Champions! · 2 SAY -YES" TO UFE ••• THE GOSPEL IDEAL...

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Transcript of Champions! · 2 SAY -YES" TO UFE ••• THE GOSPEL IDEAL...

The News Magazine of the Friends of St Edward's College

Issue 3 Autumn 1990

Champions! PICTURED is the victorious Intermediate Athletics team

led by captain Dominic Williams who won the biggest prize in schoolboy athletics when in July he travelled

with hi' team to Hendon to win the National Milk Cup Competition.

It was just reward for months of training and hard work by the squad who are the first team in the history of the College to take the national prize at this level.

Headmaster Brother Dominic Sassi commented 'This is a great achievement by the squad. Here at St Edward's we are fortunate enough to have the finest school's athletics facilities in the city, and it is very satisfying to see those facilities used to the full!'

With Olympic prospect Matthew Birchall already a national figure in the world of athletics, St Edward's has every reason to take pride in the achievements of its pupils. As coach Phil Grice himself observed, The great thing is that these youngsters have the time and dedication to individually go on to even greater things in the years ahead!'

See feature on page 32

INSIDE FOSEC 1991 ...•.•••..••..•..•.... p28-29 WHERE ARE THEY NOW ........... p7 HOWZAT ................................. p2 EDITORIAL ............................... p4

LETTERS ................................. p20 CASHUNE 2000 ...................... pI7 DIARY .................................... pll

NEWS IN BRIEF COLLEGE NEWS MR Ray Thomas, Head of English and long­serving member of the College staff took his retirement at the end of the Summer term after 42 years at St Edward's.

Mr David Stewart, another long-serving member of the English Department, left at the same time to take up an appointment as Head of English at the Grange School in Cheshire.

Eileen O'Neill, the Senior Librarian, also retired after many years of service to generations of sixth formers, and the College also said goodbye to Head of History Andrew Derbyshire who moves to a post at Stockport Grammar School.

Phil Grice, who hc.s made a major contribution to the life of the College in three short years, moves on, as does Dorothy Prebble (who taught French at the school), and Joe Kerwin of the History Department. Mr Coffey, from Runnymede, was another staff member to announce his retirement.

Brother Sassi paid tribute to the commitment and dedication of all the staff both retiring and leaving, and expressed the hope that all would keep in touch with St Edward's in the years ahead.

HOWZAT! THE worldwide spread of cricket was hastened somewhat when the first of our groups from Debrecen, in Hungary, spent ten days at the school recently.

We await with interest the first Test match between Hungary and the MCC!

Pictured are some of the visitors practis­ing their strokes.

The game proved fascinating to boys and girls alike, and even the group leader, Tunde Csatary, spent a day at Old Trafford watching Lancashire.

The group's return to Hungary was somewhat traumatic as one member of the party discovered to her horror on her arrival in London that she had left all her




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travel documents - air tickets, passport, visa and onward travel arrangements - in a bag at Rainhill.

All was not lost, however, as Develop­ment Officer John Adamson collected the bag at 10.30 am, drove to Manchester Airport, took the 11.30 am shuttle to Heathrow and caught up with the group as they were checking in at Terminal 2.

He then returned with similar haste to Terminal 1 where the 12.45 service was boarding, and was back at his desk at the College, somewhat bewildered, by 2.30 pm.


Chaplain Fr Philip Inch ponders the way ahead at the Sponsored Run in aid of St Francis School, Makani. He took the prize for the most original route in the event which raised nearly £1,000. More support­ing events are planned for the year ahead.


EDITORIAL THE more discerning readers of 'The Edwardian' will perhaps have noted some changes in this latest edition. It now runs to a considerable volume of pages and a far greater coverage of school life than before, and carries a considerable amount of advertising support. As the 1990's approached, it became clear that Industry, Commerce and Education would be brought closer together in a variety of ways. Naturally, I welcome very warmly the strength of the support shown by our advertisers in this and future editions of 'The Edwardian'. In many cases, however, the advertisement you read in 'The Edwardian' represents only a small part of the full picture. In practical terms, there has been a surge in the volume of sponsorship of the school by local and national organisations. Our Careers service, already recognised as one of the best in the city, has been further strengthened by the initiative. Sports equipment has been provided, dances sponsored and financial support has been forthcoming from a variety of sources. Even Prize Day is now supported by two of the country's leading specialists in the insurance field. I would commend to you those companies who have offered their support of our work, as in doing so they are making their contribution to the work of 8t Edward's College.


THINGS are happening rapidly in Africa today! Since our last issue the tension referred to as existing in Liberia has developed into an all-out civil war. To such an extent that most of the Brothers were forced to leave Liberia and move into Sierra Leone. Only two Brothers remained in Gbarnga where they were looking after some forty refugees, feeding and sheltering them. One of the Brothers, Bro D'Arcy eventually had to leave and make his way to Sierra Leone. There he was taken ill, and was flown back to England. After a short spell in Fazakerley Hospital he was moved to the Lourdes Hospital in Aigburth where he died. He is buried in the Brothers' plot in Yew Tree Cemetery.

Bro Doherty has also returned to Eng-

Brother H. A. Grice

land and found temporary accommodation and occupation at St Edward's. Bro Coffey arrived back on June 29th, just in time to be present at the sponsored run/walk held in Croxteth Park on behalf of St Francis School, Makani, which is now twinned with St Edward's.

Meanwhile, I would like to thank those who have responded to my appeal for help. I wish to thank the parents of former and present pupils for gifts of clothing and of books, and especially a former pupil, who wishes to remain anonymous, for a very generous J.!ift of £300.


FROM THE HEADMASTER AT the time of writing, we are anxiously awaiting the decision of the Central Gov­erning Body over the decision as to whether or not St Edward's should convert to full co-educational status.

It may well be that, when you read this, the decision will be known. Whatever that final decision may be, you may rest assured that it has been the result of much consultation and dialogue over many months, involving representatives of local Catholic schools from the public sector, officials of the Archdiocese, parents, gover­nors and supporters of the College.

To my mind, there has been one disturb­ing fact to emerge from the discussions to date at the time I write. It is clear that a great many Catholic parents in the city are anxious to exercise their right to choose independent education for their children, be they boys or girls. For a number of years now, there has been no Independent Catholic School on Merseyside providing education for girls. There is clear evidence that Catholic parents are frequently choos­ing Independent schools from the non­Catholic sector rather than take the alter-

native within the state sector. Whether or not St Edward's decides to

take on this challenge, there is surely a message there for the Catholic community. Provision of Catholic education for girls within the independent sector must surely be a priority. It is a fact that many of the industrial, civic and social leaders of tomorrow come from schools such as our own, and they need the Catholic tradition of education to help them prepare for their role in society.

The Autumn Term now upon us is a time when many demands are placed on our pupils. It is a time when few pupils have examinations, and the curriculum is largely undisrupted. In welcoming back our pupils at the start of a new academic year, I hope that they return refreshed from an excellent summer holiday ready to cope with the work that lies ahead.

