Chapter 8 On Our Own: Separation from Malaysia. Revision Questions When was Malaysia formed? Which...

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Transcript of Chapter 8 On Our Own: Separation from Malaysia. Revision Questions When was Malaysia formed? Which...

Chapter 8

On Our Own: Separation from Malaysia

Revision Questions

When was Malaysia formed? Which are the states involved? Where is the central government?

Malaysia - Government

Ruling Political Party – Alliance Party Prime Minister of Malaysia – Tunku

Abdul Rahman

I prefer to watch soccer with my

buddy on Saturday nights, dear

I want to go for movies on Saturday

nights, darling

Do you think the couple came to a compromise? How important will this be to the marriage?

I’ll watch soccer with my friends only

one Saturday per month, alright?

It’s ok, dear. Maybe I’ll watch a movie with my friends


I hope we can continue to stay with my parents from now on. Imagine the two

old folks alone at home …

I can’t stand your parents. I never

want to see them ever!

Do you think the couple came to a compromise? How important will this be to the marriage?

But I can’t abandon my parents. I might have to choose my parents over you…

If you want me to stay with your

parents, I’ll leave you!

Reasons why Merger failed

3 main reasons

1. Awkward Relations2. Treatment of Malays3. Economic policies

[1] Awkward RelationsP.A.P and Alliance Party did not get along well. Why?

Singapore Malaysia1963P.A.P won 37 out of 51 seats in1963 election.

A.P. in KL wanted A.P. inSingapore to win. A.P. inSingapore did not win any

seats.A.P. leaders angry

1964P.A.P. wanted to play a larger

rolein Central Government. Took part in Federal Election inMalaya in 1964. Promised to build an unitedMalaysia, regardless of races.

A.P. leaders angry although P.A.P.

won only one seat. Why? - Worried that P.A.P would

become more popular in KL.

[1] Awkward Relations

May 1965

P.A.P brought together 4 Malaysian opposition parties to form Malaysian Solidarity Convention (MSC) MSC promised to have a Malaysia in which all religions are treated fairly.

Oct 1964

A.P. in Singapore reorganized themselves to try and win in 1967 election.A.P. leaders angry because they gave Malays in Malaysia special rights.

[2] Disagreement over treatment of MalaysP.A.P and A.P. have different ideas about how the Malays should be treated.

Singapore Malaysia

P.A.P wanted all races to be equal. They did not support Central Government policy of giving special privileges to Malays.


A.P. unhappy P.A.P did not agree.

UMNO leaders launched anti-PAP campaign.

Utusan Melayu printed articles on issue

[3] Disagreement over economic policies of Central GovernmentSingapore MalaysiaPAP hoped that Common Market would benefit Singapore.

Central Government did not do anything about the Common Market.

Singapore unhappy with new regulations. Why? -New taxes Growth of new industries restricted-Embargo placed by Indonesia on Malaysia

Trade already affected

Central Government wants-New taxes-Increased Singapore’s contribution from 40% to 60%-Closed down Bank of China.