Child Development Test Question Fall 2014. One of the personal advantages of studying the...

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Transcript of Child Development Test Question Fall 2014. One of the personal advantages of studying the...

Child Development Test QuestionFall 2014

One of the personal advantages of studying the development of children is:

A.You will gain self-understanding.

B.Your teenager will agree with your ideas.

C.Your parents will be better grandparents.

D.You feel more capable in all areas of life.

Which state about parenthood is a myth?

A.Being a parent is a financial obligation

B.Being a parent will cure loneliness

C.Being a parent is an important role model for a child.

D.Being apparent can be one of life’s most fulfilling roles.

An infant becomes securely attached to an adult who:

A.Responds consistently to the child’s needs.

B.Frequently leaves the child with strangers.

C.Always allows the child to cry it out.

D.Gives the child toys to play with.

Define Self-Concept

What a person thinks and feels about him/herself

What might the parent may say to promote a positive self-concept in the children?

Let the children know that their behavior is appropriate. However, when the child is not doing something right, the parent will redirect the child’s behavior.

Parents can build their children’s self-concept by:

A.Letting the children know when their behavior is appropriate.

B.Completing tasks that children don’t want to do.

C.Correcting their children every time they make errors.

D.Solving their children’s disagreements and problems.

Who is the best actor and why?

Which child theorist is know for his eight-stage theory which begins with trust versus mistrust?


Which of the following best describes the work of the researcher, Jean Piaget?A.He developed a theory called “Eight

Stages of Man.”

B.He researched and defined the cognitive/intellectual skills that children learn.

C.He studied the moral reasoning in adolescents.

D.He focused on the psychosexual theory of child development.

Who are the three good fairies in Sleeping Beauty?

Flora, Fauna and Merryweather

Which child theorist is know for the idea of pre-operational and concrete operational thought? Piaget

Which child theorist described that if a child didn’t master trust then mistrust would be developed? Erikson

What type of twin is produced from two separate egg cells being fertilized? Fraternal Twins

How many chromosomes are contained in each mature sperm cell? 23

Fertilization usually takes place in the:


B.Fallopian tube



A recessive gene will produce a trait only when it is transmitted by:A.Father


C.Either Parent

D.Both Parents

Birth defects in which the trait for the defect is carried by the female, but shows up in the male, are known as:A.Dominant gene defects

B.Recessive gene defects

C.Sex-Linked defects

D.Genetic defects

What test is done by inserting a needle through the abdominal wall in the uterus to withdraw some amniotic fluid? Why is it important?

Amniocentesis Helps doctors with early detection of

genetic disorders.

The birth defect that is characterized by the baby’s inability to digest protein is:A. Down’s Syndrome


C. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

D. Cerebral Palsy

Which statement describes Down’s Syndrome.

A. It was previously known as cystic fibrosis

B. Chromosome 21 occurs as a triplet rather than as a pair.

C. It affects the child’s intellectual development, but not their physical development.

D. It can be treated at birth so the child suffers no long-term effects.

Define Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Fetal alcohol syndrome is growth,

mental, and physical problems that may occur in a baby when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy.

Which of the following characteristics is determined more strongly by environment than heredity?1. Weight

2. Eye color

3. Skin Color

4. Height

The Rh is an important consideration when the mother is: Rh+ and the father is Rh- Rh+ and the father is Rh+ Rh- and the father is Rh- Rh- and the father is Rh+

Which trimester(s) of pregnancy does any medicine/drug taken by the mother have the greatest effect on the developing baby?


What is the recommended optimum age range for a woman to have a child?

20 to 35 years old

A complication of pregnancy often characterized by sudden weight gain and high blood pressure is:A. The Rh factor

B. A miscarriage

C. Toxemia pre-eclampsia

D. A stillbirth

What happens if a woman is undernourished during her pregnancy? The placenta does not transfer essential

nutrients to the fetus.

How much do doctors usually recommend for pregnant women to gain during their pregnancy? 24-30 pounds

An incompletely formed baby expelled from the mother’s body before the fifth month of pregnancy is called a:

A. Premature delivery

B. Stillbirth

C. Miscarriage

D. Breech birth

Pregnant women are advised against smoking because nicotine can do what to the fetus?

Slow down fetal growth and cause low birth weight.

