CAPRICORN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY - quarter report 2017-2018... · 2 1. REPORTING ON SDBIP...

Post on 29-Oct-2018

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Transcript of CAPRICORN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY - quarter report 2017-2018... · 2 1. REPORTING ON SDBIP...








This section covers reporting on the SDBIP as a way of linking the SDBIP with the oversight

and monitoring operations of the Municipal administration. Various reporting requirements are

outlined in the MFMA. Both the Executive Mayor and the Accounting Officer have clear roles to

play in preparing and presenting these reports. The SDBIP provides an excellent basis for

generating the reports for which MFMA requires. The reports then allow the Municipality to

monitor the implementation of service delivery programs and initiatives across the District.


1.1.1 Section 52 (d) of the MFMA compels the mayor to submit a report to the council on the

implementation of the budget and the financial state of affairs of the municipality within 30 days

of the end of each quarter. The quarterly performance projections captured in the SDBIP form

the basis for the mayor’s quarterly report.

1.1.2 Section 42 of the Municipal Systems Act stipulate that, A municipality, in a manner determined by its council, must make known both internally and to the general public, the key performance indicators and performance targets set by it for purposes of its performance management system. 1.1.3 Section 46 of the Municipal Systems Act requires a municipality to prepare , for each financial year, performance report reflecting the performance of the municipality and each

external service provider during that financial year. 1.1.4 Section 53 of the MFMA stipulates that the Mayor should approve the SDBIP within 28 days after the approval of the budget. The Executive Mayor must also ensure that the revenue and expenditure projections for each month and the service delivery targets and performance indicators as set out in the SDBIP are made public within 14 days after their

approval. 1.1.5 Section 121(b) of the MFMA requires all municipal entities to, for each financial year, prepare annual reports and submit them within nine months after the end of a financial year. 1.1.6 Section 72 (1) of the MFMA outlines the requirements for the mid- year reporting. The Accounting Officer is required by the 25th January of each year assess the performance of the municipality during the first of the year taking into account: i) the monthly statements referred to in section 71 of the first half of the year ii) the municipalities service delivery performance during the first half of the financial year, and the service delivery targets and performance indicators set in the service delivery and budget implementation plan, iii) the past year’s annual report , and progress on resolving problems identified in the annual report iv) the performance of every municipal entity under the sole or shared control of the municipalities, taking into account reports in terms of section 88 from any such entities.



Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification



Good governance and public participation

To promote and facilitate effective intergovernmental relations

IGR meetings

Coordination of IGR meetings

CDM Number of IGR meetings coordinated

68 IGR meetings coordinated

100 IGR meetings coordinated

25 IGR meetings coordinated

Not Achieved.

23 IGR meetings coordinated

100 000.00

0.00 Postponement of meetings due to unavailability of members

Unachieved meetings to be re-convened in the 2nd Quarter

Attendance registers/ Minutes


Good governance and public participation

To promote and facilitate effective intergovernmental relation

District Lekgotla

Coordination of District Lekgotla

CDM Number of District Lekgotla coordinated

1 District Lekgotla coordinated

1 District Lekgotla coordinated

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

300 000.00 0.00 None None Attendance registers


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification



Good governance and public participation

To strengthen accountability through proactive audit oversight

Internal Audit

Perform internal audit

CDM Number of internal audit reports produced

4 internal audit reports produced

4 internal audit reports produced

1 internal audit report produced

Achieved. 1

internal audit report produced

10 000.00 0.00 None None Internal Audit Reports


Good governance and public participation

To strengthen accountability through proactive audit oversight

Audit meetings

Coordinate external audit process, audit committee activities and Municipal support

CDM Number of audit meetings coordinated

15 audit meetings coordinated

13 audit meetings coordinated

2 audit meetings coordinated

Achieved. 6

audit meetings coordinated.

