Christmas and new year in Latinka, Bulgaria, KA2

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Christmas and new year in Latinka, Bulgaria, KA2

Christmas and New year in “Latinka”


At the beginning of December we start with the Christmas preparations

We create hand-made Christmas cards

…and sweets for our parents and friends are being prepared

The very first snow and snowflakes we reflected in our paintings

We also made Snow-men from various materials

The Snow-men were used for decoration all around the Kindergarten

Our little tiny friends, made from plasticine, were smiling at us during the whole time

We started the festivities, led by children, with a typical Bulgarian Christmas tradition called “Koleduvane”

“Koleduvane” is a Bulgarian Christmas ritual, in which only men take part and they are called “Koledari”. The ritual starts at Christmas Eve and is used to summon rich harvest, health and happiness.

The preparation of the “Koledari” starts at 20th of December. They learn Christmas songs, form groups of 10-15 men and appoint the group leader who should be older and married. Within the group boys can also take part and their role is to alert the owners of the houses for the arrival of the “Koledari”.

A young man is chosen who knows the Christmas songs by heart, is an open-handed, has a soul of an artist and a generous heart. The “Koledari” are in traditional festive gowns. They visit homes in groups as they always start from the Eastern side.

In our Kindergarten this ritual is performed every year by our grown up children, who visit their younger friends

The “Koledari” of Kindergarten “Latinka” were welcomed by every kindergarten group from the little hosts with traditional dishes.

On the other hand, the hosts from the kindergarten groups responded to the visits with many songs and dances.

All children together are performing the last dance

According to the ritual, during the Christmas Eve the “Koledari” start first with the house of the most important man within the settlement – the Mayor, the Pope and the Teacher. That’s why we’ve started with the Mayor of Municipality of Shumen.

The “Koledari” of Kindergarten “Latinka” greeted the whole municipal administration and the mass media of Shumen Town.

Songs for blessings were performed. Wishes for health, good luck and many smiles during the year were made by the “Koledari”.

Traditional Christmas dances were performed

There was a treat with a warm round loaf

The Mayor and his colleagues gifted us with sweets and we took a picture as a keepsake.

According to the tradition, we handmade with the help of our parents the so called “survaknitsa”.

“Survaknitsa” is an ornate cornel twig with pop corns and dried fruits. It is used by the children to bump it gently against elders backs wishing them health, happiness and prosperity during the New Year.

We create the Christmas and New Year spirit using decorated Christmas trees.

Santa Clause is there along with many little bright lights

We are preparing ourselves by learning new songs

Dances are also being rehearsed, so that we can greet the Old Santa

We are equipped with special costumes

While pending for Santa’s return the pedagogues have prepared doll staging for the children

The dolls receive also presents

The arrival of Santa Clause

Santa Clause has received our letter, that’s why he has returned to us

We are singing songs, telling him cheerful stories and we share our desires for the New Year.

Here is the long waited moment… the Presents!





Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for the school education project: “Puppets mission: childhood without borders“ 2014-2016