The Prenatal Period of greatest vulnerability for birth defects is…A.GestationB.The 1st TrimesterC.The 2nd TrimesterD.The 3rd Trimester

The prenatal period or Gestation lasts about:

A.26 weeksB.36 WeeksC.40 WeeksD.50 Weeks

A zygote is the….

A. Placenta of a new babyB. Developing baby during the

first 2 weeksC.Developing baby during the last

trimesterD. Baby after birth

What is the correct order of prenatal development? A.Embryo, zygote, fetusB.Fetus, embryo, zygoteC.Zygote, embryo, fetusD.Zygote, fetus, embryo

The connection between the fetus and the placenta, which carries oxygen and food, is the: A.CellB.CervixC.UterusD.Umbilical cord

The waxy, protective covering on the fetus’ skin is:


Which person typically determines height of child? Weight of child?

Fathers tend to determine the height of their child, mothers their weight.

Fun Fact…

Which of the following gaurds against jolts, keeps the fetus at a constant temperature, and keeps the fetus from forming adhesions to the uterine wall?A.The placentaB.The umbilical cordC.The amniotic fluid

Through which of the following does the nourishment pass from the mother to her unborn child? A.The placenta

B.The umbilical cordC.The amniotic sacD.The fallopian tubeE. The uterus

The organ that develops between the embryo and the uterus during pregnancy and filter the nutrients and oxygen is the : A.The placentaB.The umbilical cordC.The amniotic sacD.Endometrium

What are the names of Hades' henchmen?

• Flotsam and Jetsam• Lucifer and Diablo• Jack and Gus• Goofy and Pluto• Pain and Panic

Movement of the fetus into the head-down position at the end of pregnancy is called:

A.LighteningB.Inactive laborC.CrowingD.Quickening

During the 3rd stage of labor the:

A.Baby is bornB.Cervix dilatesC.Placenta is expelledD.Baby moves into the birth


When the baby’s head can be seen right before delivery, it is called:


The pinkish red plug, which covers the cervix and is released at the beginning of labor is: A.LochiaB.Episiotomy C.ShowD.Crowing

When the baby is breech, it is born:

A.Side firstB.Feet/buttocks firstC.Head firstD.Shoulders first

How many words does a 4 year old use in a day?

On average, a 4-year-old child asks 437 questions a day.

Fun Fact

Fontanels are:

The bones that allow the baby's head to mover during delivery

The main side affect for teen pregnancy on the baby is:

A.Over weightB.Low birth weightC.Missing LimbsD.Heart not formed properly

Which parent believes both parents and child should share the authority in a family? A.The authoritarian parentB.The democratic parentC.The permissive parentD. The aristocratic parent

Mr. McCarthy believes that physical punishment, such as spanking, helps his son Leon follow the rules he has set for the family. Mr. McCarthy is probably: A. A democratic parentB. A permissive parentC. A authoritarian parentD. An assertive parent

Which was the last animated film Walt Disney supervised before his death in 1966?

•The Jungle Book• Sleeping Beauty• The Little Mermaid• Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs• The Rescuers

What is the MOST common result when parents punish rather than discipline? A. The child rebelsB.The child’s behavior improvesC. The child learns what the

correct behavior isD.The child does not repeat the

wrong behavior.

Adults should respond to aggressive behavior:

A. By ignoring themB.With immediate, intimidating

behaviorC.With equally aggressive

behaviorD.In non-aggressive ways.

Discipline may be best defined as:

A. Punishment for a child’s misbehavior

B.Guidance which helps the child learn self-control

C.Time outD.Setting rules and limits

When you speak to children or give them directions:

A. Let them know you are in charge.B.Speak in a soft voice.C.Get down and talk to them on

their eye level.D.Say it only once so they will learn

to listen.

Parents who use reverse attention will:

A. Pay attention to the child only when he/she misbehaves

B.Pay attention to their child’s questionable behavior

C.Ignore the child’s appropriate behavior and pay attention to the child inappropriate behavior.

D.Pay attention to the child's good behaviors and ignore the child inappropriate behaviors.

One of the best reinforces to guide children is:

A.Attention B.BribesC.ThreatsD.Punishment

When a parents guide and discipline children, they must make sure they are: A. Very StrictB. Constant C.Critical of the children’s behaviorD.Treating their children the dame

way their own parents treated them.

