Christianity and Life after Death. Christians believe:- That the body and soul are all part of the...

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Transcript of Christianity and Life after Death. Christians believe:- That the body and soul are all part of the...

Christianity and Life after Death

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-That the body and soul are all part of the one person

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-In the doctrine of the resurrection of the body

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-This does not mean that dead bodies will rise up on judgement day but rather that our essential personalities will be reconstituted after death

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-You will be recognisable as ‘You’ and I as ‘I’. Those who have believed in God and loved him will live for all eternity with him in heaven

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-‘Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me. In my fathers house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also’ John 14. 1 - 3

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-Christians have usually thought that in these words Jesus was talking about heaven

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-Some Christians, particularly Roman Catholics, believe that the resurrected personality or soul, is not ready to live with God immediately

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-The soul must first go to Purgatory where it will endure further purification and atone for sins committed in this life

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-Some Christians think that there is a place of torment called ‘Hell’ where those souls who have chosen to reject God must live without him for ever

Christianity and Life after Death

Christians believe:-Many Christians are universalists and believe that the merciful God will not allow anyone to suffer in hell