City of · 3/26/2011  · • Cool Cities...

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Transcript of City of · 3/26/2011  · • Cool Cities...


PLAN 2012 - 2020

EPC Open House, March 26, 2011



City of Alexandria


Presentation Overview

• Provide overview of Eco-City Alexandria and the environmentalAction Plan 2030, and significant progress to date

• Introduce the Draft Energy and Climate Change Action Plan andprovide overview of opportunities for reducing GHG emissions

– City operations– Community at large

• Provide overview of present and planned actions for adapting toclimate change

City of Alexandria


City of Alexandria


Alexandria’s Commitments

• US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement(2/05)• Strive to meet or beat the Kyoto Protocol targets• Urge state/federal government action• Urge US Congress to pass GHG legislation

• Cool Cities Campaign Commitments (1/07)• Green City’s Fleet• Modernize City buildings• Invest in clean, renewable energy

• Eco-City Alexandria (2007-2009)• Eco-City Charter (6/08)• Environmental Action Plan (6/09)• ICLEI Membership (1/08)

• City Council Strategic Plan 2010, Goal 2,Objective #2: Maintain and Improve theQuality and Sustainability of Alexandria’sEnvironment

City of Alexandria

Eco-City Summit

Eco-City Cafe

Ten Eco-City Charter Principles

City of Alexandria


• Land Use and

Open Space

• Water Resources

• Air Quality

• Transportation

• Energy

• Building Green

• Solid Waste

• Environmental Health

• Emerging Threats &

Climate Change

• Implementation

Environmental Action Plan 2030

City of Alexandria


• Comprehensive plan and road map for sustainability forthe next 20 years

• Implementation plan following the ten guiding principles ofthe Eco-City Charter

• Incorporates short term goals and actions from Phase IEAP with new mid and long term goals and actions

• Contains 48 goals, 50 preliminary targets and 353 actionscovering the next 20 years and beyond

Phase I Environmental Action Plan

City of Alexandria


• An ambitious plan having 41 goals and 132 action stepscovering the ten guiding principles

• Focuses on short-term actions to be taken during FY2009 –2011

• Staff developed a spreadsheet version of the Phase IEnvironmental Action Plan to keep track of progress

• i.e., Short-term Environmental Action Plan Matrix

• To date, 54 actions have been completed in addition to 25actions being actively worked on using existing resources


City of Alexandria


• Adopted a new green building policy that requires all newcommercial and multi-family developments to be LEED Silver orLEED certified

• Incorporating sustainability principles into Small Area Plans such as thePotomac Yard Small Area Plan

• Since the adoption of the City’s Green Building Policy in April 2009, theCity has approved 5 large projects totaling more than 3 million squarefeet (95% of total) that will obtain a green building certification per thepolicy

• The City completed several green buildings that achieved LEEDcertification:

• Charles Houston Recreation Center - LEED Gold Certification• DASH Administration Facility - LEED Gold Certification• Alexandria Station was inaugurated as the first hybrid building built using

LEED and Earth Craft development standards


City of Alexandria


• Completed GHG and criteria pollutants inventory for City government andcommunity

• Issued the report on “Alexandria’s State of The Air Report: Past, Presentand Future” summarizing significant progress the City has made over thelast 40 years

• Adopted MWCOG greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets

• Developed an energy strategy based on EAP 2030 and used it to obtain anEnergy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), resulting insignificant savings in time and money

• EECBG funds are being used for five energy conservation projects

• Reduced emissions from point sources such as Virginia Paving and MirantPRGS


City of Alexandria


• The City made progress towards enhancingthe transit use within the City including thefollowing mass transit projects that receivednecessary grant funding during 2010:

• The City received an $8.5 million grant tobuild an exclusive transit way in the medianof Route 1, between Monroe Avenue and EastGlebe Street

• The City also received another grant for$670,000 to build a number of transit

• improvements in the Van Dorn-Beauregardcorridor

• The City purchased 4-5 hybrid trolleys for theKing Street Trolley in 2010. DASH is alsopursuing adding new hybrid buses, partiallyfunded with an EPA grant


City of Alexandria


• The City implemented an enhancedrecycling program and completeddelivery of 19,000 new larger, bluerecycling containers

