attempt to infringe on your constitutional right to self-defense. !About the NRA-ILA: !Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. !For more information, please visit: Be sure to follow the NRA on Facebook at NRA on Facebook and Twitter @NRA

New Ban Bill Hits Congress: Targets Semi-Automatic Rifles & Handguns: “To Ensure That The Right To Keep and Bear Arms Is NOT Unlimited”!!Mac Slavo Date December 27th, 2015 Web Site condition !In the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings we warned that sweeping changes were in the works for Americans' right to bear arms. It started with ammunition tax proposals, restrictions on firearm accessories imports and most recently Governors began bypassing Congress altogether by banning gun ownership for those on any of the government's many watch lists. The Obama administration has also targeted licensed firearms sellers across the United States by forcing banks to treat them like pornography businesses and impeding their access to transaction processing systems and business banking accounts.!!States like California already ban "assault weapons" and outlaw "high capacity" magazines that can hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. But the kinds of restrictive laws that strike at the very heart of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution have thus far been limited to just a dozen or so heavily liberal states.!!Until now.!!While Americans anxiously prepared for their Christmas festivities, anti-gun proponents in Congress were hard at work drafting a new bill. If passed H.R. 4269 would literally redefine the Second Amendment as evidenced by the bill's description, which in no uncertain terms clarifies its ultimate goal:!!

"To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes."!!

The bill directly targets every semi-automatic firearm in the United States including handguns, shotguns, and rifles. It specifically mentions certain firearms and manufacturers, including the popular AR-15 and AK-47 rifles.!!Because the law is Federal it would blanket the country with new restrictions, including making it illegal to own any magazine that exceeds a capacity of ten (10) rounds. !!And here's the kicker, even if your weapon has a legally-defined low capacity detachable magazine but is modified with any of the following accessories, it is considered an "assault rifle" and would be outright banned in the United States.!!

Semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any 1 of the following:!"(i) A pistol grip.!"(ii) A forward grip.!"(iii) A folding, telescoping, or detachable stock.!"(v) A barrel shroud.!"(vi) A threaded barrel.!!"(B) A semiautomatic rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds, except for an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.!!

"(C) Any part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic rifle but not convert the semiautomatic rifle into a machine gun.!!

To be clear, the new bill puts all half measures aside and goes for the jugular.!!This is the worst case scenario that many Americans have feared.!!If you own a weapon on the ban list or have accessories as described by the bill, your firearm will be outlawed in the United States of America.!!

SEC. 3.RESTRICTIONS ON ASSAULT WEAPONS AND LARGE CAPACITY AMMUNITION FEEDING DEVICES!(a) In General.—Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended—!(1) by inserting after subsection (u) the following:!"(v) (1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a semiautomatic assault weapon.!…!"(37) The term 'large capacity ammunition feeding device'—!"(A) means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, including any such device joined or coupled with another in any manner, that has an overall capacity of, or that can be readily restored, changed, or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition;!…!"(w) (1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a large capacity ammunition feeding device.!!

The bill was introduced in Congress on December 16, 2015 and currently has 123 co-sponsors – all democrats.!!We know that gun bans don't work but one can't help but think the agenda goes much further than the notion that they want to make us safer. If that were the case then our lawmakers wouldn't allow drug cartels, gang members, and Islamic terrorists to cross into the U.S. through our porous southern border.!!The reality is that a cloud of tyranny has descended upon America. For it to be successful the American people must first be disarmed.!!As history has proven time and again, a disarmed populace can easily be led to slaughter. But unlike the tens of millions executed in ethnic, religious and political cleansings of the 20th century, Americans have a rich tradition of personal liberty and the right to bear arms. It is embedded in our culture and our founding document. And as Texas police chief Randy Kennedy recently warned, if the government pushes too far they may well incite a revolution.!!!


� "For Immediate ReleaseJanuary 5, 2016"


Rothfus Statement on Executive Action to Restrict 2nd Amendment Rights!

 "Washington, D.C. – Congressman Keith Rothfus (PA-12) released the following statement in response to President Obama's announcement of his executive order to restrict American gun ownership:" "“Once again, President Obama is subverting our Constitution’s separation of powers and is attempting to legislate from the Oval Office. Rewriting acts of Congress while undermining the Second Amendment is a bald attempt to criminalize the behavior of law-abiding citizens. Instead of blatantly disregarding the Constitution, the President must work with Congress to enact legislation to punish criminals, as well as to address the mental illness that consistently underlies horrible acts of gun violence,” said Congressman Rothfus." !Kate Rosario"Communications Director"Congressman Keith Rothfus, PA-12"Longworth 1205 | Washington, D.C. 20515Office: 202/225-2065 | Fax: 202/225-5709

DATE: Jan. 5, 2016 CONTACT: Kim Stolfer, President PHONE: (412) 221-3346 CELL: (412) 352-5018 E-MAIL: WEB:


