Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf

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Transcript of Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    GFM bringing buyers & sellers together

    When MNC finalize its foreign investment project,then it needs to

    select a particular source or a mix of sources of funds.

    Domestic firm gets fund normally from domestic sources. it does

    get funds from international financial market too. But it is not easyfor mnc.

    Mnc,Parent company funds for its foreign investment project. It

    tries to get funds from host country & international fin.


    Discussion for sources of the funds in global financal market should

    be based on both the supply aspect and demand aspect.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Profitability:- exports benefits the higher profit margins in theforeign market


    Achieving economies of scale

    Risk spread Access to imported inputs

    Uniqueness of product or service

    Marketing opprtunities due to life cycles

    Spreading R&D costs Resource utilization

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Competition & costs

    Quality Improvement

    Economic integration & free markets

    Living standards

    Emergence of wto

    Utility effect & peace

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Continued growth of global financial assets:-The volume ofglobal financial assets such as government debt securities,corporate debt securities and equity securities will continue toexpand.

    Depth of financial markets:-Financial markets have beengrowing faster than the global GDP over the years. Due to thisthe ratio of a countrysfinancial assets to GDP has been risingconstantly over the past few years. In 1990, only 33 countrieshad financial assets whose value exceeded the value of their

    GDPs. By 2006, this figure had more than doubled to 72countries. Brazil, China, India are some of the few countrieswhose financial assets have outnumbered the countrysGross

    National Product (GNP).

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Raise in the level of foreign investment:- The raise in the level of

    investment is making the world more financially interdependent than

    it was a few years ago. By the end of 2006, it was around $ 74.5

    trillion of assets.

    Regulation of International Securities Market:-The worlds capital

    markets have continued to undergo dynamic changes, both in terms

    of structure and complexity. The huge achievements in informationand telecommunication technologies have virtually eliminated the

    boundaries between capital markets of different nations.

    Financialization of Economy:-One of the recent developments is the

    excessive financialization of economy with greater importance to

    financial activity over non-financial economic activity.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Financial Innovation, Deregulation and Globalization:- Financial

    innovation played an important role in changing the dynamics

    between finance and real economy. It facilitated the introduction of

    new financial instruments (such as derivatives) and increased distancebetween financial instruments and productive assets. Certain kinds of

    innovation added to the complexity of the financial system.

    The Growing Domination of Speculative Finance Capital

    Recently experienced increased securitization.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    The Financial Stability Forum (FSF) met in Rome on 28-29 March.Members discussed the current challenges in financial markets, the

    steps that are being taken to address them and policy options going


    Financial system risks & responses:- The financial system faces anumber of significant near-term challenges. With many

    securitisation markets effectively closed, assets are accumulating on

    bank balance sheets.

    Strengthening market and institutional resilience:- The FSF

    discussed the report to be delivered to G7 Finance Ministers andCentral Bank Governors in April that identifies the key weaknesses

    underlying the turmoil and recommends actions to enhance market

    and institutional resilience going forward.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Hedge fund industry:- In its 2007 report on highly leveraged

    institutions the FSF called on the hedge fund industry to review and

    enhance sound practice benchmarks.

    Sovereign wealth funds:- The FSF discussed work underway at the

    IMF and OECD with regard to sovereign wealth funds (SWFs).

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Classified into 3 parts











  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    The foreign exchange market(forex, FX, or currency market) isa global decentralized market for the trading of currencies.

    foreign exchange market is a place where foreign moneys are

    bought and sold. Expoter sell the foreign currencies and importers

    buy them. The foreign exchange market assists international trade and

    investments by enabling currency conversion.

    For example, it permits a business in the United States to import

    goods from the European Union member states,

    especially Eurozone members, and pay euros, even though itsincome is inUnited States dollars. It also supports direct speculation

    and evaluation relative to the value of currencies, and the carry

    trade, speculation based on the interest rate differential between two

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    The foreign exchange market is unique because of the following


    its huge trading volume representing the largest asset class in the

    world leading to high liquidity; its geographical dispersion;

    its continuous operation: 24 hours a day except weekends, i.e.,

    trading from 22:00 GMT on Sunday (Sydney) until 22:00 GMT

    Friday (New York); the variety of factors that affect exchange rates;

    the low margins of relative profit compared with other markets of

    fixed income; and

    the use of leverage to enhance profit and loss margins and with

    respect to account size.
  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    LOWER TRADING COSTS:- The lower trading costs in the forexmarket has made it possible for even small, individual investors to

    make decent profits from forex trading. With lower costs, the

    possible losses are also much lower.

    EXCELLENT TRANSPARENCY:- Transparency means the freeaccess to trading information. Forex trading is a transparent process

    because the trader has full access to market data and information

    that are necessary to perform successful transactions. The excellent

    transparency of the forex market means that forex traders have more

    control over their investments and can decide what to do based onthe information available. In a typical foreign exchange transaction,

    a party purchases some quantity of one currency by paying for some

    quantity of another currency.
  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    SUPERIOR LIQUIDITY:- In a forex market, traders are free to

    buy and sell currencies of their own choosing.

    STRONG MARKET TRENDS:- Forex traders make money by

    getting accurate market data and then analyzing the direction themarket takes.

    Electronic Market:- Fx Market doesnthave a physical place.

    Geographical Dispersal:- A redeeming feature of the foreign

    exchange market is that it is not to be found in one place. Market isvastly dispersed of the world such as London, New York, Paris,

    Zurich, Amesterdam, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Toronto Frankfurt, Milan

    and other cities.

    Transfer of Purchasing Power:- Fx market aims at permitting the

    transfer of purchasing powerdominating in one currency to another.For example:-An indian exporter sells software to a U.S, firm for

    dollars and a U.S. firm sells super computers to an indian company

    for rupees.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Intermediary:- The market acts as an intermediary between the

    buyers and sellersof foreign exchange.

    Volume:- A special feature of foreign excahnge market is that

    arround 95% takes form of cross-border purchase and sell of

    assets,i.e international capital flows. Only arround 5% relates to the

    export and import activities.

    Minimising Risks:- Fx market helps the importer and exporter in

    the foreign trade to minimizes their risk of trade

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Spot Market


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Spot Market:- In which sale & purchase transactions are settled

    within 2 days of the deal.

    Forward Market:- deal for sale & purchase of foreign currency atsome future date,normally after 90 days of the deal.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Banks and money

    changers(currencies, bank

    notes, cheques)



    Inter-bank(bank accounts or

    deposits) :- Direct & indirect

    Central bank



  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf


    Fundamental change in the international monetary system from thefixed exchange rates.

    Major financial deregulations

    A fundamental change in savings and investments.

    Major changes in international trade. Technological advances

    New thinking in terms of both theories and practices of finance.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter- 8 Ifm BY Keerti saraf
