Children s Farmyard and Animal Nursery - The Farm Barn · Contents ! Hahndorf Farm Barn Inquiry IB...

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Transcript of Children s Farmyard and Animal Nursery - The Farm Barn · Contents ! Hahndorf Farm Barn Inquiry IB...


Childrenʼs Farmyard and Animal Nursery

Teacher Resource Pack



Curriculum linked worksheets and activities     IB Curriculum: Primary Years Program Subject Area: Science and Technology Theme: Sharing the Planet/How the World Works Unit of Inquiry: Living Things

The study of humans and other animals, plants, and the environment and the interactions between them.



Hahndorf Farm Barn Inquiry IB Subject Area: Science and Technology Unit of Inquiry: Living Things

Living and non-living things

Form and Function - Animals at the Hahndorf Farm Barn Cows Chickens Sheep

Form and Function - Animals on the Farm

Kangaroos Emus

Causation and Change – Emu Life cycle Responsibility - Caring for animals at the Farm  

Connection - Who lives here in this shelter and what is my home made of? Farm produce and resources – From paddock to supermarket    Farmyard Fun Activities Play Farm – colour and cut animals and shelter

Animal Puzzle

Maze Hahndorf Farm Barn Reflection


Hahndorf Farm Barn Inquiry

Make a list of all the animals you might see at the farm.  







Draw a picture of your favourite farm animal.

What do you want to investigate at the farm? Write down 3 things you would like to know.  




     Find a word to do with farm animals for each letter of the alphabet.    a    _________________________     b  ___________________________       c  __________________________    d  _________________________     e  ___________________________     f  __________________________    g  _________________________     h  ___________________________     I  __________________________    j  __________________________     k  ___________________________     l  __________________________    m  ________________________     n  ___________________________     o  _________________________    p  _________________________     q  ___________________________     r  _________________________    s  _________________________     t ____________________________     u  _________________________    v  _________________________     w  ___________________________     x  _________________________    y  _________________________     z  ____________________________      

Living and non-living things at the Hahndorf Farm Barn

Label these living and non-living things.

Circle the pictures of living things above. Put a cross next to the non-living things.

Form and Function - Animals at the Farm Barn Cows – Use the words in the list to label the picture of the cow.

Where does it live? ________________________________________________

What does it eat? ___________________________________________________

What else does it need? ___________________________________________

What does it give people? ________________________________________

neck teat legs hide hooves tail udder ears

Form and Function - animals at the Farm Barn Chickens – Use the words in the list to label the picture of the chicken.

Where does it live? ________________________________________________

How does it move? ________________________________________________

What does it eat? ___________________________________________________

How does it feed? ___________________________________________________

What else does it need? ___________________________________________

What does it give people? ________________________________________

feathers comb wattle beak wing tail feet

Form and Function - animals at the Farm Barn

Sheep – what can you tell us about this animal? 1. A sheep has a thick coat of wool called a ________________.

2. Sheep make a ______________ sound.

3. Baby sheep are called ____________.

4. An adult female sheep is called a _______________.

5. An adult male sheep is called a _______________.

6. A group of sheep is called a ________________.

7. When they are little, lambs drink ________________.

8. When they are older, sheep eat _________________.

9. Sheep have _______________ feet.

10. Cutting off a sheepʼs woolly coat is called ________________.

What am I? • I am a farm animal • I eat snails and slugs • I have webbed feet • I like to swim in the pond • I lay eggs I am a ______________.

What am I? • I am a farm animal • I eat meat and chew on bones • I have four legs • I am a mammal • I help the farmer round up the

sheep I am a ______________.


Form and function of animals on the farm Kangaroos There are many types of kangaroos. At the Hahndorf Farm Barn, we have red and grey kangaroos – these are those most common types of kangaroos. Kangaroos have a strong tail that they use for balance and powerful back legs to help them move quickly across the ground and jump long distances. Female kangaroos have a pouch where they raise their babies until they can move around by themselves. A baby kangaroo is called a Joey. The joey can spend up to six months growing in the pouch and only leaves for a short time and jumps back in when there is danger. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. The mob can often be found together and they move around the farm looking for food, water and shelter when it is hot, cold or raining. Kangaroos like to eat grass and plants. What is the function of a kangaroo’s tail? ___________________________________________________________________________ What is the function of a kangaroo’s powerful back legs? ___________________________________________________________________________ What is the function of a kangaroo’s pouch? ___________________________________________________________________________ Living things, such as kangaroos, depend on each other and their environment. What is a group of kangaroos called? ___________________________________________________________________________ Kangaroos depend on their environment for … ___________________________________________________________________________

Form and functions of animals on the farm Emus The emu is the largest bird found in Australia. It is a flightless bird. This means it has wings but cannot fly. This is because its wings are too small. The emu has long legs which means it can run very fast to escape from danger. The emu has brown feathers that cover its body like a mop. The emu has a long neck but it doesnʼt have feathers on it. Baby emus have light brown and white stripes on their body that turn brown as they grow. Emus have their babies in the winter months. A nest of twigs and leaves is built on the ground. The female emu lays her eggs in the nest – as many as 20 at one time. The male emu then sits on the eggs to keep them warm for eight weeks. Emus are found all over Australia, They need to have a good supply of water to live so there are not too many emus in the desert. They eat flowers, fruit, insects and grasses. List the main features of:

a) an adult emu _______________________________________________ b) a baby emu ________________________________________________

Why aren’t there many emus in the desert?

___________________________________________________________________________ Complete the key phrases from the story?

… the emu is a ________________________ bird. … the emu ________ fast to escape ___________. … they eat flowers, ____________, ___________ and grasses.

Living things, such as emus, depend on each other and their environment. What do emus depend on each other for?

… the ____________ emu lays ______ eggs. … the ___________ emu sits on the eggs to keep them warm.

Why do you think emus have their babies in winter? ___________________________________________________________________________

Causation and Change - Cut out the emu egg pieces below. Glue them in order onto the next page to show the life cycle of an emu. Draw a picture for each sentence.

Emus – Life cycle How did the emuʼs life begin? ________________________________________ How does it continue to grow? _________________________________________

Responsibility - Caring for animals on the Farm Choose and animal in the barn Name: Draw your animal here Would this animal make a

good pet? Yes or no. Why?

Write or draw all the things you would need to look after this animal. Caring for animals is a big responsibility. Do you own a pet at home? Write or draw one thing you do to look after this animal. (children who answered no can predict what they may need to do)

Connection - Who lives here in these Shelters? And what is my home made of?

1) Draw a line from the shelter to the picture of who lives there.

From the list below, write what each shelter is made out of.

Branches & leaves Reeds & water Wood Twigs & sticks

From Farm to Supermarket – Farm Produce

Farmyard Fun Activities!

Reflection Exercise – Before and after

What I know about farms and farm animals after my excursion to the Hahndorf Farm Barn…

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Draw your favourite Hahndorf Farm Barn animal here


Thank you for coming to visit our Farm and we look forward to

seeing you next time!