An old friend of mine used to have a saying which is relevant at this time. 'Practice' he said, 'makes permanent'. Good habits of application to work at home and at school will bring success. The formation of those habits begins here and now.

SNAPSHOTS ... • Faces of St Edward's, Summer 1990.


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Where are they now? THE Staff Photograph (1957) printed in Issue 2, brought a lot of memories back for many people. Brother Grice here recalls the Brothers on the picture.

Sitting on the front row in the middle of the photograph is the Headmaster at that time, Bro Foley. He is still much to the fore in St Edward's after a very active and varied career, which included a further spell as Headmaster in St Ambrose, Altrincham and at St Mary's, Toddington. Later he returned to Gibraltar where he had formerly spent many years as Headmaster and acting Director of Education for which he obtained, population, the award of an OBE. Now living in retirement at St Edward's at St Clare House he is still very actively involved in a number of activities concerning Age Concern and the Association of Senior Religious.

Sitting next to Bro Foley is Bro Coffey who later became Headmaster at St Edward's after spending periods at Prior Park, Bath. He had also been Headmaster at St Anselm's College, Birkenhead. For six years he was Provincial and since relinquishing that office in 1984, he has been working in West Mrica. He is now Headmaster of St Francis School, Makeni in Sierra Leone, which has recently been twinned with St Edward's for which the boys and the Friends of St Edward's are now making contributions in various ways.

The other three brothers on the front line have all passed away, Bro Maloney who later worked in Crosby, Bristol, Prior Park, Bath and Stoke. Bro Butler also worked in Crosby and then went over the water to Hooton and later to Ledsham; in his last years he spent time in St Patrick's, Baldoyle, where he died in 1976. Bro Casey who had also been teaching in Cardinal Godfrey Technical School as well as at St Edward's later went to Birkenhead and then to St Brendan's, Bristol; he died in 1965.

In the back row are some upstanding young Brothers, but this of course is some thirty-three years ago and they are not so upstanding now. On the extreme left is a Bro Bradley who was a student at the time and later went to

Back to the traditional theme for this time's photograph from the school records. Do you recognise any of these pupils from the past? Do they bring back any memories for you? If so, don't just keep them to yourself but write to the Editor at the College Development Office.

Cambridge to take an honours degree in Modern Languages, he subsequently left the order and continued his academic career as lecturer in various universities. Next to him is Bro Engel who left St Edward's in 1964 to travel to Scotus Academy in Edinburgh. Later leaving the far north he travelled down to the far south and worked in Plymouth and later came back to Merseyside after a spell in St Ambrose College, Altrincham. He is now residing at St Anselm's, Birkenhead. Next is Bro Taylor who after some years in St Joseph's College, Stoke, moved on as Headmaster of St Mary's College, Crosby. Mter completing his period there, he moved to Brussels where for twelve years he worked on behalf of the Pro Mundi Vita Association as translator and research worker. Since returning to England he has been based at St Anne's, Overbury Street where he has continued his work as translator on behalf of the cause for canonization of Edmund Rice, our founder. He is also involved in the pastoral activities of the brothers who reside at the Presbytery of St Anne's.

Finally near the middle of the back row is a youthful Br Kelly, who later worked in the Brothers school at Orrel in Wigan, was for some years at Gibraltar returning to England he travelled to Sunderland, and since 1971 has been in St Mary's, Crosby where he is currently Headmaster of The Mount (St Mary's College Prep School) where a couple of years ago he became our first Headmaster of an all co-ed prep school.

Bro Grice.

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Bridge Report THIS year has been one of mixed fortunes for bridge in St Edward's. In terms of competitions, no great success has been achieved, although the year has seen a marked increase in enthusiasm for the game in the lower school.

Once again, last year's team consisted mostly of Upper Sixth, and so this year, St Edward's were unable to field a team for the Merseyside Bridge League, for the first time in a number of years.

At last year's time of writing, the team had been consistently and convincingly beaten in all its matches. This trend con­tinued for the rest of the year and the team duly finished bottom of the Fourth Divi­sion. Last year's main hope seemed to be the final of the Guardian Pairs, for which myself and last year's captain, Bernard Mitchell, had qualified. Against the top Under-25 pairs from around the country, they acquitted themselves well against the high standard, finishing 20th.

This year, the team entered for few competition events, although they became increasingly more successful as the year progressed. They qualified in the Merseyside heat of the School Teams­petition and played in the North-West fmal. However, they only managed sixth place, against some particularly strong teams from Manchester Grammar School. The players this year consisted of myself and Matthew Dempsey, the only two Upper Sixth players and two fourth year players, Bernard Kelly and Richard Wong.

It is with the Third Year and Fourth Year players that future hope lies. They have all showed great potential in the matches they have played, and enthusiasm in their play-

ing at the Bridge Club itself. If they continue to play and develop this potential, then St Edward's can look forward to a very strong team in years to come.

I would also like to thank Mr Robinson

Austria 1990 AS the end of term drew nearer our thoughts moved towards our visit to Huttau, Austria. Would it be as successful as last year's visit to Bod Ischl? The answer to that question is a definite 'Yes'.

Two schools were joining St Edward's for the holiday, our friends from Bridgewater School, Manchester and we welcomed pupils from Hungerhill School, Doncaster. Eight adults accompanied the students including Mr Clough and Mr Adamson from St Edward's.

Our transport for the ten days was a luxury coach on two decks. This prov~ded t.Js with most comfortable travel, espeCIally 10 such hot weather. A fridge made all the difference to our cold drinks and tuck shop supplies. Robbie Greenland provided a tireless service supplying the thirsty and hungry with drink and the occasional Mars bar!

After a calm crossing from Dover to Calais we drove on to Phantasialand where the whole party especially staff, spent an action packed day eating, chatting, queuing and riding! We spent one night in Koblenz before completing our journey to Huttau, a small village near Salzburg.

The Gasthof Hutter was our home for the next six days, complete with outdoor swimming pool. Water polo matches and friendly football matches took place regu­larly, including guest appearances by Mr Clough and Mr Adamson!

Telephone: 051-6524877


on behalf of the team and players for advising and working in the Bridge Club, and for providing transport for the team for competitions all over the North West.

Kieran Mclaughlin.

They were ably assisted by Anthony O'Hagan, Andrew Lavery and Chima Ojuk­wu among others.

The party was spotted down a salt mine, up a cable car, navigating on lakes, sight seeing round Salzburg and exploring ice caves 2km inside a mountain. The superb weather enabled us to take advantage of so many of the wide variety of attractions available in the Salzburg region. We look forward to next year's visit when we will be able to both return to our favourite spots and also to discover new ones.

The journey home included a visit to Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany which gave everyone a chance to reflect on their own good fortune.

