Chapter 3 - ESST€¦  · Web viewThe Essence of Emotion: Knowledge-Making and Entity-Shaping in...

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Transcript of Chapter 3 - ESST€¦  · Web viewThe Essence of Emotion: Knowledge-Making and Entity-Shaping in...

The Essence of Emotion:

Knowledge-Making and Entity-Shaping in Scientific Practice

Patrick BeckerUniversity of Maastricht

Technological Culture SpecializationAcademic Year 2002-2003

24.807 Words


















1. In Search of Emotions

1.1. Introduction

Since the emancipationist call to “know thyself” has become the marching

order of modern science, few things in its quest to unravel the mysteries of the human

nature could have been more exciting, more challenging and of higher intellectual

attraction than to get a better, a scientific understanding of our own emotions.

Disputably, emotions - both the most personal and most occult aspects of our mind-

are at the core of who we are. It thus comes as no surprise that generations of

philosophers, scientists and scholars from ancient ages onwards have tried to shed

some light on the workings and nature of emotions in order to better understand and

possibly control them.

In the last decade, however, a new ambitious research program into the human

condition in general, and emotions in particular was launched in the context of neural

sciences - the study of the “social” brain. Its proponents argue that our social nature

defines what marks us as human, what makes us conscious and what gave us our large

brains; and, by probing the biological basis of the social in our brains, they hope to

finally understand what makes us uniquely human.

As a new field, the “social brain sciences“ (Adolphs, 2003) cover a wide range

of research topics, from studies in social cognition (as the basis of all social

interaction) and complex decision-making (such as moral decisions), to the mental

representation of other people and oneself. Although the issues and questions that the

social brain sciences are dealing with are thus quite multifaceted, the intuition is that


emotion stands in a privileged position to provide an explanation for most if not all of

them. As such, all research efforts are bound together by a common craving: to find

out how the brain makes us “emotional”.

In their quest for the biological-neural underpinnings of emotions, the social

brain scientists are assisted by an exiting new technology - functional brain imaging.

Functional brain imaging, or neuroimaging, is a powerful new investigational method

based on the in vivo visualization of biophysical structures and processes in the living

brain through computer-based scanning devices. For the first time in the history of

medicine, it thus makes the unthinkable possible - to open up a new and clear window

into the inner workings of the living, thinking, feeling brain. Needless to say, these

prospects have caught and fuelled the neuroscientist’s imagination: “The excitement

evident in neural science today is based on the conviction that at last we have in hand

the proper tools to explore the extraordinary organ of the mind, so that we can

eventually fathom the biological principles that underlie human cognition” (Kandel


Among the various neuroimaging modalities in use today, the quick adoption,

exponential growth and widespread application of functional magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) marks out this method as the undisputed favorite of researchers and

clinicians alike. Less that a decade after the first functional MRI studies appeared,

they now fill the pages of neuroscience journals, proceedings of conferences, and

often enough also the headlines of newspapers and television documentaries.


In sum, it seems as if the merger of the social brain sciences with MR-

neuroimaging holds high potentials for the identification and exploration of the neural

mechanisms that underlie emotional behavior and social cognition, and thus to finally

understand the mysteries of our emotional nature. However, the peculiar character of

the relationship between our brains and ourselves -in investigating the brain, we

investigate the self- means that these new research activities also hold the potential to

induce far-reaching shifts in both how we think of and how we behave towards

ourselves: If who we are is solely determined by the neural states of our brain, there

hardly seems to be much more use for the classical idea of a human „mind“ or „soul“

as the final cause of our ability to act freely and consciously, to have feelings, or to

create cultural achievements.

In other words, the social brain sciences not only generate new insights into

the neural basis of our “emotional” human nature - by doing so, they are also about to

reconfigure some of our most central tenets about the human subject and the world it

inhabits: the dualism between mind and body, and the related one between culture and

nature. And, as indicated, the main thrust of their research efforts is to reduce both

‚social’ phenomena - the mind and the culture – to their biological correlates and thus

point out the primacy of the nature pole in both dualisms: That, in the end, the body is

the master of the (emotional) mind, and that nature is clearly supervenient to culture.

1.2. The aim of my study

In my view, the precarious efforts of the social brain scientists to find out what

emotions really are constitute a highly interesting and fascinating topic: it is a story

about true and scientific knowledge, about what makes us human, and about the

crucial role of technology in this process of knowledge-making and entity-shaping. As


such, it is a quintessential example of what STS stands for - the study of science,

technology, and their interactions with society.

Abiding by this conviction, my study will focus on two questions: first, how is

the new knowledge about the human brain and its emotions generated in the social

brain sciences and, and second, what are the ontological consequences of their

scientific work for the constitution of the human self?

To answer my questions, I will explore the sites where the social brain

scientists “make” emotions: in their scientific texts that muse about concepts of

emotion, in the experimental settings of the laboratory that generate emotional

phenomena, and in the computerized MR brain images on which emotion comes to be

inscribed. However, I will not make my journey into the inner recesses of

neuroscientific knowledge/entity-making unprepared and without any guidance - with

me, I will take some of the ideas and experiences of other researchers to act as a

counsel whenever I cannot make sense out of the things myself: luckily, I can build

upon a small corpus of existing literature both within and outside STS that has already

dealt with some of the issues and problems raised by my research questions.

Two fields in particular need to be mentioned:1 On the one hand, STS-studies

on the digitalisation and the “pictoral turn” connected to new imaging technologies,

and on the other, anthropological and historical works written about the ontological

reconfigurations that come along with new, technologically mediated insights into the

human body. In the following, I wish to give a short review of the major topics and

findings in each of those fields in question.

1 I will abstain from a wider discussion of the general STS-approaches and views that my study is grounded in, as those will be discussed in detail in the following chapter.


1. Digitalisation and pictoralization of science

For some STS-researchers, the increasing use of computerized tools and

instruments in the natural sciences represent a radical shift in the epistemological style

of the current research practices: Keller (2000), for example, sees the advent of a

„cyberscience”, and Lynch (1991) considers „digitalism“ to be a new configuration of

epistemology, representation and laboratory work which stands in stark contrast to the

„opticist“ framework used earlier in biology and other natural sciences: In opticism,

the model of ocular vision supplies a vocabulary and set of conditions for a more

general epistemology - most crucially, the idea of an object „out there“ and an

internal image „inside“ the observer, with a point-by-point correspondence between

internal image and outside object. Digitalism, on the other hand, is an explicitly

simulated or constructed space, and the phenomena in a digital context are not a

representation or point-to-point image of any object. In fact, due to its digital nature,

the data of the object in question could be computed and visually represented in many

different ways, none of them intrinsically more or less close to reality. In such a new

epistemological practice, the correspondence between a simulated model and reality

thus becomes a critical issue for the whole scientific endeavour.

Closely linked to the issue of digitalisation (and its potential to visualize data

of all kinds) is the so-called „pictorial turn“ in scientific practice. In this context, Burri

(2001) and Hagner (1996, 2001) analysed the impact of the pictorial turn in the

neurosciences and found that visualisations serve a wide range of function - most

importantly, they are used as immutable mobiles which aggregate and translate a huge

set of (statistical) data about brain functions into an easily manageable form. Also

taking neuroimaging technology as an exemplary, Beaulieu (2002) illustrates the

central problems and conflicts inherent in such a visual style, namely the questions


relating to the epistemic status of the image: MRI pictures of the brain are seen to be

mere statistical maps (not images) by one group of scientists, while another believes

that these images “of the mind” are mimetic, and that they offer an realistic insight

into the cognitive activities of the brain.

2. Ontological reconfigurations of the body

Feminist researchers, anthropologists and historians of medicine have pointed

out that the technologies used to produce new body imagesare no transparent

intermediaries between knowledge and reality, but they change both the knowledge,

and the object of knowledge itself. Duden (1991) illustrates how the perception of and

the sovereignty over the pregnant female body was transformed by the use of

ultrasound images: While previously having been considered as a somewhat

mysterious part of the human body that was accessible only through a women’s

subjective experiences, it became now an open uteral space subjected to the medical


In a similar vein, Mol’s (2002) analysis of “the body multiple” highlights the

different ontological politics inherent in medical representations of the body. She

points out that the different practices of representing the body do not simply generate

different perspectives of their object, but instead create different referents -i.e.

different bodies- that do not necessary converge, but might as well clash, or contradict

each other. As such, the body is not a single entity but a multiplicity of objects which

first need to be re-arranged and realigned before they can act as a unitary object with

clear ontological characteristics.


1.3. Overview

In the next chapter, I will outline the theoretical-analytical approach that will

guide me through the different episodes of the “making” of emotions in

neuroscientific practice. First, I will present the general methodological

considerations and theoretical positions from which I intend to tackle my research

questions. After that, I will lay out the elements of the analytical model with which I

want to study the process of knowledge production in the social brain sciences. In

summary, it considers knowledge formation as the construction of a continuous chain

of translations from theoretical concepts via experimental phenomena to scientific

objects that become accepted as valid evidence for the actual existence of the item

under investigation.

In the following chapters, I will therefore follow this chain of translation, both

to understand how scientific knowledge about the nature of our emotions is produced,

and what effects it has on the ontological dualism between mind and body.

Chapter 3 will take a closer look at how a new object of inquiry -the emotional

brain- is constructed in the neuroscientific discourse. The analytical focus will be on

the way in which new concepts of emotion are defined, defended and integrated into

the discursive framework of cognitive neuroscience. Besides this, it also examines the

wider epistemological and ontological consequences that are effectuated by the

discourse of the emotional brain.

In Chapter 4, I will examine the specific experimental methods and activities

through which the neuroscientists generate and empirically tackle emotions in the

laboratory. In particular, I will analyze how the different experimental models and

research designs, analytical methods and disciplinary backgrounds are mutually


adapted and combined with each other to form an experimental “system” in which the

phenomenon? under investigation (i.e. the neural correlates of emotion) comes into


Chapter 5 will then look at the translation of these ephemeral experimental

events under the MR-scanner into a solid and universally valid representation of the

emotional brain - the photo-realistic brain activation maps that are the outcome of

every neuroimaging study. Two aspects deserve special attention: on the one hand, I

want to examine which facets an emotional event finally become visualized and

“inscribed” in such a brain map, and which don’t. On the other, I will analyze the role

of the computerized instruments and digital tools used during the construction of such

representations of emotions, and try to uncover the specific epistemological and

ontological effects that come along with their technically mediated transformation.

In the final chapter, I want to return to my original question about how

scientific knowledge about the (neural) nature of our emotions is produced, and what

effects it has on the ontological dualism between mind and body. We will learn that -

in spite of their huge efforts- the social brain scientists are still in doubt about the true

nature of their object of inquiry. However, we will also see that the multiplicity of

understandings of emotions is not a failure, but rather the result of the various

scientific activities undertaken in the social brain sciences. Thus, instead of

conceiving emotion as a universal, singular entity, I argue that we should understand

them as different, multiple objects brought into being by different scientific practices.



The Analysis of Knowledge-Making in the Social Brain


As discussed in the previous chapter, the main aim of the social brain sciences

is to investigate the neural mechanisms that underlie emotional behavior and social

cognition. By identifying the biological basis of the social and emotional in our

brains, researchers hope to solve one of the greatest mysteries of life – to finally

understand what makes us uniquely human.

However, the peculiar -and historically rather controversially discussed-

nature of the relationship between the brain and the mind means that this bold and

ambitious research program into the human condition (which might never be

completely achieved, as even most neuroscientists would admit) holds the potential to

induce far-reaching shifts in both how we think of and how we behave towards

ourselves: If who we are, and what we possibly can become, is solely determined by

the biological matter and the neural states of our brain, there hardly seems to be much

“raison d’être” for the classical idea of a human mind or soul as the final cause of our

ability to act freely and consciously, to have feelings, or to attain cultural and

civilizational achievements. In other words, the social brain sciences not only

generate new insights into the neural basis of human emotions. By doing so, they are

also about to reconfigure two of the most prominent dualisms of modernity with

regard to the understanding of the human subject and the world it inhabits: The

dualism between mind and body, and the related one between culture and nature.


2.1. Reflect yourself - requirements for an analytical model

How could we possibly analyze the processes of reconfiguration that are

induced by the neuroscientific quest for the biological basis of our mind? Obviously,

there are two related aspects involved which are in need of a closer study: on the one

hand, we would have to examine how the constitution of a naturalized human self is

effectuated by the scientific work done in the social brain sciences. And on the other

hand, as this reconfiguration is firmly grounded in their newly generated findings and

facts about the human brain, we would need to analyze how this new neuroscientific

knowledge is produced in the first place.

Although both questions sound rather straightforward, formulating an

appropriate theoretical and methodological approach that provides answers to them is

more complicated than it might initially sound. The reasons for that lie in the self-

reflexivity of the epistemological and ontological issues they touch upon: By

questioning how a specific ontological reordering -a change in the way we conceive

the nature of things (in this case, the human self)- can be brought about through by the

scientific activities of a particular community and the knowledge it generates, they

also question the epistemological grounds on which its knowledge is considered to be

valid and truthful. However, in order to critically answer these questions, one cannot

avoid musing on the epistemological grounds according to which one considers one’s

own knowledge claims for valid – and obviously, there isn’t a position of „nowhere“

from which to analyze another group’s ontology and epistemology: no researcher

stands outside the subject matter of adhering to a certain ontology and epistemology

in his/her research, and as such also my analysis also will be made from a certain



Nevertheless, I will attempt to take a self-reflexive stance in this matter by

clearly laying out the methodological considerations and theoretical positions from

which I intend to tackle my research questions. For this reason, I will begin with a

methodological discussion of the different metaphysical assumptions upon which

scientific accounts -including my own, of course- can be grounded. This is done both

to offer a better understanding of the ontological-epistemological framework that my

object of inquiry -the social brain sciences- is devoted to, as well as to explain my

own analytical position. As such, it also represents the first step in the development of

the explanatory model with which I want to study the process of knowledge

production in the social brain sciences.

2.2. Three perspectives on the production of knowledge

Generally speaking, there are three mutually exclusive packages that combine

a certain set of metaphysical positions to base ones cognition upon: realism,

relativism and (symmetrical) constructivism. They differ both in the ontological and

epistemological resources employed in the process of knowledge formation as well as

in the critical repertoire they can call upon in order to weaken competing claims to

truthful knowledge.

The term „realism“ (at least in the way it is used here) signifies a metaphysical

belief system that underlies most natural and social sciences. Its proponents assume

that all observable natural (say, fermentation) or social phenomena (say, suicide) are

governed by universal laws and have their origin in transcendental entities (either

nature or society) that exist independently of people’s thoughts and perceptions.

Based on this ontological a priori of an objectively existing world, it is further argued


that truthful knowledge about it can be gained through systematic observation and

experimentation (i.e., the scientific method)2. These two assumptions of the realists –

first, there is one unique ordering of the natural and social phenomena of the world,

and second, there is a set of procedures to determine what this ordering is – form the

core of arguments for the possibility of universal, objective knowledge about the


At the same time, they also provide the realist with a critical repertoire to put

into question any other kind of knowledge not produced according to the canons of

scientific method - and in consequence, also any other kind of ontological ordering

that is not based on such scientific knowledge. In its most common form, this critical

repertoire is used to explain the “great divide” between our western society and all

others before or still around: whereas “their” knowledge is local, subjective and based

on naïve (but false) beliefs (i.e. myths, religion, tradition, ideology, etc.), “ours” is

universal, objective, and based on the scientific method; whereas “their” outdated

ontologies are contingent and still reflect traditional thinking and the influences of the

(local) socio-cultural context in which it is embedded, “our” modern ontology is both

historically and culturally invariable, as it reflects the true order of things revealed to

us by science.

The set of epistemological and ontological assumptions outlined above has

often be seen as the defining feature, and the major source of strength, of modern

science (and some even say: of modernity itself), as it made it plausible to believe in

both a transcendental nature and society, in the idea of scientific progress and

enlightenment, and in the great divide that distinguishes “us” moderns from any other

culture and their primitive knowledge. It thus comes to no surprise that most

2 This idea of the scientific method has been most thoroughly elaborated in the positivist-empiricist approach of Karl Popper and his “The Logic of Scientific Discovery” (1959).


neuroscientists ground their work firmly within the epistemological-ontological

framework of realism / modernity: Based on a positivist-empirist epistemology, they

consider their observed findings about social behavior and cognition as valid

reflections of our human nature (namely, behavior is driven by evolutionary-derived

brain responses to social stimuli), and any ontological reordering of the body-mind (or

nature-culture) dualism effectuated by these new facts would be seen as having their

cause in the - now finally unveiled - true nature of things3.

