ch 4 & 5 quiz q & a from site.pdf

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    Site Title: Companion Website for Marieb's Human Anatomy

    and Physiology, 7e

    Book's Title: Human Anatomy & Physiology, 7/e

    Book's Author: Marieb

    Location on Site: 4: Tissue: The Living Fabric > Art Labeling Quiz


    October 1, 2014 at 1:20 PM (UTC/GMT)

    Summary of Results

    100% Correct of 3 questions:

    14 correct: 100%

    0 incorrect: 0%

    3 questions contain multiple pairs, scored for a total of 14

    questions. More information about scoring

    1. Label the following epithelial tissue types.

    Figure 4.2

    Label Your Answer

    1.1 Simple squamous epithelium A.

    1.2 Simple columnar epithelium C.

    1.3 Simple cuboidal epithelium B.

    1.4 Stratified squamous epithleium E.

    1.5 Pseudostratified columnar epithelium D.

    2. Label the following connective tissue types.

    Figure 4.9

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  • Label Your Answer

    2.1 Areloar A.

    2.2 Bone (compact) E.

    2.3 Blood F.

    2.4 Cartilage (hyaline) D.

    2.5 Adipose B.

    2.6 Dense white fibrous C.

    3. Label the following membrane classes.

    Figure 4.12

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  • Label Your Answer

    3.1 Mucous membrane B.

    3.2 Cutaneous membrane A.

    3.3 Serous membrane C.

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  • Your Results for "Matching Quiz" Print this page

    Site Title: Companion Website for Marieb's Human Anatomy

    and Physiology, 7e

    Book's Title: Human Anatomy & Physiology, 7/e

    Book's Author: Marieb

    Location on Site: 4: Tissue: The Living Fabric > Matching Quiz


    October 1, 2014 at 1:35 PM (UTC/GMT)

    Summary of Results

    100% Correct of 21 questions:

    83 correct: 100%

    0 incorrect: 0%

    21 questions contain multiple pairs, scored for a total of

    83 questions. More information about scoring

    1. Match each of the following major tissue types with its function.

    Option Your Answer

    1.1 Connective A. Support

    1.2 Epithelium C. Covering/lining

    1.3 Muscle D. Movement

    1.4 Nervous B. Regulation/control

    2. Match each of the following major tissue types with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    2.1 Epithelium

    B. Avascular; associated with a basement membrane; apical and basal surfaces;

    great powers of regeneration, sparse extracellular matrix, innervated.

    2.2 Connective

    A. Large amount of extracellular matrix; originates from mesenchyme; possesses


    2.3 Muscular D. Highly vascular; elongated cells; possess actin and myosin filaments; maypossess striations.

    2.4 Nervous C. Primary cell type branches and possesses multiple cell processes extending fromthe nucleus-containing cell body; possesses two types of cells: neurons and

    supportive cells called glia.

    3. Match each of the following types of epithelium with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    3.1 Simple squamous A. Single layer of flattened scale-like cells.

    3.2 Pseudostratifiedcolumnar

    B. Single layer of cells that vary in height, with only the tall cells

    reaching the apical surface, nuclei at different levels, may contain gobletcells and cilia.

    3.3 Transitional C. Multiple layers of cells with apical cells possessing the ability tochange shape.

    3.4 Stratified squamous

    E. Multiple cell layers whose apical cells are flattened.

    3.5 Simple columnar D. Single layer of cells that are taller than they are wide.

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  • 4. Match each of the following epithelial tissues with a body location where it can be found.

    Option Your Answer

    4.1 Keratinized stratified squamous D. Skin

    4.2 Transitional C. Lines the urinary bladder.

    4.3 Simple squamous E. Walls of the air sacs of the lungs and lining bloodvessels.

    4.4 Pseudostratified ciliated columnar

    A. Upper respiratory tract

    4.5 Simple cuboidal B. Walls of smallest ducts of glands and kidney tubules.

    5. Match the following specialized characteristics of epithelium with the appropriate description orexample.

    Option Your Answer

    5.1 Regeneration D. Rapidly replace lost cells by cell division

    5.2 Specialized contacts C. Desmosomes, tight junctions

    5.3 Polarity B. Tissue with a free apical surface.

    5.4 Supported by connective tissue A. Two laminae forming a basement membrane.

    5.5 Avascular but innervated E. No blood vessels; abundant nerve endings.

    6. Match each of the following exocrine glands with its structure.

    Option Your Answer

    6.1 Mammary glands E. Compound alveolar

    6.2 Salivary glands A. Compound tubuloalveolar

    6.3 Intestinal glands C. Simple tubular

    6.4 Sebaceous glands D. Simple branched alveolar

    6.5 Eccrine sweat glands B. Simple coiled tubular

    7. Match each of the following types of connective tissue fibers with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    7.1 Collagenfibers

    C. The strongest and most abundant fibers, they allow connective tissues to resist


    7.2 Reticularfibers

    B. These short branching fibers cluster into delicate networks and have the abilityto glide freely across one another whenever the network is pulled, allowing give.

