Chapter 17 Section 1 Section 1 The Cold War The Cold War.

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Transcript of Chapter 17 Section 1 Section 1 The Cold War The Cold War.

Chapter 17Section 1The Cold War

Chapter 17-1

2 Superpowers

The Yalta Conference

Churchill Roosevelt Stalin

February, 1945 Free Elections?


Divided Germany into zones to be occupied by the allies

Germany would have to pay the Soviet Union for its loss of life and property

Stalin promised free elections in the areas occupied by the Soviets

The Catch?

Dividing Germany

United Nations

Peacekeeping group • General Assembly• Every member has a vote• 11 Members of a Security

Council 5 permanent members: the

US, USSR, Britain, France, China

All with veto power

Prevent WWIII

The Potsdam Conference

Churchill Truman Stalin

July, 1945 No Elections

Potsdam Soviets want a buffer between

themselves and Germany Stalin installed or helped Communist

governments into power in Bulgaria, Albania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland and Yugoslavia

This broke his agreement for free elections

Stalin’s threat: “Communism & Capitalism could not coexist in the world


USA• Democracy

*Truman• Capitalism

USSR• Dictatorship

*Stalin• Communism

The Iron Curtain Speech from Churchill in

March, 1946 Line cutting USSR off

from the rest of the world

The Western Allies combined their zones into the Federal Republic of Germany

the Soviets created the German Democratic Republic

Containment Policy

Keep communism where it is at. DO NOT ALLOW Communism to spread

The Truman Doctrine: provide aid to any nation resisting a communist take over

Turkey & Greece: $400 million to help fight communism

The Marshall Plan

Secretary of State- George Marshall

War left Europe in ruins Food, money, supplies to

any country in need $12.5 billion in aid to 17

countries Stalin NOT happy WHY?

The Berlin Airlift

U.S.S.R. held West Berlin hostage

11 months-airlift Food, gas, medical

supplies 277,000 flights-

landed every 3 minutes

Blockade lifted in 1949


USA and the West- North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Soviet Union and the East- Warsaw Pact

NATO in blue

Warsaw Pact in pink

U2 Spy Plane Incident

High altitude spy plane

1960- Shot Down

Gary Powers

19 Months- Released

Arms Race

1949- Soviets test their own atomic bomb

1952 US tests the H- bomb/ year later the USSR does the same

arms race

Brinkmanship John Foster Dulles & President

Eisenhower The willingness to go to the brink of

nuclear war to prevent nuclear war Massive amounts of money are spent

to create the ability to retaliate instantly in case of a nuclear attack

Long range bombers with massive payloads

Space Race

USSR- 1957- Sputnik

USA- 1958


Race to the Moon

Laika in Sputnik 2(1957)

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”

1969- USA lands on Moon

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin

Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

Berlin Wall

Built By USSR