The holiday provided the children with not only different activities but the chance to make new friends from other parts of England. AUSTRIA 1991 Details of next year's holiday to Austria can be obtained from the Development Office 051-259 5371.

SURVEY A RECENT survey of parental opinion on the co--education issued revealed that the great majority of parents of pupils currently at Runnymede and the Senior School are in favour of a switch to co-education. The survey, carried out in the summer term, showed that some seven parents out of every ten would like the school to take girls throughout the school.


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OCTOBER THURSDAY 4th 8.00 pm THURSDAY 4th 8.00 pm THURSDAY 11th 8.00 pm FRIDAY 12th 7.30 pm SUNDAY 14th 11.00 am SUNDAY 14th 1.00 pm MONDAY 15th THURSDAY 18th 8.00 pm TUESDAY 23rd 7.30 pm THURSDAY 25th 8.00 pm FRIDAY 26th 7.l5 pm SATURDAY 27th SATURDAY 27th 8.00 pm

NOVEMBER MONDAY 5th 8.55 am TUESDAY 6th 3.30 pm WEDNESDAY 7th 3.30 pm MONDAY 12th 8.00 pm SATURDAY 17th MONDAY 19th 8.00 pm TUESDAY 20th 7.30 pm FRIDAY 30th DECEMBER SUNDAY 2nd MONDAY 3rd THURSDAY 13th 7.00 pm SATURDAY 15th 8.00 pm SUNDAY 16th 8.00 pm TUESDAY 18th 3.20 pm WEDNESDAY 19th 11.30 am MONDAY 31st 8.00 pm

New Parents' Social Evening and Dance Runnymede and Senior School Open Evening Music Society Concert

Trust Fund AGM First Discussion Evening from Form 1 Parents Second Discussion Evening for Form 1 Parents Former Pupils' Dinner Academic Mass (Metropolitan Cathedral) St Edward's Day Luncheon Holiday for Feast of St Edward Third Discussion Evening for Form 1 Parents Concert of Spanish Music Fourth Discussion Evening for Form 1 Parents Runnymede Cheese & Wine Evening Mid-term Holiday commences Halloween Dance

Term resumes Runnymede J31J4 Parent-Teacher meeting (112) Runnymede 13IJ4 Parent-Teacher meeting (2/2) Discussion Evening for Form 3 Parents Trust Fund Dinner and Dance Discussion Evening for Lower 6th Parents Concert by School Orchestra Ladies Christmas Luncheon

Christmas Fair Mock Examinations (Forms 5 & U6) Form 1 Parent-Teacher meeting Christmas Dance Christmas Bingo Term ends (Runnymede) Term ends (Senior School) New Year's Eve Ball


Commentary AS ever the Autumn term is one of the busiest both academically and socially. Discussion Evenings too feature prom­inently in the programme and are highly recommended as an opportunity for the parents of pupils at the school to meet in year groups with other parents to discuss common areas of interest. The Ladies Luncheon is one of the social highlights of the school calendar and this year is no exception. Organiser Marion Garvey of the Parents' Associ­ation has once again overseen the arrangements and reservations can be made from the Development Office, from whom further details will be available near the time. The Christmas Fair is one of the most important fund-raising efforts of the year and more details and appeals for donations and help will be made nearer the December 2nd date. The Parents' Association, who run the Fair, have a busy programme of dances and your support is urged for their work. The Open Evening this year on Sep­tember 26th is an event to which all are welcome to look around the excellent facilities which we have on offer here at' St Edward's. It is open to current families as well as to those interested in applying for places at the school in September 1991, and Former Pupils who would like to see their Alma Mater are equally welcome. Bring your friends!

News of a number of weddings reached the Editor recently. Timothy Alderman married Margaret Moloney on 30th June 1990 at the Cathedral, where organist Terence Duffy was joined by former pupils Michael McIlroy (Best Man) and ushers Christopher West, Simon Whitfield and Ciaron Lawlor. Guests included Sean Alderman and Jane Gleeson. William Gleeson (1980-83) married Frances Way in July 1990, and Christopher Maher (1972-83) married Alison Valks in Durham in May. Best wishes to all!


Saturday 17th November 1990 St George's Hotel, Liverpool

Tickets £22

Reservations to the Trust Fund Office, St Edward's College, Liverpool L12 lLF


LIVERPOOL METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL CHOIR ASSOCIATION Recording 'Songs of Praise' at Lichfield Cathedral 10th May, '90

reason of their early arrival, the St Edward's party got very good seats on the front rows of the north transept of the cathedral, and should be very visible when the programme is broadcast. The Duchess of Kent passed immediately in front of the boys as she left the cathedral, and she gave Andrew Freeney, one of the Choir Probationers, a cuddle!

One of the half-dozen people chosen to be interviewed on the programme, along with the Duchess of Kent and Richard Shephard, is another of the Choir Probationers, Joseph Godfrey, J2 Runnymede. ALL the Cathedral Choristers, plus twenty

boys from St Edward's College and some staff and parents, travelled to Lichfield on May 10th to take part in the recording at the Cathedral of a programme for BBC TV's 'Song of Praise', featuring Choirs and the pupils of eleven Northern Choir Schools.

The programme is due to be broadcast on Sunday, 9th September.

Choir Member Brendan Rawlinson who left St Edward's this summer.

Among the music included was 'How Beautiful are the Feet' from Handel's 'Mes­siah', and a new hymn written for the occasion by Richard Shephard, a well­known composer of church music who is Headmaster of York Minister Choir School, and currently Chairman of the Choir Schools Association.

HRH The Duchess of Kent, Patron of the Association, was present at the recording, and Bro Sassi, Mr Philip Duffy and Nicholas Mulroy, Head Chorister, were invited to meet her at a reception at lunchtime.

The recording went very smoothly, as indeed it should have done with so many highly-trained singers taking part, both in the choirs and in the congregation, and everyone enjoyed the day very much. By

Members of the Choral Society and Orchestra 1989-90 in an off duty moment. (Photograph by Adrian Faulkner, Form 6),

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SNAPSHOTS ... Around the school, Summer 1990.



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Right: The staff team line up in Croxteth Park with Chaplain Fr Philip Inch and Mr Hughes' bottle of Coke before showing the pupils how it is really done. Indeed, some of the staff pictured here were amongst the unbeaten Staff XI who beat the Parents' Association and the First XI at cricket this summer.

Right: The victorious In­termediate Athletic Squad pictured imagina­tively by our cam-eraman • ..

Left: Headmaster Brother Sassi basking in the glorious summer sunshine with staff, pa­rents and pupils at the start of the Fun Run in aitJ of the Christian Brothers' African Mis­sion.