    7.3 Elasticfibers

    A. These long, thin, branching fibers form wide networks within the extracellular

    matrix and possess the ability to stretch and then return to their original length.

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  • 8. Match each of the following cell components of connective tissue with its function.

    Option Your Answer

    8.1 Mast cells C. Secrete histamine

    8.2 Plasma cells B. Produce antibodies

    8.3 Fibroblasts D. Produce collagen, elastic and reticular fibers

    8.4 Macrophages E. Are phagocytic cells that engulf foreign matter

    8.5 Adipocytes A. Store fat molecules

    9. Match each of the following types of connective tissue with an appropriate location.

    Option Your Answer

    9.1 Adipose C. Hypodermis; in mesenteries; surrounding kidneys; posteriorto eyeballs

    9.2 Elastic cartilage D. Supports external ear, epiglottis

    9.3 Dense regular connectivetissue

    A. Ligaments, tendons, aponeuroses

    9.4 Fibrocartilage E. Intervertebral discs, pubis symphysis, menisci of knee joint

    9.5 Reticular connective tissue B. Bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes

    10. Match each of the following connective tissue components with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    10.1 Osteoblast B. Bone producing cell

    10.2 Plasma C. Liquid portion of blood

    10.3 Chondrocyte A. Cartilage producing cell

    10.4 Extracellular matrix D. Non-living material located between the cells of a connective tissue

    10.5 Reticular cell E. Type of fibroblast

    11. Match each of the following types of membranes with its location.

    Option Your Answer

    11.1 Cutaneous membrane C. Covers the outer surface of the body

    11.2 Mucous membrane(mucosa)

    B. Lines the inside of hollow organs that open to the body's


    11.3 Serous membrane(serosae)

    A. Lines the ventral body cavity walls and covers the ventral body

    cavity viscera

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  • 12. Match each of the following body locations with its associated muscle tissue type.

    Option Your Answer

    12.1 Walls of hollow organs B. Smooth muscle tissue

    12.2 Walls of the heart C. Cardiac muscle tissue

    12.3 Attached to bones A. Skeletal muscle tissue

    13. Match each of the following types of muscle tissue with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    13.1 Skeletal muscletissue

    C. Striated; multinucleated cells; long, large, cylinder-shaped cells

    13.2 Smooth muscle tissue

    A. No striations; spindle-shaped cells; uninucleated cells

    13.3 Cardiac muscle tissue

    B. Striated; branching cells; intercalated discs; generally uninucleated


    14. Match each of the following types of connective tissue with a body location.

    Option Your Answer

    14.1 Hyaline cartilage A. Forms embryonic skeleton and covers the ends of longbones

    14.2 Bone B. Skeletal system

    14.3 Dense regular connective tissue

    E. Primary tissue of ligaments and tendons

    14.4 Blood C. Located within the cardiovascular system

    14.5 Dense irregular connectivetissue

    D. Primary tissue of the dermis

    15. Match the following types of connective tissue with the appropriate function/description.

    Option Your Answer

    15.1 Connective tissueproper

    C. Loose connective tissue (areolar, adipose, and reticular); dense

    connective tissue (dense regular, dense irregular and elastic)

    15.2 Cartilage B. Stands up to both tension and compression; tough and flexible,providing resilient rigidity

    15.3 Bone tissue A. Supports and protects body structures; stores fat; synthesizes bloodcells

    15.4 Blood D. Most atypical connective tissue; extracellular fibers are soluble proteinmolecules found in liquid plasma, abundant extracellular matrix

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  • 16. Match each of the following types of membrane with its function.

    Option Your Answer

    16.1 Cutaneous C. Provides protection for outer surface of body

    16.2 Mucous A. Provides secretions that lubricate and protect areas that open to the outside ofthe body

    16.3 Serous B. Provides secretions for lubrication of organs enclosed within the body cavities

    17. Match each type of muscle tissue with its function.

    Option Your Answer

    17.1 Skeletalmuscle

    B. Allows voluntary movement to occur by changing position of bones

    17.2 Smoothmuscle

    C. Allows hollow organs to contract and propel materials through them

    (digestive organs, reproductive organs, etc.)

