Catalogue John Hammond Catalog 2015

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Catalogue John Hammond Catalog 2015




ROBERT HARRIS, Portrait of John Hammond at 50 (Estate No. 91), 1893, huile | oil, 34” x 20”, Dig. 23845

Cap Maringouin, N.B, 1931, huile | oil, 13.5” x 20”, Dig. BA5022

John Hammond était un peintre, enseignant et graveur canadien né le 11 avril 1843 à Montréal.

Dès son plus jeune âge, son père, marbrier, le recruta pour travailler auprès de lui. À peine adulte, il se joint à la milice locale et, en 1860, il partit chercher fortune en Nouvelle-Zélande. Cette expérience marquera le début de ses nombreux voyages à travers le monde et de sa vie d’aventurier.

À son retour à Montréal, il obtient une place de photographe auprès du célèbre William Notman mais son esprit d’aventure l’amène rapidement vers les grands espaces qu’il affectionne. Il se joint au Recensement Géologique du Canada qui s’affaire à ce moment à poser les rails qui formeront le chemin de fer du Canadien Pacifique. C’est aussi à cet époque qu’il développe une pensée profondément chrétienne qui marquera son œuvre jusqu’à la fin de sa vie.

Au début des années 1880, on le retrouve en Europe où il peindra en compagnie des Whistler et Millet tant en France qu’aux Pays-Bas. Membre de l’Académie Royale canadienne, il exposera au Salon de paris de 1886 ainsi qu’à la London Royal Academy et la New York National Academy of Design.De retour au pays, il se voit confié par William Van Horne, président du Canadien Pacifique, la réalisation de murales pour les hôtels et bureau de la compagnie du chemin de fer partout au Canada.Il est nommé directeur du département des beaux-arts de l’Université de Sackville au Nouveau-Brunswick en 1893.

Il s’éteint en 1939, à l’âge de 96 ans laissant une œuvre qui se retrouve aujourd’hui partout au Canada tant au Musée canadien des Beaux-Arts qu’au Musée McCord à Montréal.Le Balcon d’art est fier d’être l’un des principaux responsables de la protection et de la diffusion de l’œuvre de ce Maître canadien.

John Hammond was a Canadian painter, teacher and printmaker born April 11th 1843 in Montreal.

At a very young age, he was recruited by his father to work as a marble cutter. By the time he was barely a young man, he had joined a local militia and, by 1860, he had gone to seek fortune in New Zealand. That experience would mark the first of many peregrinations all over the planet that would be the hallmark of Hammond’s life.

Upon his return to Montreal in the mid-1860s, he could be found working as a staff photographer for the famed William Notman but his adventurous streak would soon take him to more exotic locales. He then joined the Geological Survey of Canada that was in the middle of laying the tracks for the Canadian Pacific Railway. That is also the time when he became a devout Christian, a trait that would be reflected in his art for the rest of his life.

By the 1880s, he was in Europe, painting in Holland and in France with the likes of painters such as Whistler and Millet. A member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, he would also participate in the 1886 Paris Salon and his work would be shown at the London Royal Academy and the New York National Academy of Design.

Back in Canada, he was commissioned by William Van Horne, president of the CPR to create murals for the railway’s hotels and offices throughout Canada. In 1893, he was appointed head of the Fine Arts department of Mount Allison University in Sackville NB.

The artist passed away at the age of 96 in 1939, leaving an oeuvre that can now be found in major collection through Canada, including the National Gallery and the McCord Museum.Le Balcon d’art is proud to be a major torch holder in perpetuating and guarding the legacy of this great Canadian Master.