Cashline 2000 CASHLINE 2000 is the new College Lottery, launched just a 11th Mrs McKenna 765 £50 few months ago. Already popular with many parents, old 14th C. Lawler 463 £20 boys and supporters of the college, CASHLINE 2000 pays a 15th H. Elms 73 £20 prize of £20 every school day from Monday to Thursday, and 16th T. Allen 136 £20 a £50 prize every school Friday. Membership offers ten 17th P. Green 629 £20 chances each day for just £3 per month and details and 18th K. Dahill 159 £50 application forms are available from the Development 21st Mrs D. Warren 700 £20 Office. Remember - you can only win if you join! There is an 22nd A. J. Caple 546 £20 application form on Page 25. 23rd J. O'Leary 907 £20

24th Patricia Farrell 19 £20 Winning No. Prize

25th Mrs B. Hancock 927 £50

Members JUNE FEBRUARY 4th P. Hall 962 £20 1st R, Robinson 415 £20 5th Mrs C. M. Nurse 367 £20 2nd Mrs A. B. Ness 23 £50 6th M. Currie 104 £20 5th J. F. Carr 303 £20 7th L. Warren 677 £20 6th V. M. Hughes 999 £20 8th R. Greaves 554 £50 7th A. Fitzsimmons 711 £20 11th Mrs V. Hateley 10 £20 8th T. Kirkham 657 £20 12th Mrs M. D. 746 £20 9th J. Grant 585 £50 13th Mrs M. M. Rand 688 £20 12th Mrs M. C. King 656 £20 15th Joan McGrath 143 £50 13th J. Curran 872 £20 18th Mrs H. Riley 186 £20 14th Mrs J. Curtis 230 £20 19th Mrs A. O'Garra 514 £20 15th H. A. Elms 72 £20 20th Mrs A. Tobin 922 £20 16th Mrs G. Hughes 990 £50 21st A. G. Christian 614 £20 26th A. Christian 611 £20 22nd Mrs G. Farrell 768 £50 27th G. Fagan 775 £20 25th Mrs J. Collier 194 £20 28th F. P. Lloyd 439 £20 26th Mrs C. Thomas 69 £20

27th Mrs E. Grace 569 £20 MARCH 28th B. Power 312 £20 1st F. Owens 526 £20 2nd Mrs L. Doddridge 167 £50 5th D. J. Mellon 318 £20 6th A. Stewart 590 £20 7th Mrs P. M. Lambert 508 £20 8th N. Grindley 371 £20 9th J. Sharp 649 £50 12th Mrs T. Sims 947 £20 13th H. Brown 602 £20 14th Mrs L. Cottee 988 £20 15th M. Cosgrove 241 £20 16th V. Owens 531 £50 19th Mrs H. Logan 233 £20 20th P. Ashley 325 £20 21st B. Reid 577 £20 22nd A. J. Caple 541 £20 23rd J. Ross 954 £50 26th L. Waring 708 £20 27th Mrs F. Thomas 595 £20 28th H. Reed 201 £20 29th B. J. Mcdonald 530 £20 30th M. Byrne 881 £50

APRIL 2nd L. Blake 815 £20 3rd P. Shepherd 453 £20 4th A. M. Davis 706 £20 5th S. Naylor 490 £20 23rd T. M. Ziolo 751 £20 24th Mary Bradley 22 £20 25th C. L. Locke 430 £20 26th Mrs M. Gogarty 609 £20 27th Miss J. Hughes 697 £50 30th L. O'Toole 802 £20

MAY 1st R. Longshaw 413 £20 2nd P. Melia 304 £20 3rd L. C. Rand 195 £20 4th Mrs M. C. King 659 £50 8th Mrs C. A. Morgan 108 £20 9th Mrs B. Williams 472 £20 10th Mrs S. Moran 639 £20


AN old boy of St Edward's College cele­brated his Silver Jubilee of ordination to the priesthood in April. Father Paul Addison OSM, a Servite Friar, at present based in Begbroke, Oxford, came to Liverpool to celebrate with his family and friends. Five priests concelebrated Mass, among them Father Billy Mills, another old boy of the school, who is now Parish Priest of Our Lady's Hightown. (For many years he was Port Chaplain and travelled thousands of miles ministering to crew and passengers in ocean going liners. This proved beneficial to his acute asthmatic condition).

Father Paul's family includes two broth­ers, both former pupils, and three sisters.

Philip lives in Liverpool still, and is a pharmacist, while John lives in Cambridge doing Industrial Chemistry. Two sisters, Colette and Catherine, live in North York­shire, married with three children each, while Jane still lives in Liverpool, married to Mike Wainwright, yet another old boy; he is the Headmaster of St Oswald's Junior School.

Also present were all his nephews and nieces, cousins and friends; these include the three Silcock boys Paul, Matthew and Peter, of this school, and Andrew Ness, another pupil. Another cousin, Danny Morgan, also a former pupil was unable to be present. He lives in Brussels, where he occupies a high managerial position in a multinational textile firm. Unfortunately, his wife has been very ill and he could not leave her.

It was a very happy and nostalgic occasion, with p1enty of old photographs and reminiscences. The Mass was a real thanksgiving act, and in his homily Paul thanked us all for our love and support; we were the family he was denied as a priest, and only with our help could function in this very full and rewarding vocation. He offered a prayer that more young men would heed the Call, as we are desperately short of priests. On this note we retired to the adjacent hall for a wonderful party, a real family celebration!

M. R. Silcock

Left: Brother Grice's Jubilee Mass was cele­brated during the summer tenn. Pictured are members of his family who attended the festivities.



THE sad state of affairs upon which I reported last year con­tinued, as three of the competi­tions in which we used to take part were not organised in the Liverpool district again this year. This is a great pity when we have so many keen and capable public-speakers in the school.

Our internal organisation worked very well thanks to a group of 6B pupils who ran the Lower School Public-speaking Competition very efficiently. The prizes for that competition are traditionally given out at the end of term, but it is right that we should thank Caroline Wil­son, Clare McLoughlin, Robert Greenland and especially Paul Jennings for the work which they did.

This year St Edward's domin­ated the Merseyside round of the English-speaking Union compe­tition in a way no school has done before. Although one team was hit by illness, Duke Chakra­bati, Michael O'Brien, and Sta­cey Williams (who stepped in as substitute at a few hours' notice) came second by only one mark in the opening heat.

Our other teams had no problems in qualifying for the final, which was held in the Town Hall in the presence of the Lord Mayor. The problem for the judges was to decide which of our teams had won. Andrew Smith was awarded the speak­er's prize for best chairman as he, Damian Fleming and Paul Jennings took first prize, while James Lloyd was awarded speak­er's prize as he, Julian Loftus and Graham Jones came se­cond.

The latter team represented Merseyside in the North West final in the Stanley Palace in Chester, where they lost to the team that eventually was second in the national final.

The teams made such an impression that for the first time in twenty-five years, speak­ers from schools were invited to address the senior ESU branch in Liverpool, which they did at the University.

At Colours Day, guest of honour Brother Coupe, pre­sented awards to the speakers from the winning team who are leaving this year: Damian Flem­ing and Andrew Smith.