Among the first to point out problems of the realist position were a group of

scholars that adhered to a metaphysical framework known as relativism.4 Its central

ontological and epistemological tenets sharply questioned the core assumptions of

realism. In their view, there neither exists an absolute or unique (ontological) ordering

of things nor any universal truths, as all knowledge is relative to the culture from

which it comes. Relativism thus negates the existence of a transcendental natural

world as the origin of observable phenomena (or at least, it negates the possibility to

actually prove its causal involvement), and instead stresses that all social structures -

including the one within which modern science is operating - impose irresistible

distortions on all perceptions we might have of the world. Without the possibility to

ever get at the correct ordering of the natural phenomena of the world, all societies

and cultures are thus bound to produce nothing but partial views on nature.

3 Consider the telling quote of one of the “founding fathers” of social brain sciences: “I believe that mind and self-consciousness really are of biological nature. […] It seems to be certain that until 2050, we will have accumulated enough knowledge about those biological phenomena that the old dualisms between body and soul, or brain and mind, will vanish completely.” (Damasio 2002: 8ff)4 Acknowledging that the term relativism is used in many different contexts and disciplinary discourses, I will delimit my understanding and discussion of the relativist position to that prominent in the science studies. In this context, relativism “is the prescription to threat the objects of the natural world as though our beliefs of them are not caused by their existence…This can best be accomplished by treating what seems to exist as being relative to the social group in which it is taken to exist” (Collins 1995:294f)


These two assumptions -first, every perception of the world is governed by our

cultural context, and second, as all knowledge is the product of local and contingent

social conditions, it cannot be ranked (at least not along epistemological criteria)- lay

the foundation of the critical repertoire of relativism: stressing the cultural

incommensurability of viewpoints, its proponents argue for the impossibility of

universally valid and objective knowledge, as well as for the dominant influence of

societal structures in the process of knowledge formation. Furthermore, relativism

offers an alternative explanation for the truth or falsehood of knowledge - one that

does not conceives our beliefs of the natural world as being caused by the existence of

an objective nature “out there”. Instead, whatever seems to exist and counts as being

true or false is treated as being relative to the social group in which it is taken to exist.

In other words, the ascription of being “true to nature” (or, for that matter as being

“based on false beliefs”) is seen as the result of a social process, and not of its relation

to the “real” state of affairs. Thus, by inverting the assumptions of realism, relativism

is able to explain the establishment of a view as true without the realists’ fallacy of

referring to what is taken to be true nowadays as its causal factor (i.e. ‘whig history’).

Nevertheless, there is another catch: While realists explained truth (a

posteriori) through its congruence with given natural reality, and falsehood through

the constraint of cultural categories and influences (traditions, ideologies, social

interests, etc.), relativists and constructivists sought to explain the ascription of truth

and falsehood alike through the same cultural influences and social processes. This

methodological principle of explaining both attributions with the same explanatory

repertoire did away with the asymmetrical accounts of realism, and became known as

the “principle of symmetry” (Bloor 1976). Yet the relativist approach is flawed with

an asymmetry itself: By conceiving the ascription of being “true to nature” (or, for


that matter as being “based on false beliefs”) as the result of a social process, it

brackets out the natural world, and makes the social world carry the full weight of

explanation. In other words, they are relativist only where nature is concerned, but

realistic about society. A truly symmetrical account of knowledge formation,

however, should not be allowed to resort neither to the realist belief in a universal

nature, nor to this relativist belief in the omnipotence of social structures.

Such a symmetrical framework has been developed by a group of scholars

(most notably, Bruno Latour, Michel Callon, and John Law) in the context of the

actant-network-program. I will use the term “constructivism” to set it off from the

relativism/social realism outlined before.

The main aim of this “symmetrical” constructivism is to offer an explanation

of how knowledge is produced (and an ontological ordering is created) without

referring either to a transcendent nature or to a transcendent society as an explanans,

but to take them both as the outcome of a construction process. Its proponents ground

their argumentation in the insurmountable contradictions regarding the explanatory

role given to nature and culture in both realist and relativist accounts: Either, as in

realism, a universal nature is the cause of all our knowledge on the world - or, as in

relativism, omnipotent but incommensurable cultural and societal contexts are the

cause of it. In order to overcome both of these asymmetries, they propose to conceive

our world as made up of natures-cultures - heterogeneous collectives that combine

cultural/social and natural/material elements. Instead of an ontological ordering built

upon on the nature-culture dualism, symmetrical constructivism thus argues for an

ontology based on hybrid entities that cannot be reduced to either their social or

material aspects.


This ontological claim on the hybrid character of all objects greatly broadens

its critical repertoire: As all social and natural objects are members of the same (non-

separable) hybrid community, any apparent ontological ordering (such as the nature-

culture dualism) has to be explained by the divisions constructed by the joint

community itself5. As such, instead of being part of the explanation, both nature and

society now become part of explanandum, that is, as another outcome of the

knowledge formation and construction process that has to be accounted for.6 Due to

this philosophical innovation, the constructivist framework offers an entirely new

analytical approach that can be used to explain any kind of construction process - not

only knowledge formation, but also agents, machines, social institutions and even

ontological orderings can be analyzed as a product or an effect of a network of

heterogeneous (both human and nonhuman) elements. So, how would such an account

for the production of knowledge and the construction of distinct ontological zones

(that comes to be seen as true) look like?

Proponents of symmetrical constructivism argue that both knowledge

formations and ontological orderings are the result of the same epistemological

practice: A process of material mediation (or “translation”) which generates ordering

effects and patterned networks out of the heterogeneous set of hybrid objects that

populate our world. This process of translation starts from irreducible, unconnected

quasi objects and hybrid phenomena (say, observations made inside a vacuum pump)

and tries to connect, juxtapose and organize them -within a continuous chain of

reference- into a stable network. Translation thus is a material matter as well as a

5 Obviously, this is not to say that they socially constructed, as that would be to use one element of the dichotomy that is to be explained - i.e. the difference between the social and the nonsocial/natural – as the starting point of the explanation.6 This view is particularly connected with the writings of Bruno Latour, where he insisted that “nature never is the cause of the outcome of a (knowledge) construction process, but the consequence of it” (1987:99) and thus encourages us to be agnostic about nature as we are of society and instead examine the co-production of both.


matter of organizing and ordering those materials - a process of "heterogeneous

engineering" in which bits and pieces from the social, the technical, the conceptual

and the textual are fitted together, and so converted (or "translated") into something

that passes as a single entity (for example, a mathematical table or formula that sums

up the observations). This view on translation implies transformation and the

possibility of equivalence, the possibility that one thing (a mathematical formula) may

stand for another (for instance, a collection of heterogeneous elements and

phenomena). It is based on a semiotic understanding of entity building through the

creation of associations between objects, and is the central practice of any knowledge


However, “modern” scientists usually add a particular procedure to this

translation process: the transformation of such ontological still ‘networky’ /

heterogeneous entities (like a mathematical formula for calculating the exact volume

of gases when compressed) into a pure ontological entity that either is completely

human-made or entirely nonhuman (in this case, the universal /“natural” law for the

behavior of gas under pressure, also known as ‘Boyle’s law’). This representational

practice of “purifiying objects” glosses over the original practice of mediation

(moving from hybrid objects to heterogeneous networks) and removes it from sight.

In fact, it effectuated a complete background-foreground reversal: Instead of taking

them as the partial and purified results of the process of heterogeneous mediation that

is at the center of the knowledge formation effort, the moderns started to attach their

explanations of hybrid phenomena on the two pure ontological zones (free society or

objective nature) they created in this process.7 The “modern” explanation now

7 This appears to be an inherent problem of every practice of mediation and representation: Far from being neutral intermediaries, representations play an influential part in the construction of the reference points to which they claim to correspond, and in this case, the “purified” objects came to be seen as the ultimate referents of two new idealized (anduniversal) entities – nature and society.


considered the hybrids as the outcome of a mixture of those two pure forms, and tried

to split this mixture apart in order to extract from them what came from the social and

what came from nature.

Although this reversal had several pragmatic advantages -as it made possible

to construct, believe in and use the realist framework for knowledge formation8 in the

first place- the relativist critique laid open its flaws and made it problematic to uphold


2.3. Towards an analytical model for knowledge formation

Realism, relativism symmetrical constructivism - what does this review of the

different metaphysical frameworks leave us with? For a start, it illustrates once more

that there is no epistemological or ontological position of ”nowhere” from which to

make “objective”, “universal”, or “true“ accounts. And with all positions

presupposing certain assumptions, the choice between them should be guided by a

pragmatic concern to pick the one that seems the most appropriate for the research

question at hand.

This brings us back to the original research interest of this paper - an analysis

of the ontological reconfigurations of the self that are induced by the neuroscientific

quest for the biological basis of our emotions. As mentioned before, two related

aspects are in need of a closer study here: on the one hand, we would have to examine

how the construction of a naturalized human self is effectuated by the scientific work

done in the social brain sciences. And on the other, as this reconfiguration is firmly

grounded in their newly generated findings and facts about the human brain, we

8 See Shapin & Schaeffer (1985) for the history of its genesis


would need to analyze how this new neuroscientific knowledge is produced in the

first place.

What would then be a fitting framework to analyze these processes of

knowledge formation and ontological reconfiguration in the neurosciences? As

outlined above, the neuroscientists themselves operate deeply within the realist

framework. Thus, analyzing them with the same framework would be rather

tautological, as it would add no new insights into their processes of knowledge

formation, but would just confirm their own perspective. Examining their work from a

relativist perspective would certainly help to uncover many of the socio-cultural bases

of their knowledge-making effort, (and would be a healthy antidote to their realist

view), but in the end, it would just replace one one-sided account -i.e., the naturalistic

one of realism- with another one -the social realistic view of relativism- without

questioning the underlying ontological dualism both take for granted. In order to

reflexively examine the process of knowledge production and ontological reordering

in the neurosciences, we therefore need a different approach - one that analyses the

reconfiguration of this dualism without advocating a priori the one over the other.

Such an approach couldn’t no longer resort to society and nature as transcendent and

universal categories to explain phenomena and to provide the epistemological

guarantee of “truthful” knowledge formation, but would have to analyze these

ontological entities as an effect generated by scientific practice.

Apparently, then, the symmetrical constructivist approach seems the most

appropriate for the case at hand. However, although it outlines a general framework

for the analysis of knowledge and entity making, nothing had been said about how to

employ it in practice, and what specific concepts and methods could be used for my

empirical study in particular. In the following, I therefore want to give a short


overview of the conceptual cornerstones that my analysis will be build upon, and how

they can be integrated into an explanatory model of knowledge formation.

As mentioned, constructivism conceives the production of knowledge as a

sequence of translations that transform heterogeneous bits and pieces from the social

and the non-social, the textual and the material into a provisionally stable entity. In

the center of this epistemic practice thus stands a strategic deployment and

arrangement of associations that converts the hybrid phenomena into scientific objects

that are handle-able, research-able, and immutable enough to be granted an existence

of its own. In particular, three different instantiations of this practice have come into

the focus of theoretical and empirical work, where they have proven to be valuable

concepts for the analysis of scientific knowledge production:

One way of generating such strategic arrangements of associations is through

discursive practices. Authors like Foucault, Derrida, Serres and other post-structuralist

thinkers have demonstrated the far-reaching consequences on knowledge (and

subject) formation that are effectuated by the establishment of new scientific

discourses. By ‘discourse’, Foucault (1975) means a group of statements which

provides the language for talking about -a way of representing the knowledge about- a

particular topic in a particular historical moment. Through the establishment of

interrelated networks of statements and rules that govern their production, a discourse

determines the way the topic can be meaningfully reasoned about: Just as it ‘rules in’

and defines certain ways of talking and constructing truthful knowledge about the

topic, it ‘rules out’, limits and restricts other ways of producing statements and

knowledge claims about it. From a Foucaultian perspective, then, every object of our


knowledge must be considered as being defined and produced only within a certain

discursive space.9

With regard to our research question, the methods of discourse analysis can

provide us with an analytical repertoire to examine how a new object of inquiry -the

emotional brain- was constructed in the social brain scientists’ discourse, and to

identify the central discursive elements that defined which questions and statements

about emotions can (or cannot) be formulated in its context.

The second instantiation of creating patterned connections and associations

between different components can be found not in the discourses of science, but in the

“experimental systems” within its laboratories. These networks of local knowledge

and activities, scientific instruments and experimental arrangements clustered around

laboratories are yet another (less discursive than material) frame for defining and

producing objects of knowledge - a reasoning machinery in its own right. Different

authors (most notably, Ludwik Fleck, Andrew Pickering and Jörg Rheinberger) -while

not contesting the role of theories/theoretical discourses as patterns that connect- have

pointed out the important role of experimentation for knowledge formation: Instead of

being mere empirical instances in the evaluation of theoretical concepts, experiments

are shown to be crucial events in the discovery of new scientific objects, as it is only

within their complex, tinkered, and heterogeneous settings -irrevocably local and

situated in time and space- that new objects (phenomena or material entities) make

their first appearances. In fact, the very construction of the theoretical concepts is

9 This is not to deny that they might have existed before or outside of it – the crucial point is that that they only become accessible and meaningful to us through discursive means and practices.


intertwined with the experimental practices that produce their empirical reference, and

make them function as tools for the production of knowledge in the first place10.

In this view, then, there is a primacy of the experimental situation - it co-

generates both the phenomena or material entities and the concepts they come to

embody. Based on such an understanding of “science as (experimental) practice”, my

own study will therefore examine what specific work has to be done to experimentally

trace emotions in the brain, focusing in particular on the processes through which

experimental phenomena that embody emotions are generated in the laboratory, and

the relationship between these “epistemic things”11 and the (socio-) technical

conditions of their coming into existence (especially, the technical possibilities and

constrains of the current neuroimaging methods).

The third mode of arranging heterogeneous associations is the construction of

a cascade of successive transformations of the epistemic things under investigation

that result in a particular category of objects, called immutable mobiles. Immutable

mobiles are visual displays or graphical articulations (such as a diagram, a graph, a

photograph or a map)12 of the phenomena under investigation. However, as authors

like Latour (1999) or Lynch and Woolgar (1990) have pointed out, they are far more

than just a mimetic likeness or reminder of the original event - quite to the contrary,

they are the outcome of an elaborate sequence of re-representations, with each new

representation being an abstraction of the previous one, which on the one hand

simplifies and concentrates its information, and on the other still refers to (and still

10 The idea that practices and theories become packaged together in the process of experimentation is best explained in Pickering’s (1995) work on the “mangle of practice”.11 Rheinberger coined this nice term to signify “things embodying concepts”, which is admittedly a highly fitting characterization of the newly produced objects in the lab.12 As these examples suggest, most immutable mobiles are two-dimensional (or at least: printable on paper), and of such a size that they can be stored/archived or moved around easily.


retains some qualities of) the object that was its point of origin. With each new step in

this chain of representations, one reduces the materiality, locality and particularity of

the original phenomena. But at the same time, one enhances its non-materiality,

mobility, comparability and versatility, because the more abstract the form of the

representation, the easier is it to compare and combine it with other forms that are the

result of a different chain. Moreover, through this process of abstraction and

purification, the phenomenon under observation often reveals entirely new features -

and new relations to other phenomena- that weren’t visible before.

The crucial role of immutable mobiles for knowledge production thus does not

reside in what they depict but by how they work: They fix and purify the transient,

hybrid phenomena, and render them into durable (in a material sense), homogeneous

representations which then can be moved around and inserted into other contexts -

most importantly, into scientific texts. Via immutable mobiles, scientists can literally

“put a finger” on their objects of inquiry and synoptically oversee them, and are now

able to accumulate, process and manipulate them in a simplified and highly effective


For my study of the knowledge production in the neurosciences, the concept

of immutable mobiles thus offers me a valuable analytical tool to examine how new

and stable representations of emotions are created - especially those digital (2D/3D)

brain maps that are the central outcomes of affective neuroimaging research efforts.

