Chapter 8. To form a more perfect Union Framers wanted a unified nation E Pluribus Unum To...

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Transcript of Chapter 8. To form a more perfect Union Framers wanted a unified nation E Pluribus Unum To...

The US Constitution Chapter 8

Goals of the Preamble

To form a more perfect Union

Framers wanted a unified nation

E Pluribus UnumTo establish justice Unified legal system applied fairly to all

Goals of the PreambleTo insure domestic tranquilityPeace and order at homeNational Guard’s help after a

disasterTo provide for the common defense

Power to raise armies and navies

Military under civilian control

Goals of the PreambleTo promote the general welfare

Well-being of all citizensTo secure the blessings of liberty

Many have fought and died for liberty

Amendments have extended liberty

Goals of the PreambleTo form a more perfect UnionTo establish justice To insure domestic tranquilityTo provide for the common defense

To promote the general welfare

To secure the blessings of liberty

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,

do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Preamble to the US Constitution

Articles (Body) of the Constitution

Articles I-III-Branches of government

Article IV-Relations among the states

Article V-Amending the Constitution

Article VI-National Supremacy

Article VII-Ratification


The first 10 were added in 1791

Since 1791, 17 more have been added

Bill of Rights 10+17=27 total amendments

7 Principles of the Constitution

@Popular Sovereignty-government gets its power from the people

@Limited Government- government has only the powers that the Constitution gives it

@Separation of Powers- government is divided into three branches to limit government’s power

7 Principles continued

@Checks and Balances-each branch can check, or limit, the other branches’ actions

@Federalism-division of power between the federal government and the states

7 Principles continued

@Republicanism-citizens elect representatives to take care of the government’s business

@Individual Rights-citizens’ rights are protected

under the Constitution (Bill of Rights)

Requirements30 years old or olderCitizen of the US for at least 9 years

Resident of state in which elected

 6 year terms 100 Senators total

Legislative Branch-Senator

Requirements25 years old or olderCitizen of the US for at least 7 years

Resident of the state in which elected

 2 year terms 435 Representatives

Legislative Branch-Representative

Requirements35 years old or olderNatural-born citizenResident of the US for 14 years

 4 year terms 1 team

Executive Branch-Pres. And VP

RequirementsNo Constitutional requirements

Lifetime appointment

9 total Supreme Court Justices

Judicial Branch-Supreme Court

MOST IMPORTANT IS TO make the nations laws

Collect taxes Borrow money Coin money Declare war Elastic Clause-Congress can make all laws that are necessary and proper

Legislative Branch-Powers

Can override President’s vetoConfirms executive appointments

Ratifies treatiesCan declare warAppropriates moneyCan impeach and remove the President

Legislative Branch-Checks on Ex. Branch

Creates lower courtsCan impeach and remove judges

Can propose amendments to overrule judicial decisions

Approves appointments of federal judges

Legislative Branch-Checks on Jud. Branch

Carries out the nations lawsDirects foreign policyIs Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces

Can make treaties and appoint ambassadors

Can grant pardons and call special sessions of Congress

Executive Branch-Powers

Can propose lawsCan veto lawsCan call special sessions of Congress

Makes appointmentsNegotiates foreign treaties

Executive Branch-Checks on Leg. Branch

Appoints federal judges

Can grant pardons to federal


Executive Branch-Checks on Jud. Branch

Greatest power is to decide what the Constitution means

Judicial Branch-Powers

Can declare executive actions unconstitutional

Judicial Branch-Checks on Ex. Branch

Can declare acts of Congress unconstitutional

Judicial Branch-Checks on Leg. Branch

Bill of RightsFirst Amendment- protects basic

individual liberties such as religion, speech, press, assembly and petition

Second Amendment-right to bear arms

Third Amendment-citizens cannot be forced to house troops

Fourth Amendment-guards against unlawful searches and seizures

Bill of RightsFifth Amendment-citizens cannot be forced to incriminate themselves

Sixth Amendment-right to speedy trial by jury

Seventh Amendment-right to jury trial in civil cases

Eighth Amendment-bans excessive bail and punishment

Bill of RightsNinth Amendment-citizens’ rights are not limited to the ones listed in the Bill of Rights

Tenth Amendment-all powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the people (states)

Later AmendmentsAfter the Bill of Rights, only 17 more

amendments have been added to the Constitution

Civil War Amendments-expanded rights for African Americans

Nineteenth Amendment- guaranteed women the right to vote

Twenty-sixth Amendment-lowered the voting age from 21 to 18

State and Local Governments

State Governments

Provided by Both

Local Governments

1. Provide public

health and welfare


2. Manages state

parks and recreation


3. Builds and

maintains highways,

bridges, and tunnels

4. Issues license for

professionals and


5. Provide for education

6. Police maintain public safety

7. Hires or supports

firefighters and

garbage collectors

8. Maintains local

roads and hospitals

9. Inspects


10. Provides parks

and libraries

US CitizenshipRequirements for US citizenship

Born in the US or at least one parent is US citizen OR

Naturalized-legal process for becoming a US citizen OR

18 or younger when your parents were naturalized

Steps of the Naturalization Process

ImmigrantResident alienFive year waiting periodApply for citizenshipComplete an examShow “good moral character”InterviewTake an Oath of Allegiance

Rights and Responsibilities

Equal rights under the law

Not based on wealth or family

With these rights comes responsibilities

Freedom is not free

Virtue and ValuesPatriotism-feeling of love

and devotion to the USRespect-for ourselves, others, property, and laws

Responsibilities and consequences

Courage-physical or moral courage

Responsibilities Voting-know the candidates and issues

Obey the Laws-know and follow the law

Defend the Nation-register for draft or volunteer to serve

Serve on Juries-take time to decide others fate

Serve the Community-volunteer, donate blood, give money and supplies

Be Informed-read the news and pay attention in class