Childline case study

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Childline case study


Circus Elephants

About CHILDLINEInitiated in June 1996 as an experimental project of the

department of Family and Child Welfare of TISS, CHILDLINE has come a long way today, to becoming a nationwide

emergency helpline for children in distress

The NGO works for the protection of child rights, with special focus

on the care and protection of the more vulnerable sections.

CHILDLINE 1098 is a toll free, 24 hour service, that works across

cities, which children can call from anywhere at any time.

Objectives• Mass awareness – Informing people

about the range of injustices faced by children, and informing them how they can raise their voices against these, and participate in building a child-friendly community

• To highlight the effort and quantum of work involved in the NGO’s rescue and rehabilitation operations

• Donations – Since the campaign was launched during financial year-end, the NGO hoped to raise donations from the working classes, who were now in the process of filing for returns.

Solution Provided A two-pronged approach to increase

engagement on CHILDLINE’s page, which had just over 31,000 likes when we took over.

The first devise used to prompt donations was a Facebook app that would enable users to take a pledge to defend child rights.

The app would then request users to leave a heartfelt message for India’s children, which would become part of ‘India’s longest child rights long-post’.

They would further be led to the donation page on CHILDLINE’s website.

Content and artwork thus created were further shared on Twitter. Further, we founded CHILDLINE’s presence on Instagram.

Since CHILDLINE works in the sphere of child rights and protection, we knew it would benefit from good-old-fashioned, soul-stirring storytelling. It became an opportunity for to display our range in terms of subject versatility.

Over 12 days of campaigning (March 20-31), including 3 days of teasers (March 20-22), what started as an engagement and donations-boosting campaign – quickly assumed a passionate and very personal fervour.

Solution Provided

We were online virtually throughout the day, every day of the campaign duration, posting statistical posts that presented a stark picture of child welfare in India, as

well as hard hitting teasers and full-length bio-posts that attempted to turn the same statistics into relatable human interest stories, fleshing out the gravity of crimes committed against children.

Being a social issue that touches every section of our society, we faced the specific problem of media targeting. To overcome this, we tried ads with different combinations before arriving at one that prompted ideal engagements.

Solution Provided

The Impact The campaign resulted in 83,538 engagements between March 26 and April 1;

and this wasn’t even its entire duration. In the same period, page likes grew by at least 19,151 – 1,805% over the previous

week. Our most viewed, engagement-generating post received 13.6k likes, comments

and shares. The total reach of our posts grew to 1.1 million in this period. What was gratifying though was the overall organic performance of posts, which

received not only hundreds of likes, but also shares, something that is impossible to boost by monetary means.

CHILDLINE is happy with the results and hopes to

work with us again