Two aspects deserve particular attention: First, what has to be done to translate local

phenomena into a universal digital-visual code (for example during the transformation

13 The wider contribution of the immutable mobiles to the scientific effort, then, is that they enable to move everything that is inscribed in them back and forth, from the laboratory (or ”center of calculation”, as Latour (1987) calls it) in which they were created, into the outside world, so that they may have an impact here. However, this further extension of the translation chain into the outside world is a gigantic enterprise that centers around the creation of laboratory conditions in the outside world – in other words, the outside world has made to fit to the new scientific object before it can be safely translated there. Latour’s study on the “Pasteurization of France” (1988) is a case in point for such a process.


of an emotional state in the subject’s brain into its computerized visualization on a

brain map), and second, which instrumental set-ups or “inscription devices”14 are used

during the construction of such representations - are they just unassuming

instruments, or do their effectuate certain ontological reconfigurations of the object of


2.3. Drawing the model together

After the presentation of the conceptual cornerstones that my analysis will be

built upon, I hope that it now becomes clear how they can be integrated into an

general model of knowledge formation: The interrelated network of statements in the

text, the complex, tinkered, and heterogeneous experimental arrangements in the

laboratory, and the chain of reference resulting in a durable, materialized and uniform

representation - they are all outcomes of association-building, path-construction, or

order-making, even though they are dealing with different “materials”. If one now

considers all three of them as different instantiations of the same process of

heterogeneous engineering, one does not have to specify if it is texts or objects that

one is analyzing. Such a move gives a new continuity to practices that were deemed

different when one dealt with language and theories, with skills and experimental

work, or with matter and representations.

This idea of knowledge production as a process of heterogeneous engineering

that translates elements from the textual, the social, the technical, and the conceptual

into a provisionally stable entity is thus the conceptual “glue” that sticks those

different discursive, experimental and representational practices together. Obviously,

every one of them put emphasis on different aspects of this translation process, but 14 Latour refers to them as “inscription devices” because they translate the epistemic things into inscriptions that can be readily included in a scientific text.


instead of considering them diverging, I see them as complementary to each other.

What makes all three of them count in my account is exactly what makes them


In this view, then, the genesis of a scientific fact can best be understood and

analyzed as the construction of a continuous chain of translations from theoretical

concepts (i.e. “discursive objects”) via experimental phenomena (i.e. “epistemic

things”) to scientific objects and images (i.e. durable and uniform representations /

“immutable mobiles”) that become accepted as valid evidence for the actual existence

of the item under investigation.15 In the following chapters, I want to follow this chain

of translation in the field of social brain sciences, both to understand how scientific

knowledge about the (neural) nature of our emotions is produced, and what effects it

has on the ontological dualism between mind and body.

In the first part of my analysis (Chapter 3), I will have a closer look at how the

new object of inquiry -the emotional brain- becomes constructed in the neuroscientific

discourse. My analytical focus will lie on the way new concepts of emotion are

defined, defended and integrated into the discursive framework of cognitive

neuroscience. Besides this, I also want to examine the wider epistemological and

ontological consequences that are effectuated by the discourse of the emotional brain.

The empirical data to tackle these questions is largely drawn from primary sources,

i.e. from a collection of neuroscientific texts on emotion and social cognition that

15 In this context, it is important to not forget that even after new findings have been discovered, they don’t spread everywhere by themselves - quite to the contrary: in order to make them into incontestable “facts” for science and society, scientists do not only have to convert theories into scientific objects, but also create further translation chains to the world outside the lab. As indicated (cf footnote12), this extension of new objects into the outside world is a gigantic enterprise that tries to make the outside world fit to the fact so that it can easily be inserted, and it obviously is a research topic in its own right. Granting that this translation into the outside world is instrumental for the final effects and consequences that knowledge claims might have, I will therefore delimit myself to an analysis of how they are generated in the lab, as those processes lay the very ground upon which any further translation activities are build upon.


outline the principal research interests, dominant theoretical concepts, and accepted

findings within this field. In concrete terms, I will engage in a discourse analysis with

a group of texts and publications written in the last decade which are now considered

(at least, within the social brain) to be part of their foundational corpus of literature.

In the second part (Chapter 4), I will examine the specific experimental

methods and activities through which the neuroscientists generate and empirically

tackle (“mobilize”) emotions in the laboratory. In particular, I will analyze how the

different experimental models and research designs, analytical methods and

disciplinary backgrounds are mutually adapted and combined with each other so that

they form an experimental “system” in which the phenomena under investigation (i.e.

the neural correlates of emotion) comes into existence. In order to get some firsthand

material on this issue, I spend two weeks with a group of social brain scientists at a

neuroscientific research institute at the University of Tuebingen (Institute of Medical

Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology) that were conducting a series of affective

neuroimaging experiments. Apart form the ethnographic data gained through

participant observation, I also collected a series of semi-structured interviews during

my stay in the field. Both field notes and interview transcripts will serve as the

empirical bases for this part of the analysis.

In a final step (Chapter 5), I will then look at the translation of these

ephemeral experimental events under the MR-scanner into a solid and universally

valid representation (an “immutable mobile”) of the emotional brain - the photo-

realistic brain activation maps that are the outcome of every neuroimaging study. Two

aspects will deserve special attention: on the one hand, I want to examine which

facets of the phenomenon finally become visualized and “inscribed” in such a brain

map, and which don’t - that is to say, which attributes of a emotion become amplified,


purified and stabilized during the different stages of the translation chain, and which

attributes gradually fade out and thus are literally left out of the picture. On the other,

I will analyze the role of the computerized instruments and digital tools used during

the construction of such representations of emotions, and try to uncover the specific

epistemological and ontological effects that come along with their technically

mediated transformation. To investigate these issues, I compared different didactic

texts and monographs -mostly aiming at students or researchers in need of an

introduction into the basic principles and applications of neuroimaging methods- and

tried to find out what they considered as valid procedures for data analysis,

interpretation or visualisation with this field, and on which accounts. To complement

and cross-check my textual exegesis, I also lead some focus interviews with

neuroscientists who themselves are engaged in the development of computer-based

methods and procedures for the analysis and visualisation of neuroimaging data.


3. Talking of Emotions: The Creation of a Discursive Space for


“Everyone knows what emotions are - until they are asked to define them.”

John Le Doux

In the first part of my analysis, I want to take a closer look at how a new

object of inquiry - the emotional brain - is constructed in the neuroscientific discourse.

I will begin with a short review of the way emotions were conceived historically, and

then examine how this traditional discourse of emotion came to be replaced by a new

one – the one of the “emotional brain”. My initial focus will lie on the way the social

brain scientists defined, defended and integrated their new concept of emotion into the

discursive framework of cognitive neuroscience. Based on this, I will then discuss the

wider epistemological and ontological consequences that are effectuated by the

discourse of the emotional brain.

Since the emancipationist call to “know thyself” has become the marching

orders of modern science, few things in its quest to unravel the mysteries of the

human condition could have been more exciting, more challenging and of higher

intellectual attraction than to get a better scientific understanding of our own

emotions. Emotions are at once the most personal and most occult aspects of our

minds - they are the mental states we know best and remember with the greatest

clarity, yet sometimes we do not know where they come from, why they change, or

how we could control them. Clearly, it is hard to imagine life without emotions, and


their huge importance for the quality of life becomes most apparent when this part of

the mental life breaks down; in fact, most mental disorders are considered to basically

be emotional disorders. (LeDoux1996:19)

So, emotions are undisputable at the core of who we are, but at the same time

seem to have their own agenda, one often carried out without, or even against our

willful involvement. It thus comes as no surprise that long before the cognitive

neuroscientists took up the subject, generations of philosophers, scientists and

psychologists tried to shed some light on the workings and nature of emotions in order

to better understand and possibly control them. All their thoughts, findings and

writings added up to a rich and multi-layered corpus of ideas and concepts that

constituted different discursive frameworks (in the Foucaultian sense), each of them

‘ruling in’ and determining specific ways of talking and constructing truthful

knowledge about the topic while ‘ruling out’ and limiting alternative knowledge

claims. In other words, any knowledge claim about what emotions are must be

considered as being produced only within a certain, historically contingent discourse

that defines how to think and speak about them. As such, every new statement about

the nature of emotions would either have to follow the (currently dominant) discursive

rules and limits of knowledge production, thus placing it well within the established

boundaries of what can truthfully be said - or one would have to alter the discursive

frame so that it becomes “sayable”, thus challenging and changing the very rules of

the discourse in such a way that the new knowledge claim can no longer be ruled out

as a heterodoxy.

As I will show in the following, it is the latter of these two strategies that the

members of the social brain community pursue in their efforts to turn emotions into an

object of neurocognitive research. To really apprehend the series of transformations


through which this new discursive space for reasoning about emotions is created, it is

instructive to first have a look at the dominant discourse of emotion prior to its

“neurocognitive ” turn.

3.1. Effects of the elusive mind: The traditional discourse of emotion16

Since the times of the ancient Greeks, scholars have found it compelling to

separate reason from passion, thinking from feeling, and cognition from emotion.

These contrasting aspects of the mind have often been viewed as waging an inner

battle for the control of the human psyche. Emotions were seen to be wild and

illogical impulses that have to be checked by intellect and reason in order to protect

ourselves from their possibly harmful consequences. This ancient divide between

emotion and reason had an enormous historical impact and would become a central

building (or stumbling) block for any discourse of emotion to follow.17

A similar conceptual cornerstone was provided through Descartes’

philosophical works and his famous “cogito ergo sum”. He redefined the mind to only

include what we are aware and conscious of, making mind and consciousness the

same thing. Consciousness and the ability to reason were thus viewed as a uniquely

human gift, whereas emotions - which could also be found among others mammals -

were relegated to the dismissible realms of unconscious animals and the urges of the

flesh, thus making them a marginal aspect of the human mind. It was only in the

course of the 19th century that emotions became acknowledged as a valid research

object sui generis. Seminal works of Darwin and Freud in particular granted them a

16 See LeDoux (1996) and Damasio (1999) for the details of the following discussion.17 The separation between the “emotional” and “rational” mind is still highly present in our private and public life – just consider our legal system that treats “crimes of passion” differently from premeditated transgression, or take the different kinds of tests to measure the intellectual functioning (the intelligence quotient / “IQ”) vis-à-vis the emotional functioning (such as a person’s emotional quotient “EQ”.)


place in the scientific (mostly biological and medical) discourse, and helped to re-

establish emotions as an important aspect of the mind, even if operating largely on a

subconscious (as with Freud) or evolutionary-arrived, “animalistic” (as with Darwin)


However, most of these ideas vanished from sight or their influence went

elsewhere. Throughout most the 20th century, the emotional mind was left out of the

laboratory – emotions were simply seen as too subjective, too elusive and vague to be

the object of rigorous scientific research. This critical stance soon became another

important piece of the discursive frame of emotions, and lies at the bottom of the two

most eminent models of the human mind developed in the last century - behaviorism

and cognitive science. The behaviorists dismissed the whole idea of the either rational

or emotional mind; in their view, inner states of the mind (like perceptions, memories,

emotions) are simply not appropriate research topics, as they cannot be examined

scientifically. Instead, they turned to observable and objectively measurable behavior

(hence the name!), and restrained themselves from using any mental state as

explanans or explanandum. In mid-century, though, the new cognitive sciences

dethroned the behaviorists and brought the mind back into the center of scientific

attention. By conceptualizing the mind as an information-processing machine (not

unlike to a computer), cognitive scientists resurrected the Greek idea of mind as the

seat of reason and logic, but banned the emotional part of the mind from

rehabilitation. Obviously, it was difficult to conceive emotions as part of a logical

reasoning process, and as such, they were left out of the cognitive research program.

Emotions were not rational, and studying them was probably not quite rational either.

Moreover, also the “subjective”-argument precluded their deeper inquiry: emotions

were seen as subjective states of consciousness, and insofar as cognitive science was


the science of logical information processing, rather that conscious content, they were

seen as mental states that fall outside a cognitive explanation.

Taken together, all the motives and topics outlined above subjected emotions

to a discourse that stressed the subjective, irrational and non-conscious (and thus:

elusive) character of its object, making it rather difficult to produce objective, rational

and scientifically valid statements about them. In other words, the dominant discourse

provided little space for any scientific efforts to speak and reason about emotions.

To turn emotions into an valid object for their research, then, the social brain

scientists had to change the discursive frame and re-define emotions in their sense:

instead of taking emotions to be subjective, they had to show that they are objective;

instead of accepting them as elusive, they had to make them identifiable and

measurable; and instead of considering them to be irrational and non-cognitive, they

had to show how well they could be conceived as integral parts of the cognitive

processes in the mind.

3.2. Expressions of the emotional brain: The new discourse of emotion

This “scientification” of emotions is exactly what the social brain scientists

started to do since their first publications in the early 1990’s. The focal point in their

discursive efforts to move emotions into the realm of the scientifically researchable

was an ontological re-centering of their object of study: Instead of continuing to treat

emotions as phenomena produced by the mind, they re-located them into the human

body, and conceived them as phenomena generated by the brain - the “organ” of the

mind. As such, emotions were no longer taken to be the outcome of some vague

mental processes largely independent of the physical machinery which executes them,


but -quite to the contrary- the actual results of specific physiological operations

embedded in and carried out by the brain. This switch from the elusive, subjective,

emotions “in the mind” to the tangible, objective emotions “in the brain” provided the

social brain scientists with an Archimedean point around which their re-ordering of

the old discourse of emotions could revolve, as it enabled them to approach emotions

in a totally new way. Now they could be placed under the authority of an

acknowledged and accepted scientific discipline - neural science, the science of the

brain: “The proper study of the mind begins with the study of the brain…Such an

approach depends on the view that all behavior – not only simple motor behaviors

such as walking or eating, but also complex actions that we believe are

quintessentially human, such as speaking, feeling, creating works of art – are a result

of brain function. The task of neural science is to explain them in terms of the

activities of the brain”, reads a passage from the introduction of an standard textbook

(Kandel 2000: 4f) of neuroscience, and gives a telling example of how emotions were

turned into a scientifically researchable and explainable phenomena.

In historical hindsight, then, it was the transformation of the elusive emotional

mind into the tangible emotional brain that made it possible to grant emotions finally

a (discursive as well as physical) space of their own within the scientific discourse.

But this directly opens up another question – how did the social brain scientist

manage to successfully ground emotions in the brain? Why is the brain the proper

place for the study of emotions?

From their own point of view, the answer seems self-evident - emotions are

conceived and examined as part of the brain because this is what they are: “I believe

that mind and self-consciousness really are of biological nature…I therefore argue


that the biological processes that we previously considered as mere correlates of

mental processes are in fact the mental processes themselves. […] It seems to be

certain that until 2050, we will have accumulated enough knowledge about those

biological phenomena that the old dualisms between body and soul, or brain and

mind, will vanish completely.” (Damasio 2002: 8ff) So, for the scientists the idea that

emotions are nothing but states of brain will win through because it is true to nature,

and –given time – will be supported by enough scientific evidence to rule out any

remaining doubts.

3.3. Putting emotions into the brain - the construction of a discursive space for

emotion in the neurosciences

Appealing as this answer may seem, our analysis cannot stop here. In the

previous chapter, we found that the “ being true to nature”-argument to legitimize

your views is a difficult one - at least if you look at it from a constructivist point of

view, which reminds us not to resort to nature (or society) as an external reference for

the statements. To explain how this new discourse came to be dominant and accepted

as true, we will therefore have to take a different route: According to my theoretical

model, the successful establishment of the “emotional brain” as a dominant concept

for speaking and reasoning about emotion can be explained through strategic

associations between different - and in this case: mostly discursive - elements (i.e.,

theories, ideas, ideologies) that come to form a coherent network of interrelated

statements. In order for this network of statements - or: discursive frame - to displace

the existent one, it must not only provide an alternative way of reasoning about

emotions, but it also has to be bigger, stronger, and more encompassing than the older


one.18 In the following, then, I want to reconstruct some of the chains of associations

and arrangements of elements that created this new discursive network for the

“emotional brain”. Particular attention will be paid to the operations through which

the social brain scientists secured and strengthened their discursive frame and

legitimated a neuroscientific view of emotions.

A comparative analysis of some of the foundational texts in the social brain

sciences reveals a common set of statements around which they all revolve. In

particular, five interrelated principles seem to form the core of their discursive net:

1. ‘Emotions are (embodied) in the individual’

This statement primarily inserts and reaffirms a discursive rule in the context

of emotion which has been prominent in modern science from its very beginning – its

strict dedication to a methodological individualism19. It defines the individual as the

only carrier of our personality, and as such, demands us to start searching here for any

explanation of what makes us human, and more specifically, what makes us

emotional. This idea is so integral to scientist thinking that it no longer needs to be

spoken out explicitly, but it can be found everywhere: When neuroscientists declare

that “the proper study of the mind begins with the study of the brain” (Kandel 2000:4)

they of course imply that it is a single brain which is to study, and if they propagate

that “the task of neural science is to explain behavior in terms of the activity of the

brain” (Kandel 2000:5), it is obviously the behavior, or emotion of the individual in

which the single brain is contained that has to be explained.18 As Latour (1988:206ff) pointed out, it is not so much the power of logical coherence that gives such a network its strength and displacing power, but mostly a matter of how far its chains of association reach out, and how much elements it thus could muster /enroll to sustain and defend them.19 However, as Foucault (1975) has illustrated, the concept of knowing subjects as the carriers of agency (and the central object of investigation in the drive to “know thyself”) is not as universal and self-evident as it may seem, but in fact was a historically contingent development. As such, it is principally subject to change or undoing.