FOAC – Shining the Light on the Big Lie – ‘Epidemic of Gun Violence’ In 2015, the public has been inundated with sensationalist statements by the gun control crowd at CeaseFire PA, and Mom’s Demand Action regarding the so-called ‘Epidemic of Gun Violence’. This ‘Big Lie’ has been financed with millions of dollars from the out-of-state Bloomberg machine, anti-gun foundations, liberal political elites and willing accomplices in much of the Mainstream media. 2016 already brings new challenges.

x Obama is planning on implementing unconstitutional Executive Orders to bypass Congress and the Constitution to impose new gun control schemes.

x In the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, US Rep. Cicilline (D-RI), and 123 fellow Democrats, have introduced a draconian Assault Weapons ban (HR 4269) that even calls for confiscation of firearms instead of getting to the root cause of Islamic terrorism in the United States.

Obama’s ‘relentless’ pursuit of gun control appears to be justified by this statement from him, “We know that we can’t stop every act of violence. But what if we tried to stop even one? What if Congress did something—anything—to protect our kids from gun violence?” Obama said.” ( Yet Obama ‘fails’ to question ‘why’ government does not hold ‘itself’ accountable for failing to stop violent career criminals by prosecuting them with current laws! Obama ‘also’ fails to account for why, under his administration, gun crime prosecutions are ‘down’ over 33% according to Syracuse University TRAC Reports. Why do these politicians and their special interests groups focus so obsessively on guns and making a mockery Constitutional rights? Why aren’t they honest about their ‘true’ intentions? Why do they ignore the facts and roots causes of violence in society? Let’s put some of these ‘inconvenient facts’ in perspective.

Firearms Owners Against Crime


VIOLENT CRIME IS DECREASING IN PENNSYLVANIA. According to most recent FBI crime statistics, violent crime and murder is down between 9% and 76% in Pennsylvania between 2011 and 2014 as measured amongst metropolitan and rural areas. YOU ARE SAFER AT HOME. In 2011, the FOAC driven Pennsylvania Castle Doctrine was signed into law and has contributed, significantly, to the decrease of burglaries as criminals think twice about entering a home that is defended by an armed citizen. Burglary is down a whopping 17% to 62% in these same FBI statistics. THE GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE IS A LIE. Every firearm sale in America is ‘required’ to go through a licensed Federal Firearms Dealer except for a small number of ‘private’ sales. Government studies already prove that criminals, in less than 2% of the cases, rarely get their firearms through ‘gun shows’ - – and even then the criminal charges are plea-bargained away over 60% of the time. FEWER POLICE DEATHS. According to National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, the number of police killed by firearms in 2015 was 14% lower than 2014. MURDER BY GUN IS NOT A LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH BY A LONG STRETCH. According the latest statistics (2013) from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 2,596,993 people died in the Unites States in 2013. Death by assault using firearms totaled just 11,208. In comparison:

o Transportation accidents: 35,369 o Accidental falls: 30,208 o Accidental poisoning: 38,851.


o U.S. Fatal Firearm Accident rate in 2015 .2 per 100,000 o U.S. Fatal Firearm Accident rate in 1932 2.5 per 100,000

MEDICAL MALPRACTICE KILLS FAR MORE OF US. As reported in the liberal Huffington Post, the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services estimates that bad hospital care contributed to the deaths of 180,000 patients in Medicare alone in a given year. The Journal of Patient Safety says that between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death. PHARMECEUTICALS AND MASS SHOOTINGS. There is an epidemic in the use of powerful psychotropic pharmaceuticals to control depression, anxiety and other emotional disorders. The pharmaceutical class most commonly prescribed are Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). A major side effect during use and withdraw is violence. Unreported in the main stream media is that most mass shooting in the United States involved the shooter having taken SSRIs. Why are there no legislative hearings on the role of SSRIs in causing violence in our society? Between 2008 and 2012, Drug companies have spent $2.3 billion on lobbying and $183 million on campaign contributions. Are many Politicians bought off to avoid addressing this fact?

GUN VIOLENCE IS AN URBAN PROBLEM NOT A US PROBLEM. A study by Harry Moroz at Next American City using CDC data demonstrates that almost 60 percent of U.S. firearm homicides occur in the 62 cities of the country’s 50 largest metros. Gangs and poverty are the root causes, and violence is the symptom. In Pennsylvania, nearly 50% of the violent crime is centered in the 6 largest urban cities. Why won’t gun control advocates truly help the inner city instead of offering false hopes? INTERNATION VIOLENT CRIME AND SUICIDE COMPARISONS. Murder (FBI & Wikipedia):

o Murder rate in the U.S. 2015 4.5 per 100,000 o Murder rate in the U.S. 1993 9.5 per 100,000 o Murder rate in Brazil (latest) 25.2 per 100,000 o Murder rate in Mexico 2012 21.5 per 100,000