840 000.00 12 378.96

None None Attendance Registers/Minutes


Good governance and public partici

To strengthen accountability through

Municipal Support

Provide technical support to Local municipalities

CDM Number of municipal support reports issued

New Indicator

4 Municipal support report issued

1 Municipal support report issued

Achieved. 1

Municipal support report issued

Opex Opex None None Municipal support report


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


proactive audit oversight

improved audit outcomes



Good governance and public participation

To protect the municipality from potential risk

Risk Committee meetings

Coordinate risk committee meetings and risk training of management

CDM Number of risk registers produced, number of risk monitoring reports issued and number of risk trainings of management and staff coordinated

4 risk management committee meetings coordinated

1 risk register produced, 4 Risk Monitoring reports issued and 1 risk training of management and staff coordinated

1 risk register produced, 1 Risk Monitoring report issued and 1 risk training of management and staff coordinated

Achieved. 1

risk register produced, 1 Risk Monitoring report issued and 1 risk training of management and staff coordinated

Opex Opex None None Attendance Registers/Minutes


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Good governance and public participation

Coordinate risk committee activities

Risk Committee meetings

Coordination of Risk Committee meetings

CDM Number of risk committee meetings coordinated

New indicator

4 Risk Committee meetings coordinated

1 Risk Committee meeting coordinated

Achieved. 1

Risk Committee Meeting coordinated

Opex Opex None None Attendance Registers/Minutes


Good governance and public participation

To protect the municipality from potential risk

fraud prevention programmes facilitated

Facilitate fraud prevention programmes


Number of fraud prevention programmes facilitated(Awareness campaign

4 fraud prevention programmes facilitated

4 fraud prevention programmes facilitated(Awareness campaign)

1 fraud prevention programmes facilitated(Awareness campaign)

Achieved. 3

fraud prevention programmes facilitated(Awareness campaign)

58 000.00 0.00 None None Attendance Registers/Minutes


Good governance and public participation

To protect the municipality from potential risk

Forensic investigations

Facilitate fraud prevention programmes


Percentage of investigations reports as per requests

4 investigations reports as per requests

100% investigations reports as per requests

100% investigations reports as per requests


100% investigations reports as per requests

80 000.00 0.00 None None investigations reports


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Good governance and public participation

To protect the municipality from potential risk

Security Management services

Provision of sound physical security services to all municipal premises and employees

CDM Number of security reports issued

12 security reports issued

12 security reports issued

3 security reports issued

Achieved. 3

security reports issued

13 000 000. 00 1 139 550.28

None None Security reports



Good governance and public participation

To keep stakeholders informed about the affairs of the municipality

Corporate Image Built

Review and Implementation of communication strategy, events management guideline, Social Media policy and corporate image Manual

CDM Number of communication strategy, events management guideline, Social Media policy and corporate image Manual reviewed and approved

New Indicator

1 communication, 1 events management guideline, Social Media policy and 1 corporate image Manual developed

Development of the strategy


Development and re-editing of the available strategies done

525 000. 00 0.00 None None communication, events management guideline and corporate image strategy


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Local Economic Development

To keep stakeholders informed about the affairs of the municipality

Communication of municipal programmes (Advertising, publications, publicity, stakeholder participation and media relation programmes)

Communication of municipal programmes

CDM Percent of communication programmes coordinated and publicised (Advertising, publications, publicity, stakeholder participation and media relation programmes)

100 percent of municipal programmes coordinated and communicate

100 percent of communication programmes coordinated and publicised (Advertising, publications, publicity, stakeholder participation and media relation programmes)

100 percent of communication programmes coordinated and publicised (Advertising, publications, publicity, stakeholder participation and media relation programmes)

Achieved. 100

percent of communication programmes coordinated and publicised

3 795 000.00

310 111. 90

None None Municipal programmes


Good Governance and Public Participation

To keep stakeholders informed about the affairs of the municip

District communicators programme

District communicators programme organised and coordinated


Number of district communicators programme organised and coordinated

New indicator

4 district communicators programme organised coordinated

1 district communicators programme organised coordinated

Achieved. 1

District Communicators programme coordinated

Opex Opex None None District Communicator programme


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification




Good Governance and Public Participation

To enhance organizational performance

Development and Review of Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP)

Coordination of the development and review of organisational Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan SDBIP


Number of Organizational Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans (SDBIP’) developed and reviewed

2 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans (SDBIP’s) developed and reviewed

2 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans (SDBIP’s) developed and reviewed.