Grounded in this dedication to individualism, the social brain scientists can

easily ‘ rule out’ every other way to account for emotions, especially those which

conceive them as products of divine or otherwise spiritual entities (for example, in

creationist science) or as emergent phenomena - “social constructions that happen

between rather than within individuals” (Le Doux 1996:23) - like the “collective

unconscious” in the psychoanalytical tradition.

2.’Emotions are part of our organism’

The second principle of the brain scientists is that emotions cannot be

separated from our physical body, but must be conceived as intimately connected to

it. Two discursive elements in particular are mustered to support and legitimize their


First, emotions are considered to be part of the regulatory system that controls

the organic functions of the living body: “Emotions in the broad sense are part of the

bioregulatory devices which with we come equipped to maintain life and survive…

Emotions are collections of chemical and neural responses; all emotions have a role to

play in maintaining the life of the organism” (Damasio 1999:14/51). In a similar

manner, Le Doux (one of the founding fathers of the social brain sciences) establishes

a connection between emotion and bodily processes and enrolls another scientific

authority to support this linkage: “The response of the body is an integral part of the

overall emotion process. As William James, the father of American psychology, once

noted, it is difficult to imagine emotions in the absence of their bodily expressions.”

(Le Doux1996:40)

This argumentation is further solidified by placing it well within an

evolutionary perspective, which serves as the second discursive resource for


transforming emotions into an obvious part of our physical body: “All animals,

including people, have to satisfy certain conditions to survive in the world and fulfill

their biological imperative to pass their genes onto their offspring…Each of the

diverse groups of animals has neural systems that accomplish these behavioral goals.

And within the animal group that have a backbone and a brain, it seems that the

neural organization of particular emotional behavioral systems – like the system

underlying fearful or sexual behavior – is pretty similar across species. Our

understanding of what it means to be human involves an appreciation of the ways in

which we are like other animals as well as the ways in which we are different.”

(Damasio 1999:17). According to Damasio, then, emotions are best conceived as the

product of different stages in the evolution of the neural system, both in our human

and animal predecessors: “Emotions are biologically determined processes, laid down

by a long evolutionary history” (Damasio 1999: 51) To further immunize his

arguments from any criticism, he reminds us that “neuroscience cannot proceed as if

Darwin never existed” (Damasio 1999:39), enrolling yet another founding father -

this time, of evolutionary biology - as a supporter for the social brain scientists’ cause.

In sum, by associating them with our evolutionary history and homeostatic

regulation system, emotions became firmly connected to our organism. Most

importantly, this discursive operation opened up (“ruled in”) the possibility to relate

mental emotional states to their biophysical expressions, which could be more easily

subjected to systematic observation.

3. ‘Emotions are valid objects of research, as long as feelings are kept out of it’

The third theme follows from the second: If emotions have biophysical

counterparts, those can be scientifically examined. As such, emotions are no longer


some vague, elusive, subjective phenomena, but become objectively researchable

events: “If, indeed, emotional responses are effects caused by the activity of a

common underlying (neural) system, we can then use the objectively measurable

emotional responses to investigate the underlying mechanisms.” (Damasio 1999:18)

First, however, the scientists should be clear about their real object of inquiry:

“The conscious feeling that we know our emotions are red herrings in the scientific

study of emotions…Conscious emotional experiences are but one part, and not

necessarily the central function, of the system that generates them. If we are going to

understand where our emotional experiences come from, we have to reorient our

pursuit of them. From the point of view of trying to understand what a feeling is, why

it occurs, or where it comes form, the feeling itself may not have much to do with it at

all.” (Damasio 1999:20) For this reason, Damasio advocates a principled distinction

between the term “emotion” and “feeling”, as these two terms indicate two sets of

phenomena: “The term ‘emotion’ should be used to designate all the physiological

responses that are triggered by a certain neural system. The term ‘feeling’, as a

shorthand for “feeling of emotion”, should be reserved for the private, mental

experience of an emotion. In practical terms that means that you cannot observe [and

thus, further analyze! P.B.] a feeling, only the emotion (or some aspects of it) that

gave rise to it.“ (Damasio 2000:15)

Obviously, then, this definition of ‘emotions’ and ‘feelings’ re-orders the

entire discursive frame in which the social brain scientists conceive their object of

inquiry: It is not the emotion that is vague, subjective, and elusive (as it always has

been in the previous discourses of emotion), but only our conscious experience of it -

and for this reason, the social brain sciences could and should deal only with

emotions, not personal experiences and‘ feelings’.


4. ‘Emotions are cerebral functions and can be studied as such’

This statement places emotions (that is, emotion minus‘ feelings’) even further

in the realm of the scientific research-able: If emotions are the expression of

evolutionary derived, biological processes instantiated in the neural system of the

brain (as proposed in statement 2), it follows that the emotional system originated and

further differentiated in the context of the general structural and functional

development of the brain. As such, it has to be conceived and investigated as a

specialized cerebral function located in some parts of the brain20: “The brain has

distinct functional regions…affective traits and aspects of personality are also

anatomically localized in the brain. Although emotional aspects have not been

precisely mapped (yet), distinct emotions can be elicited by stimulating specific parts

of the brain in humans or experimental animals. The localization of affect has been

dramatically demonstrated in patients with certain language disorders and those with a

particular types of epilepsy.” (Kandel 2000:14)

However, this view of emotions as – localizable - functions of the brain is also

important in another regard: it opens up the possibility to differentiate normal

emotions from abnormal ones by comparing their underlying cerebral mechanisms,

thus offering a new understanding of psychological disorders: “All the behavioral

disorders that characterize psychiatric illness – disorders of affect and cognition - are

disturbances of normal brain functions” (Kandel 2000:5) Moreover, by associating

pathologic emotional states with disturbed brain functions, the social brain scientists

also imply a new approach to their clinical treatment – one that directly aims at

20 However: The exact principle of structural and functional organization of the brain is still under debate – there is a (dominant) segregationalist discourse (“neo-prenology”) and a connectivist discourse that questions the regional location of brain functions. I will come back to this point.


abnormal brain functions instead of their behavioral expressions. Lane et. al outlines

the therapeutic potential of such a perspective of emotions-as-brain-functions for

patients with autism, sociopathy and similarly impaired empathic awareness:

“Learning the details of how the capacity for empathy fails to develop, and creating

effective intervention methods to improve normal function in this area would have an

important impact on the sense of well-being on an individual level or the eradication

of prejudice and discrimination on a broader social scale” (Lane et al. 2000: 409).

Ingeniously, Lane et al.’s argument does not only link their discourse of emotion with

the diagnostic and therapeutic aims of the clinical profession -that is, learning more

about, and possibly treating a serious disorder -, but even enrols future patients and

the society at large for their new view, which will raise their well-being and reduce

their societal exclusion!

5. ’Emotions are integral to reasoning’

According to Damasio (2000:13) the opposition between cognition and

emotion is an ‘artificial’ one, and also other social brain scientists question whether

emotional behavior can be separated from behavior considered more ‘cognitive’: “The

fact that some components of an emotion can be triggered before full awareness of its

cause does not conflict with a cognitive view. Although they may have many

problematic effects, none of these phenomena require an extra-cognitive

explanation…When is cognition implicated in emotion – always, sometimes, or

never? Our answer, of course, is always!” (Clore/Ortony 2000:55ff)

For the social brain scientists, then, emotions are best studied as if they were

another cognitive phenomenon. Consequently, emotional processes can (and should)

be integrated into the neurocognitive framework, opening up the possibility to tap


their established explanatory and methodological repertoire in the study of emotions:

“Questions such as the fundamental organization of emotion fit well into the cognitive

neuroscience research program and do not limit it in any way. Methods and strategies

used to answer questions about emotion can be enriched by the approaches taken in

other domains of cognitive neuroscience.” (Lane et al. 2000:408)

Evidently, then, a main motivation of the discursive operation to make

emotions ‘cognitive’ was to integrate them in the cognitive neuroscientific discourse

so that the social brain scientists could associate their approaches with those of an

established discipline – one whose scientific authority was undisputed and thus could

help to legitimize their own efforts. Particularly, they hoped to exploit the accepted

neurocognitive linkage of the mind and the brain: in fact, the cognitive neuroscientists

themselves have just successfully established the idea of the ‘cognitive brain’ by

combining the classical cognitive scientific questions -the study of the reasoning

mind- with neural sciences -the science of the brain - to study the physical

embodiments of cognitive processes in the brain. (Kandel 2000:5). The social brain

scientist had good reasons to believe that their concept of an ‘emotional brain’ could

be turned into a valid scientific object in a similar fashion. But to do so, they

obviously first had to prove that emotion is not different from cognition, but could be

conceived as a cognitive phenomenon as well.

This implosion of the cognition-emotion-boundary was thus the coup de grâce

against the old discourse of emotions, and at the same time an important maneuver

with which the social brain scientists solidified their own discursive net around which

the ‘emotional brain’ revolved.


3.4. The epistemological and ontological politics of the emotional brain

Taken together, the five principles of the new discourse of emotion form a

coherent framework, within which a completely new understanding of emotions is

possible - one that turns them into a clearly delineated scientific object that is worth of

neuroscientific inquiry: “ Emotions are specific and consistent collections of

physiological responses (see statement 3) triggered by certain brain systems (see

statements 2 & 4) when the organism represents certain situations…In a typical

emotion, then, certain regions of the brain, which are part of a largely preset neural

system (see statement 4) related to emotions, sends commands to other regions of the

brain and to most everywhere of the body proper.…both the body proper and the

brain are largely and profoundly effected by the set of commands (see statement 2) ,

although the origin of those commands was circumscribed to a brain system (see1)

that was responding to a particular set of sensory patterns (see statement 3)…Thus,

emotion is best studied as if it were another cognitive phenomenon (see statement 5).”

(Damasio 2000:16ff)

If we follow Foucault in his view that a discourse determines the ways a topic

can be meaningfully reasoned about, we have to keep in mind that such a discursive

framework not only empowers a speaker to formulate certain questions and

statements about its object of inquiry, but also rules out certain others which are not

accepted (‘sayable’) in its context. With regard to the new discourse of emotion, the

question thus arises which research trajectories and knowledge claims are already

implied in the ‘emotional brain’, and which alternative ways of understanding

emotions are deliberately left out.


Generally speaking, two different discursive effects can be observed. On the

one hand, the concept of the “emotional brain” effectuates a profound redefinition of

the nature of emotions by assigning or negating them certain qualities; on the other,

the social brain scientist’s discourse of emotion also contains a certain

epistemological-disciplinary politic that delimits which knowledge about emotions

can be accepted as (scientifically) valid, and the appropriate ways to arrive at it. I

want to review each of these processes in turn.

As indicated, the first effect is a far-reaching ontological reconfiguration of

what emotion - and in fact, the human mind in general - really is: by referring only to

the neural aspects of our mind in the explanation of emotional phenomena, a

naturalized human self (i.e., a self in which everything is explained in naturalistic

terms) is generated. Only those ontological qualities of the self that can be accessed

neuroscientifically and explained without an extra-cognitive explanation are accepted

as existent, whereas those which imply a non-biological origin are ruled out. In the

following, I would like to illustrate these ontological reconfigurations with some

examples extracted from texts and my own interviews with researchers in the fields of

social brain science.

As mentioned by Damasio, questions about subjective phenomena like

“feelings” or “conscious emotional experiences” are somewhat difficult to address,

but also not relevant for a neurocognitive understanding of emotions. It is therefore

suggested that the scientists best bracket these issues out (at least for the time being)

and try to explain human behavior as much as possible without them. However, this

approach is not as unproblematic as it might seem, as one interviewee explained:

“There are a lot of scientists who believe that we don’t have to deal at all with such


subjective experiences when we study emotions. Yet, to focus only on neural

correlates of emotions without giving attention to one’s subjective sensations is highly

reductive, as it ignores the crucial role of personal experiences and feelings in the

execution of cognitive and emotional responses.” (Junior researcher, behavioral

scientist by training)21

Another researcher reflects the ontological consequences of the dismissal of

conscious awareness and feelings in the explanation of our emotions: “There is a

dilemma in our research: On the one hand, we must focus on the biophysical basis of

the mind and our emotions - it is only because of this reductionism that we are able to

talk about and deal with subjective experiences in an intelligible manner. On the other

hand, with every experiment that shows that the subjective is only a biological process

in the brain, we create the impression that the human being can be understood as a

mere robot or zombie - that is, a being which is able to think, act, or display emotions,

but finally lacks the ability to feel something.” (Senior researcher / Head of unit, M.D.

by training). What is left out in the social brain scientist’s view on the emotional brain

is thus much more than “just the idea that our behavior might still be influenced by

conscious “feelings” and other subjective phenomena22 - in the end, it suggests that

we should abolish the idea that there is any part of the human self which does not

function according to some fixed biological principles. Or, as a young researcher in

the Institute of Medical Psychology put it: “Neurocognitive science conceives the

human brain - the organ of the mind - as a highly complex reasoning machine that is

completely determined by the rules and laws of nature…the ultimate goal of all their

21 As indicated in the previous chapter, most of interviewees were part of different neuroscientific research groups in Germany. As such, the interviews were conducted in German, and so this and all following quotes are based on my subsequent translation into English. For the sake of clarity, I tried to stick to the original expressions as closely as possible.22 As, for example, in the psychoanalytic view on mental life, which conceptualizes and explores the relation between emotion and cognition just the other way around - here, unconscious and largely non-cognitive factors (sexual desires etc.) determine our behavior.


efforts would be: How can I describe the entire brain with a single formula, from

which then everything else can be deduced?” (Junior researcher, physicist by training)

In a discourse that tries to naturalize every aspect of the human mind (or

brackets it out if this is not possible), the traditional philosophical ideas of a “free

will”, “body-mind-dualisms” or the “eternal soul” of human beings appear to be

rather pointless. But it is not only our traditional self-concept which is put into

question, but also some of the most central societal practices and institutions that are

built upon them – as the neuroscientists themselves do admit: “Everything that we

usually attribute to the mind in dualistic mind-body-models actually has a biological

cause. We consider ourselves as being free in out actions, but from a neurobiological

standpoint, this volition simply does not exist. Likewise, the construct of an

“immortal soul” is not bearable from a scientific point of view. These changes in our

traditional self-understanding of ourselves are painful, even for the researchers

themselves…And just think of its implications for education and jurisdiction: How

can I teach someone to take responsibility for his choice of actions – or punish him if

he intentionally transgresses a societal rule – if there is, strictly speaking, no such

thing as a free will or volition? Moreover, what would it mean for our communal live

if the Christian belief in a life after death becomes totally obsolete and socially

discriminated?” (Singer 2002:32f)

The ontological reconfigurations of the social brain scientists – i.e., the

naturalization of every aspect of human emotion - are further solidified by a certain

epistemological politic that is embedded in their discourse of the emotional brain. It

delineates the epistemological standards and disciplinary practices that are ruled in to


authoritatively speak and to generate valid knowledge about emotions, and

marginalizes those who speak outside of this framework.

One example of such epistemological “boundary-work”23 - that is, the

separation between what constitutes a valid method of producing knowledge, and

what doesn’t - is the discredit of the subject as the person who knows best about his

emotions and feelings, instead giving the neuroscientist the sole authority to speak

about the human mind and its emotions: “The neuroscientist’s claim to objectively

measure emotions puts into question the certainty and ability of the individual to

know best what he is feeling. It suggests that the scientist might be able to explore,

unveil and possibly control his innermost secrets - the way he feels and thinks – better

than he can do it himself. In other words, both the subjective and the subject is

demystified, objectified and devaluated.” (Senior Researcher / Head of department,

M.D. by training)

In a similar manner, the neuroscientific discourse of the emotional brain also

rejects any other scientific or medical frameworks to approach the human mind, such

as psychoanalysis, hypnosis, etc. No matter what findings their alternative

epistemological-disciplinary practices might produce, they are considered to be

invalid or seriously flawed (and thus cannot provide a sound and reliable footing for

further research, clinical diagnoses or therapeutic work) because of their inclusion of

factors that are outside the neurocognitive explanatory repertoire. So, whether they

are alternative accounts or the patients’ subjective experiences of emotions, both

should be ruled out in favor of a neurocognitive view, as “none of these phenomena

require an extra-cognitive explanation”. (Clore/Ortony 2000:55).

