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C H A P T E R 4 : C O O K I N G M E T H O D S A N D T E C H N I Q U E S



A variety of different cooking methods and techniques are required for different food preparations. The type of preparation required for a food item before cooking depends on the nature of the item, the size of the item, and the method used to prepare the food item quickly and efficiently. Hand tools, such as the chef knife, may also play an important role in preparing foods.

Cooking techniques, as with preparation techniques, vary depending upon the type of food item to be cooked. Cooking techniques commonly used include roasting, baking, broiling, pan-broiling, braising, steaming, boiling, sautéing, grilling, and deep fat frying; food items can also be cooked by microwave radiation.

Recipes specify the food items required for a given food preparation and list the steps or procedures required for preparation. Recipe quantities may have to be adjusted based on the number of servings required.

Cooking is subjecting foods to heat in order to make them more digestible. Different methods are used to apply heat to foods. The method used depends on the nature of the food item.

Example: If the food item is tough, a lengthy cooking method is required for the best results. If the food item is tender, a quick cooking method is used for the best results.

FOOD CUTTINGMethod Meaning Techniques of Preparation

Slice A thin, broad piece of food Slice against the grain of the food in a sawing motion

Chop Uneven bits (fine, medium, or coarse) Cut using a rocking motion

Dice Cubes (small, medium, large) Cut with a slicing motion small=1/4 “ med=1/2 “ large= ¾ “

Brunoise Cut into very fine cubes Cut with a slicing motion 1/8 “ in dimension

Mince Chop into very fine pieces Use short, sharp strokes

Puree Pound or mince fine and force through a sieve

Same as mincing but finer, almost a paste-like consistency

Julienne Cut into long thin strips Cut with the grain of the food with a slicing motion into thin slices 1/8” x 1/8” x 2”

Grind Crush into fine, medium, or coarse Pass food through a food grinder

Grate Pulverize by rubbing against a rough surface

Grate by using a box grater

Shred Cut into very fine strips Rub item across the coarse grid of a box grater

Score To mark the surface of certain foods with shallow slits

Cut parallel lines ½”x apart and cut 1/8”-1/4” deep


A sharp knife is always safer than a dull knife. Less force is required when cutting, and it will not easily slip off the food item being cut. A sharpening stone and a butcher’s steel are required to sharpen and hone a knife. The sharpening stone is used to restore the edge of the blade. The blade is positioned on the sharpening stone at a 15° to 20° angle. The knife blade is moved across the sharpening stone with light, even strokes. This operation is repeated on the other side of the blade. Use the sharpening stone only as required. Avoid oversharpening, which removes excess metal. If the blade is routinely honed on the butcher’s steel, use of the sharpening stone will be reduced.

The butcher’s steel is used to maintain the sharp edge of the blade. The butcher’s steel straightens irregularities of the edge of the blade and removes burrs that result from use. Position the knife at the same angle as the stone, and take four to five strokes on each side of the blade.


Meat cooking uses dry heat, moist heat, or a combination of cooking methods. Different cuts of meats require different cooking methods. Dry heat cooking is a cooking method that uses hot air, hot metal, a flame, or fat to conduct heat to the food without any moisture. A dry cooking method will brown foods, while a moist heat cooking method will not. Dry heat cooking methods include deep frying, pan drying, roasting, broiling, panbroiling, griddling, sautéing, and grilling. Meats that are best cooked using dry cooking methods are those that are very tender, with little connective tissue, and that can be served medium-rare.

Moist heat methods are those in which heat is conducted by water (including stocks and sauces) or by steam. In moist heat cooking foods will not brown through caramelization. Because of this, the natural flavor and smell of the food is heightened. Moist heat cooking methods commonly used for meats include steaming, simmering, and poaching. Combination methods use both dry heat and moist heat, and include stewing and braising. Meats high in connective tissue will be tough unless the tissue is broken down slowly by moist heat.


Deep frying is a cooking method where food is completely covered with a hot oil. Meat cooked in this manner should be battered or breaded. Battered items are deep fried using the swimming method, where items are slowly dropped into the hot oil without a basket. If a basket were used for frying battered items, they would stick to each other and the basket when cooking. Breaded items are deep fried using the basket method, where a fry basket is filled and submerged into the hot fat of the duration of the cooking time.

Tips: For best results use only hydrogenated vegetable shortening or oil designed for use in deep fat frying at a temperature of 350°. Also, fry until golden brown to avoid dryness and lack of taste. Finally, drain off excess grease to help retain crispness.