Implementation of Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans (SDBIP’s)


Implementation of Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans (SDBIP’s)

Opex Opex None None Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To enhance organizational performance

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation of organisational performance

CDM Number of organizational performance reports produced

4 organisational performance reports produced

4 organisational performance reports produced

1 organisational performance report produced

Achieved. 1

organisational performance report produced

Opex Opex None None Organisational performance reports


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Basic Services

To enhance organizational performance

Back to Basics

Compilation of Back to Basics reports

CDM Number of Back to Basics reports produced

4 of Back to Basics reports produced

4 of Back to Basics reports produced

1 Back to Basics report produced

Achieved. 1

Back to Basics report produced

Opex Opex None None Back to Basics reports


Basic Services

To enhance organizational performance

Monitoring of Thusong Service Centers

Monitor all Thusong Service Centers

CDM Number of Thusong Service Centers monitored

New indicator

6 Thusong Service Centers monitored

6 Thusong Service Centers monitored (1 consolidated monitoring report produced)

Achieved. 6

Thusong Service Centers monitored (1 consolidated monitoring report produced)

Opex Opex None None

Consolidated monitoring reports


Good Governance and Public Participation

To enhance organizational performance

Call Centre for district hotline

Operation of call Centre for district hotline

CDM Percentage of queries received and resolved

New indicator

100% of queries received and resolved

100% of queries received and resolved


100% of queries received and resolved

Opex Opex None None Call Centre reports


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To enhance organizational performance

Bathopele campaign

Conduct district Bathopele campaign

CDM Number of District Bathopele campaign conducted

1 District Bathopele campaign conducted

1 District Bathopele campaign conducted

1 District Bathopele campaign conducted

Achieved. 1

District Bathopele campaign conducted

Opex Opex None None Attendance Registers/Programmes



Good Governance and Public Participation

To promote the needs and interests of special focus groupings

Special Focus Programmes

Special Focus Programmes Coordination (Children, Disability, Gender, Older Persons and Youth Programmes)

All local municipalities

Number of Special Focus Programmes Coordinated

80 Special Programmes coordinated (12 children programmes, 12 Disability programmes, 24 gender programmes,12 Older persons programmes, 20

80 Special Programmes coordinated (12 children programmes, 12 Disability programmes, 24 gender programmes,12 Older persons programmes, 20

20 Special Programmes coordinated (3 children programmes, 3 Disability programmes, 6 gender programmes,3 Older persons programmes, 5 Youth programmes)


23 Special Programmes Coordinated. (03 Children, 03 Disability, 08 Gender, 04 Older Persons & 05 Youth programmes)

529 000.00 103 150.00

None None Attendance register/Reports


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

Youth programmes)

Youth programmes)


Good Governance and Public Participation

To contribute towards the reduction of HIV, AIDS, STI & TB Infections by 2016

HIV & AIDS Programmes (Governance, Coordination, Prevention Care & Support, Capacity Building, CBO/NGOs Summit and Monitoring & Evaluation)

HIV & AIDS Programmes Coordination

All local municipalities

Number of HIV & AIDS Programmes Coordinated

32 HIV & AIDS Programmes coordinated (Governance, Coordination, Prevention, Care & Support, Capacity Building, CBO/NGOs Summit and Monitoring & Evaluation)

32 HIV & AIDS Programmes coordinated (Governance, Coordination, Prevention, Care & Support, Capacity Building, CBO/NGOs Summit and Monitoring & Evaluation)

08 HIV & AIDS Programmes Coordinated (Governance, Coordination, Prevention, Care & Support, Capacity Building, CBO/NGOs Summit and Monitoring & Evaluation)


10 HIV & AIDS Programmes Coordinated. (2 Governance , 4 Coordination ,1 Prevention, 1 Care & Support, 1 Capacity Building, CBO/NGOs Summit and 1 Monitoring & Evaluation)

