CEO Comment Sergey’s It’s sometimes Bo on the go€¦ · Windsor CEO Comment ... barriers and...

Post on 20-Jul-2020

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Transcript of CEO Comment Sergey’s It’s sometimes Bo on the go€¦ · Windsor CEO Comment ... barriers and...

It’s difficult to retain a sense of impartiality and balance in this month’s E-Zine as we come to terms with the loss of 10 of our outlets as a result of the Federal Governments recent purchasing round.

This issue has been very carefully managed by the Commonwealth with the Minister (Kate Ellis) couching the government’s decision in the language of ‘high’ and ‘low’ performing services being weeded out – the language obscures the truth that the process has been disastrously handled with absolutely no reference to job seekers workers or employers and the data used to inform the decision making process was at best deeply flawed.

NOVA has fared better than many other equally skilled and client focussed programs – organisations like Choice Solutions whose staff have worked tirelessly to support people with truly significant disability.

60 services gone, Autism specific services reduced from 14 to 3 and these decisions

triumphed by our masters in a stunning display or Orwellian double speak.

Here’s the truth: 34,000 people without reference to their wishes or needs find themselves about to be transferred to alternative service providers. The employers of these folk have not yet been informed and were never consulted. 15,000 have higher support needs.

This is a national disgrace and an unfolding nightmare for its victims.

Qualified and experienced staff are leaving the industry in droves – it will be a decade before this disgrace can be remedied.

NOVA OfficesBankstown




Broken Hill













Port Macquarie


Rouse Hill

st Marys






CEO Comment It’s sometimesthe ‘little things’.

PAge 1 PAge 4

November 2012

CEO Comment– Martin Wren


Sergey’s the new groundsman

PAge 2

Bo on the go

PAge 3

NOVA Transition- Your ticket to

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Sergey’s the new GroundsmanPaule Jarvis

Sergey King’s life has taken on a new purpose, from childhood, the only job he ever wanted, was working on a farm with animals. However he always believed that due to his visual impairment this would never happen.

Stacey Harbutt, Sergey’s Employment Consultant from NOVA Employment, sourced such a position, after the initial interview, with Bishop Tyrrell House, management. Stacey arranged for Sergey to undergo a detailed assessment with Fiona Wood from the Guide Dog Association. It was a very trying few days as Fiona’s report was needed to confirm that Sergey could cope with all facets of the job in a safe, effective manner. Eventually the report arrived.

Howard Whitelaw the CEO was happy to proceed as a result. Sergey became Bishop Tyrrell’s Groundsman / Animal Carer with the Care Farm.

Part of Sergey’s duties, at Bishop Tyrrell House besides ground maintenance involved the total care of the animals from the Care Farm. Sergey says there are so many different animals, Alpaca’s, sheep, Elliot the pig, (who loves to nibble Sergey’s boots) ducks geese, even a gentle cow, which belongs to a resident.

Acting Director of Care Margaret Mills stated that “Sergey has become a valued member of our team, he is polite, a great worker and is willing to do all that is asked of him”

Yesterday Sergey mused, “I still cannot believe I have this great job. I was only 2 weeks with NOVA and Stacey rang me to say I had an interview, I have my own little hobby farm but now I’m being paid to do what I love, because of this job I am able to think about buying the vacant land next door and eventually buy my own property.”

It’s sometimes the ‘little things’Leisha Distefano

Sometimes as Job Coaches, we don’t always consider and take into account all of the components and all those seemingly ‘little things’ that make up and happen in our program can quite often have a great impact on the lives of our trainees.

Two weeks ago the majority of outlets attended ‘Sailability’ out at Penrith. Most of us just considered it as a ‘fun day out’, an enjoyable day, a chance for us to catch up with each other and also give our trainees the opportunity to meet up with some of their peers from other outlets.

I find that these ‘mass outings’ turn out to be more often than not, a bit more than that. This time, I found this extremely beneficial to one of my trainees in a way that I never even would have considered.

During the most recent Individual Transition Plan for my trainee Nicholas, we discussed and set a goal for his ‘social skills’ for him to find a social activity that would not only get him outdoors and moving but also to be able to meet some people his own age.

Never in a thousand years would I have thought, considered or suggested sailing to meet this goal.During our trip home after our Sailability session at Penrith we were talking about the highlights of the day, what they had learnt, who they had met and what they thought about the whole day.

Nicholas mentioned that he really enjoyed it and would like to go again in his own time. I told him that I knew there were more sailing clubs that did the Sailability closer to where he lived than Penrith, and perhaps he could go home and Google it. He said no more about it nor mentioned it again after that, until last Friday when we were discussing casually what our weekend plans were.

Nicholas then told me that he had indeed gone home and Googled ‘Sailability’ and found a club close to home that he was going to join and try out on Sunday.

He ended up going and really enjoyed it and will be going again this weekend. So there you go, Bingo! We just ticked off another goal for him. So thank you again Ellen!

I know that since I have been here at Hurstville that most of my trainees have experienced things for the very first time that most of us take for granted on a daily basis.So next time when you think that the ‘little’ things don’t really seem to hold much value, think again! 02 9833 2500Fax: 02 9833 2499 02 9833 2511Fax: 02 9833 2499 02 9833 2500Fax: 02 9833 2499 02 4625 7888Fax: 02 4625 5955TTY: 02 4625 8395

Head Office50 chapel stst Marys NsW 2760Ph: 02 9833 2500fax: 02 9833 2499 w w w . n o v a e m p l o y m e n t . c o m . a u

“Bo on the go” is a title Tarig Mansour, proprietor of the Muffin Break and Jamaica Blue Café, has endorsed upon his young Kitchenhand Bo-Justin McLeod. Bo is by right of birth, a Dunghutti man of the Dunghutti Nation.

With his employment consultant Tracey, Bo overcame his initial employment barriers and created a resume to become Job ready. Tracey then commenced Job Seeking within Bo’s chosen field, Hospitality. Whilst Job Seeking with Bo, Tracey approached Tarig Mansour, proprietor of The Muffin Break & Jamaica Blue Café, who agreed to an interview. After his interview Bo was employed by Tarig, as a Kitchenhand.

Bo’s job role as quoted by Tarig, has developed to “a Jack of all trades.” He is currently undergoing Barista training. “When Bo first commenced working with us he was shy and scared of his own ability to undertake responsibilities.”

Tarig says he has witnessed Bo’s development into a confident young man who has made talking his forte.

Tarig stated that 1 in 5 people have a Disability, if employers continue to overlook these people, eventually 20% of our work force would be lost. Through NOVA’s support Tarig has found people with disabilities to be excellent workers.

Bo has no favourite part to his working day, he just loves going to work and being appreciated. During the recent Macarthur Square Family week, Bo as the Muffin Break Man proudly wore the Muffin Man suit.

Bo said he would like to extend a big thank you to Tarig Mansour for giving him this opportunity and support. He also thanked Tracey, his Employment Consultant, along with NOVA, without whose help he would not have this great job which he loves dearly.

Before commencing work, Bo became engaged to Skye. Now they are planning their wedding and working towards obtaining their own home.

“Bo on the go”Paule Jarvis