    17.3 Cardiacmuscle

    A. Pumps a liquid connective tissue through vessels

    18. Match each following type of blast cell with its function.

    Option Your Answer

    18.1 Fibroblast A. Produces materials in connective tissue proper

    18.2 Chondroblast D. Produces extracellular matrix of cartilage

    18.3 Osteoblast B. Produces extracellular matrix of bone

    18.4 Hematopoietic stem cell C. Produces blood cells

    19. Match the following types of tissue with its embryonic origin.

    Option Your Answer

    19.1 Epithelial tissue B. Ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm

    19.2 Connective tissue and muscle tissue C. Mesoderm

    19.3 Nervous tissue A. Ectoderm

    20. Match the following types of cell with its function.

    Option Your Answer

    20.1 Neuron A. Conducts signals

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  • 20.2 Supporting neuroglial cells B. Non-conducting cells

    21. Match the following tissue types with their ability to regenerate.

    Option Your Answer

    21.1 Epithelial tissues, bone, loose connective tissue, andblood

    D. Very good at regenerating.

    21.2 Smooth muscle and dense connective tissue A. Moderate regeneratingcapacity

    21.3 Skeletal muscle and cartilage B. Poor regenerating capacity.

    21.4 Nervous tissue and cardiac muscle C. No useful regeneration.

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    Site Title: Companion Website for Marieb's Human Anatomy

    and Physiology, 7e

    Book's Title: Human Anatomy & Physiology, 7/e

    Book's Author: Marieb

    Location on Site: 4: Tissue: The Living Fabric > Multiple-Choice Quiz

    (Level I)


    October 1, 2014 at 1:44 PM (UTC/GMT)

    Summary of Results

    85% Correct of 27 questions:

    23 correct: 85%

    4 incorrect: 15%

    More information about scoring

    1. During the process of tissue repair, which of the following processes produces scar tissue?

    Your Answer: Fibrosis

    During the process of tissue repair, fibrosis involves the proliferation of a fibrous connective tissuecalled scar tissue.

    2. Embryonic ectoderm develops into which of the following major tissue types?

    Your Answer: Epithelial tissue and nervous tissue

    Nervous tissue develops solely from embryonic ectoderm, while epithelial tissues develop fromectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm embryonic tissue.

    3. What type of tissue forms tendons?

    Your Answer: Dense regular

    Dense regular connective tissue forms tendons.

    4. Goblet cells are associated with which of the following epithelial tissues?

    Your Answer: Simple columnar

    Goblet cells are found within simple columnar epithelial tissue, scattered between the columnar-shaped cells.

    5. In which of the following tissue types would fibrosis most likely completely replace lost tissue withscar tissue?

    Your Answer: Cardiac muscle tissue

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  • In essentially non-regenerating tissues, fibrosis completely replaces the lost tissue with scar tissue.

    6. The basement membrane is located between which of the following tissue types?

    Your Answer: Epithelial and muscle

    Correct Answer: Epithelial and connective

    Epithelial tissue secretes the superficial basal lamina region of the basement membrane, whereasconnective tissue produces the deeper reticular layer of the basement membrane.

    7. This type of connective tissue functions as a reserve energy supply for the body.

    Your Answer: Adipose

    Adipose tissue possesses large cells filled with fat droplets that serve as a reserve energy source forthe body.

    8. This type of epithelial tissue lines the interior of blood vessels.

    Your Answer: Endothelium

    A simple squamous epithelial tissue lines the interior of blood vessels.

    9. This unicellular gland is associated with mucus production.

    Your Answer: Goblet cell

    Goblet cells, located between columnar epithelial cells, function in producing the protein mucinwhich, when combined with water, forms mucus.

    10. Which of the following apical epithelial cell structures functions in the movement of materials acrossthe surface of the cell?

    Your Answer: Cilia

    The cilia on an epithelium bend and move in coordinated waves pushing mucus and other substancesover the epithelial surface.

    11. Which of the following best describes a squamous-shaped cell?

    Your Answer: A flattened "scalelike" cell

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  • Squamous cells are flattened and scale-like.

    12. Which of the following cell organelles is associated with the process of secretion in gland cells?

    Your Answer: Golgi apparatus

    In gland cells, the Golgi apparatus packages proteins into secretory granules that are released fromthe cell by exocytosis.

    13. Which of the following epithelial tissue types is best adapted for the rapid transport of materialsacross its membranes?

    Your Answer: Simple squamous

    Simple squamous epithelial tissue, composed of a single layer of flattened cells, occurs whereversmall molecules must pass through a membrane quickly.

    14. Which of the following is NOT a function of areolar connective tissue?

    Your Answer: Movement of body parts

    While areolar connective tissue holds body fluids, stores nutrients, supports and binds other tissues,and defends the body against infection, movement of body parts is a task performed by the threedifferent types of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.

    15. Which of the following is NOT a function of epithelial tissues?

    Your Answer: Control

    Epithelial tissue functions in protection, secretion, ion transport, and filtration, but control is theprimary responsibility of nervous tissue.

    16. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of inflammation?

    Your Answer: Itching

    Whereas heat, redness, swelling, and pain are symptoms of inflammation, itching is not.

    17. Which of the following is NOT an example of connective tissue?

    Your Answer: (blank)

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  • 18. Which of the following tissues lines the majority of the digestive tract?

    Your Answer: Transitional

    Correct Answer: Simple columnar

    Simple columnar epithelial tissue lines most of the digestive tract, from the stomach to the anus.

    19. Which of the following types of epithelial tissue provides the greatest amount of protection?

    Your Answer: Stratified columnar

    Correct Answer: Stratified squamous

    Stratified squamous is the thickest form of epithelial tissue, which is composed of multiple layers offlat cells.