Sally, a 2 year old, is crying becaue another child has a toy she wants. The best way to handle the child is to: A. Try to divert Sally’s attention to

some other toy.

B.Ignore her and hope she stops crying

C.Have a long talk with both children about sharing

D.Put all the toys away

Which statement about setting limits is true?

A. Children do not want limits set for them

B.Limits should benefit the child

C.Limits always refer to physical restricts

D.Limits should be the same for all children.

Mary’s child is running in the house, which Is not acceptable to Mary. What is the MOST appropriate way to handling the situation?

A. “I’ll spank you if you do that again!”

B.“You’ll be in trouble when your dad comes home!”

C.“Good girls don’t run in the house.”

D.“Walk please, outside is the place for running.”

A logical consequence should be:

A. A spontaneous reaction to the misbehavior.

B.Directed mostly at the hostel child.

C.Only for very difficult children

D.Relevant to the misbehavior.

When using a logical consequence to correct behavior it should be:

A. Imposed in anger

B.Long in duration

C.Related to the misbehavior


Which of the following should parent do during playtime?

A.Control the time and activities of play

B.Instruct the children how to play

C.Expect children to never make a mess when they play

D.Understand that children learn though play.

One of the best ways parents can encourage a child’s language development is to:

A.Let he child climb at the playground

B.Watch television with the child

C.Read books to the child

D.Practice phonics with the child

Which environment would be developmentally beneficial for a 12 month old child who is crawling?

A. A playpen full of colorful toys

B. A bedroom full of books and educational toys.

C.Free access to a child-proof house

D.A bathtub with boats

Which environment would be developmentally beneficial for a 12 month old child who is crawling?

A. A playpen full of colorful toys

B. A bedroom full of books and educational toys.

C.Free access to a child-proof house

D.A bathtub with boats

Which of the following is the MOST important safety feature to look for in toys for 1-2 year olds?

A. Built of strong materials. B. Built of plastic. C. Having no parts small enough to swallow. D. Having no steel parts.

Immunizations often cause a child to get a low-grade fever and show mild symptoms of illness because:

A. The shot was painful. B. The child was hurt and acts like he/she does not

feel well to get parental sympathy. C. All immunizations cause children to catch colds

the next day. D. An immunization actually gives the child a mild

case of the disease.

All of the following communicable diseases can be prevented by immunization EXCEPT:

A. Diphtheria.

B. Mumps.

C. Rubella.

D. Chicken pox.  

Communicable diseases:

A. Are not passed from one person to another.

B. Are usually fatal.

C. Are passed from one person to another.

D. Cannot be treated or prevented.

The safest place to put a car seat in an automobile is in the:

A. Front seat next to the driver.

B. Back seat next to the window.

C. Front seat next to the window.

D. Center of the back seat.

Gross motor skills are:

A. Movements of the large muscle groups.

B. Disgusting movements preschool children make.

C. Movements of the small muscle groups.

D. Exact, acute movements.

Motor skills refer to:

A. The coordinated movements of body parts.

B. The ability to understand how small motors work.

C. Children developing coordination in the fingers and hands before their arms and legs.

D. Creative ideas children think of.

The process of learning to get along with others is:

A. Socialization.

B. Egocentrism.

C. Conservation.

D. Concrete operational stage.

When people say that children are egocentric, it means that children:

A. See the world in terms of how it affects them.

B. Are basically conservative and can’t share.

C. Think poorly of themselves.

Which one of the following will MOST enhance the emotional development of children?

A. Providing a variety of learning experiences.

B. Placing a child in a child care center.

C. Providing an environment that fosters independence and trust.

D. Providing opportunities for large/gross motor skill development.


Which statement about emotional development is true?

A. Saying no and using punishment are effective parenting techniques.

B. Parents can give too much love, affection, and attention to infants.

C. Self-confidence is built by a loving and trusting relationship.

D. Infants are not affected by their parents’ feelings and emotions.


Examples of cognitive/intellectual developmental skills are:

A. Acquiring language abilities and being able to follow instructions.

B. Sitting up, crawling, and walking.

C. Walking, trotting, and skipping.

D. Being positive, becoming cooperative, and developing empathy.


The MOST appropriate technique to use in helping a child who has a speech problem is to:

A. Interrupt the child and correct the speech problem as it occurs.

B. Criticize the child’s speech.

C. Speak correctly while talking to the child so he/she hears language used appropriately.

D. Talk baby talk to the child so he/she will feel accepted.

Which reflex is shown when an infant turns its head toward an object that touches its cheek?