23 I owe this expression to Thomas Gieryn and his analyses on the “cultural boundaries of science” (1999).


By establishing and enforcing knowledge-making practices of their own, the

social brain scientist thus institutionally secures their ontological reconfigurations of

the emotional brain. In fact, with each and every scientific work that conforms with

their epistemological principles, the existence of a naturalized human self is

(implicitly or explicitly) instantiated anew – not only because of the actual findings

(which well might be inconclusive), but because their generation according to the

discursive rules of the emotional brain.

I want to finish my discussion of the ontological and epistemological

reconfigurations with a short but illustrative example – the naturalization of fear in the

neurocognitive discourse.

Early on in the short history of the social brain sciences, fear was picked out as

one of the basic emotions that can be found both in animals and humans24. As such,

fear was conceived as an evolutionary arrived, automatic response reaction to a

threatening stimulus that is processed in a circumscribed (and evolutionary old)

region of the brain, the amygdala. Animal studies provided further evidence that fear

can be understood as a physiological phenomena that - at least to a great extent- is not

under conscious control, both in animals and humans: “When the stimulus occurs, the

organism (snail, rat, person) reacts the way its species normally respond to danger. No

conscious awareness is needed in the snail or the human” (Le Doux 2000:543). Based

on this understanding of fears as a automatic behavioral reaction, it was then argued

that also social fears (such as being afraid of talking in front of a lot of people) can

best be understood as just a special case of fear – namely, where a specific emotional

response is triggered by a certain fearful social stimulus or social situation. But if

24 Indeed, some of the pioneers and leading experts of the emotional brain (among them Le Doux) actually started their career in the field of animal studies, using classical fear conditioning to study emotions in the brain.


social stimuli are processed the same way as any other stimuli, then abnormally strong

fear reactions, such as social phobias, are best conceived to be the result of an

impairment in the brain’s ability to distinguish and normally process fearful and non-

fearful social stimuli.

If this new understanding becomes dominant, it might have far reaching

consequences both on a personal level -especially for those who suffer from such

social phobias- as well as in the wider medical or social context. In the end, it negates

the role of cultural or socio-psychological factors (such as stress and anxieties caused

by experiences of poverty, social deprivation, violation, etc.) in the explanation of

such psychiatric disorders like sociophobia or sociopathy, and instead suggests that

their real causes (and possible starting points for a therapy) lie in structural or

functional abnormalities of the brain.


4. The Experimentalization of Emotions

“It is quite obvious to me how dangerous it is to try to demonstrate a theoretical

proposition directly by experiments”

Friedrich Schiller, responding to J. W. Goethe and his essay

‘The Experiment As Mediator between Object and Subject.’

In this part of my analysis, I wish to take a closer look at the specific

experimental methods and activities through which neuroscientists generate and

empirically tackle (‘mobilize’) emotions in the neuroimaging laboratory. I will begin

with the description of an affective neuroimaging study about media-visual violence.

Then, I will critically analyze the canonical experimental model according to which

such studies are conducted, and compare this “textbook procedure” with the actual

experimental activities in the violence study. This comparison will point out the many

indeterminacies inherent to the “textbook model” of neuroimaging, and illustrate the

role of local knowledge and pragmatic adjustments in the actual realization of a

neuroimaging experiment.

The previous chapter described how the new discourse of emotion places

emotions well within the cognitive neuroscience framework and its overall research

program. However, the concepts and theories of the emotional brain do not further

specify how to produce empirical evidence for its existence - i.e., the material-

biological reification of an emotion in a real brain. So, while the new discourse

provides the social brain scientists with a general frame of reference in which the


emotional brain can come into being, more work has to be done to make it physically

appear and researchable as a real scientific object.

Much of this work takes place in the experimental setting of MRI centers and

similar neuroimaging laboratories, which is why I want to bring these into closer

focus now. In the following, I will therefore examine the specific experimental

practices through which social brain scientists generate and empirically tackle the

emotions in their neuroimaging labs. In particularly, I want to analyse how the

different experimental designs, research methods, technical instruments and

disciplinary traditions are mutually adapted and combined with each other to form an

experimental “system” in which the phenomenon under investigation (i.e. the neural

correlates of emotion) comes into existence.

To adequately analyze this materially heterogeneous framework for producing

objects of knowledge, I will adopt a twofold approach: on the one hand, I want to

(discursively) examine the principal components and basic procedural steps -the

‘textbook ingredients’, so to say- of the experimental system that is considered to be

canonical in neuroimaging practice. On the other hand, I want to (ethnographically)

contextualize these standard practices by discussing a real example of their

instantiations in an experiment the design, development and realization of which I

have followed during my fieldwork in a neuroimaging lab.

The main motive for this juxtaposition is the contention that in order to fully

understand experimental practices, one has not only to focus on the structural

characteristics of the network that makes up the experimental system, but also on the

ways it is modified and put into operation in a local setting: it is only through their

mutual adaptation that the assembled research methods, scientific instruments and

local knowledge practices evolve into a productive and smoothly working machinery


for defining and producing objects of knowledge – or, as Rheinberger (1999: 224) put

it, “a reasoning machinery in its own right”.

Before commencing with the analysis, however, I want to give a short description

of the neuroimaging study that serves as the empirical point of reference for my




The empirical case study

The central goal of the study in question was to explore the “effect of medial representations of violence on brain and behavior” (also the working title) in three different subject groups: criminal sociopaths, sociophobes, and a normal control group. Within every group, one half of the subjects (4-5 persons) would be confronted with some form of medial representation of violence (such as: playing an explicitly violent computer game, like the ego-shooter game “Quake”), whereas the other half would be presented with a similar medial stimulus without violent contents (in this case, a non-violent computer game). After that, every subject would take part in a behavioral experiment that was deliberately designed to evoke aggressive reactions. During the realization of the experiment, the subjects’ brain activity would be constantly measured (‘scanned’) via functional magnet resonance imaging, supplemented by some basic physiological measurements (heart rate, respiration, etc).

It was assumed that the medial display of violence would effectuate a more aggressive behavior in the members of the sociopath group and the control group, but a less aggressive reaction in the sociophobic group (always in comparison to those group members who were not exposed to the violent medial stimulus). Based on this expectation, it was then hypothesized that in connection with this rise (or reduction) in aggression, different activation patterns in the prefrontal cortex – the outer layer of the brain - would be detectable. Moreover, it was suggested that the three groups might also differ significantly in the extent to which certain cortical and subcortical areas of the brain -namely those supposably responsible for the regulation of fear and aggression- are active during the performance of the experimental tasks. As stated in the project proposal, the researchers hoped that the results of their experiment would indicate some neurobiological explanations for the different effects medial violence has on different groups.

(Source: Die Wirkung von medialer kriegerischer Gewalt auf Gehirn und Verhalten. Studienprotokoll, Institut für medizinische Psychology und Verhaltensneurologie, Universität Tübingen, 2003)

As will be illustrated in the following, this original plan would be hotly

debated, modified, and redrafted several times before the experiment finally was

conducted in the MRI lab. These shifts and changes, however, lie at the heart of what

experimental practice is all about - getting an experimental model system to work in

your local setting. It is to this standard model -and its local adaptation- that I want to

turn now.

4.1. The experimental system in neuroimaging research

The current experimental approach in neuroimaging has its origins in the

seminal PET- and fMRI-studies conducted by Petersen et al (1988) and Ogawa

(1992). While Petersen et al.’s earlier PET-experiments were important for the

development of the overall methodological framework, it was Ogawa’s ingenious

application of MRT scanning technology which made functional imaging so

appealing for neuroscientific research, as MRI scanners didn’t demand the injection of

radiation tracers in the subject’s brain before the scan (thus making multiple sessions

possible), were less expensive (making them much more widely available – almost

every hospital has one), and had a better spatio-temporal resolution than PET

scanners. Nowadays, neuroimaging studies (mostly conducted via MRI) fill the pages

of every neuroscience journal and proceeding or conferences, and their overall layout

still closely mirrors the conceptual assumptions, experimental designs and research

methods first introduced a decade ago (Gazzania et al 2002:138). This indicates a

rather continuous experimental system for neuroimaging research. In the following,

its constitutive ingredients shall be discussed in more detail.


4.2. The principle of experimental availability

An obvious element (or even: a prerequisite) of the experimental system in

neuroimaging is the possibility that the phenomenon under investigation can actually

be made experimentally available, that is, it can be occasioned at specific times, with

identifiable beginnings and ends, ideally in a repetitive manner and without any other

concurring phenomena.

The social brain scientists already took this requirement into account in the

way emotions were re-defined in their discourse. Based on the understanding of

emotions as “evolutionary-arrived, physiological responses to certain situations”, they

now can be further transformed into simple stimulus-response-pairings that lend

themselves easily to experimentation, because stimuli can be defined, designed and

controlled, and responses can be observed and measured in a systematic manner in the

laboratory setting. However, not every emotional phenomenon complies with these

conditions and thus not all of them are equally amenable to experimental replication.

In some cases, experimental availability is generally taken for granted (for example,

simple emotional conditioning), whereas in others it is contestable, either in principle

or in practice.

The latter, more practical problem of replication is caused mainly by the

physical and psychological confines of the MRI-instrument. During the experiment,

the subject’s head is rigidly fixated, and his entire upper body completely immersed

into a narrow tube around which a strong magnetic field is first built up and then

permanently measured with a rather unsettling loud sound. Needless to say, these

technical restrictions alone prevent a wide range of possible experimental designs (for

example, those demanding a face-to-face interaction between two persons), and make


others quite difficult to realize (for example, experiments that depend on the subjects’

movements, or his auditory capacities). In addition to that, the artificial and rather

claustrophobic nature of the MR-scanner makes it nearly impossible to elicit certain

kinds of emotional reaction. The principal researcher of the aforementioned

aggression experiment explained to me that “because of the aversive nature of such an

environment, we usually cannot evoke positive emotions like happiness or love, or at

least not in those subjects who are not already well acquainted with these kind of

experiments.” (Senior researcher, M.D. by training)

The second problem with the experimental reproduction of emotions is a more

fundamental one: in a lot of cases, it is not clear whether a reliable, valid way to

stimulate the reaction exists at all. Although there is consensus that certain culturally

invariant stimuli reliably and validly elicit a set of basic emotions (anger, fear,

disgust, happiness, sadness and surprise) in nearly every culture around the world, it is

questionable whether similarly universal stimuli (or combinations thereof) exist for

the more complex kinds of emotional reactions that are involved in social cognition.

But even if such universally valid social stimuli were available - would the subjects

always be able (or willing) to respond to them as intended?

To sum it up, the social brain scientists are often confronted with experimental

situations in which it is difficult to either choose the right stimuli, or to reliably

generate the intended emotional state in their subjects. Moreover, exactly those

phenomena that matter most to the social brain scientists -complex social and

emotional behavior- appear to be the least suitable for experimental replication and

analysis, and thus have to be approached under epistemological uncertainties (at least

with regard to their experimental validity).


This ethnographic example highlights some of the problematic aspects

inherent in the experimental system - the uncertain status of the emotions replicated in

the neuroimaging lab: can the experiment really occasion the emotions in question?

However, the example also indicates how this problem is solved in the local setting:

Whether certain situations and emotions are considered to be practically do-able in a

concrete experiment is often rather a matter of pure “scientific” reasoning than of

personal judgment and experience, disciplinary reasoning, or institutional politics!

As we will see in the next paragraph, a similar problem-and-solution pattern

emerges in the context of the second element of the experimental model - the

definition of the emotional function under investigation and the design of a

corresponding experimental task that operationalizes it.

4.3. The definition and operationaliziation of emotions

Ideally, the definition and operationalization of a specific emotional function

can be deduced from an overarching theoretical framework. It would specify what


Fieldnote No. 1

It shouldn’t be surprising that the problems of experimental feasibility and validity were also prominent in the “violence”-study. Although it seemed logical and inventive to use a medial-visual stimuli (like a violent computer game) to provoke aggressive behavior (indeed, this setting was seen as a good replication of a situation in real life), a debate among the researchers ensued how to practically implement this experimental condition: Should the subjects play before the actual experiment starts, or better during its execution? And what difference would this make?

Before these discussions could come to an end, however, the head of the institute (professor of medical psychology) intervened and removed the computer play condition altogether, as he considered it to be a experimental condition which was too unspecified and contained too many uncontrollable stimuli. Instead, he proposed a different group sampling in which one half would consist of subjects who characterized themselves as regularly playing violent computer games, and the other half made up of people who reported to not play such games at all.

events occasion the function in question, which mental and physiological processes

are involved in its execution, and what observable behavior is effectuated.

Unfortunately, the reality in the social brain science is different: For one thing, the

scientist cannot yet refer to such a broad and detailed “theory of emotion”; instead

there are many different “theories of the middle range” which are quite indeterminate

with regard to their possible operationalizations. Moreover, he is confronted with the

fact that at any given point usually more than one theoretical approach is considered

viable, and each conceptualizes a specific function differently (Papanicolaou


Faced with the double problem of theoretical pluralism and operational

indetermination, most brain scientists resort to a largely data-driven research strategy.

Typically, the definition of emotional functions is no longer primarily informed by

theory, but is based on their possible operationalizations, i.e. a emotion gets re-

defined by the experimental stimuli and conditions under which it can be produced in

the lab, and its function thus is to respond to those stimuli (Kosik 2003). Moreover,

the specific set-up of an experiment is strongly guided by exemplary studies or

paradigmatic experimental designs, and most research hypotheses have their origins

rather in previous experimental findings (and the new questions they generate) than in

theoretical models. Commenting on the last point, a young researcher told me that in

his research group, “the hypotheses are formulated in a quite pragmatic manner. In

my last experiment, the hypotheses were deduced from an experiment of a colleague

of mine. In fact, it was just a replication of her experiment with some different

modalities…In some studies, however, one really wonders if they were only

formulated ‘ex post’ to match the experimental results, as are all grounded in different

theoretical strands without any discernible conceptual coherence or common


theoretical frame. Personally, I consider such a purely data-oriented approach as not

really scientific.” (Junior researcher, neurocognitive scientist by training)

In sum, the experimental operationalisation of emotions -which in principle,

seems to be quite a difficult and problematic affair- usually is accomplished in a quite

straightforward and pragmatic way in neuroscientific practice. This can also be seen

in the design-process of the “violence”- study:


Fieldnote No. 2

As mentioned, the original intention of the study was to examine the influence of violent medial-visual stimuli on a subjects’ disposition to react aggressively. As indicated , the problems with the definition and practical realization of a ‘violent medial-visual stimuli’ proved too complex so that this part of the experiment was dropped and simply replaced with a different group sample. This left the researchers with the problem of defining and operationalizing the ‘aggressive reaction’ they wanted to analyze via fMRI.

Initially, it was planned to generate aggression with classical aversive (fear) conditioning. This way of operationalizing aggressive emotions was generally accepted in the scientific community (conditioning paradigms have been standard tools since Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiments), and some members of the research group had already used the same experimental design successfully in similar neuroimaging studies. After the new principal researcher (M.D, physician by training) joined the group, however, this design was put into question, as he wanted the experiment to be as straightforward as possible, both because he felt this would make journal submissions more successful -“peer reviewers like it simple and easily understandable…if the description of the research design takes more than a page, they tend to reject it”- and due to his own disciplinary background: “Because of our clinical training, physicians like me are more inclined to use ‘quick-and dirty’ models that deliver easily interpretable and applicable results”.

In consequence, an alternative way of occasioning aggression was searched for in the literature - and finally found in the form of a ‘competitive reaction time task’ that had been designed for a psychological experiment that also examined the effects of violent computer games on behavior. The new design seemed to be much more fitting to the emotional phenomena under investigation than the previous one, and it proved to be quite compatible with the requirements of the fMRI-setting. Subsequently, the entire experiment would be extensively re-modeled, until it was more or less a neuroimaging ‘replica’ of the original psychological experiment.

Once again, the case study illustrates the crucial role of local experimental

“cultures” and practices in the definition of what an emotional function (‘aggression’)

is or constitutes in a concrete experiment. The preference for simplicity and

practicability in definition and design is grounded both in specific disciplinary

approaches towards modelling, as well as in practical considerations and previous

experiences concerning the successful publication of the results.

Continuing our list of ingredients for the experimental system, we now come

to its third component: A method that connects the emotional event with the brain

activation measured by fMRI.