What do we do? We pray before the Eucharist, work in parishes, give retreats, preach

Eucharistic days, teach, publish Eucharistic material, work among the poor and disadvantaged and even reach out to mission lands like Africa and the Philippines. In all that we do, Christ in the Eucharist is our inspiration. Eucharist is our Gift. .. Eucharist is our Life! Come, join us!

Contact: LIVERPOOL - Fr James Duffy, Blessed Sacrament Shrine, 4 Dawson St, Liverpool L 1 1 LE. Tel. 051-709 5528. NEWCASTLE - Fr James Hegarty, St Andrews, 9 Worswick St,

Tel. 091-232 1892 iii Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 6UW. ~



Dear Sir, You may be pleased to include the

following information in the next edition of 'The Edwardian'.

I have recently been awarded my Doctor­ate by the University of Wales, and my wife, Helen, and I will shortly be emigrating to Melbourne, Australia where I have obtained a post as a Rock Mechanics consultant with Barrett, Fuller and Partners.

Best wishes to all the Staff that remem­ber me - I hope this news isn't too much of a shock - and best of luck to the school and the Old Boys rugby team.

Yours faithfully, PAUL O'GRADY (1975-1983)

4 Hampton Drive, Cronton, Wldnes, Cheshire WA89BI.

Dear Rev Bro Sassi, A friend of mine, knowing I was a student

at the College told me of a recent article in the Liverpool Echo, to the effect that you would like to hear from any former Edwardians.

I was a pupil from September 1964 to July 1970, when I left aged 17 with eight '0' Levels and 'A' Levels in English and French, so my contemporaries would be in the class of 1971.

I am married, and my son, John, is now studying for a BA (Hons) degree at Lough­borough College of Art and Design and my time at the College stood me in good stead in tutoring him through the more academic aspects of the '0' and 'A' levels necessary to his qualifying for the course; although his artistic talent is obviously from his mother.

For myself, I joined the Civil Service after leaving the Sixth Form, but left a short while to join idealistically the Liverpool Free School; not the most impressive introduction to one's CVand tending to bar one from any job using the qualifications gained ..

The rest has been a fairly chequered life, culminating in my present unemployment, although I do part-time voluntary work on Adult Literacy and Numeracy.

I should be pleased, if you have the time, to hear any news, particuarly of my co-equals, pupils and masters, whom I hope are doing fine.


153 Falrdough Road, Huyton, Uverpool L363UR.

Dear Sir, In response to your request for news of

former pupils, I thought you might like to know about me and my brother.

My brother, Geoffrey, attended St Ed­ward's 1970-1977 and went on to complete a BSc in Acow:tical Engineering at South­ampton University. He is now married with a two year old daughter.

I, Andrew, attended St Edward's 1974-1985, and this year will complete by BA Hons in Hispanic Studies. I will be working in Liverpool for Royal Life Holdings.

I hope this information is of interest. Yours,

128 Crookes, Sheffield SI0IUH.



Letters Dear Editor,

Looking at the 'News of Former Pupils' column in 'The Edwardian', I've been surprised to see comparatively few mem­bers of my year mentioned. I would be interested to hear from any and perhaps meet up with them again, as I've lost touch with them. I'd be particularly interested to hear from Brendan Murphy, Nicholas Gray and Martin Gleeson. I was at St Edward's from 1976-1983. Those who meet me now may find one or two differences from the pallid swot I was then!!!

I spent three years at Liverpool Uni­versity doing a BSc in Chemistry, followed by three years at Liverpool and the Dares­bury Laboratory doing a PhD. This, I completed last autumn, and I'm now working as a senior scientist at ICI Run­corn.

For those who knew my brother Bernard, at St Edward's from 1978-1985, he did a degree in Maritime Studies at Liverpool Polytechnic and now works for a maritime consultary firm, Anchor Marine, in Liver­pool.

Anyone who'd like to contact us can do so at the address below.

Yours sincerely,

8 Rowan Avenue, West Derby, Uverpool L120AG.

Dear John,


Recently, in an overseas Catholic paper, I read as to your plans to start 'A Friends of St Edward's College'. Last October I wrote to the Brothers on the ocasion of my own Diamond Jubilee of Priesthood. I was a pupil of the old Catholic Institute in Hope Street 1918-1922 and then joined the Oblates of Mary Immaculate and was ordained in Dublin by Bishop J. Shanahan CSSp of Nigeria on December 21st, 1929. From St Anne's, Rock Ferry, I came to the Transvaal, South Africa, the following year.

In those early days at the 'CI' we had Brother Forde as Superior and Brothers Walsh, O'Regan, Malone, Wall, and Gould­ing. I remember them all!

Even after the lapse of many years it would be wonderful to be in touch with the College. In 1921 we moved from Hope Street to St Domingo Road, but alas I never visited Sandfield Park.

In addition to parish work out here I have also founded the Catholic History Bureau which is now recognised as the historical sentio for the Church especially the Oblates in South Africa.

Since 1958, the year of the Centenary of the Apparition in Lourdes, when I organised the first South African National Pilgrimage, I have led eleven pilgrimages numbering over a thousand pilgrims in all.

Best wishes for every success in your efforts.

Every Blessing. J. E. BRADY

Dear John, You may recall that Austin Gibbons

brought me into your office in October last year. Further to that meeting, I now

enclose my membership for the Friends of St Edward's both for 1990 and 1991.

I left the school in 1968 with Brother Ryan as Headmaster, Austin Gibbons with red hair, Geoff Robinson as ever and the nearest girls at Holly Lodge. Nowadays it seems that Geoff Robinson is the only one who has not changed! Personally I believe I am a bit heavier than in those blissful days but I keep fit by playing squash and running, having managed five marathons over the past two years. (Average to slow, with apologies to Mike Dooling!)

After completing a Civil Engineering Degree at Imperial College, London, several friends persuaded me to move to South Africa. The job opportunities were only one reason - experience and travel being others, and the job market in Britain was pretty lousy at the time anyway.

I moved to Cape Town in January 1972 and apart from two years in the Middle East, have been here ever since.

The Middle East transfer was to Qatar in 1975 and 1976, in the middle of the Oil Boom. I had a great time, travelled a lot and saved money to do an MBA (Master of Business Administration) at Cape Town University. After three years consulting for a small company on Business Planning and Strategy, I branched out by myself in 1982 into property and now run a medium to large size Residential Real Estate company. We sell homes on behalf of owners, earning commission and employing about lOO people.

I am married with two sons aged 12 and 13. We are happily settled into Cape Town and regard it as a great place to live, notwithstanding the politics which seem to be going along the right lines at last. Remember that newspapers rarely paint the true picture (we must sell papers!) and all articles must be read with judgement.

I was delighted to see the school last October, and really appreciated the grand tour given to me by Austin Gibbons. The facilities are still as impressive as ever, and forever improving. The Sixth Form never had it so good!!