• Expanded the number and type ofmaterials collected in the “single stream”recycling curbside program

• Extended days and drop-off hours forhazardous waste

• Expanded recycling program at City Halland other City operations

• Purchasing paper products having atleast 30% recycled fiber content


City of Alexandria


• Adopted the Urban Forestry Master Plan that aims at protecting andenhancing the City’s tree canopy by setting a goal of 40% treecanopy for the City

• Implementation of the Open Space Master Plan:

• Acquired a new open space site on Commonwealth Avenue• Approved two developments with public access and open space

easements, which focus on the City’s open space goals• Currently working with the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust

to obtain a conservation easement on private property• The new 1.12-acre President Gerald R. Ford Park was dedicated

in November, 2009


City of Alexandria


• Expanded environmental education and outreach eventsinvolving several thousand Alexandria residents starting in 2010:

• Alexandria Earth Day• Stream clean ups, rain barrel workshops, tree planting and invasive

plant removals• First Eco-Friendly Restaurant Expo presented information on

greener restaurant practices• The City planted 550 trees throughout City streets and parkland and

sold more than 250 trees• Green Building Resource Center and Workshop Series• Expanded website presence, E-News and other media


City of Alexandria


The Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) completed severalrenewable energy and green projects at several schools during 2010

• Creation of the Environmental Stewardship Committee• Although ACPS has increased its foot print and number of students, it still managed to

reduce carbon footprint and energy costs system-wide by 19%• Minnie Howard's renewable energy HVAC system is now online resulting in a 39%• drop in energy costs• John Adams is underway with a sustainable remodel and expansion with LEED Silver• projected• James K. Polk is underway with 5 forms of renewable on-site energy and is projected• for LEED Gold• The City collaborated with ACPS to complete the green roof and monitoring camera• at Cora Kelly School to reduce energy consumption and stormwater generation, and• improve water quality• Greenovation and environmental stewardship is now part of the educational culture• at every school• Commercial food composting is now available at all ACPS facilities• Recycling rates have doubled in the past year at each school


City of Alexandria


• Mayor Bill Euille testified before the US Senate Committee on Environmentand Public Works on Eco-City Alexandria and green jobs

• The City received the 2009 Virginia Sustainable Building Network’s (VSBN)Green Innovation Award for Most Sustainable Community Project

• For the third time, the City received in 2010, the highest certification by theVirginia Municipal League’s Go Green Government Challenge, the Platinumlevel

• The City received the Climate Protection Milestone Award from ICLEI

• The City also received an Honorable Mention Citation from the USConference of Mayors in its 2010 City Livability Award Competition

• The City was recognized by the US EPA Green Power Partnership forpurchase of 4.1% of electricity needs from renewable wind energy


City of Alexandria


Draft Energy and Climate Change ActionPlan

City of Alexandria


• Development of eCAP is a short-term action itemstipulated in the EAP 2030

• It leverages the efforts and actions in the EAP 2030

• It does not represent a new fiscal commitment ofCity Government since it is truly a subset of EAP2030

• However, it is important for the City to focus onthe pressing climate change issue and its impacts

Per Capita GHG Emissions

City of Alexandria

Purpose of Energy and Climate ChangeAction Plan

• Identify, evaluate, prioritize actions to:– Reduce GHG emissions

• City government Operations• Throughout the Alexandria community

– Become more resilient (adapt) to climate changeimpacts

• Quantify and track, where possible:– Emission reductions in GHG

• Educate and inform policy makers and community

City of Alexandria

GHG Emission Reduction and Other RelatedTargets from the EAP

City of Alexandria

Community-wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Target(2005 Baseline: 2.2 million metric tons CO2 e)

BAU: Business As Usual; GHG: Greenhouse GasSource: Eco-City Alexandria Greenhouse Gas and Criteria Air Emissions, April 2009(Revised October 2010)

City government contributes only 3% of the total GHG emissions

City Government accounts for only 3% of total emissions







City Buildings City Vehicles

School Buildings School Buses

Lighting Employee Commute

Solid Waste Disposal

Government Operations GHG Emissions and Target(FY 2006 Baseline: 80,000 metric tons CO2e )

BAU: Business As Usual; GHG: greenhouse GasSource: Eco-City Alexandria Greenhouse Gas and Criteria Air Emissions, April2009 (Revised October 2010)

