Cloning in Syaria Islam - Wirawan

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A short paper describe about a cloning method (Science) in syaria Islam.

Transcript of Cloning in Syaria Islam - Wirawan

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D. Wirawan

Biotechnology of Cloning in view of (Shari’a) Islam


Human being is a god’s most perfect creation, given the reasonable

mind, intellectual and ambition that can be used by human to develop

its potential to live in this world. With the mind, intellectual and the

ambition, they always wanted to develop and improve the quality of 

human life. One of the most sophisticated example of greatdevelopment in this world is the development of technology. Where the

main benet that we will get from this !ind of technology is to help and

improve the quality of human life in order to be more comfortable, more

en"oyable and satisfying.

 #echnological developments on biotechnology, especially in the eld of 

cloning has been developed with great success, for example $dolly thesheep% as the rst cloned mammal in &''( in )cotland. *n this paper, *

want to explore the technology of cloning from the perspective of 

)hari’a *slam. #here are many article and wor! regarding the discussion

of technology of cloning from the perspective of law and ethics, but few

from the religion perspective, especially in )hari’a *slam. #he main

reason is because * am originally from *ndonesia, one of many country

which its law in+uenced by the perspective of *slam. #he instructionwhich regulate uslim people everyday activity of life is called )hari’a

-*slamic law.

*slam has always been at the viewpoint where the human being are

entitled and even obliged to improve and increase the !nowledge in any

eld, including technology and science elds. #here is a hadith from

/rophet uhammad, who ordered the people of uslim to get treatedwhen they got sic! -nowadays when we sic! we should go to the


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doctor, and also to learn and study how to cure or nd cures for all

disease. #his statement, however, in terms of learning and increasing

the !nowledge in this regard, there are things that are less aligned with

the teaching of the religion, which is prohibited in )hari’a *slam. #his

topic, technology of cloning, has presented an ethical and religious

problem and been debated contentiously and broadly in all sectors of 

human society.

Reproductive Cloning and Therapeutic Cloning

0loning can be dened as the asexual production of genetically identical

organism or cell lines. *t is a technique to produce a genetically identical

copy of an organism by substitute the nucleus of an unfertili1ed ovum

with the nucleus of a body cell from the organism&. 0loning itself has

many branch of programs, but the very popular are $reproductive

cloning% and the $therapeutic cloning%.

*n reproductive cloning, once the cloned embryo reaches a suitable

stage, it is implanted in a female uterus for pregnancy. 2sually the

cloned embryo should grow up for &3 days before it can be implanted

into the womb to grow until birth. However, in therapeutic cloning, the

process of the cloning is the same, but the purpose is only to acquire

the stem cells. #he cloned embryos only allowed to grow for a few days,

it is not allowed to live beyond 345 days.

*n &''6, there was a product of a successful cloning of the sheep called

$dolly%, created by the team at the 7oslin *nstitute, which originally born

on 8uly &''9. #his event created the world’s attention and triggered a

great debate among scientists, ethicist and politicians in the world. #he

rst reaction came from the circles of the scientic, Dr. Hiroshi

:a!a"ima, Director ;eneral of the World Health Organi1ation, stated that

& L.R. Sanchez-Sweatman, “Reproductive cloning and human health: an ethical, international, and

nursing perspective”, 2000, p. 2.


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the use of cloning for the replication of human beings, $ethically

unacceptable%<. =ven that >ill 0linton, former of president of the 2nited

)tates of ?merica, was quoted as saying, $#here is virtually unanimous

consensus in the scientic and medical communities that attempting to

use cloning techniques to actually clone a human being is untested and

unsafe and morally unacceptable%@.

*s reproductive cloning morally and ethically unacceptableA What is the

benet and disadvantage if in the near future scientist can successful to

develop or produce a humanBreproductive cloningA ostly people agree

that human cloning is against ;od, where creating a human being from

a clone is to brea! the laws of nature. #he possibility for creating the

mass production of human beings. We cannot really imagine that there

will be the prospect of mother4daughter or father4son twins or maybe

the production of a replacement for a dead son3. #he most frightening

role is that with this !ind of technology, there is even a possibility that

man can be a role for playing ;od.

 #his is the normal process of how human being is bornC

0opyright reserved toC Dr. usa ohd. :ordin

?nd this is the cloning process of how human cloning being produceC

< !re" # $ellman, “% &ompanion to %pplied 'thics”, (alden, 200), p. )*+-*

@  Ibid.

