Ceo of amena capital ltd

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Ceo of amena capital ltd

CEO of Amena Capital Ltd

Amena Capital Ltd CEO Robert George, is a business visionary who has an ordeal of over 20 years in his field. He has an immeasurable skill in beginning a business and running it in nearby and in addition global markets. He has performed organizations in distinctive commercial ventures which fundamentally incorporate money administrations, producing, wellbeing, merchandise preparing, Information Technology, property improvement and development.

Amena Capital Ltd CEO

Robert Georges the CEO Amena Capital Ltd began his own business 2 decades back with a very much created advertising method. He concentrated on locales like Asia and Middle East. Robert Georges has his organizations in Middle East, Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, China and Hong Kong. He meets expectations in endeavor with a differing scope of organizations including start up endeavors, multinational companies, authorities, government bodies and aggregates.

Robert Georges the CEO Amena Capital Ltd

Robert Georges created Amena Group ltd which contain three auxiliaries and is a private consortium. Amena Capital Ltd, Amena Resources Ltd and Amena Foundation are constituents of Amena Group. Amena Capital Ltd is connected with ascending of capital and corporate consultative. Amena Capital gives with financing to activities and capital for business wanders. It assumes the part of lender and additionally right hand for any business venture.

Robert Georges created Amena Group ltd

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