Burges Steet, France, huile | oil, 39.75” x 29.5”, DIg. 10663

Old Street, Dumont, Belgium (Estate No. 164), huile | oil, 10” x 7”, Dig. 23835

Sans Titre, huile | oil, 20.5” x 14”, Dig. 17187

Pastoral Scene (Estate No. 104), huile | oil, 23.75” x 29.75”, Dig. 23843

Marshlands in N.B., 1910, huile | oil, 16.5” x 13.5”, Dig. BA5021

Birch Trees, Sackville, N.B., 1929, huile | oil, 14.875” x 19.375”, Dig. BA5386

Back to the Farm, Sackville (Estate No. 31), huile | oil, 7.75” x 6”, Dig. 23828

Sundown, N.B (Estate No. 26), huile | oil, 9.75” x 11.75”, Dig. 23830

Pastoral (Estate No. 454), huile | oil, 7” x 9”, Dig. 23822

Manaton Cottage (Estate No. 75), huile | oil, 13.5” x 16.5”, Dig. 23812

Sackville, N.B, (Estate No. 37), huile | oil, 14.25” x 18”, Dig. 23827

Evening, (Estate No. 509B), huile | oil, 12” x 9”, Dig. 23817

Knocke, Holland, 1906, huile | oil, 10.5” x 16.5”, Dig. BA5020

Champagne, (Estate No. 16), huile | oil, 9.5 x 11.625”, Dig. 23836

Allenscreek, Sackville, N.B (Estate No. 7),huile | oil, 13” x 16”, Dig. 23813

Sackville N.B, (Estate No. 37), huile | oil, 14.25” x 18”, Dig. 23827

Mount Chancellor, Canadian Rockies, (Estate No. 59), huile | oil, 8.5” x 11.75”, Dig. 23815

Mt. Begbie, Canadian Rockies (Estate No. 56), huile | oil, 7.875” x 11.75”, Dig. 23816

Jung Frau, Switzerland, huile | oil, 9.875” x 13.125”, Dig. 17189

Mount Cheops, Canadian Rockies, B.C, (Estate No. 127), huile | oil, 8.5 x 11”, Dig. 23841

Sackville, N.B, huile | oil, 16.125” x 20”, dig. BA4986

Sans Titre, huile | oil, 30” x 40”, Dig. 16498

Underwood Impressionist, (Estate No. 68), huile | oil, 10.125” x 13.125”, dig. 23814

Bruges, Belgium, (Estate No. 142), huile | oil, 18” x 24”, dig. 23837

Snowden’s Beach, N.B’ (Estate No. 4), huile | oil, 9.75” x 15”, Dig. 23826

On the Yorkshire Coast, huile | oil 5.5” x 9.25”, Dig. BA2993

Weirs, St. Johns, N.B, huile | oil, 16 x 26”, Dig. BA4984

Twin Falls, B.C, 1932, huile | oil, 12.25” x 18”, Dig. 302Takata Falls, B.C, 1929. 15” x 12.5,

huile | oil, Dig. 2771

Carleton, N.B, (Estate No. 285), huile | oil,6” x 12.25”, Dig. 23829

Herring Fishing, Bay of Fundy, (Estate No. 22), huile | oil, 12” x 16”, Dig. 23833

Herring Fishing Boat, Bay of Fundy, (Estate No.23) , huile | oil, 12” x 16”, Dig. 23832 Gaspesian FIshing, Bay of Fundy, (Estate No. 85), huile | oil,

15” x 20”, Dig. 23810

Market Ship at St John, N.B, huile | oil, 30” x 40”, Dig. BA6215

Morning, Bay of Fundy, (Estate No. 8), huile | oil, 13.5” x 16.25”, Dig. 23811

Vent arrière, (Estate No. 25), huile | oil, 11.75 x 14.75”, Dig. 23831

Outward Bound, Bay of Fundy, (Estate No. 453), huile | oil, 8” x 10”, Dig. 23823

On the Ledo, Venice, (Estate No. 404), huile | oil, 7” x 11.25”, Dig. 23824

Flamingoes, huile | oil, 16.25” x 13.75”, Dig. 290


Dépot légal - Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2015

Dépot légal- Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2015

Conception /Design: Kristin E. DudleyPhoto: Steve Pearson & Yves Sauvageau

Publié par / Published by: LE BALCON D’ART (Issuu)

Imprimé au Canada / Printed in Canada

650, av Notre-Dame, St-Lambert, Québec, J4P 2L1Tél: 450.466.8920