A. Sucking.

B. Rooting.

C. Startle/Moro.

D. Babinski.

The test done one minute and again five minutes after delivery is:

A. Apgar.

B. Physical.

C. Ultrasound.

D. Reflex irritability.

Which reflex caused when the baby’s foot is stroked, making the toes fan out?

A. Sucking.

B. Babinski.

C. Rooting.

D. Moro

Newborns learn primarily through:

A. Example.

B. Practice.

C. Their senses.

D. Their mothers.

Right after birth, babies usually experience a slight:

A. Fever.

B. Chilling.

C. Weight loss.

D. Weight gain.

Soothing a crying newborn helps it develop a sense of:

A. Self-actualization.

B. Trust.

C. Independence.

D. Anxiety.

If an infant is jostled back and forth and its head is not supported, the baby is at risk for:

A. Shaken baby syndrome.

B. Down’s syndrome.

C. Turner’s syndrome.

D. Elephant man syndrome.

Crawling develops the same motor skills and brain pathways necessary for:

A. Climbing.

B. Running.

C. Reading.

D. Skipping.

What is SIDS?

A. A sleep disorder.

B. An infant sleep-induced delirium.

C. The instantaneous shut down of the infant’s renal system.

D. The sudden, unexplained death of an apparently healthy child.


By the end of the first year, an infant’s weight has:

A. Increased by one-half.

B. Decreased.

C. Tripled.

D. Increased by five pounds.

By the end of the first year, an infant’s length has:

A. Increased by 5-6 inches.

B. Increased by one-half.

C. Doubled.

D. Tripled.

Knowing an object still exists, even when it is out of sight, is an example of:

A. Assimilation.

B. Eye/hand coordination.

C. Object permanence.

D. Accommodation.

You can encourage a baby’s language development by:

A. Speaking more than one language.

B. Using baby talk, which is easier for a baby to understand.

C. Using specific exercises to strengthen the muscles of the baby’s tongue.

D. Giving the baby positive feedback for the sounds he/she makes.


One of the greatest physical challenges for the average two-year old is learning:

A. Bladder/bowel control.

B. To walk.

C. To talk.

D. To ride a bike.

Which statement about toilet training is true?

A. Children are ready to be toilet trained when they turn two.

B. Parents should train the child when the child is physically and emotionally ready.

C. If the child has an accident, make him/her clean it up.

D. Once you start training the child, do not stop until the child is trained.


What ability typically marks the beginning of the toddler stage?

A. Talking.

B. Walking.

C. Running.

D. Climbing.

During the toddler stage, there is rapid growth in the:

A. Size of the head.

B. Upper body.

C. Arms and legs. *

D. Size of the hands.


A social-emotional trait of a one- to two-year-old child would be:

A. Playing next to, but not with other children. *

B. Drawing simple shapes.

C. Climbing stairs.

D. Recognizing the colors red and blue.


Which term is used to describe the toddler’s idea that the whole world revolves around him/her?

A. Negativism.

B. Egocentrism. *

C. Autonomy.

D. Progressive development.

What type of play do toddlers MOST often participate in?

A. Onlooker play.

B. Parallel play. *

C. Cooperative play.

D. Destructive play.


Two-year-old children tend to be:

A. Sociable.

B. Agreeable.

C. Independent. *

D. Accepting.

Of the following, which are often a toddler’s FIRST words?

A. Animal sounds.

B. Adjectives.

C. Verbs.

D. Nouns. *

Parents can encourage language development by:

A. Being a good language model for the toddler. *

B. Talking baby talk to the toddler.

C. Ignoring the child.

D. Punishing the child every time he/she makes a language mistake.

In terms of intellectual development, to conserve means:

A. To save time and money.

B. To group items in a logical order.

C. That even though one property of an object changes, the other properties remain the same. *

D. To be able to complete formal operations and think in abstract terms.


Describe Parallel Play

What is cooperative play?