    20. Which of the following indicates the proper sequence of tissue repair?

    Your Answer: Tissue damage, blood clotting, scab formation, organization, fibrosis and


    Following tissue damage, a blood clot forms which dries and forms a scab which will be replaced, viathe process of organization, with granulation tissue, which, in turn, gives rise to regenerated tissueand fibrous scar tissue through the processes of regeneration and fibrosis.

    21. Which of the following are structural characteristics of epithelial tissue?

    Your Answer: Closely packed cells without much extracellular material

    Epithelial tissue has numerous, closely packed cells with very little extracellular material.

    22. Which of the following are functional characteristics of epithelial tissue?

    Your Answer: Secretion, protection, absorption, filtration

    All of these are functional characteristics of epithelial tissue.

    23. Mucous that protects your stomach lining is secreted by a specialized type of

    Your Answer: simple columnar epithelial cell.

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  • These specialized simple columnar epithelial cells are goblet cells.

    24. A type of epithelium with limited distribution in the body is

    Your Answer: stratified cuboidal epithelium.

    This type of epithelium is quite rare in the body.

    25. A type of connective tissue that provides primary support and protection for body structures is

    Your Answer: osseous tissue.

    Because of its rock-like hardness, bone has an exceptional ability to support and protect bodystructures.

    26. Which of the following tissue types controls most other tissues?

    Your Answer: Nervous tissue

    Nervous tissue sends electrical signals to control the body.

    27. Which of the following is found on the surface of the skin?

    Your Answer: Stratified squamous epithelium

    The epidermis is stratified squamous epithelium.

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    Site Title: Marieb/Hoehn, Human Anatomy &

    Physiology, 9e - Open Access

    Book's Title: Human Anatomy and Physiology

    Book's Author: Marieb/Hoehn

    Location on

    Site:Chapter 5: The Integumentary System

    > Chapter Quizzes > Matching Quiz



    October 29, 2014 at 3:00 AM


    Summary of Results

    93% Correct of 20 questions:

    83 correct: 93%

    6 incorrect: 7%

    20 questions contain multiple pairs, scored for a total of

    89 questions. More information about scoring

    1. Match each of the following epidermal cell types with its function.

    Option Your Answer

    1.1 keratinocytes C. produce a tough fibrous protein that gives the epidermismost of its protective qualities

    1.2 melanocytes A. responsible for skin pigmentation

    1.3 Merkel cells B. sensory receptor for touch

    1.4 Langerhanscells

    D. present antigens to the immune system

    2. Match each of the following skin strata with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    2.1 stratum basale C. single row of cells composed of keratinocyte stem cells,melanocytes, and Merkel cells

    2.2 stratumspinosum

    B. several cell layers thick, with intermediate filaments,

    keratinocytes and Langerhans cells

    2.3 stratumgranulosum

    D. three to five layers of flattened keratinocytes possessing

    filaments and keratohyaline and lamellated granules

    2.4 stratum lucidum

    A. a thin, translucent band consisting of a few rows of flat,

    dead, keratinocytes

    2.5 stratumcorneum

    E. many cell layers of dead keratinocytes filled with keratin

    (outermost layer of skin)

    3. Match each of the following integumentary system layers with its primary tissuetype.

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  • Option Your Answer

    3.1 epidermis B. keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

    3.2 hypodermis C. adipose connective tissue

    3.3 papillary layer of dermis A. areolar connective tissue

    3.4 reticular layer of dermis D. dense irregular connective tissue

    4. Match each of the following skin functions with the mechanism that accomplishes it.

    Option Your Answer

    4.1 protection E. provides a chemical barrier and a mechanical barrier toward off bacterial invasion and to provide "waterproofing"

    4.2 body temperatureregulation

    C. dilation of blood vessels and secretion of sweat that

    evaporates from body surface

    4.3 cutaneoussensation

    A. activation of numerous receptors that are part of the

    nervous system

    4.4 metabolicfunctions

    D. synthesis of vitamin D; destruction of cancer-causing

    chemicals; activation of some steroid hormones

    4.5 blood reservoir B. potential to hold about 5% of the body's blood volumein numerous blood vessels

    5. Match each of the following with its associated skin color.

    Option Your Answer

    5.1 hemoglobin A. red

    5.2 carotene C. yellow to orange

    5.3 cyanosis B. blue

    5.4 melanin D. ranges from yellow to reddish to brown to brownish black

    6. Match each of the following hair structures with its description.

    Option Your Answer Correct Answer

    6.1 root B. The portion of the hair that isembedded in the skin.

    B. The portion of the hair that is

    embedded in the skin.

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  • 6.2 cuticle E. Region of a hair that projectsabove the skin surface.

    A. Superficial covering of a hair

    consisting of a single layer of cells

    that overlap one another.

    6.3 shaft A. Superficial covering of a hairconsisting of a single layer of cells

    that overlap one another.