3 %m" Logston, “he 'thics o /uman &loning”, , p. )


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0opyright reserved toC Dr. usa ohd. :ordin

 #here is a say that with the technology of reproductive cloning, it will

helps the infertile couple to have children. With this !ind of technology,

will the result of the cloning can be categori1ed as their childA * can

answer this question easily, the baby will not originally their children,

but one of themselves in an early step of baby stage.

?n activist of social people gave argument that human cloning will

aect to the parental system, because the result of the cloning

particularly in human cloned will change the shape of the family

structure. #hey also opined that human cloning will lead and denitely a

violation to human dignity.

=ven from the successful creator of Dolly the cloned sheep, )ir *an

Wilmut, an =nglish embryologist and chair of the )cottish 0entre for

7egenerative edicine5, opposed to human cloning and stated thatC $we

thin! it would be ethically unacceptable and certainly would not want to

be involved in that pro1ect”. 

5 http:33www.shawprize.org3en3shaw.php4tmp5)#twoid5+#threeid5#ourid562#iveid5+ 

9  Ibid 


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What we can achieved from Cloning

echnolog" o reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning, can give the 7eneit especiall"

in the medical area. 8elow is several 7eneit rom the technolog" o cloning:

. $ith the technolog" o cloning, will give the chance to inertile couple to have


2. rgan o the human rom the result o the cloned, can 7e selectivel" used or 

replacement o damage human organ9

). he cells can 7e cloned and regenerated to replace damage tissue in the human

 7od", such as nerve and muscle tissue. /owever, with this ;ind o pro7a7ilit",

thereore in the uture, it would 7e possi7le to have a mar;et or 7u"ing and selling

em7r"os and cloned cells9

+. echnolog" o cloning allows medical scientists to generate and destro" cells in

human 7od". hereor it ma" 7e possi7le with the method o this technolog", we

has the chance to cure cancer. <n addition, there is an optimism that someda", we

can dela" the aging process using the technolog" o cloning9

. echnolog" o cloning also e=pected 7" the scientist to cure hereditar" diseases”6.

%nd 7elow is the several negative eect rom the result o cloning according to >eorge

%nnas ?a practice medical law"er rom universit" o 8oston@:

. “/uman cloning will destro" the human civilization9

2. /uman as the o71ect o the cloning e=periment9

). he product o the human cloning is possi7le to 7e produce an"time 7" a7usive

 people. his condition will lead to negative impact on human values held 7" human


+. <t is mostl" possi7le that the production o human cloning will onl" using rom the

seed3cells3AB% rom certain privileges. <t will 7e impossi7le to create human

cloning rom a normal or wea; seed3cells3AB%. !or e=ample cloning rom the

seed3AB% o 'instein, 8eethoven or other great igures. his ;ind o condition will

lead to a eeling o domination 7" the product o human cloning, and it mostl"

 possi7le that the" ma" have the chance to rule and dominate the original human


6 %7raham, “/u;um Cloning Aalam Derspe;ti %gama <slam”, Eanuar" 20, p. )-+.

( (uchamad Shola;huddin, “Cloning Aalam S"ariFa <slam”, 200.


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here are man" other negative eects coming rom the human cloning, such as in ethical

concerns that ?i@ ph"sical harms: said that 7eore Aoll" was created, the procedure and the

e=periment too; 266 attempts 7eore it was succeed. !rom this e=perience, imagine what

would 7e i that procedure was human cloning, there would 7e 266 o human em7r"os will

 7e destro"ed 1ust or the e=periments9 ?ii@ rom the ps"chological harms which stated in

 Bational 8ioethics %dvisor" &ommission 6: “there is a worriedness that human cloning

will violate uniGueness and dignit"”. he genetic twins, product o the human cloned who

is identical to older living donor person, ma" 7e viewed as less than uniGue. he genetic

twins ;now that there is another living person who alread" lived his3her lie. his will lead

the genetic twins to not having desire and willingness to live his3her lie as usual or normal

human 7eing.

>iven the advantage and the negative eects o the human cloning, is there an" scientist

who currentl" creating or tr"ing to cloned humans4 < 7elieve the answer is "es, 7ut

according to the current law and critiGue comes rom man" countr", the scientist will 7e

ver" discreet a7out the research and activit" o human cloning. he irst creation o human

clone was in *, it was called “h"7rid human clone”, created 7" %dvanced &ell

echnolog". he process o this pro1ect stated in the 88& news “a nucleus was ta;en rom

a manFs leg cell and inserted into a cowFs egg rom which the nucleus had 7een removed,

and the h"7rid cell was cultured, and developed into an em7r"o. /owever the em7r"o then

destro"ed when it was reached 2 da"s, 7eore normall" implant into the emale human

 7od" on the ourteenth da"0.

