Chapter 4 Section 4 Notes. I. Philosophy and Social Order in China.

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Chapter 4 Section 4 Notes. I. Philosophy and Social Order in China.

Chapter 4 Section 4 Notes

I. Philosophy and Social Order in


A. China’s most influential scholar

was Confucius born in 551 B.C.


1. Believed in social order, harmony and good government

2. Five Basic Relationships

a. Ruler and subject b. Father and son

c. Husband and wife d.Older brother and younger brother

e. Friend and friend

3. A code of conduct regulated

each of these relationships

4. Filial piety respect for ones

elders and parents

5. His writings are recorded in a book called the Analects

6. Believed strongly in a strong

government with trained

government officials called bureaucrats

II. Daoism

A. Daoism created by Laozi who lived in the 6th century


B. Natural order was important

C. His book Dao De Shing ( The Way of

Virtue )

1. Search for knowledge and

understanding of Nature

III. Qin dynasty

A. Defeated the Zhou

B. The leader of the Qin, Shi Huangdi starts the Great Wall of China

and starts the philosophy of Legalism


• basically postulates that humans are evil and need to be controlled using laws in order to prevent chaos

1. Over 1400 Miles long

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