Chapter 18schragec/Chapter 18.pdf · Chart: Brand Impact, Top 10 Super Bowl Ads Published on June...

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Transcript of Chapter 18schragec/Chapter 18.pdf · Chart: Brand Impact, Top 10 Super Bowl Ads Published on June...



Principles of Marketing

Chapter 18









Identify and analyze the Target AudienceIdentify and analyze the Target Audience•• Who are you trying to reachWho are you trying to reach

Define advertising objectivesDefine advertising objectives•• Precise, clear, and measurablePrecise, clear, and measurable

Create advertising platformCreate advertising platform•• Basis for the campaignBasis for the campaign

Determine advertising appropriationDetermine advertising appropriation•• How much money for how longHow much money for how long

Develop media planDevelop media plan•• What vehicles will be usedWhat vehicles will be used

Create advertising messageCreate advertising message•• Consider various factors to design a message that brings actionConsider various factors to design a message that brings action

Execute campaignExecute campaign•• ImplementationImplementation

Evaluate advertising effectivenessEvaluate advertising effectiveness•• Measure how campaign affected salesMeasure how campaign affected sales

•• Objective and task approachObjective and task approach

•• Setting a budget based on the campaign goalSetting a budget based on the campaign goal

•• Market share gainMarket share gain

•• AwarenessAwareness

•• Number of units to sellNumber of units to sell

•• PercentPercent--ofof--sales approachsales approach

•• Look at past sales, utilize a percentage of that informationLook at past sales, utilize a percentage of that information

•• Competition matching approachCompetition matching approach

•• What are the competitors spending?What are the competitors spending?

•• Arbitrary approachArbitrary approach

•• Management determines how much to spend and for how longManagement determines how much to spend and for how long

Individuals, teams, international advertising departments, advertizing agenciesIndividuals, teams, international advertising departments, advertizing agencies

Carmichael Lynch

Minneapolis, MN.

• Cost per thousand impressions

• Google AdSense




•• PosttestPosttest

•• Effectiveness after campaignEffectiveness after campaign-- bring in more sales?bring in more sales?

•• Recognition Recognition testtest

•• Show actual adShow actual ad-- is it recognizedis it recognized

•• Unaided Unaided recall recall testtest

•• What ads are remembered after reading paper, watching television What ads are remembered after reading paper, watching television


•• Aided recall testAided recall test

•• Clues are provided to see if respondents remember adsClues are provided to see if respondents remember ads

Chart: Brand Impact, Top 10 Super Bowl Ads

Published on June 14, 2011

100 equals averageAll Super All Super

Bowl adsBowl ads

Recall Recall

of of

Super Super

Bowl Bowl

airing airing

over all over all

other other


•• Efforts to create favorable imageEfforts to create favorable image

•• Often used by nonOften used by non--profitsprofits

•• Get others to tell story:Get others to tell story:

•• Like on Like on FacebookFacebook

•• Make positive reviewsMake positive reviews

•• TweetTweet

•• Send in stories to media about good things happeningSend in stories to media about good things happening

Skogrand PR Solutions, LLC

There are five important tactics that your organization There are five important tactics that your organization

can use to generate the desired media coverage, can use to generate the desired media coverage,

whether you have a dedicated PR person or not:whether you have a dedicated PR person or not:

Framing the story and writing a news releaseFraming the story and writing a news release

Targeting and connecting with the appropriate mediaTargeting and connecting with the appropriate media

Distributing your newsDistributing your news

Developing experts and promoting them as a reliable Developing experts and promoting them as a reliable


Monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of your Monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of your


• Conferences

• New release

• Feature article

• Captioned photograph

• Press conference

Poor image

Neutral image

Positive image