Emission Reduction Targets and Estimated Emission Reductions forProposed Measures

BAU: Business As UsualSource: Eco-City Alexandria Greenhouse Gas and Criteria Air Emissions, April 2009(Revised October 2010)

Community-wide City Government

Measures - City Government Operations• Green Building & Land Use

– Green Building & New Building Codes aimed at 30% Energy Reduction

– Alternative Forms of Transportation

– Urban Forestry Planning

– Land Use Planning

– Solid Waste Management

– Energy from Waste technology

– Community Outreach*

• Energy Conservation

– Renewable Energy Purchases

– Renewable Energy Systems*

– Energy Savings Performance Contracts (Schools)

– Energy Conservation and Audit Program*

– LED Street Light and Traffic Signal Replacements*

– Green Vehicle Fleet*

– Transit Incentives for City Employees

* Programs with EECBG funding

City of Alexandria

Measures - Community-wide Activities

City of Alexandria

• Continuing and Future Actions

– Energy Efficiency and Conservation

– Renewable Energy

– District energy

– Smart metering

– Transportation Master Plan Implementation

– Transportation Management Plans – Special Use Permits

– Water Conservation

– Increasing tree canopy on private properties

• Quantifiable Measures

– Tier 1 Residential Energy Audit – simple, low-cost measures

– Tier 2 Residential Energy Audit – upgrades to ENERGY STAR

– Green Jobs Training (energy efficiency/clean energy workers)

– Commercial Energy Audit & Conservation

Measures - Community-wide Activities

City of Alexandria

• Green Building Policy & new Building Codes aimed at 30% energyreduction

• Green Building Phase II

• EECBG projects

• Community Education and Outreach– Green Building Workshop Series

– Green Building Resource Center

Measures - Transportation

• Implementing projects developed under the Transportation Master Plan• Increased transit & Reducing Vehicle Mile Traveled (VMT)

• Metrorail extension• Transit corridor development• Trolley service to Del Ray

• Multi-modal transportation options• High priority multi-use path• Bike trails• Safe Walk-to-School program• Complete Streets

• More Efficient Fleet• Hybrid cars• Diesel hybrid trolleys for King Street service• DASH bus service enhancements• Trolley service to Del Ray

City of Alexandria



City of Alexandria TRANSIT planning efforts


Existing and Planned Service in Route 1 Corridor



City of Alexandria TRANSIT planning efforts


• Received $8.5 million TIGER grant for construction of dedicatedbusway, as well as $6.7 million of other grants to fund this project

Purpose and Need


City of Alexandria TRANSIT planning efforts

• Improve access to regional Metrorailsystem

• Accommodate current and futurepopulation, employment, and traveldemand

• Increase transit ridership and modeshare

• Provide infrastructure improvementsthat are cost effective and financiallyfeasible

• Enhance safety for transit riders andpedestrians

City of Alexandria TRANSIT planning efforts

• Transit Background Information

• Transitway Corridor Feasibility Study

• Columbia Pike Transit Initiative

• Crystal City Potomac Yard Transitway

• Potomac Yard Metro Station

• King Street Metro Improvements• Eisenhower Avenue Metro Improvements

• BRAC-133 Related Transit Improvements

• King Street Trolley Extension

• Metro Bus Shelter Improvements

• Other Transit Related Improvements

Citywide Transit Initiatives

City of Alexandria TRANSIT planning efforts


Bus Rapid Transit StreetcarLocal Bus

Bike Connectivity to Transit


City of Alexandria TRANSIT planning efforts

• Received CMAQ funds for bike racks on DASH buses• If FY2012 Request is granted, CMAQ funds for new bike

racks at Metro stations• Alexandria has second highest bike commuting in region

• City will request $500,000 through CMAQ or RSTPfor Bike Sharing in FY2013.