To roast is to surround food with dry, indirect heat in an oven. The roast is not covered. The term baking is used interchangeably with roasting, but for the most part, baking refers more to breads and pastries. It is common to baste when roasting by brushing or ladling juices or fat over the item during the cooking process.

Tips: Seasoning meat with salt and pepper ahead of time allows it to penetrate the meat. Meat may be placed fat side up or down. Roasting at lower temperatures (325°-350°) will reduce meat shrinkage. Also, only add water when necessary and never cover the roast, for this will build up steam and will result in a pot roast. A rib roast should be turned only once, while a boneless roast should be turned frequently to prevent dryness. Finally, the roasting time depends on four factors: type of meat, oven temperature, degree to which is it done, and the grade of the meat.


The broiling of meat is similar to roasting, but in broiling, direct heat is used. The meat is exposed to the flame in gas cooking and to the heating element in electric cooking.

Tips: To broil effectively turn the flame or heat to the highest point. Brushing the meat with an oil will help prevent sticking. Also, seasoning the meat with salt and pepper ahead of time will enhance the flavor, with the exception of broiling steak. Salt should be added just before removing the steak from the broiler to prevent drawing out it’s juices. When broiling meat always place into a preheated broiler, and turn the food item once it is brown on top. Finally, broiling time depends on the item, grade, size, degree to which it is done, and thickness.


In panbroiling, cooking is accomplished by contact with a heated surface, such as a frying pan or sauté pan. No covering and no fat is used.

Tips: Season meat ahead of time on both sides. Also, always place meat in an uncovered, hot sauté pan with no fat. Browning both sides will help develop flavor. Cooking at a moderate temperature will prevent excessive browning, and make the meat juicier. Never add liquid when panbroiling, otherwise it would turn into a braising cooking method. Cooking time depends on the cut of meat, type of meat, thickness, degree to which it is done, and quality of meat.


Sautéing is a cooking method where heat is transferred to food through contact with a hot surface, such as a frying pan or sauté pan. To sauté lightly means “to brown.” No covering and little fat is used. The difference between panbroiling and sautéing is that in panbroiling no fat is used, but in sautéing a small amount is used.

Tips: Always preheat your pan before adding meat. Also, seasoning with salt and pepper ahead of time will penetrate the meat. Coating meat in flour will help brown the meat evenly, as well as browning quickly in a small amount of fat. Finally, never cover your pan in order to avoid steam to form, and cook at a moderate temperature.


To poach means to cook foods in a shallow amount of liquid held between 160° F and 180° F. Poaching is used for very delicate foods such as fish fillets and eggs.

Tips: Bring the liquids to a boil first then drop the temperature between 160° F and 180° F and gently lower the food item in. Do not overcooked or food will become tough and rubbery.


Meat is cooked at a low temperature in a small amount of liquid (water, stock, thin sauce, or a combination of these) in a covered container until done. Meat is usually browned before cooking.

Tips: The pot should always be preheated before adding the meat. Seasoning both sides of the meat ahead of time will also enhance the flavor of the food. Also, by adding a mirepoix, tomato sauce, and a liquid the flavor and moisture will be heightened. Finally, by covering the pot this will keep the flavor in and allow the meat to cook evenly.


When stewing, meat is first browned and then covered in liquid and cooked at a low temperature until tender. Vegetables are added to the meat and liquid near the end of the cooking time. Braising is used for larger cuts of meat while stewing is used for smaller cuts.

Tips: Always preheat the pot. Cut meat into cubes and season with salt and pepper for best results. Brown the meat (brown stew) for a more enhanced flavor. Cover the meat with a liquid and a lid. Cook at a low temperature (~250° ) in order to reduce meat shrinkage and flavor preservation. Add vegetables once meat is three-fourths done. Finally, cook until just tender.

MISC. COOKING METHODSCajun style blackened cooking is a method of preparing certain foods names after the Cajun people located in southern Louisiana. Blackened fish is the most popular blackened item, as well as redfish, orange roughy, halibut, steaks, ribs, and chicken.

For best results dip the food in melted shortening, which helps the spice adhere to the item being blackened. Place food in the Cajun spice blend. Next place the item in a preheated hot iron skillet blackening one side at a time. Remove the item from the skillet and finish cooking the item in the oven.

