Cnet spring 2011 chat live ppt on videogames in the classroom

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Cnet spring 2011 chat live ppt on videogames in the classroom

teaching, learning, research, presentation of research, discovery, exploring complexity, communication, collaboration,

field work, different styles of learning, shared intelligence

Grand Theft Auto

The Education Arcade (MIT-Microsoft), (George Lucas)

iPads, kids and smartphones, microgaming

social networks, digital games, simulations

commercialism and higher education

COTS (commercial, off the shelf) games, console games


educational games

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 18th century philosopher, statesman, educator: educate the

mind AND the body

from facts to problem-solving


work / play

technology and teaching

“digital immigrants”“digital natives”

radio, tv, computers, internet

chalkboard, whiteboard

technology and culture

think, learn, interact

create, collaborate, communicate

games of chance


first-person shooter

power gamers (Halo), casual gamers (Angry Birds)

simulation games

doctors, military, astronauts

explore hypothetical situations

“no winning”

puzzle or word games

you have 35 oranges and 7 buckets, how many oranges can you fit in each bucket?

history games

Civilization (1991)

World of Warcraft (WOW) (2004)


SimCity (1989)


game play as assessment, not learning

collaborative testing

“cheats,” plagiarism

teachers become learners, learners become teachers

education, play, what kind of society do we want to live in?