• Would install at Metro stations• Have communicated with Capital Bike Share and

there is interest in working with Alexandria

Bike Sharing

Adaptation Plan

City of Alexandria

• Objective• To protect public safety and infra-structure• To contribute to lessening the impacts of climate


• Local conditions• Alexandria waterfront is vulnerable to flooding due to

sea level rise• Ongoing efforts to implement Transportation Master

Plan• Urban streams and eco-system already under stress• Future population growth requires a smart growth

strategy & green building

Potential Climate Change Impacts

• Impact: Sea-level rise, increased river flooding andincrease in storm intensity

• Increased frequency and intensity of weatherevents resulting in localized flooding

• Disruptions to ecosystems (erosion, salinity)

• Impact: Decrease in water availability

• Heat related stresses for people, plants, andanimals

• Quality of life

City of Alexandria

City of Alexandria

Areas Vulnerable to Sea Level Rise

City of Alexandria


For Each Type of Impact, DevelopedPreliminary Adaptation Goals and ActionsImpact 1*: Sea-level rise and the likely increase in hurricane intensity and associatedstorm surge will be among the most serious consequences of climate change

Goal: Preparedness Action:

Reduce property damage fromerosion, flooding events, sealevel rise, high wind events

Update the flood management program to take into account anticipated rises inPotomac River levels and the increased intensity of storm-related flooding

Fund and implement the Four Mile Run Master Plan and demonstration projectand continue implementation of Cameron Run/Holmes Run feasibility study tomaintain flood protection infrastructure

Move or abandon infrastructure in hazardous areas Change zoning to discourage development in flood hazard areas Update building codes to require more flood resistant structures in floodplains Optimize waterfront development opportunities and address the need for

adaptation to global climate change Investigate building design standards for buildings that currently experience

high wind events (i.e., Gulf Coast states) similar to events that Alexandria mayexperience in the future

Identify areas that would allow for burial of existing power lines to avoidinterruptions due to increased rain or wind events

Increase capacity to safelymanage storm water

Establish long-term dedicated funding mechanisms such as storm water utilityfees or other taxes to improve and maintain stormwater infrastructure

Require developers of new buildings to build separate sanitary sewer andstormwater infrastructure as a condition of development approval

Consider design requirements for use of permeable surfaces to reducestormwater runoff

Reduce flooding and erosionimpacts on road s and bridges

Conduct vulnerability assessment of major roadways and bridges in the city toprojected rises in Potomac River levels

Increase capacity of stormwater collection systems to accommodate projectedchanges in precipitation

Potomac River Waterfront FloodMitigation Project


• To identify and evaluateflood reduction solutionsalong the Potomac River


Riverine Flooding –Potomac River Watershed

Flood Levels Studied

• Nuisance• Intermediate• Extreme

Flood Levels Studied

* NAVD 88

13.2 ft Extreme with 3 feet freeboard





8.8 ft

4.0 ft

8.0 ft

10.2 ft

Analysis Results

• Nuisance Flooding Alternatives along KingStreet area are cost effective

• Intermediate and 100-year mitigationalternatives were not cost effective andnot in character with Waterfront Area

Nuisance FloodMitigationRecommendations

• Roadway Drainage Improvements atKing/Strand/Union Streets to El. 4.0

• Seatwall/Berm/Floodwall to El. 6.0 fromDuke to Queen Streets


StrawberryRun StreamRestorationProject

Stream Degradation and Restoration


Strawberry RunStreamRestorationProject




Cameron RunDebris RemovalProject

Stream and Flood ChannelMaintenance

City of Alexandria

Holmes Run Vegetation Management


• Need State, Federal, Congressional leadership

• Public involvement, education, and buy-in

• Funding and budgeting

• Quantifying benefits of Smart Growth policies

• Coordination with other City planning activities

• Coordination with other levels of government (COG, NVRC,VA, US)

• No “silver bullet”

– Need portfolio of strategies to meet short-term targets

City of Alexandria

Other Benefits of Climate Change Action

• Lower energy and water bills

• Improved air quality (ozone/PM) & reduced healthrisks

• Less automobile dependence and traffic congestion

• Enhanced work environment (green buildingamenities)

• Green work force


City of Alexandria


• Continue to monitor/ track the science of climatechange

• Monitor state & federal regulatory developments

• Track progress and update emissions inventoryevery 3-5 years

City of Alexandria

Next Steps

• EPC open house (March 26) at Polk Elementary

• Public comment period for EPC(March 14 – April14)

• EPC consideration of the Plan in April

• Council public hearing and consideration of thePlan in May

City of Alexandria