4.4. The right method to locate emotions in the brain

The final goal of the social brain scientists is to identify the mechanisms

responsible for emotions within the anatomical and functional structure of the brain.

To do so, they would need to know when a specified emotion (say, fear) begins and

ends, and would have to show that all experimentally performed tokens of this

emotional event are correlated with a certain set of unique brain activations, located

either in the same part of the brain, or in a specific connective pattern across it. Since

Petersen et al.’s seminal PET-studies (1988), the so-called subtractive method has

become the standard method to single out individual mental functions and to relate

them to recorded brain activations. In this approach, fMR-activation images obtained

in two states -usually referred to as the control state and the task state- are subtracted

from one another to create a difference image. This image identifies the areas of the

human brain that differ between the ‘task’ and ‘control’ state. Usually, but not

necessarily, the activation images of the ‘control state’ are recorded during a simple

resting condition (i.e. the subject is supposed to do nothing), while the ‘task state’


images are obtained during the actual execution of the experimental conditions. As

such, it is reasoned, the subtraction image would only depict those brain activations

unique to the mental processes during the experimental condition.25

Although the subtraction approach appears to be quite straightforward and

self-evident, it is not as unassuming as it seems. Indeed, it has been the subject of

constant debate since its introduction. Because it is one of the neural points of the

entire experimental system, I shall address these issues here in some more detail.

Its crucial contribution to the entire neuroimaging effort is grounded in its

congenial combining of two already established but separate research methods -one

stemming from the cognitivist tradition, the other from the neuroscientific one- to

create a conceptually simple yet effective method to explore and locate the mind in

the brain: It linked up the cognitivist idea of the decomposition of mental operations

with the neuroscientific principle of functional segregation in the brain and thus made

it possible that any mental task could become correlated to a certain brain region

through the subtraction of two activation images (for as long as those two images

differed only in the inclusion or exclusion of the decomposed mental task under


The critics of the subtraction method consider it flawed exactly because of

these conceptual linkages, and question its validity and usability on three accounts:

first, the principle of cognitive decomposition is based on largely uncertain

assumptions about the nature of mental processing; second, the view that the brain is

functionally segregated can be countered by an equally valid concept of functional

25 Through additional data processing and analysis, the subtraction images can be further used to specify the location and shape of the regions, and make it possible to quantify the magnitude of the change in activation. (? See chapter 5 for a longer discussion of the image-making procedure).


integration, and third, an activation image only represents brain activity during the

task execution, and not necessarily a mental state, let alone a mental function.

The last point resonates a problem mentioned earlier, namely the problems of

appropriately defining and operationalizing an emotional function. By defining

emotions in an experimental manner, the social brain scientists were able to

operationalize them, but at the same time this transformation prevents them from

making uncontested claims of having found mental states or functions in the brain.

Seen from an epistemological standpoint, an activation image cannot be directly

correlated to a real function, exactly because of what it represents - namely, the brain

activation evoked by a certain experimental condition, nothing else. (Kosik 2003)

The main point of criticism, however, is the concept of cognitive

decomposition upon which the subtraction idea is based26: According to one of the

central tenets of cognitive science, every mental process is composed of separate and

successive (cognitive/emotional) operations; as such, even highly complex mental

processes can be decomposed into their constitutive parts. On the basis of cognitive

decompositions already known, one can therefore design specific experimental task

conditions that singularly and precisely involve the mental operation under


As such, the subtraction depends critically on the construction of experimental

tasks for which researchers already have a plausible cognitive decomposition that

guides the interpretation of their imaging results. But these decompositions

themselves are contested, especially by advocates of dynamical systems models who

see behavior as an emergent product of highly distributed processes in the brain, not

as the result of successive stages of processing. Other researchers, while principally

accepting the concept of cognitive decomposition, consider the dominant model to be 26 See Bechtel (2001:68ff) for a more detailed discussion on this problem.


overly simplistic, as it doesn’t take into account any possible feedback-loops or

interactions between the different components: “The crucial problem with the idea of

cognitive decomposition is its assumption that mental processes are made up of

separate cognitive components which exist separately and thus can be singled out

piecemeal through subtraction, because there are no interactions or feedback-loops

involved. The subtraction approach thus is not just simply a mathematical operation,

but a theoretical model. And it is this model -or the assumptions it is based upon-

which seem highly unrealistic.” (Junior reseacher, physicist by training)

The scientific controversies surrounding the concept of cognitive

decomposition are further stimulated by their connections to a fundamental debate

about the proper way to conceive the functional organization of the brain27: on the one

hand, there is the idea of “functional segregation”, according to which every brain

area has its specific function. Obviously, the idea of segregation is congenial to the

idea of cognitive decomposition, as both explain the mental processes as being made

up of separate components. On the other hand, there is the view that functions emerge

from interactions between many brain areas, which -like the dynamic models of

cognition- stresses the distributed yet connected nature of brain activities. According

to this principle of “functional integration”, a circumscribed area can have no function

of its own, and in consequence, any efforts to correlate a mental function with a

circumscribed brain region by subtraction is quite futile. In their view, the subtraction

method (and the segregationalist results it produces) is logically flawed, as its findings

are strongly predetermined by its underlying assumptions of segregation and

decomposition: If one models mental functions in such a decomposite way, every

subtraction of two ‘task states’ can produce nothing but a regional activation image,

because all those elements that would evoke a more distributed activation (interaction, 27 See Kandel (2000) for an extensive discussion.


feedback, complexity, etc.) have already been ruled out by the way the experimental

tasks are designed. Also some of my interviewees pointed out this self-fulfilling

character: “By definition, the subtraction method only produces two kinds of results -

either, there is a local activation, or there is nothing at all. It is obvious that if you do

not look for interactions - because they cannot be modelled within the subtraction

method - you cannot find them.” (Junior researcher, behavioral scientist by training)

Accordingly, social brain scientists are still in doubt about whether

physiological changes in brain activation are really better analyzed through cognitive

decomposition and functional segregation or in terms of dynamic interactions and

distributed patterns. But even if one accepts that there is some sort of decomposition

(and by consequence, segregation) of mental processes in the brain, there remains the

question of exactly which decompositions (and local activations) the brain performs.

And as long as this question remains unanswered, any imaging study / subtraction

image is only as good as the assumption of decomposition of processing components

on which it relies (Bechtel 2001:70).

4.5. The right tools to do the job

Any discussion of the experimental model in the social brain sciences would

be incomplete without an examination of the element that is the main raison d’être of

the entire neuroimaging approach – the high-tech instrumentation that makes the

measurement and visualization of brain activity possible in the first place. Indeed, its

crucial role for knowledge formation in this new field is widely acknowledged (and

always stressed) by the scientists themselves, and also from my constructivist

viewpoint these technologies represent a central element in the whole neuroscientific

knowledge making effort. In fact, their specific epistemological and ontological


effects will also be the main topic of the following chapter. For this reason, I will

abstain from their detailed analysis for the moment and restrict my discussion here to

the practical aspects that govern their use in an experimental setting.

In general, the neuroimaging instrumentation consists of two separate

components: On the one hand, you need a device to register the signals of brain

activation during the experiment, and on the other, you need an instrument that further

processes and transforms the signals into a visual displays or graphical articulations of

the brain phenomena under investigation. So connected with each other, the

instrumentation produces a certain kind of re-representation of the original

phenomenon -an “inscription” or “immutable mobile” in Latourian terms- which then

can be moved around and inserted into other contexts - most importantly, into

scientific texts.

To illustrate the working of such an instrumental set-up (or “inscription

device”) in practice, I will retrace the steps by which it was put into use in the

‘violence’ study.


Fieldnote No. 3

Prior to the actual experiment, the ‘subject’ and the researcher first meet outside the MRT laboratory for a short briefing. The conversation touches on a short introduction to the experimental paradigm, the kind of task that the subject needs to perform, and some information about the potential risks of the examination due to the exposure to strong magnetic fields during the MR-scanning. The subject is then prepared for the scanning, that is, he has to remove all metal and magnetizable items such as watches, credit cards, or keys, and is put on a sled that is moved into the MR-scanner. After the subject has been pushed into the scanner, a short test stimulus is presented, and final adjustments to the magnetic field distribution and other scanner settings are made.

It is this graphical output of the computer program (see Table 1) which is

usually presented in an article and set into wider circulation (in neuroimaging journals

and elsewhere in the world outside the laboratory). As such, they represent a prime

example of what Latour (1987: 68) coined as an inscription -“a visual display that

constitutes the uppermost layer of an scientific text”.


Then, the experimental scanning sessions begin. The subject is exposed to a short visual stimulus upon which he is required to display a certain response. In dependence to that response, he is further asked to inflict a short painful stimulus, or he receives one himself. Each time this stimulus-response reaction happens, the scanner registers physical parameters of the subject’s brain, such as the difference between oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood in a certain brain area. The recorded physical data -the contrast between oxygenated and de-oxygenated hemoglobin in regional blood flows- provides the basis for calculating the neural activity during the actual experimental task.

When the scanning session is completed, many megabytes of raw data have been recorded as large time series carrying information about the appropriate time and place of the activity in the brain. They are now available for further processing, computation and manipulation on a computer. In fact, the actual calculations and analyses to extract and visualize the brain activations are quite demanding, and can only be performed with the help of sophisticated software programs. There are many different program packages available on the market, and they have by and large replaced the first simple programs developed by each lab in the early days of neuroimaging. However, due to the user-oriented design of these software packages, these processes are now almost entirely black-boxed, i.e. most of the work of the analysis (including the actual computation, all the methodological assumptions, model specifications, and other analytical details) is done automatically.

Proceeding with the neuroimaging analysis, the researcher’s main task now is to choose between various parameters and menu options, and to decide which model should be used to fit the data. Then the computer grinds a while to test the data against the different models and finally indicates those volumes of the brain where the synchronicity between a model of the brain activity assumed to be provoked by the task and the actual MR-measurements exceeds a chosen (statistical) threshold. The final results of the analysis consists of a table of brain coordinates with concurrent statistical significant of activations, which are conventionally displayed as a pattern of color-coded dots and areas superimposed on a standardized 2D/3D representation on a brain - the so-called “brain activation map” or just “brain image”.

Now, what do these insights into the constitutive elements and practical

operations of the experimental system in the social brain sciences leave us with?

First of all, we learned that to make an experimental system work in practice,

it needs more than the accumulation of all the ingredients that a “textbook approach”

tells you to gather: the standard experimental procedures and methods it specifies are

rife with indeterminacies, problematic assumptions, and inconsistencies which make

it impossible to simply transfer them into practice. Thus, to put it into operation, the

social brain scientists first have to bridge these gaps and through a pragmatic

adaptation and modification of the standard procedures. In this context, my

ethnographic examples have illustrated the crucial role of local experimental

‘cultures’ and disciplinary practices in the actual realization of an neuroimaging

experiment: it is only through their mutual adaptation that the assembled research

methods, scientific instruments and the local knowledge practices evolve into a

working experimental system in which the phenomenon under investigation can come

into being.

Second, we also learned that the process of re-defining ‘emotions’ is not

finished with their discursive transformations discussed in the last chapter. Quite to

the contrary, by entering the laboratory, emotions were further reconfigured by

experimental practices: In order to generate and measure emotions in an experimental

situation, they were redefined in an operational manner, that is, by the tasks that were

designed to make them appear during an experiment. Only through this

transformation of emotional states into experimental tasks, the experimental subject

and his/her brain could then be stimulated, and the resulting neural effects be

physically traced with neuroimaging instruments.


This brings me to my last point - the central role of the hightech

instrumentation to measure and visualize the emotions. Here, it seems as if the

computerized programs in particular constitute a vital component of the entire

experimental system: Scientist do not only depend on their algorithms to analyze and

make sense out of the data, but also rely on their versatile processing power for the

visualization and final inscription of their findings. At the same time, however, their

application is not unproblematic. For one, these computer tools are much more that

just ‘unassuming instruments’: most of today’s software packages work as true “black

boxes”, and the assumptions and procedures embedded in them can neither be

controlled nor changed by the ordinary user. Moreover, the availability of such

standardized tools has made the analysis not only easier, but also enforces the

establishment of certain methodological community standards and a certain

“neuroimaging culture” in general.28

Especially in view of the latter comments, there seems to be ample reason -and

enough open questions- to have a closer second look at the ensemble of neuroimaging

tools and practices that are involved in the generation of brain images. As already

indicated, the finer details of this complex and fragile transformation from the first

MR signal to the final inscription are therefore the main topic of the next chapter.

28In fact, neuroimaging research groups can be distinguished by the specific software package they prefer to use, and this choice might have quite some consequences both for their findings and their acceptance in the field. One of my interviewees explained that “there are some well-known and widely accepted software packages available, and you should better use one of them. Because if you use your own programs and algorithms, you always have to explain why you did neglect standard tools and methods. This quickly raises doubts about the validity of your findings, and people suspect that you only did use your own methods because you want to hide or make up something which wouldn’t be possible with a normal program.” (principle researcher, M.D. by training)


5. Inscribing emotions into the brain

“Images scatter into data, data gather into images”

Peter Galison

As seen in the last chapter, the empirical traces of the emotional brain that

appear in the neuroimaging laboratory are the product of a highly complex and locally

contingent process. Many indeterminacies and (contested) assumptions underlie the

experimental system in the social brain sciences, and its successful operation crucially

depends on its computer-based tools to analyze, visualize and make sense out of its

experimental data. The finer details of this complex and fragile transformation from

the first MR signal to the final inscription on a brain activation map are therefore the

main topic of this chapter.

I shall begin with a closer study of the transformation processes that converts

the ephemeral experimental phenomena under the MR-scanner into a solid and

universally valid representation (an “immutable mobile”) of the emotional brain - the

brain activation map. Two aspects deserve particular attention: first, what procedural

steps have to be taken to visualize and inscribe emotions on such a brain map, and

second, what influence does the computer-based neuroimaging technology exert on

the translation - which particular epistemological and ontological consequences arise

out of such a complex technical mediation? By following the translation chain, we

will see that -from the first signal detection through image construction and analysis

to the final inscription- one is permanently facing situations of uncertainty and

underdetermination. Depending on the assumptions held, and choices made in these

situations, different aspects of the phenomenon under observation will get translated,


so that one will end up with two different kinds of representation: Brain activation

maps as mimetical images, or statistical correlates of emotional processes.

These two contrasting views of what is inscribed on the map will then be

analyzed in some more detail. By doing so, it will become clear that they are

grounded in different epistemic positions vis-à-vis the veracity of the inscriptions and

the computer-based modeling and imaging processes that constructed them. Instead of

advocating one of these representations of emotions over the other, however, I want to

illustrate how the practice of translation might offer an explanation for their legitimate

parallel existence.

5.1. The process of inscription in neuroimaging practice29

As has been shown in the theoretical chapter, an immutable mobile is the result of a

cascade of successive transformations of the phenomenon under investigation. In

standard neuroimaging practice, these transformation comprehend (1) the conversion

of a brain activation into functional MR-signals, (2) their transformation into a visual

model (the MR-image) that can be subjected to (3) further processing and analysis in

the computer, and finally is (4) condensed into a single inscription - the brain

activation map30. These different stages will be discussed in the following. For their

better understanding, however, a short primer into the general principles of magnetic

resonance imaging should be given beforehand.

29 See Henning (2001) and Papanicalaou (1998) for the details on the neuroimaging methods and techniques that are discussed in this chapter.30 As has been mentioned in Chapter 2, the entire process of translation starts already much earlier, with the first tentative definition of an emotional function, and the design of the experimental task. Some of the discursive and experimental practices of transforming emotions have been examined in the previous chapters. The reason for focusing on these neuroimaging practices in particular is that from this point onwards, the translations takes place within a large black-box, the inner workings of which are crucial for the conversion of the experimental phenomenon into a immutable mobile.


The physical principle underlying magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is

nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). In a magnetic resonance (MR)-scanner, various

magnetic fields are used to generate the NMR signal from the hydrogen nuclei of

water molecules in the body. Each and every soft tissue and element in the body

(blood, fat, muscles, etc) emits a unique temporal and intensity NMR-signal pattern if

stimulated by a corresponding magnetic pulse. Other magnetic fields are used to

record these NMR signals from various positions in the three-dimensional space of

the body. Provided the recording frequency is set to the right parameters, the

individual spatiotemporal signals can be accurately located, discriminated and

measured, thus permitting the creation of a volumetric model of the resonance data –

the MR image. Usually, this three-dimensional set of signal intensities is visualized in

series of two-dimensional slices. Although this partition could be made in any

direction, it is typically made along sagittal or coronal sections of the brain.31

Thus, at first sight the MR-image looks quite similar to other medical images

of the body, like those obtained by X-ray, CT or PET. However, in some important

aspects MRI differs fundamentally from all previous imaging technologies. These all

relied on the principles of optical representation, which generates an image through

the recording of the linear radiation path that an imaging media (rays of light, X-rays,

or other radioactive rays) traveled during the imaging process. Moreover, the image is

always based on the bodies’ absorption or reflection of the imaging media. Either

way, the interaction between the imaging media and bodily matter is predetermined

by the physical characteristics of the imaging media, and therefore, every such image

could only convey a rather circumscribed type of information.

