Chinese Takeout Favorites - No Added Guilt

Post on 10-Nov-2015

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Are you a mom who wants to cook healthy Chinese dishes for the family?Do you love dining at Chinese restaurants but want to make your own recipes?Do you want to get rid of the MSG-filled dishes and start living healthy with preservative-free Chinese meals?Then you are on the right track! Brenda Lewis is here to help you polish your skills in the kitchen by replicating your favorite Chinese dishes at home and turning them into healthy, MSG-free meals for the whole family!

Transcript of Chinese Takeout Favorites - No Added Guilt

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Copyright 2015 Brenda Lewis

Chinese Takeout FavoritesNo Added Guilt!: Restaurant-Style Recipes For Home, Minus the MSG, Grease, and Preservatives!By Brenda LewisCopyright 2015 Brenda LewisPublished by LitFire PublishingAtlanta, Georgia USA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted for resale or use by any party other than the individual purchaser who is the sole authorized user of this information. Purchaser is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use only. All other reproduction or transmission, or any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage or retrieval system, is prohibited without express written permission from the author. DISCLAIMER:While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this Book, neither the Author nor Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.This Book is not a source of medical information, and it should not be regarded as such. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering a medical service. As with any medical advice, the reader is strongly encouraged to seek professional medical advice before taking action.

Copyright 2015 Brenda Lewis

Books by This AuthorDK Readers L3Authentic Japanese Cuisine for the American Kitchen

Copyright 2015 Brenda Lewis

Table Of ContentsIntroduction

Chapter 1 The Chinese Pantry

Chapter 2 Easy Takeout Recipes for Mommies

Chapter 3 Celebrating Chinese Festivals with the Family through Food


Copyright 2015 Brenda Lewis


There are over a hundred Chinese restaurants in the USA today. But did you know that some of the dishes that we order in the Chinese restaurants in America are not even Chinese to begin with? Some of the menu items in Chinese restaurants are actually Americanized dishes. The recipes for these dishes were made in America, not in China. If you order these dishes in China, the restaurant staff probably wouldnt even know what you are talking about.

The complete book is available on Amazon: 2015 Brenda Lewis

Chapter One The Chinese PantryBefore you get started on your way to becoming the next Chinese food master, you will need to prep your pantry to make it suitable for Chinese cooking. In this chapter, you will learn the basic equipment and ingredients that are used in Chinese cooking. I will also give you a low-down on the best places to buy your ingredients from!

The complete book is available on Amazon: 2015 Brenda Lewis

Chapter Two Easy Takeout RecipesEarlier in this book, I have expressed my issue with Chinese takeout. The easiest way to avoid health problems that Chinese takeout may bring to you and your family is to learn how to prepare Chinese food at home. This way, you and your family can enjoy Chinese food anytime you want. In this chapter, you will find quick and easy recipes for your Chinese restaurant/takeout favorites!

The complete book is available on Amazon: 2015 Brenda Lewis

Chapter Three Chinese Festival DishesIn this chapter, you will learn how to recreate traditional Chinese festival dishes in your own home. These dishes were assigned to certain festivals for particular reasons. Every dish has a deeper meaning. I will help you take a closer look on the Chinese culture in this chapter.

The complete book is available on Amazon: 2015 Brenda Lewis

Conclusion By now, I hope you have realized that Chinese takeout dishes and your restaurant favorites can easily be imitated and made in your own kitchen. You can prepare Chinese dishes for you and your family anytime! MSG-filled menu items will be made into healthier options when you cook them yourselves. Moms, myself included, should always look out for their childrens health. I have always believed that when you take charge of your own kitchen, you will have a bigger chance of taking charge of your familys health and your own.

You dont have to go out and treat the whole family to a Chinese restaurant because now you can enjoy Chinese food in your own dining room! It was a pleasure to write this cookbook for all the Moms and Chinese food lovers out there. Until next time!

The complete book is available on Amazon: 2015 Brenda Lewis