For the record, I've never needed much maths beyond the quality stuff drummed into us by Messrs Robinson and Dukes (and as an Engineering Student things were supposed to be very involved). Present students make the most of it.

Regrets are that I should have got more into the General Studies syllabus. Also, in retrospect, I'm sure more people would have benefited from Business Education opportunities - but that was not on any syllabus anywhere. Now I'm very much for the broader person and broader education before making career choices.

Mind you, it's great thinking in retros­pect, as I recall we gave Mr Brown a hard time when he tried to make us all subscribe to (never mind read!) The Listener.

Now that the school is getting into past pupil contact, anniversary dinners could become important occasions. 1993 will be the 25th anniversary of my 1968 group -so how about us taking a few tables at the Former Pupils' Dinner? I would be happy to come over! Perhaps any pupils of my vintage would like to get in touch with me and see what we can arrange.

I managed to see Jim Tyrer and John Hennigan on my last trip. I hope I can broaden things next time.


16 Mlclwood Avenue, Newlands 7700, Cape Town, South Africa.



Hungary meets St Edward's as the Lan­guage School Boom continues.

Pictured are happy faces from Debrecen, near the Romanian border.


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OBITUARY­Brigadier 'Tim' Hely ONE of the greatest military men to be produced by the College died in the summer aged 87.

Born Alfred Francis Hely, he attended St Edward's in the second decade of this century, and after studying Dentistry at Liverpool University, went on to a military career which brought him the DSO in 1943, the TD in 1944, appointed CBE in 1945 and CB in 1951.

He served with great bravery as an artillery officer on several fronts during the Second World War and held many commands, including that of the 60th Field Regiment in the Western Desert.

Snapshots Around the school, Summer 1990

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What is the Friends of St Edward's College? THE Friends of St Edward's College (FOSEC) is an orga­nisation which brings together the large and widespread group of people who form the College community.

St Edward's College is a very special school. For many, it brings back memories of school­days past, and for others, grati­tude and appreciation for a qual­ity education given to a son or daughter. All those who have passed through its doors have their own story to tell. The aim of FOSEC is to provide an active social focal point for all those who wish to remain in touch with the College, their friends and colleagues, and with the life of the school.

There is a second, equally important reason for the exist­ence of FOSEC. In a world in

which education is placed in­creasingly in the political domain, the simple fact is that the future of the kind of educa­tion which St Edward's has al­ways provided, based on tradi­tional standards within the framework of a Christian com­munity, is under threat.

Although independent since 1980, St Edward's has never been the preserve of the weal­thy. Through a large-scale parti­cipation in the Government Assisted Places Scheme, the College retains the same happy social mix of pupils from all backgrounds as it had in its Direct Grant Grammar School days.

In the event of the Assisted Places scheme being ended, the unique nature of the College would inevitably be lost. The

very existence of the school could be at risk.

The Christian Brothers have for many years given selflessly to Catholic education at St Ed­ward's, to the benefit of many generations of young people and their families. It is now the duty of all those who have benefited from their work to support an active, thriving association to see that the work of the Brothers can continue for many future generations of Catholic children.

It is a fundamental aim of FOSEC to provide the support that may one day be needed to see that St Edward's is placed beyond the whim of politicians and in the hands of the Catholic community to whom it has al­ways belonged.

Dear Sir, It's the receipt of the second issue of 'The

Edwardian' which has finally gotten me to sit down and tell you what I've been up to since I left St Edward's in June 1984.

After completing my degree in Pharma­cology and Biochemistry, I graduated from Aston University in 1987. From there, I took up employment at Huntingdon Re­search Centre, where I am still employed, working in the field of Reproductive Toxico­logy. Currently, I am back in Birmingham, this time at Birmingham University where I am being sponsored by HRC to do an MSc in Toxicology, which I should complete this time next year.

I was glad to hear of the formation of FOSEC and would like to wish it good success in the future.

Finally, I would like to add that I would be pleased to hear from anybody who remembers me, especially anybody who may now be living in the Northamptonshire area.

Yours sincerely,

64 Wellington Street, Kettering,


Northanks Northants NN16 SRQ.


SILVER CARD SILVER CARD is an individual membership costing just £5 per year. Benefits include: • Personal copy of 'The Edwardian' sent by post

three times a year. • 5% discount on ABTA holidays or travel. • Entitlement to discount or special terms on a

range of goods and services.

GOLD CARD GOLD CARD is a family membership costing just £12 per year. Benefits include:

• Junior Saver/Student account at Barclays bank for each child.

• Each account credited with £2 courtesy of Barclays Bank.

• Free supersaver watch for each child opening an account.

• Free slimline pocket calculator for each child opening an account.

• 5% discount on your ABTA family holiday or travel.

• Family copy of 'The Edwardian' sent by post three times a year.

• Entitlement to discount or special terms on a range of goods and services.

A silver cardholder booking an ABTA holiday

costing £300 through the travel agent sponsoring the association will only pay £285 -recouping not only the FOSEC membership fee but also a further £ 1 O!

A gold cardholder booking an ABTA family holiday costing £1200 will save a total of £60 five times the cost of membership of FOSEC! And with free watches, calculators and cash for the children, can you afford NOT to join?

VICE-PRESIDENT A new class of membership for 1991. The full

benefits of Gold Card membership acknowledgement in 'The Edwardian' and th~ satisfaction of supporting the work of the Christian Brothers for an annual payment of £30.



MrT. S. Mann (1979-1986) Mr A. J. Preston 0971-1982) Mr T. Burke (1972-1980) Col J. G. Bryson (1922-1929) ProfW. B. Whalley Mr F. Dacey (1965-1972) Mr J. Leatherbarrow (1931-1936) MrS. Owen (1976-1983) Mr C. Lawler (1974-1981) Mr P. Duffy (1950-1962) Mr M. R. Seddon (1970-1978) Mr Patrick Molon")' (1971-1978) Mr L. J. Williams (1940-1945) Mr M. Le Roi (1953-1959) MrJ. V. Shennan (1932-1938) Mr F. Nelson (1942-1947) MrJ. C. Fennell (1935-1940) Mr P. O'Grady (1975-1983) Dr B. Norton (1974-1981) Mr M. P. Forde (1972-1983) Mr G. F. Pratt (1929-1934) Mr M. Mulrooney (1975-1982) Mr Mr M. Johnson (1968-1979) MrA. Tyrrell (1979-1985) Mr M. Collins (1950-1958) Mr M. Adams (1971-1976) Mr D. Asbury (1950-1957) Mr P. Johnson (1981-1988) Mr S. Young (1974-1980) Mr M. D. Kavanagh (1978-1985) Mr J. A. Morgan (1942-1952) Mr P. C. Quinn (1964-1975) Mr S. Robinson (1975-1986) Mr P. Henderson (1974-1980) Ms M. Winn (1987-1989) Mr P. Hughes (1975-1982) MrE. R. T. C. Owen (1976-1983) MrS. Von Bargen (1979-1986) MrJ. Bolger (1979-1986) Mr D. A. I. Jordan (1979-1981) MrJ. Kinsella (1945-1951) Mr T. J. C. Dobbin (1942-1951) MrJ. P. Kelly (1977-1984) MrP.A1tham (1980-1987) MrG.J. Gullen (1973-1982) Mr B. Pearse (1945-1950) MrJ. T. J. Connolly (1962-1971) Mr S. J. Conway (1968-1975) Mr E. R. Lomax (1955-1962) MrP. Duffy Mr G. R. O'Leary (1977-1984) Mr M. J. O'Leary (1975-1982)