Suicide (

o Suicide rate in the United States 12.1 per 100,000 o Suicide rate in France 12.3 per 100,000 o Suicide rate in Japan 18.5 per 100,000 o Suicide rate in South Korea 28.9 per 100,000

So why do gun control advocates ignore these facts? Because they undermine their agenda. If they were truly interested in saving lives, they would focus on the causes that kill the other 2,585,785 Americans every year. Gun Control is a ruse. What they are about is CONTROL. During WWII, Japanese Admiral Yamamoto said he could not invade America because “there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass”. Armed citizens are the best defense of freedom and individual safety, our Founding Fathers knew that. Even MSNBC discovered this recently after average Israeli citizens with rifles stopped a terrorist related mass shooting. The “Control” crowd in our own country are intent on the destruction of the 2nd Amendment and surrendering citizen safety to an impotent government that absolves itself from ‘any’ responsibility to ‘protect’ citizens. The armed citizen is an impediment to achieving the goal of fundamentally transforming America. Peacefully united, and working with honest citizen legislators, our New Years Resolution is that we will hold the line on our Freedoms and the 2nd Amendment for our families and future generations.

* * * End * * *

Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC) is non-partisan, non-connected Political Action Committee organized to empower all gun owners, outdoors enthusiasts and supporters of the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution with the tools and information necessary to protect this freedom from transgression. Candidates for office are evaluated every election cycle, approved, placed on an FOAC voter guide and distributed throughout the region.

GOA to Fight Obama’s Lawless Decrees !Today, the President picked up his “phone and his pen” and continued his assault on the Second Amendment. On the presidential website the President declared war on senior citizens, and on private individuals who, in some cases, sell as few as one firearm. !Those are just the highlights. There is much more, and you can read additional analysis of the President’s imperial diktat. !But bottom line: Having failed to get gun control legislation passed in Congress, Obama is doing what he always does when he can’t get what he wants. !He’s circumventing Congress and enacting “legislation” by executive fiat. !You can be sure that Gun Owners of America will be doing everything in its power to fight these edicts tooth-n-nail. More on this below. !!Open Season on Seniors and Other Law-Abiding Gun Owners !Gun Owners of America alerted you back in July of last year that Obama wanted to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns, if they are deemed as being unable to manage their financial affairs. With this new executive action, that policy has now been officially announced: !The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to NICS [and] will cover appropriate records of the approximately 75,000 people each year. !The President also wants to take America back 30 years -- prior to the reforms in the Firearms Protection Act of 1986 -- and unleash a horde of additional ATF agents to entrap law-abiding Americans who are supposedly “engaged in the business” of selling firearms. !What constitutes being “engaged in the business” -- selling 50 guns ... 25 guns ... 15 guns ... or 5 guns? While the President’s lawless decree doesn’t say, it does suggest the number could be as low as “one or two transactions.” !So if you’re financially strapped in this Obama economy and want to make a few bucks selling off the firearms in your home, look out. You could be “sentenced up to five years in prison and fined up to $250,000” if you are subsequently determined to have “engaged in the business” of selling an unspecified number of firearms without a license. !The alternative, of course, is that you voluntarily become an FFL and conduct background checks on every gun you sell -- guns that you legally bought as a private citizen. !

Just as the President admitted that ObamaCare would serve as a first step to single-payer (aka, socialistic) health care, so will these gun control regs push us one-step closer to universal gun registration, which is what the President actually wants. !!Dumb Guns for Everyone !The Hypocrite in Chief also is directing several federal agencies “to review the availability of smart gun technology on a regular basis, and to explore potential ways to further its use and development....” Of course, such a move is entirely hypocritical, given that the President has made no indication that his Secret Service agents will also be carrying these dumb guns. !As stated by Breitbart’s A.W.R. Hawkins: “When it comes to his personal safety, Obama appears to remain a big fan of traditional firearms.” !!What Can Gun Owners Do? !The easiest solution is to elect a pro-gun president. !While several presidential hopefuls have already indicated they would repeal the Obama’s executive actions if elected, the GOA-endorsed candidate, Ted Cruz, has promised to erase Obama’s gun control legacy. !"[The President] has a phone and he has a pen, but if you live by the pen you die by the pen, and my pen has got an eraser," Sen. Cruz said. !Second, Gun Owners of America will be working with legislators on Capitol Hill to “defund” the president’s unlawful orders. This is the preferred “short term” approach because these no-funding provisions can be attached to “must pass” bills that the president will sign. Stay tuned for future alerts to this effect. !Third, GOA and its foundation are pursuing swift legal action. We have already fought battles like this -- and won. !For example, GOA was recently involved in the legal defense of Bob Arwady in Houston, who was wrongly accused of dealing in firearms without a license --- and he was acquitted by a jury. You can read more on this case. !Lastly, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R) introduced legislation last month to that declares that any executive action by Obama that infringes upon the Second Amendment rights of all Americans “shall have no force or effect.” !This is a good bill (S. 2434), and we will pursue it if we think there is any chance of pushing it past a presidential veto.