Chocolate finals

Post on 21-Feb-2016

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Chocolate brief final boards

Transcript of Chocolate finals

7KH�EUDQG�ZLOO�EH�FDOOHG�¶/HYHO�XS·�WR�represent sports is a competition and you should always aim to do better, it represents the modern day trying to do the best you can and leveling up/ getting better to show how good you are, its taking this concept and makes it reality with what you drink and eat.The brand will represent energy and show vitality via bold, bright colours and tone of voice. This also supports the concept of Mayans believing chocolate is for power and energy. 7KH�QDPH�¶/HYHO�XS·�DOVR�UHIHUV�WR�sports offering different levels such as climbing and cycling. There is often a advanced, moderate and beginner within these sports, and could represent levels.

The use of the colour red is to communicate energy and power. The colour red is also often seen in sports advertisements and communi-cates blood pressure.


01 OUGD505 Design Practice 2




Levelup promotional material demonstrates the strength of the brand. The brand identity is reflected across a range of relevant products such as sport bags, clothing and water bottles. The business cards will also demonstrate the brand and the concept specifically by using the brick shape and de-bossing throughout.

The promotional material will also expand into ambient advertising and printing ephemera.


02OUGD505 Design Practice 2

tel: 0113 285 2109 email:

fax: 0113 285 2108web:

The packaging for the products to be delivered or purchased in will be in the shape of a brick and will also visually look like a brick to FRPPXQLFDWH�¶+LWWLQJ�WKH�ZDOO·�ZLWKLQ�sports. Bricks are a strong visual for this and will work well when presented in the store.

The bricks/packaging will be stacked up to make the visual effect of a wall. The package will be made from recycled brown card 300gsm, which will create the feel of the brick. The packaging will have stickers on the side communicating the level of the pack suitable for the audience and also information about the products. The levels are marked by the weight of the letter and also the number. The numbers that I have used are commonly seen within sports for example, the beginner, intermediate and the advanced or even the winner, second place and runner up.


03OUGD505 Design Practice 2

01Starter Packlow intensitity

03Advancedhigh intensitity

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up, helping you reach the next level.

breaking down your limits

01Starter Packlow intensitity

02Intermidiatemid intensitity

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up, helping you reach the next level.

breaking down your limits

01Starter Packlow intensitity

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up, helping you reach the next level.

breaking down your limits

01Starter Packlow intensitity

The vacuum forming process was really interesting but very difficult at the same time. The more challenging part of the process was creating the structure for the mould. The measurements and depth of the chocolate had to be correct so that the chocolate would accurately moulds into the plastic. I then used the wood work facilities to create the model.

Vacuum forming was a very easy and quick process. Simply by using a machine the plastic is melted and sucked onto my model. I then added chocolate to my mould to test this process out. The chocolate will be 9x7 mm using dark chocolate produced in a wall effect to create the separate bricks when brocken. This will then work with the concept of breaking down the wall.


04OUGD505 Design Practice 2

The instructional booklet will be in the form of a concertina so that the bricks communicate leveling up. The booklet will provide information about the products and directions when to take each product and when. The booklet will also give specific information about the chocolate bar and portion sizes for each sport/exer-cise.

This is an opportunity to advertise the app and online shop which comes with the brand. The booklet will be found in the overall packaging.


05OUGD505 Design Practice 2

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up, helping you reach the next level.

breaking down your limits

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up, helping you reach the next level.

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up, helping you reach the next level.

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up,

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up,

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up,

Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. Level up,

Levelup app will provide the audience with a accurate measurement of their progress within the sport.

This is useful for all sports men and women, as they like to know that they are improving and also setting themselves challenges. The app will also sell the product so that the audience can get refills or specific products for their needs. The app will also provide facts and figures to inform the audience how to get the best out of their exercise.


06OUGD505 Design Practice 2