<n 200+, there was a Corean scientist at Seoul Hniversit" as the irst researchers who made pu7lic o its research a7out human cloning. he inormation as stated in the Bew Ior; 

imes news, “he" removed the nucleus rom 2+2 donated eggs and used somatic cells

with the eggs to "ield )0 cloned em7r"os”. <n 200, there was an evidence proving that

' $orld /ealth rganization, 6.

&E 88& Bews, JAetails o h"7rid clone revealedJ. Eune .

&& Colata, >ina, “Scientist &reate /uman 'm7r"os through &loning” Bew Ior; imes, !e7ruar" 200+.


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the research and e=periment o the human cloning rom this Corean scientist was


here were other scientists, in 200*, Ar. Samuel $ood and %ndrew !rench announced that

the" successull" created the irst ive mature human em7r"os). <n 20, scientist at the

 Bew Ior; Stem &ell !oundation succeeded in generating em7r"onic stem cell lines+. <n

20), team scientists o Shou;hrat (italipov who succeeded in cloning adult cells.

Islamic Perspective

!rom a7ove 7eneits and negative eects also with the e=ample o development o human

cloning, what is the reaction comes rom the <slamic perspective a7out the human cloning4

%7dul %ziz 7in 8az, the >rand (uti o Saudi %ra7ia stated in the %l-(uslimun

newspaper that “there is no truth to human cloning, and one is not permitted to carr" it

out”. (oreover in 'g"pt, there is a regulation that will e=ecuted an"one who involved

themselves in the research or activit" related to the human cloning scientiic procedures.

%ll o these critiGues is 7ecause the people o (uslim 7elieve that <slam controls their 

actions in 7oth spiritual and dail" activit" o lie. <slam is deined as su7mission to the will

o >od ?%llah@, to o7e" his commands and avoid what /e prohi7ited. KurFan and hadith

&< Cenned" Aonald, “Responding to !raud”, 200

&@ !rench %E, “Aevelopment o /uman &loned 8lastoc"sts !ollowing Somatic &ell Buclear ranser $ith %dult !i7ro7lasts”, 200*, p. +*

&3 Boggle S, “/uman oc"tes Reprogram Somatic &ells to a Dluripotent State”, 20, p. 60

&5 &hung I>, “/uman Somatic &ell Buclear ranser Hsing %dult &ells”, 20+

&9 %wdatulla", Ri"ad “&loning within the 8alance o <slam”, %mman: Aar %samah Du7lications,200).


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?sa"ing and actions o the Drophet (uhammad@ is the primar" source o the law in <slam


here is a Guote in the KurFan e=plaining that the new creation o human lie e=ist onl"

ater the some stage o em7r"onic development, not in the time o ertilization:

“Man We did create from a quintessence (of clay). Then We placed him as a drop

(Nutfa) in a place of rest firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into a clot that clings

(alaqa). Then out of that We made a cheed lump (mudgha). Then We made out of 

that lump bones and clothed the boned ith flesh. Then out of that We de!eloped 

another creature. "o blessed be #od the best to create$ %&.

his verse e=plained that the human is prohi7ited to ma;e an" activit" related to creation

o lie o the human 7eing. !rom the 7eginning o lie until the moment o death,

ever"thing is an act o >od. %ll orms o such similar actions is considered as an act o 

against the wa" o <slam.

Aoes the cloning mean creating, so that can 7e deined as challenging the 7elie that >od is

the onl" &reator4 Dracticall", cloning does not mean as creating li;e the >odFs do, 7ut it is

onl" how the scientist ma;e a good use o the ;nowledge and implemented the process

using the help o the technolog". &onversel", >hal" stated in his article that: “human

cloning is contrar" to the normal course o human reproduction as ;nown since the dawn

o humanit"”.

Cnowing that the human cloning is prohi7ited in man" perspective especiall" in ShariFah<slam, is it still possi7le to develop the technolog" o cloning4 <n <slam, the term in

&6 /ossam '. !adel, “Aevelopments <n Stem &ell Research and herapeutic &loning: <slamic 'thical

Dositions, % Review”, 200, p. 2.