31 This special form of depiction is a leftover from anatomical practice (which used to cut the brain into pieces along these lines in their dissections) and classical radiological viewing traditions, and not related to any MRI-characteristic.


In contrast, MRI is not based on any of these optical principles: the recorded

data is not a radiation trace of any imaging media, but a wave signal pattern which

must be subjected to further calculation in order to infer a visual model of the data –

the resonance image. In other words, the constructed image is the indirect result of the

application of some modeling processes in the computer, not a point-to-point

correspondence based on a linear radiation path from the body to the imaging media.

This autarchy from optical principles offers some obvious practical

advantages. As the imaging process is based on a purely mathematical-logical

development process, it offers a much wider range of possible conversions of data

into images that material transformations (for example, the chemical-mechanical

development processes in X-ray photography) can offer. Depending on the algorithms

used, one can easily cut, copy and paste parts of the image, or further enhance and

warp it to offer new perspectives.

However, even more importantly than the increased potentials of data

visualization, the content of the MR-image too has become much more variable. In

fact, the full range of information that can be produced by NMR is still not fully

explored. The reason for this is that the hydrogen nuclei not simply resonate with

every magnetic pulse, thus saying “here I am!”. Instead, each measurement sequence

is like a game of question-and-answer, that is, depending on the pulse and recording

frequency used, you can extract very different information. Obviously, this variety

can also be quite challenging, as it presupposes that you know the right sequence with

which to “question” the object under the MR-scanner. Moreover -as the scanner

operates on the nuclear level- one needs a profound understanding of molecular


mechanisms in the body to translate these primarily physical information into

physiologically or clinically relevant data.

As we will see in the following, this understanding is still somewhat wanting

in the context of the BOLD-effect upon which the functional MR image is based.

5.2. Step 1 - Scanning emotions

According to the basic tenets of the social brain scientists, every emotional

state is supervenient to a neural activity in the brain. By design, however, the MR-

scanners are not able to detect directly either the flows of neurons or the synaptic

metabolism of nerve cells, both of which are seen as the constitutive elements of such

neural processes.

To acquire data about neural brain activity via MR technology, one therefore

resorts to the measurement of an indirect effect of neural activity, namely the changes

in blood-flow with which it is associated. It makes use of the fact that despite the

substantial increase in blood flow after neural activity, there is a much smaller

increase in oxygen utilization. This leads to a decrease in the concentration of

deoxygenated hemoglobin in the venous blood, which in turn effectuates a decrease in

the local distortion of the magnetic field that can be detected by specific MR-

measurement sequences. These changes are called the blood oxygen level-dependent

(BOLD) effect, and currently constitute the main mechanism for detecting the

hemodynamic changes connected to neural activity.

This translation of neural activities into a BOLD-effect, and further into a set

of magnetic resonance signals that can be detected and recorded by a corresponding

measurement sequence, already contains quite a profound transformation of the


original phenomenon. First of all, it is not just every brain activation of the

experimental subject that is of interest, but only the neural ones. In spite of this, it is

not the neural activation which will subsequently be observed, but a physiological

correlate (i.e., the BOLD-effect) to which it is related. What finally gets recorded (and

as such provides the basis for any further analyses), however, is not even the BOLD-

effect itself, but a set of magnetic signal values detected in a highly complex scanning


In other words, what enters the MR-scanner -the experimental subject and his

emotional brain-, and what leaves it -a data matrix that contains a spatiotemporal

series of his MR-evoked BOLD signals- is quite different, and the chain of translation

that connects both ends is not logically conclusive but based on certain assumptions

and associations made between the different stages. In fact, the continuity, stability

and validity of the translation crucially depend on these premises: question and

withdraw your confidence in them, and the entire chain may go bankrupt; stick to

them, and you will gain completely new insights into the emotional brain. A case in

point is the proposition to use the BOLD-effect as an indicator for neural activity: As

mentioned, the hemodynamic change is widely considered to be related to the

metabolic and neuronal activities. However, the exact details of the (molecular)

mechanisms underlying this effect are still unknown, and besides the established but

yet unproven view that BOLD-effects appear on, and thus mark, the very spot where

neural activity takes place, there have been findings that suggest that they might mark

a quite different (but still neurally relevant) spot - the target region of the neural

activity, but not its original source. This uncertainty resulted in a considerable debate

within the neuroimaging community, up to the point where a well-known researcher

proposed a moratorium of fMRI-analyses until the underlying mechanisms of the


hemodynamic response are discovered and a consensus on the significance of the

BOLD-effect is reached.32 Although this proposal was rejected, and the confidence in

the association between blood oxygen levels and neural activity was upheld, this

instance shows that the validity of this step in the translation chain is not beyond

doubt and cannot be taken for granted.

Obviously, despite all these uncertainties, the scientists have still good reasons

to sustain the crucial link between neuronal and hemodynamic activities - not

necessarily because it is so compelling, but because it enables them to approach the

emotional brain in a completely new manner: given this link, MR-scanners can be

used to make cheaper, safer, longer and more numerous recordings of neural activities

in a better spatiotemporal resolution than any other existing neuroimaging technology.

Moreover, because of the universal numerical code in which the signal data is

recorded, it lends itself easily to further computer-based modeling, processing and


5.3. Step 2 - Developing the image

It follows from the previous description that the recorded spatiotemporal

distribution of the MR-signals can be conceived as a three-dimensional matrix of

intensity values representing the relative activations of different regions (“voxels”33)

of the brain within a given interval. “Developing” the functional images on the basis

of such a distribution is a rather straightforward matter - in principle, the activation

image is just a mathematical-logical transformation of the recorded MR-data into a

32 Compare Logothetis (2001) and the ensuing discussions in Nature (2001) No 412 ff.33 Voxels are the three-dimensional volume elements in which the entire MR-field is compartimentalized; in a typical scan, they are between 1 and 2 mm3 .in size.


volumetric model. There are, however, several practical challenges in developing an

informative fMRI image.

One such challenge is the elimination of artifacts created during the recording:

involuntary movements of the subject’s head, local magnetic field inhomogeneities,

white noise fluctuations and similar imperfections in the measurement process lead to

artifacts and distortions in the recorded images, which in turn could seriously affect

the subsequent analyses, either by making up false activations or by concealing the

real ones. Because of the ubiquity of such errors, fMRI-data is always subjected to a

process of image correction and cleaning before being used any further. These

corrections -usually performed automatically by computerized routines and

algorithms- comprehend spatial realignment of the recorded data (to correct for head

movements), changes in the image resolution, and other complex mathematical

transformations (e.q., Fourier functions) of the data to sharpen the contrast between

activated and non-activated regions (to correct for white noise).

Once again, these conversions of the original data are not logically conclusive,

but based on certain -mostly mathematical- assumptions. There is no guarantee that

the images they produce are really free of any (remaining or newly made) errors.

Moreover, as most of the techniques employed to transform the images are quite

black-boxed, highly complex, and unconstrained from any optic principles, it is

sometimes doubted whether the emerging image is nothing but a contingent result of

some methods and techniques which just produce their own set of artefacts. Either

way, it seems as if blind faith in the outcome of these translations would be quite



However, if you have enough confidence in their fidelity (and the validity of

the mathematical assumptions in which they are grounded), they provide you with

some fascinating possibilities and insights: with the help of such correction routines,

the experimental impurities and particularities of the raw MRI-data will get sorted

out, while the specific features of interest can be further enhanced and purified.

Moreover, through this process of abstraction and purification, the phenomenon under

observation often reveals entirely new features - and new relations to other

phenomena- that weren’t visible before.

In sum, then, this part of the translation sequence can be approached from two

different angles: in one view, the more computation, conversion and correction, the

better it is for the final result, and the more powerful it becomes. In the other, it is just

the other way around - the less complex, “artificial”, and (mathematically) abstract the

imaging and image correction process, the more credible and faithful it remains to the

original phenomenon. These contrasting views (on how to translate) will also become

visible in the following stages of the image construction.

5.4. Step 3 - Making activations significant

The second issue in the development of the functional MR-image revolves

around the best way to arrive at what the imaging process is all about: the correct

identification and valid assignment of a local activation in the brain. The first part of

the problem is to decide how to separate and extract episodes of activations (the

experimentally created phenomena) from local background activation; the second one

concerns the methods to statistically validate the identified activations.

It is important to note that due to the overall baseline activation of the brain, it

is usually impossible to visually detect the small activation changes that a single


emotional event effectuates on a fMR-image. Its specific activation pattern is buried

in the seemingly random temporal variation of the brain. Just by comparing two

images, one thus cannot identify which one was obtained during the emotional event,

and one has to make repeated measurements to detect the relative activation increase

of a brain region (i.e., relative to the overall baseline activation level).

But given these repeated measurements, one faces another, much more

fundamental problem: from every distribution of signals, a variety of activation

images can be developed, dependent on how one decides to define activation. One the

one extreme, you may chose to consider signals that are much beyond the normal

range of intensities as indicative of activation (considering all the rest background

“noise”); on the other extreme, you might decide to consider signals slightly beyond

the range of background variation as indicative of activation. Depending on the

choice, a different image of the same activation will emerge. Provided that there is no

independent information to guide us in selecting the proper threshold and that we do

not know what activation profile to expect, it is unclear which of any two images

represents more accurately the actual activation profile.

The typical way to solve this problem -or actually, to bypass it- is to resort to

statistical tests that help decide whether the identified activation profile is just an

accidental variation of the background activation or not. In fact, the different software

packages offer a wide collection of statistical models to separate significant from non-

significant activations, and choosing the right one is a crucial task: Whereas great

activations are usually detected by even the simplest models, the detection of a

smaller activation often depends on the models used, and a change in the model

specification might easily result in the failure to detect the activation under



In the center of the entire neuroimanging effort -the identification of brain

activations- we therefore find another strategic translation: The biological problem of

defining a real activation is translated into the statistical one of finding the right model

to detect it, so that the question of a relevant activation threshold now becomes a

matter of statistical rather that biological reasoning. However, this delegation of the

definition and identification of relevant activations to statistical computation has its

own share of problems. For one, statistical model assumptions gain crucial

importance for the analysis, but at the same time are so complex that they are usually

back-boxed (or condensed into a menu option) in the software. The computer

programs are therefore much more that just unassuming instruments, and have certain

assumptions of the human brain activation and function already built in.34 Moreover,

the epistemological and ontological status of a significant activation is obscure (“the

tip of a conceptual iceberg”, as one researcher put it), even to some of the

neuroimagers themselves, who obviously find it difficult to base their understanding

of relevant activations entirely on statistics: “What are the relevant brain areas

activated in a given task? The complete answer to this question must not be limited to

the brain areas that happen to exceed some arbitrary, practical threshold for detection

by our current MRI-machines.” (Savoy 2001:30)

As with every other translation before, one has to put confidence in the

plausibility and authenticity of the transformation, which -once again- cannot be

legitimized by logical necessity but only by its pragmatic utility, that is, by the new

34 In a personal communication with the creators of one neuroimaging-software package, it was indicated to me that one can even identify different “schools” or “epistemic communities” which are defined by both their use of certain imaging-tools/programs and the acceptance of specific conceptual assumptions that go with them. See also Roepstorff (2002) for a more detailed discussion about the general role of these software programs in the neuroimaging community.


possibilities it offers to deal with the phenomena under investigation. And it does

make new, exiting things possible: it marshals a huge and powerful number of

activation events on demand. Instead of having a single activation image, you now

have long series of them, thus enabling to synoptically oversee and compare them.

Moreover, there is another strength in large numbers - they can provide you with

overwhelming statistical significance, thus enrolling all the power of elegant

statistical demonstration, inference, and persuasion for your cause.

In sum, then, the identification and validation of activations can be conceived

and accomplished in two different ways. One is based on the conviction that the less

complex the statistical models, and the simpler and robust the algorithms involved in

the analysis, the more valid the resulting activation image becomes. In this view, the

brain researchers often place too much emphasis on sophisticated statistical analyses,

and such a naïve confidence in statistical numbers might easily lead to

misinterpretations. Therefore, one should always inspect and verify the identified

activations visually (for example by cross-checking the threshold pictures with the

original, raw fMRI-data). The second approach, in contrast, considers it problematic

to rely on the visual impression of brain images. It stresses that -despite its photo-

realistic appearance-, the activation image actually is nothing but a quantitative

distribution of data points, and not a photograph of the brain. For them, it is a statistic

given a graphical form - and as such, its visual inspection can never be as good as a

powerful statistical analysis that is able to detect things hidden even to the most

experienced eye.


5.5. Step 4 - Putting emotions on the (brain) map

The final challenge in the process of image development is the actual

inscription of the functional activations into the physical structure of the subject’s

brain. Usually this “brain activation map” is created by superimposing the functional

on a structural image, that is, a high-resolution MR-scan of the anatomical structures

of the brain in which activations were detected. (See Figure 2 for a selection of

different brain activation maps)

A major problem related to the inscription process is the exact location of

these activated regions on the basis of the current neuroanatomical reference systems:

the ever-increasing spatial resolution of fMR-images makes it more and more difficult

to locate and depict them in the standard reference system of neuroscience -the

Talairach system- which is simply too imprecise to provide an adequate framework

for their accurate representation. Several new reference systems are therefore in the

process of development, but so far none of them is as firmly established in the field as

the old one35.

The issues of neuroanatomical reference, however, go also far beyond the

problems of precisely classifying the activations found, as such a common reference

system is also integral for any comparisons of activation pattern across the subjects of

a fMRI study. Obviously, their individual brains do not look the same, so one must

first place them in a comparable framework of standardized coordinates before they

can be subjected to any further analysis. This task is accomplished by mathematically

turning, twisting and stretching the presentation of each brain so that the result of this

normalization fits, in certain fixed points, the representation of a standard reference

brain. But, as there currently is no universally accepted reference system available,

35 See Beaulieu (2000) for a closer study of the problems surrounding the search for such a new standard system/standard brain.


this often ends up in brain activation maps that are not easy comparable with those of

other studies.

The final step of the translation sequence thus reveals some serious problems

with an adequate and universally comparable representation of the study results. For

one, the transformation of the individual brain activation images into a universal

representation is difficult because it is currently not clear which reference system to

use. Moreover, also the mathematical procedures and algorithms for transforming the

individual brains into the reference brain (however conceived) are not yet


Seemingly, also the final step in the process of inscription mirrors the

ambiguous nature of the translation process: Although the normalization algorithms

enhance the comparability of findings, they are also known to produce errors and

distortions. Likewise, the transformation of activation images into a standard

reference system universalizes results, but it also makes it more difficult to consider

these generalizations and abstractions as still supported by the empirical data. In other

words, there are good and valid reasons to approach it from either way, but none of

them are compelling enough to refute the opposite side.

