Chapter 16 Dividend Controversy

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Transcript of Chapter 16 Dividend Controversy

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 16 Dividend Controversy


    The Dividend Controversy

     Principles of



    Seventh Edition

    Richard A. Brealey

    Stewart C. Myers

    Slides by

    Matthew Will

    Chapter 16

    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Topics Covered

    How Dividends Are Paid

    How Do Companies Decide on DividendPayments?

    Information in Dividends and StockRepurchases

    The Dividend Controversy

    The Rihtists Ta!es and the Radica" #eft

    The $idd"e of the Roaders

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Types of Dividends

    Cash Div

    Reu"ar Cash Div

    Specia" Cash Div

    Stock Div

    Stock Repurchase %& methods'

    () *uy shares on the market+) Tender ,ffer to Shareho"ders

    &) Private -eotiation %.reen $ai"'

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend ay!ents

    Cash Dividend / Payment of cash 0y the firm

    to its shareho"ders)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend ay!ents

    Cash Dividend / Payment of cash 0y the firm

    to its shareho"ders)

    "#$Dividend Date / Date that determineswhether a stockho"der is entit"ed to a dividend

     payment1 anyone ho"din stock 0efore this

    date is entit"ed to a dividend)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend ay!ents

    Cash Dividend / Payment of cash 0y the firm

    to its shareho"ders)

    "#$Dividend Date / Date that determineswhether a stockho"der is entit"ed to a dividend

     payment1 anyone ho"din stock 0efore this

    date is entit"ed to a dividend)

    Record Date / Person who owns stock on this

    date received the dividend)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend ay!ents

    Stoc% Dividend / Distri0ution of additiona"shares to a firm2s stockho"ders)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend ay!ents

    Stoc% Dividend / Distri0ution of additiona"shares to a firm2s stockho"ders)

    Stoc% Splits / Issue of additiona" shares tofirm2s stockho"ders)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend ay!ents

    Stoc% Dividend / Distri0ution of additiona"shares to a firm2s stockho"ders)

    Stoc% Rep&rchase / 3irm 0uys 0ack stock

    from its shareho"ders)

    Stoc% Splits / Issue of additiona" shares tofirm2s stockho"ders)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    The Dividend Decision

    () 3irms have "oner term taret dividend payout


    +) $anaers focus more on dividend chanes than on

    a0so"ute "eve"s)

    &) Dividends chanes fo""ow shifts in "on/run4

    sustaina0"e "eve"s of earnins rather than short/runchanes in earnins)

    5) $anaers are re"uctant to make dividend chanes

    that miht have to 0e reversed)

     Lintner’s “Stylized Facts” (How Dividends are Determined)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    The Dividend Decision

    Attitudes concernin dividend tarets vary

    Dividend Chane

























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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    The Dividend Decision

    Dividend chanes confirm the fo""owin

    ( )7(






    ( )7(






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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend olicy








    Div Rise

    Div Cut

     Source: Healy & Paleu (!"##)

       C   h  a  n  )  e

       "      S   *     r   i  c  e  a   t   t  +

       (  a  s   ,


     Impact of Dividend Changes on EPS 

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend olicy is rrelevant

    Since investors do not need dividends toconvert shares to cash they wi"" not pay

    hiher prices for firms with hiher dividend

     payouts) In other words4 dividend po"icy wi""have no impact on the va"ue of the firm)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend olicy is rrelevant

    "#a!ple / Assume Rationa" Demiconductor has no e!tra cash4 0ut dec"ares a

    9(4777 dividend) They a"so re:uire 9(4777 for current investment needs);sin $share 312 

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend olicy is rrelevant

    "#a!ple / Assume Rationa" Demiconductor has no e!tra cash4 0ut dec"ares a

    9(4777 dividend) They a"so re:uire 9(4777 for current investment needs);sin $share 9(+ 311

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend olicy is rrelevant

    "#a!ple / Assume Rationa" Demiconductor has no e!tra cash4 0ut dec"ares a

    9(4777 dividend) They a"so re:uire 9(4777 for current investment needs);sin $share 9(+ 9(( 311

