Chapter 9 Nutrition and Diets. 9:1 Fundamentals of Nutrition Most people know there is a...

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Transcript of Chapter 9 Nutrition and Diets. 9:1 Fundamentals of Nutrition Most people know there is a...

Chapter 9Nutrition and Diets

9:1 Fundamentals of Nutrition

Most people know there is a fundamental relationship between food and good health

Many do not know what nutrients are needed

Many are not able to choose proper foods for optimum health

Fundamentals of Nutrition(continued)

Nutrition: all body processes relating to food

Nutritional status: state or condition of one’s nutrition

Role of nutrition in physical, mental, emotional, and psychological affects

Effects of Good Nutrition

Healthy appearance Good attitude Proper sleep and bowel habits High energy level Enthusiasm and freedom from anxiety

Effects of Poor Nutrition Diseases or conditions prevented or delayed through good


Hypertension – HBP caused by excess amount of fat or salt

Atherosclerosis – narrowing of the arteries caused by accumulation of fat in the inner surface – High diet of saturated fats

Osteoporosis – porous (weak) bones – caused by loss of calcium, magnesium or vitamin D

Malnutrition – poor nutrition caused by poor diet or illness. Lead to fatigue, depression, poor posture, poor complexion, lifeless hair, irritability, tooth loss poor complexion, lifeless hair, irritability reduced mental abilities, death– Over or under weight.

9:2 Essential Nutrients

Chemical elements are found in food

Used by the body to perform many different body functions

Nutrients are divided into six groups


Lipids (fats and oils)






Carbs – major source of readily usable energy Quicker source of energy than proteins & fats Also provide heat Also called starches & sugars Bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, corn, beans,

grains, fruit , sugar & syrups Cellulose – aka fiber – it is indigestible Provides bulk in the digestive tract and

causes regular bowel movements

Lipids , Fats & Oils

Triglycerides – Fats & fatty acids

Phospholipids – (lecithin)

Sterols (cholesterol)

Most concentrated form of stored energy but harder to use than carbs, temperature insulation, cushion organs & bones, aid in absorption of fat-soluable vitamins

Butter, oils, cream, fatty meat, cheeses, egg yolk.

Cholesterol Sterol lipid found in the body cells and animal products

Used to produce

1. Steroid hormones – communication to growth, development and reproduction and emotion

2. Vitamin D – Used in calcium absorption

3. Bile acids – Used in digestion of fat

High amounts lead to plaque buildup aka atherosclerosis then HBP, Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack), Stroke (loss of O2 to the brain)

Lipids , Fats & Oils

Saturated – solid at room temp

Bad kind. Meat, eggs, whole milk, butter, cheese

Unsaturated or poly – soft or oily at room temp

Better fats. Veg oil, fish, peanuts

HDL – High Density Lipoprotein – Good

LDL – Low Density Lipoprotein – Bad

Both are carrier molecules for cholesterol


Building & repairing tissue also regulate body functions & provide energy & heat

22 Building Blocks called Amino Acids

9 of these essential to life

Meat, fish, milk cheese & eggs – Complete

Beans, peas, nuts & corn - Incomplete

Vitamins Organic compound essential to life

Metabolism, tissue building, regulation of body processes & Allows the body to use energy from food

Too little or too much can cause poor health

Water-Soluble – Dissolve in water Fat Soluble -Dissolve in Fats


Fat Soluble Vitamins Vitamin A – Growth, Development, Healthy Eyes

Vitamin D – Growth, regulates calcium & phosphorus absorption & metabolism

Vitamin E – Protection of cell structure

Vitamin K – Normal clotting of blood


Water- Soluble Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 – Metabolism,

Niacin – Metabolism, Healthy Skin, nerves & digestive tract

Vitamin C – Healthy gums, formation of collagen, aids in healing, aids in absorption of Iron.

Folic Acid – Protein metabolism, mature red blood cells, formation of hemoglobin, synthesis of DNA.

Special Vitamins

Antioxidants – protect the body from Free Radicals – charged particles formed oxygen being used for metabolism that cause cell, tissue or DNA damage

Minerals Inorganic elements that aid the body

Regulate body fluids

Assist in body functions

Contribute to growth

Aid in building tissues


Calcium – Bones, Heart, Muscle function Phosphorus – Acid – Base Balance Magnesium – Red Blood cells, muscles &

nerves Sodium – Fluid Balance, Glucose absorption Potassium – Regular Heart rhythm &

contraction of muscles Iron – Formation of Hemoglobin in Red Blood



Solvent of Life

Essential for digestion

Makes up most of blood plasma

Cytoplasm of Cells

Helps body tissues absorb nutrients

Moves waste material thru the body

Need to drink 6-8 glasses per day

9:3 Utilization of Nutrients Digestion – Process of breaking down food into smaller