Stir-frying is an Oriental cooking method of sautéing and stirring at the same time. Peanut oil is most often used. Stir-frying is a quick method of cooking that helps retain the natural crispiness of meat and vegetables.

Using a wok or skillet add oil and heat to high temperature. Add foods to the wok placing foods with longer cooking times first. Sauté and stir food and then add liquids (rice wine, soy sauce, stock) and continue to simmer until desired doneness. Thicken with a starch if necessary and remove from heat.


Roasting Fresh Vegetables

Roasting is done using dry heat in an oven with little or no water. Fresh vegetables are preferred for this technique rather than frozen. Beans and potatoes are examples of vegetables that are roasted. Cooking times vary depending on size, variety and maturity, and cut size of the vegetable.

Sautéing Fresh Vegetables

Sautéing is a method in which food is cooked quickly in a small amount of fat or oil. Sautéing is done over high heat in a sauté pan, using caution to not allow the small amount of fat in the pan to burn. Sautéing and stir frying are similar. The difference is that sautéing is done in a shallow pan with sloped sides and stir frying is done in a wok. Always preheat the pan before adding vegetables. Turn and lightly sauté on second side quickly to avoid shrinkage.


Grilling Fresh Vegetables

Grilling is a method of cooking vegetables over a heat source on open metal grates. Grilling vegetables will give them a smoky and charred flavor. For this method, vegetables are placed in a metal pan or arranged on skewers and placed directly on the grill. Turn the vegetables frequently to ensure all sides are evenly cooked.

Boiling VegetablesBoiling is probably the most common of the moist heat cooking methods by name, but probably really one of the least actually used in a professional kitchen. When foods are boiled, a large amount of water is heated to 212 ° F.


Simmering Fresh & Frozen Vegetables

To simmer means to cook in a liquid that is bubbling very lightly. The liquid should be between 185° F and 205° F. The simmering method is performed by bringing the water to a simmer, adding the vegetables, and bringing the water back to a simmer. Little water is used and the vegetables are cooked for only a short time. Most vegetables may be simmered in water. Too much water or overcooking destroys the flavor and causes loss of nutrients in cooked vegetables. Most frozen vegetables should be cooked frozen and not thawed out. Add 1 tsp. of salt for every quart of water used. Add vegetables to simmered water and bring back to a second simmer and then start the cooking time.

Blanching Vegetables

Blanching is a quick method used to only partially cook an item. Blanching can make vegetables easy to peel, partially soften hard vegetables, brighten or set color in produce, or eliminate bitter or undesirable flavors. Usually when vegetables are blanched, they are immediately refreshed or shocked in ice water to stop the cooking process. Boil water and place item in rapidly boiling water. When peel begins to loosen or color brightens on the vegetable remove the item from the boiling water and submerge in ice water.


Steaming Fresh & Frozen Vegetables

Steaming is another moist heat cooking method. Almost all vegetables may be steamed. Steaming is done by placing vegetables in a perforated kettle or on a rack inside a covered pot over boiling water, with steam forced into and through the container. The movement of the steam around the food will cook the food gently and evenly on all sides. In a commercial kitchen, foods can also be cooked in a commercial convection steamer. A convection steamer will use steam in combination with pressure to cook foods even quicker.


Baking is the primary cooking method used in preparing breads, quickbreads, cookies, pies,

cakes, and other pastries. Baking, like roasting meats, is cooking by surrounding the items with

dry heat in an oven. Baking time varies depending upon the size of the item, the temperature of the

oven, the type of item being baked, and the particular ingredients used. Before placing an item

in the oven, always set the thermostat. Preheat the oven about 30 minutes before using to ensure

correct oven temperature when ready to use.


Ingredient Function

Flour/ Eggs Structure (stabilizer)

Sugar Moisture (liquefier)

Water/ Milk/ Oil/ Fats/ Flavorings

Moisture (liquefier)

Yeast/ Baking Soda/ Baking Powder

Leavening agent (leavener)

Meringue Powder Blended powder mixture that produces meringue when mixed with water and sugar

Cream of Tartar White powered chemical compound used to retain whiteness in bakery products.



Working Factor = required yieldrecipe yield

For example, in the given recipe, the approximate yield is 100 servings. However, there are 235 expected guests. To adjust the

recipe from 100 servings to 235 servings, a working factor is required. A working factor is determined by dividing the required

yield by the recipe yield.

235 = 2.35 (multiply each ingredient by this working factor number)


36 lbs. beef tenderloin X 2.35 = 84.6 lbs.