    E. Region of a hair that projects

    above the skin surface.

    6.4 medulla

    D. The intermediate layer of a

    hair composed of several layers of

    flattened cells.

    C. The central core of a hair,

    consisting of large cells and air


    6.5 cortex C. The central core of a hair,consisting of large cells and air


    D. The intermediate layer of a

    hair composed of several layers of

    flattened cells.

    7. Match each of the following hair-follicle-associated structures with its description.

    Option Your Answer Correct Answer

    7.1 hair matrix B. actively dividing cellulararea of the bulb that produces

    the hair

    B. actively dividing cellular

    area of the bulb that produces

    the hair

    7.2 connectivetissue root


    C. the expanded, deep region

    of a hair follicle

    A. superficial wall of the hair

    follicle which is derived from

    the dermis

    7.3 hair bulb A. superficial wall of the hairfollicle which is derived from

    the dermis

    C. the expanded, deep region

    of a hair follicle

    7.4 root hairplexus

    D. a knot of sensory nerve

    endings wrapped around the

    base of a hair follicle

    D. a knot of sensory nerve

    endings wrapped around the

    base of a hair follicle

    7.5 arrector pili E. bundle of smooth muscletissue running from the

    superficial dermis to the hair

    follicle; responsible for

    producing goose bumps

    E. bundle of smooth muscle

    tissue running from the

    superficial dermis to the hair

    follicle; responsible for

    producing goose bumps

    8. Match each of the following glands with its location.

    Option Your Answer

    8.1 sebaceous glands E. found all over the body except the palmsand soles

    8.2 eccrine sudoriferous glands B. most abundant on the palms, soles, andforehead

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  • 8.3 apocrine sudoriferous sweatglands

    A. axillary, anal, and genital regions

    8.4 ceruminous glands C. line the external ear canal

    8.5 mammary glands D. pectoral region

    9. Match each of the following integumentary system glands with its product.

    Option Your Answer

    9.1 sebaceous gland E. oil

    9.2 eccrine sudoriferousgland

    C. sweat

    9.3 apocrine sudoriferousgland

    B. components of sweat plus fatty substances and


    9.4 ceruminous gland A. components of earwax

    9.5 mammary gland D. milk

    10. Match each of the following nail structures with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    10.1 body E. visible, attached part of the nail

    10.2 nail bed C. epidermis on which the nail rests

    10.3 root B. proximal region of the nail, embedded in the skin

    10.4 free edge A. distal edge of the nail

    10.5 nail matrix

    F. actively growing part of the nail

    10.6 lunula D. white, crescent-shaped area under the nail's proximal region

    11. Match each of the following types of burns with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    11.1 first-degreeburn

    A. damage to only the epidermis that results in redness,

    swelling, and pain

    11.2 second-degree burn

    C. injury to the epidermis and the superficial region of the

    dermis resulting in redness, swelling, pain, and blisters

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  • 11.3 third-degreeburn

    B. entire thickness of the skin is consumed, resulting in the

    burned area appearing white, red, or blackened

    12. Match each of the following forms of skin cancer with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    12.1 basal cellcarcinoma

    B. Least malignant form of skin cancer in which the stratum

    basale cells proliferate and invade the dermis and

    hypodermis, causing tissue destruction

    12.2 squamous cellcarcinoma

    A. Arises from the keratinocytes of the stratum spinosum with

    lesions appearing as scaly, irregular, reddened small, rounded

    elevations that tend to grow rapidly and metastasize if not


    12.3 melanoma C. The "most dangerous form" of skin cancer because it ishighly metastatic; can originate wherever there is pigment,

    but often arises from existing moles, metastasizing rapidly

    into surrounding circulatory vessels

    13. Match the following components of the ABCDE rule for recognizing melanoma.

    Option Your Answer

    13.1 asymmetry A. the two halves of a spot or a mole do NOT match

    13.2 border irregularity C. pigmented spot possesses notches and indentations

    13.3 color E. inconsistent pigmentation

    13.4 diameter D. larger than 6 mm

    13.5 elevation B. rises above the skin surface

    14. Match each of the following conditions with its description.

    Option Your Answer

    14.1 alopeciaareata

    C. A rare condition where hair follicles are attacked by the

    immune system, causing the hair to fall out in patches.

    14.2 impetigo A. Fluid-filled, raised lesions, common around the mouth andnose, that develop a yellow crust and eventually rupture;


    14.3 eczema B. Skin rashes resulting from allergic reactions.

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  • 14.4 psoriasis D. Autoimmune condition, resulting in an over proliferation of theepidermis, characterized by reddened epidermal papules covered

    with dry, silvery scales.

