Chapter 16 War and Revolution. Section 1: The Road to WWI European nations continued to compete for...

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Transcript of Chapter 16 War and Revolution. Section 1: The Road to WWI European nations continued to compete for...

Chapter 16War and Revolution

Section 1: The Road to WWI European nations continued to compete for

control of colonies and trade. Those powers divided into 2 alliances:

Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Triple Entente – France, Great Britain, and Russia

Increased tensions: Socialist labor movements grew more powerful Growth of mass armies – doubled in size

between 1880 and 1914 Militarism, the aggressive preparation for war,

grew also.

Outbreak of War Serbia wanted to create an independent state in

the Balkans. They were supported by Russia. June 28, 1914, Archduke Francis Ferdinand was

assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. Austrian rulers wanted to attack Serbia because of

the assassination. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July

28, 1914.

As a result of the declaration of war on Serbia, Czar Nicholas II of Russia mobilizes the Russian army against Austria-Hungary. This was considered an act of war by Germany.

Germany declared war on Russia on August 1. Germany also declared war on France on August

3 and planned to pass through Belgian territory, which was neutral.

As a result, Great Britain declared war on Germany.

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Section 2: The War Governments used

propaganda to influence public opinion for or against the war. As a result, most people

believed that their nation’s cause was justified. They also believed that the war would be over in just a few weeks.

Western Front Germany had hopes of sweeping around Paris to

capture it. They were halted outside of Paris at the First

Battle of the Marne in September. War quickly turned into a stalemate, as neither

the French or Germans could dislodge the other from the trenches they had dug for shelter.

Trench warfare kept both sides in virtually the same positions for four years.

Trench Warfare Troops lived in holes in

the ground, separated from each other by a strip of land known as “no-man’s land.”

Eastern Front Russia moved into eastern Germany but was

defeated at the Battle of Tannenberg in August and at the Battle of Masurian Lakes in September.

As a result, the Russians were no longer a threat to German territory.

Italy’s betrayal Italy attacked Austria in May of 1915. Italy joined Great Britain, France, and Russia.

They were now called the Allied Powers or Allies. Russia casualties were tremendous: 2.5 million

had been killed, captured, or wounded. The Russians has almost been knocked out of the war.

Serbia was eliminated from the war by Germany and Austria-Hungary.

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Entry of the United States The U.S. tried to remain neutral. However, the naval war between Germany and

Great Britain would cause the U.S. to become involved.

Germans used unrestricted submarine warfare, which included the sinking of passenger ships.

They sank the British ship Lusitania on May 7, 1915. Over 100 Americans died on that ship.

War and Women WWI created new roles for women.

As men left for war, women took over their jobs. Some of these jobs included truck drivers, chimney

sweeps, and factory workers in heavy industry.

These jobs and benefits would not last. After returning home from the war, the men would go back to their old jobs.

Biggest gain for women was the right to vote. Germany, Austria and the United States

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Section 3: The Russian Revolution Russia was not prepared for the total war of

WWI. Czar Nicholas II was leading the armed forces. Industry could not produce the necessary

weapons. Russian army suffered severe losses.

2 million soldiers killed 4 to 6 million wounded or captured

While Nicholas was on the battlefront, his wife, Alexandria, made all of the important decisions. She often consulted

Grigori Rasputin, a Siberian peasant who claimed to be a holy man, before making any decisions.

The Russian people grew more and more upset with the czarist regime. They assassinated Rasputin. Led a series of strikes starting in March of 1917,

in the capital city of Petrograd. All of the factories shut down.

Government urged the czar to step down. He abdicated on March 15, 1917.

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Bolsheviks A soviet group led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Dedicated to violent revolution Overthrew the provisional government set up after the

czar abdicated They promised to end the war, redistribute the land to the

peasants, transform the factories, and gain power “Peace, Land, Bread” “Worker Control of Production” “All Power to the Soviets”

After seizing control of the government, the Bolsheviks renamed themselves the Communists.

Peace did not come because of civil war The Reds (Communists) had to fight the Whites

(anti-Communists) for power. After defeating the White forces, the soviets

murdered the czar and his family.

The Reds won because: The Red Army was well-disciplined Disunity between the Whites - some wanted to

reinstate the czarist rule while others wanted a democratic government

Red Terror – period when secret police abolished anyone that opposed the soviets

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Section 4: End of the War The entrance of the U.S. would prove to be

crucial in winning the war. German advances towards Paris were defeated

at the Second Battle of the Marne in July 1918. More than 1 million troops poured into France New German government called for armistice in

November of 1918

Peace Settlement Paris Peace Conference

Woodrow Wilson outlined his Fourteen Points settlement

Great Britain and France wanted to make Germany pay for the war

Germany was not invited to the peace conference and Russian could not attend because of their civil war.

League of Nations created – world organization created to prevent future wars

Treaty of Versailles of 1919 Ordered Germany to pay reparations for all the

damage Germany had to reduce its army, cut back its

navy, and eliminate its air force

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The War’s Legacy Power of governments over the lives of their

citizens increased Freedom of the press and speech were limited in

the name of national security Revolutions broke up old empires and created

new states

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