&( >lorious KurFan, “Iusu %li, tr., ch. 6, verse 60.

&' (ohammed >hal", “/uman &loning through the '"es o (uslim Scholars”, (arch 200, p.2).


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acGuiring o ;nowledge is li;e a orm o worship. Aoing research in the wa" o <slam, must

alwa"s 7e accordance to the 7road ethical 7ase set orth in the KurFan and the sunnah

Rassul. Regarding to the development o the technolog" o cloning, (uslim scientists and

religious scholars rom the whole (uslim world held two large scale conerence in 6.

he irst conerence was held in &asa7lanca. (orocco ?+ 6 Eune 6@ and the second

conerence was held in Eeddah, Saudi %ra7ia ?26 1une ) Eul" 6@. he &asa7lanca

conerence was attended 7" *) ?eight"-three@ persons, which in this conerence discussed

a7out the issue o cloning not onl" rom religios perspectives 7ut also rom the 7iomedical,

 philosophical, social, ps"chological, and legas perspectives20. he Eeddah conerence was

attended 7" 2+ ?twent"-our@ persons, which in this conerence discussed a7out the issue o 

cloning rom a religious perspective and the others rom a scientiic viewpoint 2.

<n 7oth conerence, the result o the discussion regarding the technolog" o cloning is

stated that:

. “&loning does not 7ring into Guestion an" matter o <slamic 7elie. %llah is the

&reator o the universe 7ut /e has esta7lished the s"stem o cause-and-eect in this

world. Eust as a person sowing a plant seed is not the creator o the plant, so the

cloning technician is not the creator o the resulting organ or animal92. <slam would not oppose the use o cloning to produce health" 7od" parts or organs

needed to heal sic; individuals. &loning speciic human parts such as heart and

;idne"s, or the purpose o treatment is permitted, recommended9

). <t is alse to sa" that cloning is an attempt to intervene in the Aivine &reation.

Researchers have not invented new laws, 7ut have rather discovered new wa"s o 

relating to the development o organisms, 1ust as the" discovered the process or in-

vitro ertilization and organ transplantation. $e must emerge rom the dar; ages to

which science is an anathema9+. /uman 7eings can activel" engage in urthering the overall well estate o humanit"

 7" intervening in the wor;s o nature, including the earl" stages o em7r"onic

development to improve human health9

. <slam is not against technological advancement that 7eneits humanit", it prohi7its

onl" those negative elements that lead to negative conseGuences. &loning or the

<E Ar. /amid Baseem Raia7adi, “$orld Religions and <slam: % &ritical Stud"”, 200). D. 2+6

<&  Ibid.


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treatment o illnesses is 7eneicial and does not contravene <slamic principles.

/uman cloning is prohi7ited. <t can lead to disigurations and monstrosities22.”

he discussion on these two conerence was ocused on the issue o cloning rom the

 perspective o shariFa <slam. he result is clear that <slam never opposed to the

development o science, moreover i the purpose is on the 7eneits o humanit", or curing

disease, and to heal sic; individuals. /owever, technolog" cloning meant and allowed 7"

<slam is the therapeutic cloning, not the human cloning or reproductive cloning.

herapeutic cloning is dierent with the reproductive cloning, where the reproductive

cloning has the purpose or the em7r"o to 7e develop into a ull human 7eing, therapeutic

cloning has the purpose or the resultant em7r"o ?itFs stem cell would then 7e e=tracted and

encouraged@ to grow into a piece o human tissue or a complete human organ or 

transplant. he point is that the em7r"o would not 7e develop into a human 7eing, 7ut it

would 7e a replacement organ, or piece o nerve tissue, to later on can 7e useul to replace

the damage organ in the human 7od"2). < the donor o the cells come rom the patient

itsel, then the result o the therapeutic cloning that is the transplanted tissue will not 7e

su71ect to re1ection, as it has the same AB% as the patient2+


he (uslim $orld LeagueFs <slamic Eurisprudence &ouncil issued a atwa ?religious

opinion@ regarding the use o stem cell in therapeutic cloning, where the main point o the

atwa is that therapeutic cloning is allowed i meets the reGuirements o:

. < the donor is adult people, it is allowed i the" give the permission and it does not

cause an" harm on them9

2. < the donor is children, it is allowed i their guardian give the permission, and it

does not cause an" harm on them9

<< <slamic !iGh &ouncil, &onerence on cloning organized in &asa7lanca ?(orocco@ and Eeddah ?Saudi

%ra7ia@, 6. he decision can 7e seen on this lin;:http:33www.icoi.net3;hut7ah3cloningMoMtheMhumanMem7r"o 

<@ ntario &onsultant on Religious olerance, “herapeutic &loning: /ow it is done and possi7le

 7eneits”, 2000.