    15. Match each of the terms with their associated skin condition.

    Option Your Answer

    15.1 too muchcarotene

    A. causes yellowing of skin, especially in palms and soles from

    accumulation in stratum corneum when consumed in large


    15.2 tanning C. increased production of melanin due to increased exposureto the sun

    15.3 jaundice B. yellowish to pale-green coloring of skin caused by anaccumulation of bile pigments in blood

    16. Match each of the following changes in skin color with its associated clinical signs ofdisease.

    Option Your Answer

    16.1 cyanosis E. possible heart failure; possible respiratorydisorders

    16.2 redness or erythema F. fever, hypertension, polycythemia,inflammation, allergy

    16.3 pallor or blanching A. fear, anger, stress, anemia, low bloodpressure

    16.4 jaundice B. liver disorder

    16.5 bronzing C. Addison's disease; hypofunction of adrenalcortex

    16.6 black and blue marks orbruises

    D. blood clots beneath the skin

    17. Match the following glands with their functions.

    Option Your Answer

    17.1 eccrine sweatglands

    B. secrete a hypotonic filtrate of the blood (99% water with

    traces of salt, vitamin C, antibodies, metabolic wastes and

    lactic acid)

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    6 of 8 10/28/2014 11:01 PM

  • 17.2 apocrinesweat glands

    D. contains same secretions as true sweat, plus fatty

    substances and proteins. When these organic molecules

    decompose by bacterial action there is an associated

    unpleasant odor

    17.3 ceruminousglands

    E. modified apocrine glands that produce earwax

    17.4 mammaryglands

    C. modified sweat glands that secrete milk

    17.5 sebaceousglands

    A. holocrine glands that secrete an oily substance called

    sebum to lubricate skin and hair

    18. Match each of the following hair colors with the basis for its color.

    Option Your Answer

    18.1 blackhair

    B. maximum production of melanin

    18.2 blondehair

    D. no production of melanin; no iron-containing pigment

    18.3 red hair C. absence of melanin; presence of iron-containing pigment

    18.4 whitehair

    A. replacement of melanin with air bubbles in the hair shaft as

    melanin production decreases

    19. Match the following ages with the appropriate skin characteristics for that age.

    Option Your Answer

    19.1 newborn baby B. presence of vernix caseosa produced by sebaceousglands

    19.2 infancy andchildhood

    D. skin thickens and more subcutaneous fat is deposited

    19.3 adolescence A. skin and hair become oilier as sebaceous glands areactivated; dermatitis becomes more common

    19.4 old age C. epidermal cell replacement declines; skin thins;sebaceous gland activity diminishes

    20. Match the following hair features with their description.

    Option Your Answer

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  • 20.1 vellus hair C. body hair of children and adult females

    20.2 terminal hairs A. coarser, long, darker hairs

    20.3 alopecia B. loss of hair

    20.4 male pattern baldness D. baldness produced by delayed-action genes

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    Site Title: Marieb/Hoehn, Human Anatomy &

    Physiology, 9e - Open Access

    Book's Title: Human Anatomy and Physiology

    Book's Author: Marieb/Hoehn

    Location on

    Site:Chapter 5: The Integumentary System

    > Chapter Quizzes > Multiple-Choice




    October 29, 2014 at 2:04 AM


    Summary of Results

    100% Correct of 30 questions:

    30 correct: 100%

    0 incorrect: 0%

    More information about scoring

    1. An injection is administered through the skin using a hypodermic needle. Identifythe first integumentary structure through which the needle will pass.

    Your Answer: epidermis

    A hypodermic needle would first pass through the superficial layer of the skin, theepidermis, then the two layers of the dermis, the papillary layer and the reticularlayer, before penetrating the hypodermis.

    2. Sebaceous glands are located in all of the following areas, EXCEPT the __________.

    Your Answer: palms and soles

    Sebaceous glands occur over the entire body, with the exception of the palms andsoles of the feet.

    3. Sebaceous glands belong to which of the following classes?

    Your Answer: simple branched alveolar

    Sebaceous glands are simple branched alveolar glands with several alveoli opening

    into a single duct.

    4. Terminal hair is located in all of the following areas, EXCEPT the __________.

    Your Answer: body hair of females

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    1 of 7 10/28/2014 10:05 PM

  • The body hair of women and children is the fine, short, vellus variety, while theadult male's body hair is the terminal variety.

    5. The dermis is primarily composed of which tissue type?

    Your Answer: dense irregular connective tissue

    The deeper reticular layer, which accounts for about 80% of the thickness of the

    dermis, is composed of dense irregular connective tissue.

    6. The epidermis is composed of which of the following tissues?

    Your Answer: keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue

    The superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis, is composed of thick keratinizedstratified squamous epithelium.

    7. What is the primary function of melanin?

    Your Answer: to provide protection against the sun's UV rays

    Melanin forms a protective layer that screens out a portion of the sun's cancer-

    causing UV rays.

    8. Which is the correct sequence of epidermal layers of thick skin, from deep tosuperficial?

    Your Answer: stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum

    lucidum, stratum corneum

    In thick skin, the cell layers, ordered from deep to superficial, are: stratum basale,stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, and stratum corneum.