Absorption – nutrients travel via blood into cells of the body

Metabolism – nutrients being used

Excretion – Get rid of waste

Peristalsis – rhythmic wavelike motion of muscles used to move food along


Mouth – physical breaking down food

Salivary Glands- chemical breaking down food

Esophagus – move food along

Stomach – Hydrochloric Acid breaks down protein

Liver – Produces Bile (used to break down fat)

Gallbladder – Stores and Concentrates bile

Pancreas – relapses enzymes, break down compounds

Small Intestine Absorbs most nutrients for the body

Large Intestine – Absorbs water, nutrients, excretion

9:4 Maintenance of Good Nutrition

Good nutrition is the best way of achieving and maintaining good health

Balanced diet/My Pyramid (See Figure 9-3 in text pg. 267)

If food is not appealing, people will not eat it even if it is healthy; consider variety, taste, color, aroma, texture, and general likes and dislikes


Guidelines for Good Eating Habits

For a 2000 calorie diet. (recommended for most people) A Variety of foods (See Table 9-4 in text) of the Pyramid + Exercise

Guidelines for Good Eating Habits

1. Find a balance between food and all physical activity

2. Limit fats, saturated fat, and cholesterol

3. Nutritionally rich foods

4. Don’t sugarcoat it

5. Reduce salt

6. Choose foods high in potassium

7. Check food labels and calculate

8. Remember that alcohol can be harmful to your health

Food Habits Affect Nutrition

Habits can be based on cultural or religious beliefs

Unusual habits are not necessarily bad; must be evaluated

Suggesting changes takes tact, patience, and imagination

Difficult to change since most are formed in childhood; change takes place over time

9:5 Weight Management

Weight in relation to height for

Males First 5 feet 106 lbs. then 6 lbs. per every 1 inch

Females – 5 feet 100 lbs. then 5 lbs. per every 1 inch

Large-boned individuals

Small-boned individuals

Body mass index (BMI) helps to determine healthy weight range


Weight Management(continued)

Underweight individuals are more likely to have nutritional deficiencies

Causes and treatment

Overweight and obesity

Causes and treatment

Uncontrolled obesity puts a person at higher risk for health problems


Weight Management(continued)

Measuring food energy

Caloric requirements vary with each individual and the amount of physical energy expended

Energy use needs replacement


Weight Management(continued)

Proper weight control leads to a long and healthy life

Gradual weight loss over time

Change in habits


First consult with your doctor


Weight Management(continued)

Guidelines for weight loss

Guidelines for weight gain

One to two pounds per week is the safest way to lose or gain weight

Dietary guidelines by the USDA are recommended for weight management

9:6 Therapeutic Diets

Modification of normal diet used to improve specific health condition

Normally prescribed by physician and planned by dietitian

May change nutrients, caloric content, and/or texture

May seem strange and even unpleasant to patient

Regular or Standard Diet

Balanced diet

Usually used for ambulatory patients

May have slight calorie reduction

Decreased or omitted: rich desserts, cream sauces, salad dressings, and fried foods

Liquid Diets Clear and full liquids

Liquid foods at body temperature

Clear: carbohydrates and water

Full: clear liquids plus other liquids

Uses such as the following: surgery, digestive problems, to replace lost fluids, and in preparation for X-rays of the digestive tract

Soft Diet

Similar to a regular diet, but foods are easy to digest

Avoid meat, shellfish, coarse cereals, spicy foods, rich desserts, fried foods, raw vegetables, fruits, and nuts

Uses: after surgery, patients with infections, digestive disorders, and chewing problems

Diabetic Diet

Used for patients with diabetes mellitus who often take insulin

Exchange lists are used to choose foods on exchange lists

Avoid sugar-heavy foods

Calorie-Controlled Diets

Low-calorie—used for patients who are overweight; avoid or limit high-calorie foods

High-calorie—used for patients who are underweight, have anorexia nervosa, hyperthyroidism, or cancer

Low-Cholesterol Diet

Restricts foods containing cholesterol

Used for patients with atherosclerosis and heart disease

Limit foods high in saturated fats

Fat-Restricted Diets

Also called low-fat diet

Used for patients with gallbladder and liver disease, obesity, and certain heart diseases

Avoid foods high in fat

Sodium-Restricted Diets

Otherwise known as low-sodium or low-salt diets

Used for cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease, and fluid retention

Avoid or limit addition of salt; avoid salt-rich foods

Protein Diets

Protein-rich foods such as meats, fish, milk, cheese, and eggs

High-protein for children and adolescents for additional growth, pregnant or lactating women, surgery, burns, fevers, infections

Low-protein for certain kidney or renal diseases and allergic conditions

Bland Diet

Easily digested foods that do not irritate the digestive tract

Used for patients with ulcers, colitis, and other digestive diseases

Low-Residue Diet

Eliminate or limit foods high in bulk and fiber

For patients with digestive or rectal diseases such as colitis or diarrhea

Other Therapeutic Diets

Other diets may be ordered that restrict or increase certain nutrients

Check prescribed diet and ask questions if foods seem incorrect

Include patient’s likes if allowed

If patient refuses foods on diet, this will not contribute to good nutrition