    7"W S8AR"S AR" SS9"D

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend olicy is rrelevant


    "#a!ple / continued / Shareho"der 6a"ue


    Stock (+4777Cash 7

    Tota" 6a"ue (+4777

    Stock (4777 sh B 9(+ (+4777

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend olicy is rrelevant


    "#a!ple / continued / Shareho"der 6a"ue

      Record Pmt

    Stock (+4777 ((4777Cash 7 (4777

    Tota" 6a"ue (+4777 (+4777

    Stoc% + 1/(((sh 5 311 + 11/(((

  • 8/20/2019 Chapter 16 Dividend Controversy


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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividend olicy is rrelevant


    "#a!ple / continued / Shareho"der 6a"ue

      Record Pmt ost

    Stock (+4777 ((4777 12/(((Cash 7 (4777   (

    Tota" 6a"ue (+4777 (+4777 12/(((

    Stoc% + 1/(01sh 5 311' + 12/(((

    Assume stockho"ders purchase the new issue with the cash

    dividend proceeds)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividends ncrease :al&e

    Mar%et !perfections and Clientele "ffect

    There are natura" c"ients for hih/payout stocks4

     0ut it does not fo""ow that any particu"ar firm can

     0enefit 0y increasin its dividends) The hihdividend c"iente"e a"ready have p"enty of hih

    dividend stock to choose from)

    These c"ients increase the price of the stock

    throuh their demand for a dividend payin stock)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividends ncrease :al&e

    Dividends as Si)nals

    Dividend increases send ood news a0out cash

    f"ows and earnins) Dividend cuts send 0ad news)

    *ecause a hih dividend payout po"icy wi"" 0e

    cost"y to firms that do not have the cash f"ow to

    support it4 dividend increases sina" a company2s

    ood fortune and its manaer2s confidence in

    future cash f"ows)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Dividends Decrease :al&e

    Ta# Conse;&ences

    Companies can convert dividends into capita"ains 0y shiftin their dividend po"icies) Ifdividends are ta!ed more heavi"y than capita"ains4 ta!payin investors shou"d we"come such amove and va"ue the firm more favora0"y)

    In such a ta! environment4 the tota" cash f"owretained 0y the firm and>or he"d 0y shareho"derswi"" 0e hiher than if dividends are paid)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Ta#es and Dividend olicy

    Since capita" ains are ta!ed at a "ower ratethan dividend income4 companies shou"d pay

    the "owest dividend possi0"e)

    Dividend po"icy shou"d ad8ust to chanes inthe ta! code)

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Ta#es and Dividend olicy

    7)(7(777)(7(77%'returnof rateAfter ta!





    7F)(F(77F)(+(77%'returnof ratePreta!


    )(77 pricestocksTodayG((+)F7((+)F7 payoff  preta!Tota"


    (7+)F7((+)F7 pricesyearG -e!tdividend'%hih













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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Ta#es and Dividend olicy

    2000 Marginal Income Tax Bracets

     $ncome %arac&et 

    Mar)inal Ta# Rate Sin)le Married 4

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    McGraw Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights

    Ta#es and Dividend olicy

    'as( Flow

    ,peratin Income (77

    Corporate ta! at &F &F

    After Ta! income %paid as div' HF

    Income ta! paid 0y investors at &?)H +F)D

    Cash to Shareho"der &?)&

    In ;)S)4 shareho"ders are ta!ed twice %fiures in do""ars'

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    M G Hill/I i

    Ta#es and Dividend olicy

     )ate o* $ncome ta+ 

    1', =(, >?,

    ,peratin Income (77 (77 (77

    Corporate ta! %Tc)&7' &7 &7 &7

    After Ta! income 7 7 7

    .rossed up Dividend (77 (77 (77

    Income ta! (F &7 5

    Ta! credit for Corp Pmt /&7 /&7 /&7

    Ta! due from shareho"der /(F 7 (

    Cash to Shareho"der F 7 F&

    ;nder imputed ta! systems4 such as that in Austra"ia4 Shareho"dersreceive a ta! credit for the corporate ta! the firm pays %fiures in

    Austra"ian do""ars'