    9. Which of the following do NOT derive from epidermal tissue?

    Your Answer: dermal papillae

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  • Dermal papillae are fingerlike projections found on the superficial surface of thedermis.

    10. Which of the following cells would one NOT expect to find in the dermis?

    Your Answer: keratinocytes

    The dermis possesses all the cells that one would expect to find in connective

    tissue: mast cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and scattered white blood cells.

    11. Which of the following epidermis components possesses a waterproofing glycolipidthat functions in preventing water loss?

    Your Answer: lamellated granules

    The lamellated granules contain a waterproofing glycolipid that is secreted into theintercellular space and is the major factor for slowing water loss across theepidermis.

    12. Which of the following human integumentary system glands is believed to beanalogous to the sexual scent glands of an animal?

    Your Answer: apocrine sudoriferous gland

    Apocrine glands start to function at puberty under the influence of androgens, their

    activity is increased by sexual foreplay, and they enlarge and recede with the

    phases of a women's menstrual cycle.

    13. Which of the following is most important in determining skin coloration?

    Your Answer: melanin

    Melanin, the most important contributor to skin coloration, is present in several

    varieties, ranging from yellow to reddish to brown to black.

    14. Which of the following is NOT strictly a component of the integumentary system?

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  • Your Answer: hypodermis

    The hypodermis, deep to the skin, shares some of the skin's functions, but it is nota part of the integumentary system.

    15. Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin?

    Your Answer: respiratory gas exchange

    Although the skin functions in protection, excretion, preventing unnecessary water

    loss, and the regulation of body temperature, respiratory gas exchange is a function

    of the respiratory system.

    16. Which of the following is NOT considered a critical burn?

    Your Answer: first-degree burns on 30% of the body

    First-degree burns are not considered critical because they typically heal in a fewdays without any special attention.

    17. Which of the following is the most immediate threat to life from a serious burn?

    Your Answer: loss of body fluids

    The immediate threat to life from serious burns is a catastrophic loss of body fluids,

    which, in turn, can lead to fatal circulatory shock.

    18. Which of the following strata is not visible as a distinct layer in thin skin?

    Your Answer: stratum lucidum

    The stratum lucidum appears in thick skin but it is not visible as a distinct layer inthin skin.

    19. Which of the following structures are primarily responsible for fingerprints?

    Your Answer: epidermal ridges and sweat pores

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    4 of 7 10/28/2014 10:05 PM

  • Sweat pores open along the crests of the epidermal ridges, leaving distinctfingerprints on anything that is touched.

    20. Which of the following thick skin strata is the thickest?

    Your Answer: stratum corneum

    The superficial stratum corneum is many cell layers thick, much thicker than any

    other epidermal layer.

    21. Skin eruption produced by dilated small blood vessels of the face, especially on thenose and cheeks, is descriptive of which skin disorder?

    Your Answer: rosacea

    Skin eruption produced by dilated small blood vessels of the face may indicaterosacea, especially when it appears to worsen in conjunction with intake of alcohol,spicy foods, or after a hot bath or sun exposure.

    22. Which of the following layers of the skin relies on capillaries in the underlyingconnective tissue in the dermis for its nutrients?

    Your Answer: epidermis

    The epidermis is avascular and has to obtain nutrients from the underlying

    connective tissue in the dermis.

    23. A possible cause of rosacea is __________.

    Your Answer: the same bacterium that causes peptic ulcers

    Many people with rosacea are helped by antibiotic therapy.

    24. Which of the following cells is part of the immune system?

    Your Answer: Langerhans cell

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  • The Langerhans cell is a fixed macrophage.

    25. Which of the following cells function as sensory receptors for touch?

    Your Answer: Merkel cells

    Merkel cells function as sensory receptors for touch.

    26. Keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum are known as __________.

    Your Answer: prickle cells

    Keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum are known as prickle cells because of theirspiny appearance under the microscope from an artifact produced by stainingprocedures.

    27. All of the following statements are true about our fingerprints, EXCEPT that__________.

    Your Answer: they represent the sweat patterns left by dermal ridges

    This is an incorrect statement. Dermal ridges give rise to epidermal ridges, whichare on the surface of the skin.

    28. Striae in the skin are caused by __________.

    Your Answer: dermal tears

    Striae in the skin are due to dermal tears.

    29. Which of the following conditions would NOT be seen from overexposure to UVlight?

    Your Answer: activation of the immune system

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  • Overexposure to UV light will depress the immune system.

    30. A hematoma in the skin appears as __________.

    Your Answer: black and blue marks

    A hematoma caused by clotting of blood under the skin appears as black and blue

    marks or bruises.