5.6. Images of the mind - maps of the brain

The previous analysis has shown that the development of a fMR-image centers

around a highly complex sequence of transformations. Many of these are based on the

massive possessing power of modern computers and their software programs, and it is

fair to say that the potentialities arising out of this technical-digital mediation are what

makes MR-neuroimaging such a crucial tool for the social brain scientist’s (or in fact,


the entire neuroscientific) research effort. These great new possibilities however, have

their price - the many uncertainties and unsolved question about the validity of the

performed translations. My analysis illustrated that on each step of the translation

chain, it is unclear how to further transform the data (either preserving its original

form and visual gestalt, or statistically purifying and condensing its abstract essence)

and, in consequence, why to believe in the veracity of the resulting image (either

because of its fidelity to the original phenomenon, or because of the powerful

mathematical transformations and statistical tests it has been subjected to). These

inherent tensions about the epistemological character of the brain image lead to an

icono-“clash”36 between different groups in the neuroimaging community: for some,

the brain activation images represent mimetical images of the underlying mental

processes (“images of the mind”), while others consider them to be visualized

numbers that represent statistically significant brain activations accompanying certain

mental tasks (“statistical activation maps”).37

It is important to point out that these contrasting views on what is inscribed in

a brain image are not just a matter of purely academic concern, but come with some

real and far reaching consequences: For one, if the brain images are real images, then

their meaning is an emergent property that needs a trained and knowing eye to extract,

analyze and interpret it. Of course, the interpretation of images is a concept deeply

entrenched into medical practice, and the important role of the medical gaze has been

a prominent one for the longest part of modern medicine history38. As such, by

conceiving brain maps as images, the role (and status) of the classical medical

36 Latour (2001) introduced this term to describe what happens when there is confusion and conflict about the exact role of the mediating image in the process of translation.37 Beaulieu (2002) illustrates nicely these iconographic and iconoclastic urges that are related to the use of digitalized images in brain research.38 Foucault’s (1975) analyses are a case in point.


observer -the physician- is further strengthened. If, however, the brain images are

nothing but maps made up of numerical data, then it should be possible (at least in

principle) to develop algorithms that systematically examine and objectively interpret

them in terms of their clinical relevance. In the end, this might lead to a largely

automatized diagnosis of the brain, performed by sophisticated computer programs

that replace the physician and all the individual idiosyncracies inherent to personal

evaluations. In this view, then, the carrier of the medical gaze is no longer the clinical

expert, but the computer and those who develop and know how to use the imaging


Besides these (professional) consequences for the clinical applications of

neuroimaging, the iconoclash might also have a fundamental effect on the way normal

emotional functions and pathologies of affective behavior might in future be defined,

identified, and distinguished from each other.

If our emotions can be mimetically imagined, the definition and classification

of affective pathologies could easily be re-centered around their visual appearance

and gestalt on the brain map - deviant minds will come to be judged and classified on

deviant looks of their brain maps, just like in the physiognomic system of Lavater. As

such, the distinction between a normal emotion and a pathological one would be

written in, and could be read out of the morphological expression of the individual

brain (image). The examination of abnormalities would center on the visual

comparison of the case at hand with images of ideal types or typical cases and is a

matter of qualitative assessment of the categorical differences between the normal and

the pathological. In this view, then, images of emotion will become an important

element and referent for our perception of psychological illnesses and conditions, but


the identification and ascription of pathologies still depends on the subjective

judgments of an outside viewer.

If brain maps are visualized numbers, on the other hand, then their content is

thoroughly quantifiable, and any irregularities that would not be evident to the naked

eye of the observe now become apprehensible and can be discovered through

statistical analysis. The classification and definition of normal and pathological

emotions is no longer based on visual appearance but on their statistical-quantitative

essence. As Beaulieu (2000) has illustrated, this leads to a radically altered

(“statistically enhanced”) definition of normality: instead of choosing a typical or

ideal representation of a normal brain, it is possible to collect a huge sample of

individual brain scans and statistically average their features into a probabilistic atlas

that not only shows the „average“, normal brain, but also the typical range of

deviations from this standard that can be expected in a normal brain. As such, normal

and pathological emotions become redefined in relation to a statistical probability

distribution and its significance thresholds. From being discrete entities that are

categorically different, their difference now becomes a matter of degree. In this view,

the identification and ascription of aberrant affective functions is no longer performed

by the subjective observer (and his ability to qualitatively differentiate the normal

from the abnormal); but instead becomes an outcome that imposes itself through

statistical sampling.

Unmistakably, then, it does matter how you represent emotions: If you turn

emotions into images, then there are normal emotions and there are pathological ones,

and they are categorically different because they look categorically different. If you

translate them into statistical maps, however, then normal and pathological emotions

are not necessary distinguishable by their looks, and their difference does not lie in


their (categorically) different nature, but in their relation to their probabilistic

distribution in the population. Both approaches obviously imply contrasting

understandings and concepts of conceiving, diagnosing, and treating emotional


These examples were only meant to illustrate some of the issues that are at

stake in the debate about the best representation of emotion, both for the researchers

themselves and the wider societal sphere. The finer details of this controversy have

been discussed elsewhere (Beaulieu 2002). Here, I’d rather shed some light on the

underlying motives that inform these opposing views, and want to present my own

explanation for their (legitimate) parallel existence.

One of the main reasons for the different understanding of the image is that

due to the complex conditions of their coming into existence, there is uncertainty as to

what reality these representations actually refer to. As has been mentioned, for

phenomena happening in the scanner, there is no “natural” image, as the MR-

technology does not work according to optical principles. The recorded signals -the

voxels- do not resemble anything in reality but are abstract pieces of information that

can be transformed into all kinds of images. Each of these images thus is some kind of

simulation, that is, a model which tries to visualize some features of the original

phenomenon. As such, for fMR-imaging (much more than for optical imaging), the

question of how to conceive the epistemological relation between the model and the

reality it tries to simulate moves center stage. Within the neuroimaging community,

two different positions regarding this relationship can be identified:


The first is based on the conviction that there is an objective reality “out

there”, and the ideal model would mimetically correspond with this reality. For those

scientists, the main concern in the process of translation is to best preserve the form of

things as they occur in the world, and not to subject them to endless statistical

computation. Their view can be summed up as follows: “Too much emphasis has

been placed on sophisticated statistical computation, and not enough on common

sense. If no difference is seen visually or graphically, then it either does not exist, or

is too small compared with methodologic error, to have great significance” (Aine, in

Beaulieu 2000:109)

The second view principally questions any model’s ability to adequately

portray reality. Instead of believing in the realistic qualities of the models, they stress

their pragmatic function as reliable if simplified guides to reality. Scientist of this

conviction give up the focus on the perfect translation of the individual occurrence

and sacrifice the details of the single event for the stability of the many, thus obtaining

strong quantitative arguments for the existence of effects: “We have maintained the

tradition of quantification, even if it is statistical level quantitative, and SPM [SPM is

the standard software program for statistical brain activation analysis, P.B.] has been

critical to that. There is no question we would simply inspect images to make

diagnoses or conclusions” (Beaulieu 2000:108). In this view, then, the ideal model is

the one that enables one to navigate most successfully within reality, not the one

which looks most similar to it.

These contrasting views illustrate that the models used in fMR-imaging -far

from being neutral intermediaries- are crucial to what is seen as its outcome:

depending on how the epistemological relation between model and reality is

conceived, the resulting brain activation images either directly refer to, and


graphically represent, the mental process under investigation, or they represent a

statistical evidence of its associated brain activity.

It has been pointed out by Beaulieu (2000) and Galison (1997) that these

different perspectives on modeling/imaging are often grounded in different

disciplinary traditions (respectively in their underlying epistemic practices and

standards). In fact, such a disciplinary pattern is also discernible in the context of

fMR-imaging. For many neuroscientists coming from a clinical-radiological or

medical background, the brain maps have the status of “vera icons” - true images

because they are based on models that closely conform with, and thus validly

visualizes, objective reality. In contrast, those neuroscientists trained as psychologists

or behavioral scientists usually treat the brain images as statistical maps whose

quantifiable content, and not their visual qualities, make them so valuable and


However, this argument for the incommensurability of those disciplinary

(modeling) practices somewhat blends out how much epistemological and ontological

ground both camps still have in common: for once, each side considers the existence

of an objective reality as beyond doubt, and second, they believe that their models and

methods -although contested in detail, but not in principle - enable them to analyze

and gain valid knowledge about this reality. These assumptions mirror the classical

realist position in science laid out in the theoretical chapter, for whom exists only one,

objective reality “out there” that can be accessed with the right set of procedures.

According to such a view, disciplinary controversies regarding the accuracy and

validity of different models are part of the scientific progress, but in the end, the right

one will prevail due to its better match with reality. Such an argumentation thus tends


to downplay the confusions around the images as a problem that sooner or later will

be settled by the true nature of things anyway.

Instead of conceiving the reality-model-relationship in such a hierarchical

order (i.e. reality determines the model), and explaining the predominance of one

model over the other on behalf of its greater “realism”, a constructivist view offers an

alternative understanding on the neuroscientific modeling efforts and their

controversial results. From this position, a model does not necessarily relate to a

reality out there; instead, model and reality mutually constitute each other (Schinzel

2001)39. As such, both the model and the reality to which it corresponds must be seen

as the result of a construction- (or, to be more precise, a translation-) process. As has

been explained in the theoretical chapter, constructivism argues that both knowledge

forms (i.e. brain images) and ontological orderings (i.e. the reality in the brain they

refer to) are the result of a heterogeneous process of association and transformation

which generates these outcomes, and depending on how you decide to structure this

translation process, it will produce different outcomes -real “images of the mind” or

statistical “brain activation maps”- and different realities - one in which emotions in

the brain can be easy “ seen” , and another one where their existence be demonstrated

through statistical calculation.

This view helps to integrate much of the findings about the imaging process

that I presented in this chapter. We saw that in each of its stages, from the first signal

detection through image construction and analysis to the final inscription, there were

different options and opinions about what and how to translate. Depending on the

choices made in these situations, different aspects of the phenomenon under

39 This also means that different models refer to different realities, which makes it pointless to evaluate them in their degree of “realism”, or believe in a progress from less to more realistic models.


observation (i.e. activations of the emotional brain) would get translated, and different

outcomes would be produced. Moreover, it seems as if the choices are condensed into

two disciplinary distinct translation sequences that produce inscriptions (and objects)

with a quite different epistemological and ontological character – images of the mind,

or maps of the brain.40 In this context, the analysis of the translation chain offered an

important insight into the controversial nature of the brain images: instead of

advocating one kind of image over the other, it illustrated how both of them are

grounded in different inscription practices that each offer good reasons for their

legitimate existence. Both images are created in a different fashion, and both refer to

two different kinds of objects - and as long as their respective translation chains and

networks of association are unbroken, it is difficult to counter their respective claims

to truth.

40 This split might be best illustrated by the different disciplinary publications (journals for clinicians on the one side, and those for neurocognitive researchers on the other) which accept either the one or other kind of brain image as worthy of being published.


6. What are emotions?

In the previous chapters, we have followed the genesis of the emotional brain

from the formation of its theoretical bases via the production of experimental

evidence to its final representation as an MR-image. In the process, the nature of

emotions dramatically changed - in the beginning, they were a mysterious, mental

process of obscure origins; in the end, they could be precisely located by an image of

the brain. Yet, as I have tried to illustrate, some questions remain about the

epistemological and ontological consequences of the complex (discursive,

experimental, and representational) transformations that emotions have been

subjected to in the course of their neuroscientific exploration: Do the current concepts

of emotion adequately reflect the subjective experiences and feelings that are part of

our emotional life? How can we relate such concepts to the emotional states

experimentally generated in the laboratory? What emotional phenomena are the

referents of a brain activation map?

In spite of their huge efforts, the social brain scientists are thus still in doubt

about the true nature of their object of inquiry - as one of their main protagonists puts

it, “there is little agreement about what emotions are.” (Le Doux 2002:1066).

What, then, is an emotion? With regard to that question, a constructivist view

might offer an alternative understanding of the neuroscientific efforts and their

controversial results, and maybe also some clues where to look for an answer.

For a start, the constructivist perspective reminds us not to blindly accept

scientific accounts of the nature of emotion as uncontestable facts, and instead advises


to look at the actual practices of knowledge making when assessing such truth claims.

Abiding by this precept, my analysis followed the heterogeneous, local and complex

processes through which knowledge claims about the emotional brain were

constructed. Most importantly, I found out that they are the result of long lines of

transformation, the validity of which is not grounded in compelling logic, but in the

strategic arrangement of messy experimental activities, technical potentialities, and -at

times- controversial assumptions. As such, their epistemological status -although

based on some well-grounded arguments- is certainly not immune to debate and

change, but dependent on the stability and continuity of these transformations. If they

work properly, however, these heterogeneous and fragile origins of a knowledge

claim are often pushed into the background, “black boxed”, and glossed over by an

idealist (or better: realist) view in which the finding is the outcome of conclusive logic

reasoning, uncontestable empirical evidence, and its congruence with the natural

world (i.e. the classical scientific method). From such a perspective, brain activation

maps appear as accurate representations of our human nature and any ontological

reordering of the body-mind dualism effectuated by these new facts would be seen as

just being in correspondence with, and having their cause in the -now finally

unveiled- order of things.

The analytical value of the constructivist approach, then, is that its insights

into the black box of scientific practice enable us to go beyond this idealistic gloss of

scientific reasoning and thus distinguish the causes from the effects of neuroscientific

knowledge production – that is, to recognize that the biological basis of the human

condition and its the emotional brain is the outcome and consequence, not the origin

of the experimental phenomena inscribed onto a brainmap. From such a position, it


becomes possible to analyze the biological nature of emotions not as given in the

order of things, but instead as constructed by the different scientific practices that

determine how to reason about them, how do experimentally examine them, and how

to depict and represent them.

My own empirical findings should therefore be seen as a case in point for the

ontological effects of such practices. If anything, the examination of the different -

discursive, experimental, and representational – practices illustrated the vital role they

played in the formation of new knowledge about the (neural) nature of emotions:

In the first part of the analysis, we saw how the discourse of the emotional

brain reconfigured emotions from phenomena of the mind into phenomena of the

brain: They too were no longer taken to be the outcome of some vague and subjective

mental processes, but became “naturalized” as the results of some physiological

operations embedded in and carried out by the brain. As such, emotions could now

enter the neuroscientist’s laboratory. Here, as the second part pointed out,

experimental practices effectuated another ontological reconfiguration: In order to

generate and measure emotions in an experimental situation, they had to be redefined

once more - this time in an operational manner, that is, by the tasks that were designed

to make them appear during an experiment. Based on this transformation of emotional

states into experimental tasks, the experimental subject and his/her brain could now

be stimulated, and the resulting neural effects could be physically traced with the

neuroimaging instrumentation. The last part of my analyses then looked closer at the

ontological changes that took place under the MR-scanner: Here, the emotions were

first converted into a data matrix that contains the BOLD-signals of the brain, which -

if minds, brains, tasks and machines have been coordinated properly- correspond to


the affective stimulus imposed on the subject whose brain was in the scanner. After

that, the result of this translation -the emotion as a mathematical-numerical object-

was subjected to further mathematical transformation to identify and extrapolate

events of statistical significance. In a final step, the numbers were then rendered into a

photo-realistic diagram on which any significant emotional brain activation would be

visually discernible.

In sum, the different discursive, experimental, and representational practices

did far more that simply mediate the object of inquiry - they re-constructed it on each

step anew, and every single instantiation can plausibly claim to be called “emotion”:

the emotion-concepts that are mused about in neuroscientific texts, the emotion-

phenomena that are generated in the confines of the laboratory, or the emotion-

activations that are inscribed in brain maps. Thus, instead of conceiving emotions as a

singular entity, we should understand them as different, multiple objects brought into

being by these different scientific practices.

Coming back to the point we started with -“what is an emotion?”- we see that

this question somewhat misses the point, at least if we cannot presuppose the

existence of a natural, unique order of things which would provide us with an

conclusive definitive answer. Instead, one should better ask how the different objects

that go under the name “emotion” are related to each other, and how they all can be

used to produce a common ontological ordering effect - obviously, if emotions are not

a single entity but multiple objects, they do not necessary converge, but might as well

clash, contradict or ignore each other. It thus needs much more efforts to re-arrange

and realign them in such a manner that they act as such an unitary object with clear

ontological characteristics.


For the time being, the social brain scientists have yet to coordinate their

translations and practices more effectively before emotions could be treated as such a

single ontological entity - as has been seen exemplarily in the case of the image-

versus-number debates, different representational practices still generate diverging

emotions which mutually challenge each other’s existence. The question of how to

integrate the many emotions into a single object is thus a challenge that the social

brain scientists have to meet, and a topic that begs closer analytical scrutiny.

Most likely, the answers will be found in the practical activities of scientific

work, and in particular in the many ways and strategies with which they engineer new

heterogeneous associations and sociomaterial orderings between the multiplicity of

emotions. Tying these things together in order to create a universal object thus has to

be seen as another example of the ontological politics embedded in scientific

practices. It truly is a deeply political matter - by defining what emotions are, we not

only define ourselves, but also the reality these emotions will be part of. As such, the

further exploration of these ontological practices and their consequences should be of

prime academic interest not only to the STS-community, but also beyond.


7. References

7.1. List of Interviewees

Dr. Silke Anders, Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology University of Tuebingen

Falk Eippert, Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tuebingen

Dr. Hans Henning, Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tuebingen

Dr. Tilo Kircher, Department of Psychiatry, University of Tuebingen

Dr. Martin Lotze, Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tuebingen

Dr. Henrik Walter, Department of Psychiatry, University of Ulm

Dr. Niklas Weiskopf, Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tuebingen

Dr. Barbara Wild, Department of Psychiatry, University of Tuebingen


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