Mr M. A. C. Slemen Mr Paul R. McCann (1970-1974) MrW. E. Johnson (1955-1976) MrJ. C. Rice Mr Peter Jackson (1972-1979) Mr C. Walsh (1941-1946) Mr I. Russell (1979-1986) Mr G. Cowen (1949-1956) Mr A. Haughton (1973-1980) MrJ. Shanahan (1976-1984) Mr K. Parr (1971-1979) MrJ. McQuaid (1942-1947) Mr T. Fetherston (1960-1970) Mr C. M. Reddington (1948-1950) MrA. D. Higham (1969-1980) Mr A. Walker (1974-1985) Miss C. Green (1986-1988) MrJ. Short (1977-1984) Mr F. Finn (1941-1946) Dr A. Gilbertson (1941-1951) MrJ. Hopkins (1942-1949) Mr K. L. Parkin (1969-1976) Mr P. Anwyl (1971-1982) Mr A. J. Holland (1973-1984) MrJ. P. Gillooly (1956-1963) Dr Peter A. Bamber (1969-1976) MrJohn Byrne (1975-1982) Ms K. McGlinchey (1986-1988) Mr G. Knight (1968-1975) MrJ. P. Lyons (1975-1982) Ms H. Feeney (1986-1988) Mr A. Maden (1981-1988) MrJ. Deane (1970-1979) MrJ. Buckley (1974-1976) Mr G. Moore (1977-1984) Miss J. Stephens (1986-1988) Br Dunstan O'Keeffe (1973-1982) Mr R. M. Clancy (1934-1938) MrW. R. Roberts (1932-1936) Mr R. A. Mathers (1954-1965) Mr F. B. Edgar (1944-1949) Mr P. Staunton (1976-1983) Mr P. Schofield (1942-1947) Mr P. Stevenson (1971-1982) Mr P. A. Brabin (1982-1989) MrWilliam McNamara (1946-1951) Mr L. O'Toole (1946-1952) MrT. Duffy (1949-1958) Mr S. Grant (1981-1989) MrJ. A. O'Hara (1951-1958) Mr A. C. Fitzgerald (1972-1979) MrM. Smith (1978-1985)

MrN. Wignall (1981-1989) Mr Stephen J. Maginn (1976-1983) Mr D. Faulkner (1965-1976) MrJ. Mills (1952-1964) Rev FrW. A. Mills (1938-1943) Mr S. E. Fitzpatrick (1957-1967) Ms Helen Gogarty (1987-1989) Mr K. Reddington (1953-1960) Mr B. Hynes (1968-1975) MrJ. G. Healy (1928-1935) Mr D. Flattery (1980-1987) Mr G. Nelson (1942-1947) Mr B. A. Homan (1976-1984) Mr N. D. Ashton (1977-1984) Mr A. L. Ashton (1969-1977) Mr U. J. Peters (1918-1923) MrJohn L. Harrison (1942-1947) MrJ. P. Ridge (1966-1977) Mr Charles McDermott (1969-1976) Mr Paul Barrow (1969-1976) Dr M. Redmond (1972-1979) Mr R. F. Riley (1938-1945) Mr C. M. Lawlor (1977-1984) Mr Peter Stephenson (1975-1982) Mr Gerard A. Charles (1964-1971) MrJ. F. Shennan (1932-1938) Mr M. Raftery (1980-1987) Mr D. J. Reid (1948-1953) Mr G. J. Edgar (1945-1950) Mr E. A. Devlin (1977-1984) Mr Paul McCarthy (1965-1971) Mr David Curtis 0941-1946) Mr Carl S. Falconer (1974-1977) Mr S. Wilkinson (1979-1986) Mr M. V. Gower (1966-1972) Mr B. G. McVey (1971-1978) MrJ. G. Davis (1919-1925) Mr K. McCarten (1968-1975) MrA. G. Martin (1929-1934) Mr Gregory Hughes Mr Keith Warriner (1969-1976) Mr Stepben Warriner (1970-1977) Mr David Warriner (1967-1974) Mr Paul Hunt (1976-1983) Mr Dennis Quayle (1961-1968) MrJohnMorrison (1960-1967) MrJ. P. Carrier (1944-1955) Mr Gary M. Brown (1970-1977) Mr C. N. Bridge (1944-1949) Dr G. A. Doyle (1955-1963) Mr F. T. Rowan (1937-1943) MrW. J. Forshaw (1980-1987) Mr P. J. Marron (1945-1950)

-----------------------------------------------. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM I apply for 1991 membership of THE FRI ENDS OF ST EDWARD'S COLLEGE.

Name (Please print), ___________________________ _ Address, _______________________________ _

Telephone ______________ _

I would like SILVER (£5)/GOLD (£12)IVICE PRESIDENT (£30) membership. (Please delete as applicable.)

Remittance enclosed £ (Cheques etc payable to St Edward's College)

Personal Details (Please tick as appropriate)

I am: a former pupil a current parent of a pupil at the school a parent of a former pupil of the school other

Please give brief details of your answer (Le. years at school, name of son/daughter, etc.)

GOLD CARD APPUCANTS ONLY Please give names of your family included in your membership.

_______________________________________________ J


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BROTHER Edward Coupe, who taught for a number of years at the College as a layman, was guest of honour and presented the awards at this year's Colours Day.

The annual ceremony which was once again sponsored by Eddarbridge Ltd acknowledges the sporting and cultural achievements of senior pupils throughout their time at the College.

The College is very grateful to Mr Pat Doran of Eddarbridge Ltd for his generous support and his presence on the day itself.

Any company or individual wishing to support the work of the Christian Brothers at St Edward's is welcome to contact the Development Office on 051-2595371.


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8 Tru~lh""H,·~·"rl'·


Dominic Moran on a recent visit to school.

Dear Brother Sassi, Following my letter of 17th August, I thought you might

like to know that Dominic Moran has now been awarded a Kolkhorst Exhibition in Spanish, to mark his excellent progress and outstanding performance in University examina­tions.

I hope we can maintain and nurture the links established between our two educational institutions.