<3 !adel, op. cit. p. ))


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). < it is placenta or um7ilical cord 7lood, it is allowed i the parent give the



8iotechnolog" in cloning sector is a topic that will have endless de7ate regarding whether 

it is allowed o not. /uman or reproductive cloning is indeed prohi7ited in man" view,

such as ethical, social, and religious. Reproductive cloning has the 7eneit to help inertile

married couples to have a child, 7ut this result will not give the child the" desire. $e as

human must not pla" >od 7" creating lie or human 7eing 7" using the technolog" o 

science. <t is the one and onl" rights or >od to give souls to human 7od". %s stated in the

KurFan verse: “%llah is the &reator o all things: ne, the Supreme and <rresisti7le”

?):@2. <n the other hands, therapeutic cloning, is a ver" promising ield o technolog" in

science. <t potentiall" holds the promise o a cure or man" incura7le disease li;e &ancer,

and to replace the damage organ. %lthough therapeutic is allowed in ShariFa <slam,

considering its 7eneit that we ma" achieved. $e must assure its saet" on the procedure,

or e=ample clinical trials that will show i the treatments are eective and sae, 7eore it

can 7e implemented in the real practice o medical treatment.

<5 (uslim $orld League, “<slamic Eurisprudence &ouncil &onerence”, 200), atwa Bo. ).

<9 >lorious KurFan, “<-raFd”, ch. ), verse


7/18/2019 Cloning in Syaria Islam - Wirawan 12/13


%7raham, “/u;um Cloning Aalam Derspe;ti %gama <slam”, Eanuar" 20, p. )-+.

%vaila7le on this lin;:


%m" Logston, “he 'thics o /uman &loning”, , p. ), availa7le on this lin;:



%wdatulla", Ri"ad “&loning within the 8alance o <slam”, %mman: Aar %samah

Du7lications, 200).

88& Bews, “Aetails o /"7rid &lone Revealed”. Eune , availa7le on this lin;:;323hi3science3nature3)6)6*.stm 

&hung I>, “/uman Somatic &ell Buclear ranser Hsing %dult &ells”, 20+

Ar. /amid Baseem Raia7adi, “$orld Religions and <slam: % &ritical Stud", Dart ”, Sarup

# Sons, 200). D. 2+6

!rench %E, “Aevelopment o /uman &loned 8lastoc"sts !ollowing Somatic &ell Buclear 

ranser $ith %dult !i7ro7lasts”, 200*, p. +*

R. >. !re" # &hristopher /eath $ellman, “% &ompanion to %pplied 'thics”, 8lac;well&ompanions to Dhilosoph", (alden, 200), p. )*+-*

/ossam '. !adel, “Aevelopments <n Stem &ell Research and herapeutic &loning: <slamic

'thical Dositions, % Review”, 200, p. 2.

>lorious KurFan, “<-raFd”, ch. ), verse

>lorious KurFan, “Iusu %li, tr., ch. 6, verse 60.


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<slamic !iGh &ouncil, &onerence on cloning organized in &asa7lanca ?(orocco@ and

Eeddah ?Saudi %ra7ia@, 6. he decision can 7e seen on this lin;:


Cenned" Aonald, “Responding to !raud”, 200, availa7le on this lin;:


Colata, >ina, “Scientist &reate /uman 'm7r"os through &loning” Bew Ior; imes,

!e7ruar" 200+.

L.R. Sanchez-Sweatman, “Reproductive cloning and human health: an ethical,

international, and nursing perspective”, 2000, p. 2.

(ohammed >hal", “/uman &loning through the '"es o (uslim Scholars”, (arch 200,

 p. 2).

(uchamad Shola;huddin, “Cloning Aalam S"ariFa <slam”, 200.

(uslim $orld League, “<slamic Eurisprudence &ouncil &onerence”, 200), atwa Bo. ).

 Boggle S, “/uman oc"tes Reprogram Somatic &ells to a Dluripotent State”, 20, p. 60

ntario &onsultant on Religious olerance, “herapeutic &loning: /ow it is done and

 possi7le 7eneits”, 2000.