What age does a child start playing cooperatively?






Compared to growth during infancy and toddlerhood, growth during the preschool years:

A. Stays the same.

B. Slows down. *

C. Speeds up.

D. Speeds up and slows down.

Which of the following is a fine motor skill that MOST five-year olds are learning?

A. Tying shoes. *

B. Climbing stairs without alternating feet.

C. Scribbling.

D. Riding a bike.

By what age do children usually develop a definite preference for their left or right hand?

A. 3 years of age.

B. 4 years of age.

C. 5 years of age. *

D. 6 years of age.

Preschool children ask many questions because they:

A. They want to keep their teachers/parents answering them.

B. They want to do well when they get to the first grade.

C. They are curious and want to understand the world around them. *

D. They want adults to think they are smart.


The concept of conservation is often mastered by most five-year olds. Conservation means the ability to know:

A. How to save energy.

B. That the volume or mass of liquids and solids remains the same even if the shape changes. *

C. That objects exist even when not visible.

D. The child can save objects and use them later.

Which is an example of social development of an average 4 1/2-year-old?

A. He/she can feed him/herself.

B. He/she begins to show the use of imagination.

C. He /she willingly shares with others. *

D. He/she can pull his/her clothes on and off.


Preschoolers who talk about their imaginary friends are:

A. Lying.

B. Using directed learning.

C. Using their imaginations and creativity. *

D. Demonstrating concept formation.

Sam just finished building a sand castle. His younger brother drove through it with his truck and accidentally destroyed it. Sam recognized this action was an accident. Sam has developed:

A. Object permanence

B. Inner/self-control. *

C. Curiosity.

D. Self-help skills.

Children who play together to obtain a specific goal are showing:

A. Cooperative play. *

B. Associative play.

C. Parallel play.

D. Solitary play.

When choosing a child care provider for your child, you should:

A. Look through the yellow pages.

B. Choose the facility with the best rates.

C. Go to the facility unannounced and check it out. *

D. Choose the facility with the best playground.

People who are abused as children:

A. Are not affected by the abuse.

B. Are more likely to abuse their own children. *

C. Are less likely to abuse their own children.

D. Never hurt their own children.

___________ is when a parent frequently humiliates a child.

A Emotional abuse. *

B. Physical abuse.

C. Emotional neglect.

D. Neglect.

To help a toddler overcome fears:

A. Make the toddler confront the causes of fears.

B. Tell the toddler there is nothing to be afraid of.

C. Be understanding and comfort the child. *

D. Punish the child when he/she shows fear.

All of the following are needed by children whose parents are divorcing EXCEPT:

A. Tell the truth about the upcoming events.

B. Parents should avoid placing blame on each other for the divorce.

C. Reassure the child that they are loved by both parents.

D. Try to create a new life for the child, changing homes and schools provides a new start. *


When talking with a child whose parents are divorcing:

A. Take the side of one parent.

B. Tell the child the parents are wrong to divorce.

C. Make the child tell you how he/she feels.

D. Ensure the child that the divorce is not his/her fault. *


Which statement regarding helping a child deal with divorce is true?

A. Protect him/her from the truth.

B. Keep the child away from the home more than usual.

C. Provide continuity in the child’s daily schedule. *

D. Help the child understand which parent is to blame.

Children going through a divorce MOST often feel that:

A. Their parents will get back together again.*

B. The divorce is all their parents’ fault.

C. The divorce will finally solve their family’s problems.

D. It is for the best.

Which statement regarding young children and coping with death is true?

A. Discourage children from role playing death-related events.

B. Children feel grief and need to express it. *

C. If a child’s pet dies, it is best to quickly replace the pet, so they have something to love.

D. Prevent children from attending funerals.


When is the best time to teach a child about death?

A. When the child is twelve years old.

B. Before the child is confronted with the death of a loved one. *

C. After a loved one dies.

D. It does not matter.

What should a parent do to reduce the stress children face when the family moves?

A. Tell the children as soon as you know that you will be moving; they will have time to adjust. *

B. Let the children decide whether the family will move or not.

C. Wait until the last minute to tell the children so they don’t worry about it ahead of time.

C. Let the children choose your new residence.