Yours sincerely,

Trinity College, Oxford. OX13BH


Summer Fair THIS year's Summer Fair was held on Sunday 24th June at the College. It was very well attended and enjoyed by all, raising over £2,400. .

Both Brother Sassi and Jim Lloyd, Chairman of the Parents' Association, were full of praise for the support shown by College families.

'It is great to see the efforts of the Parents' Association on our behalf rewarded by such an excellent result' said Brother Sassi.

'The College has such good facilities' added Jim Lloyd, 'and to see activities taking place everywhere you look is a marvellous sight.'

ABOVE: The U15 squad who at Easter beat Brlve and Marmande on their Easter tour of the Dor­dogne.

It's a hard life on tour with the College 1st .xv in Portugal as plllJ'ers Carl McLaughlin (left) and RIIJ'Vasey (right) prepare for another big game.


Cross Country Club Report 89-90 James Fogarty ran very well in the first term -he finished 5th and 4th in the first two League fIXtures and was chosen to represent the Merseyside League. Allan Whelan came to the fore in the second half of the season, finishing 5th in the third League fIXture and an excellent 12th in the Northern Schools' Championships. They both received tremendous support throughout the season from Robert Pope, Peter Silcock and Dominic Smith.

ONCE again, it was a season of mixed fortunes for the cross country club. Several teams were unduly affected by injury, but it was encouraging to see fine team spirit present particularly in our junior teams.

The seniors had a nucleus of eight runners who ran in nearly all fIXtures so that the team enjoyed a consistent season. They finished 4th in the Merseyside League, 2nd in the Christian Brothers' Championships and enjoyed reasonable fortune in other competitions. Darren Pierce set a good example as captain, while our most successful runners were Stephen Spellacy, who was chosen to represent the Merseyside League, and Tom Snape, who earned selection for the Liverpool team in the County Championships.

The Under 16 team also had a reasonably successful season. A combination of illness and injury meant that the team was rarely at full strength, so it was a measure of the depth of talent present that they also achieved 4th place

Cross Countly coach Mr John Miles and 1st Year pupil Peter Silcock out on the College track.

OLD BOYS RUGBY REPORT THE Old Boys' Rugby Team finished last season as outril!ht winners of the N.W. West 1 League. They achieved the distinction of winning every game and have now been promoted to N.W. West 2. In addition, over the May bank holiday, the Club acquitted itself admirably in the Caldy 7's competition by beating West Park in the final to win the competition and the shield for the first time since 1958. The winning try of the game was scored by John Kelly (the Club's leading try scorer during the 1989/90 season) in the first thirty seconds of extra time.

For the coming season Danny O'Brien (1965-76) has been chosen as the Old Boys' Club Captain (picture) while F. Nelson (Nick to generations of Old Edwardians) has been re­elected as Club Chairman. It should be noted that the Old Boys' Rugby Club is not just about the 1st xv. The fact that they were the most successful squad for thirty-nine years should not be allowed to overshadow the three other teams from the Club who play every Saturday. Indeed the award for the best young player of the year went to Christian Farrell who is a member of the 2nd team squad. There are also many Club members who do not play but who join in regular training sessions held every Tuesday and Thursday, 6.30 p.m. at the College.

This year is the Club's fortieth anniversary season and is guaranteed to be enjoyable both on and off the pitch. A tough but exciting time is assured for the team in a league which covers all of the North West of England. The opening game of the season should be played on the first Saturday in September. New supporters and league programme sponsors are particularly welcome. If you would like further information or if your compaDY would like to sponsor a programme at a very modest (tax deductible) cost, contact Nick Nelson on 051-526 5063.

In the meantime everybody is looking forward to the Wrexham 7's competition which is held pre-season, over the August bank holiday. A report on the Club's performance will appear in the next edition.

Mark Seddon

in the Merseyside League and respectable placings in other competitions. Brian McArdle was our most successful runner, finishing as our first counter in every race he ran and earning selection for both the Merseyside League and Liverpool teams. He received consistent support from Kevin Beckett, who also represented the Liverpool team, and from Andrew McDonald. There was a number of useful performances too from Steve Settle, Neil Murphy, and Stacy Williams.

Our Under 14 team were also 4th overall in the Merseyside League - they were unlucky not to finish higher after occupying 2nd place for most of the season. They were our best placed team (20th) in the Northern Schools' Championships at Lyme Park. Peter Martland was our first counter in most fIXtures and he was well supported by Chris Lynas, James Riley, Neil Seddon and Chris Fogarty.

The Under 13's showed a lot of enthusiasm and a good team spirit. In September they showed what a talented team they were as well­they were leading a good quality field halfway through the Relay at Marple Hall, and in the first Merseyside League fIXture a week later they finished 5th, just 5 points behind the third placed team. Shortly afterwards, they qualified for the Regional Final of the Milk Cup. Sadly, the team was very hard hit by illness and injuries and were never again able to turn out as strong a team. Steven McKenna had a fine season and was our first counter in most races. Neil McAlan, Kevin Keith, Stuart Lamkin and James O'Shaughnessy all provided good support at different stages of the season. Also worthy of note for their consistent effort in training were John Riley, Anthony McIlroy and Alex Astor.

The Under 12's had a very promising season and were probably our most successful team. They enjoyed an emphatic win in the Christian Brothers' Championsips, with our first four finishers in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places. They clinched 2nd place overall in the Merseyside League in the final fIXture at Arrowe Park.

Danny O'Brien (1965-76). New Club Captain of the Old Boys' R.F.C.



• from Page One

THIS year the St Edward's Intermediate team of 14 boys reached the final of the Milk Cup. The event was held at Barnet, Hendon (London) on 7th July 1990, and for the first time in the history of the College, they took the National Title.

The Milk Cup is a national competition for over 500 schools throughout the UK. Only 12 schools, however, reached the finals and St Edward's with a record regional final score of 505 points were hot favourites. Happily, on the big day their nerve and form did not desert them and the prize was theirs.

Team coach Phil Grice reports that the 14 team members have proved throughout the season to be very keen, have had the right attitude and have been training hard for a long time. The team spirit was high and they pushed themselves to improve. Dominic Williams, Mark Lomax, Peter Lavery and John Malone have given outstanding individual performances.

But in the final it was the all-round ability of the side which proved the greatest asset in this unique competition in which competitors are required to compete in one track and one field event or relay.

The team has been constantly supported by the College and local insurance brokers Stephensons gave overhwelming support by sponsoring the team's tracksuits. This year's successes follow on from the great success of last year's junior team who were the first ever St Edward's team to win the Milk Cup at that level. That team this year provided the Intermediate team with three outstanding athletes, Chris Lynas, Ben Rudge and Danny Kenyon.

Members of the College 1st XI, Runners-Up in the Liverpool City Schools' Cricket Cup.

32 Printed by Mersey Mirror ltd, Media House. Mann Island. Pier Head, Liverpool L31 DQ. Tel: 051-236 2426