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  • Your Results for "True-False Quiz" Print this page

    Site Title: Marieb/Hoehn, Human Anatomy &

    Physiology, 9e - Open Access

    Book's Title: Human Anatomy and Physiology

    Book's Author: Marieb/Hoehn

    Location on

    Site:Chapter 5: The Integumentary System

    > Chapter Quizzes > True-False Quiz



    October 29, 2014 at 2:23 AM


    Summary of Results

    95% Correct of 21 questions:

    20 correct: 95%

    1 incorrect: 5%

    More information about scoring

    1. Wounded skin releases large quantities of protective peptides that help preventsome infections.

    Your Answer: True

    These peptides (cathelicidins) are particularly effective in preventing infection bygroup A streptococcus bacteria.

    2. A surgical incision performed on the forearm will heal more readily if the incision ismade along a longitudinal plane rather than along a transverse plane.

    Your Answer: True

    Because lines of cleavage run longitudinally in the skin of the limbs, an incisionmade parallel to these lines will result in the skin gaping less and healing morereadily than when an incision is made along a transverse plane across cleavage


    3. Because of the great thickness of the epidermis, it is very vascular.

    Your Answer: False

    Like all epithelia, the epidermis is avascular and relies on capillaries in the

    underlying connective tissue for its nutrients.

    4. Dermal blood vessels hold only 1% of the body's blood, and therefore the skin doesnot contribute significantly as a blood reservoir.

    Your Answer: True

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    1 of 5 10/28/2014 10:23 PM

  • Correct Answer: False

    Dermal blood vessels account for 5% of all the blood in the body and contribute tothe skins role as a blood reservoir.

    5. Sweat is produced as a holocrine secretion, in which the cells themselves break upto form the product.

    Your Answer: False

    Sweat is produced as secretions pass through the secretory cells of the sweat

    glands by the process of exocytosis, leaving the secretory cells intact.

    6. The dermis functions in helping to control body temperature.

    Your Answer: True

    Dermal blood vessels not only contract, reducing heat loss, but engorge with bloodas well, allowing heat to radiate from the body.

    7. The body produces carotene when exposed to sunlight.

    Your Answer: False

    Carotene is found in certain plant products. We obtain it by eating plants containingthis pigment.

    8. The hypodermis is also known as the subcutaneous layer as well as the deep fascia.

    Your Answer: False

    The hypodermis can correctly be referred to as the subcutaneous layer as well as

    the superficial fascia.

    9. The main function of hair over most of the surface of the human body is to preventheat loss.

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    2 of 5 10/28/2014 10:23 PM

  • Your Answer: False

    The main function of our sparse body hair is to sense things that lightly touch ourskin, and provide minor protective roles (e.g. eyelashes shield the eyes). Only onthe scalp does hair provide some prevention of heat loss..

    10. Melanocytes are the most abundant cells in the epidermis.

    Your Answer: False

    Keratinocytes, by far the most abundant epidermal cells, produce keratin, a tough

    fibrous protein that gives the epidermis its protective properties.

    11. The skin functions in synthesizing vitamin D.

    Your Answer: True

    Vitamin D, important in the uptake of calcium, is produced in the skin from modifiedcholesterol molecules.

    12. The sebaceous and sweat glands, located in the dermis, are derived from theepidermis.

    Your Answer: True

    Skin appendages, including hair and hair follicles, sebaceous glands, oil glands, andnails, extend into the dermis, but are derived from the epidermis.

    13. The superficial region of the skin is called the epidermis.

    Your Answer: True

    The epidermis is the superficial region of the skin, overlaying the deeper dermis.

    14. Thick skin is composed of four layers of cells.

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  • Your Answer: False

    Thick skin, which covers the palms and soles, consists of five layers, or strata, ofcells.

    15. A cyanotic appearance in Caucasians is a symptom of liver disease.

    Your Answer: False

    Cyanosis indicates lack of oxygen.

    16. A child who has been playing in the dirt will often accumulate dirt in the lunule ofthe nail.

    Your Answer: False

    The dirt accumulates in the hyponychium of the nail.

    17. Blood vessels in the dermis constrict when the external environment is cold,minimizing heat loss from the skin.

    Your Answer: True

    Constriction causes warm blood to bypass the skin temporarily, thereby conservingbody heat.

    18. Melanin functions as an effective "sunscreen."

    Your Answer: True

    Melanin is able to convert potentially destructive radiation into harmless heat.

    19. New skin lotions have been developed that can "fix" damaged DNA before the cellsdevelop into cancer cells.

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  • Your Answer: True

    These lotions contain liposomes filled with enzymes that initiate repair of damaged


    20. The dermis contains two layers which abut one another along an indistinctboundary.

    Your Answer: True

    The dermis contains the papillary and reticular layers, which abut one another alongan indistinct boundary.

    21. Arrector pili muscles cause "goosebumps."

    Your Answer: True

    Arrector pili muscles elevate hair follicles, causing them to bulge on the surface of

    the skin.

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    chap 4 Your Results for _Art Labeling Quizchap 4 Your Results for _Matching Quizchap 4 Your Results for _Multiple-Choice Quiz (Level I)chap 5 Your Results for _Matching Quizchap 5 Your Results for _Multiple-Choice Quizchap 5 Your Results for _True-False Quiz