481 000.00 50 700.00

None None Attendance registers



Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Good Governance and Public Participation

To build accountable and transparent governance structures responsive to the needs of the community

Whippery Management meetings

Coordination of Whippery meetings

CDM Number of Whippery meetings coordinated

6 Whippery meetings coordinated

6 Whippery meetings coordinated

1 Whippery Meeting coordinated

Achieved. 1

Whippery Meeting coordinated

108 000.00 0.00 None None Attendance Registers/Minutes


Good Governance and Public Participation

To build accountable and transparent governance structures responsive to the needs

Reports of Chief Whip

Compilation of mandatory reports of the chief whip submitted to Council

CDM Number of mandatory reports of the chief whip submitted to Council

4 reports of the Chief Whip

4 mandatory reports of the chief whip submitted to Council

1 mandatory reports of the chief whip submitted to Council

Achieved. 1

mandatory reports of the chief whip submitted to Council

Opex Opex None None Reports


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

of the community



Good Governance and Public Participation

To provide strategic and administrative support to Council and Administrative structures

Council meetings

Coordination of Council meetings

CDM Number of Meetings coordinated

6 Council meetings

6 Council meetings coordinated

1 Council meeting coordinated

Achieved. 1

Council meeting coordinated

Opex Opex None None Attendance Registers/Minutes


Good Governance and Public Participation

To provide strategic and administrative support to Council and Admini

Committee Meetings

Coordination of Committee Meetings

CDM Number of Committee Meetings coordinated

85 Committee meetings

99 meetings coordinated

24 meetings coordinated

Achieved. 31

meetings coordinated

Opex Opex None None Attendance Registers/Minutes


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

strative structures


Good Governance and Public Participation

To provide strategic and administrative support to Council and Administrative structures

Committees Strategic Planning Sessions

Coordination of Committees Strategic Planning Sessions

CDM Number of Committees Strategic Planning Sessions coordinated

8 Committees Strategic Planning Sessions coordinated

8 Committees Strategic Planning Sessions coordinated

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

Opex Opex None None Mandatory reports of the speaker


Good Governance and Public Participation

To provide strategic and administrative support to Council and Administrative structures

Mandatory Reports of the Speaker

Compilation of Mandatory Reports of the Speaker

CDM Number of Mandatory reports of the speaker submitted to Council

5 Mandatory reports of the speaker submitted to Council

4 Mandatory reports of the speaker submitted to Council

1 Mandatory reports of the speaker submitted to Council

Achieved. 1

Mandatory reports of the speaker submitted to Council.

Opex Opex None None Mandatory reports


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Good Governance and Public Participation

To engage in Programmes that foster participation, interaction and partnership

Management and Executive Management meetings

Coordination of Management and Executive Management meetings

CDM Number of management and Executive Management meetings coordinated

49 management and Executive Management meetings coordinated

49 management and Executive Management meetings coordinated

13 management and Executive Management meetings coordinated

Achieved. 14

management and Executive Management meetings coordinated

Opex Opex None None Attendance Registers


Good Governance and Public Participation

To provide strategic and administrative support to Council and Administrative structures

Project Site visits

Coordination of Committees Site visits

CDM Number of Site Visits coordinated

New indicator

30 Site Visits coordinated

7 Site Visits coordinated

Achieved. 11

Site Visits coordinated

23 000.00

7 665.40

None None Attendance Registers/Programmes


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Good Governance and Public Participation

To engage in Programmes that foster participation, interaction and partnership

Oversight programmes(MPAC)

Coordination of Public Hearings

CDM Number of Public Hearings coordinated

28 Programmes coordinated

6 Public Hearings/Oversight Programmes Coordinated

1 Public Hearing/Oversight Programme coordinated

Achieved. 1

Public Hearing/Oversight Programme coordinated

300 000.00 6 145.00

None None Attendance Registers/Reports


Good Governance and Public Participation

To engage in Programmes that foster participation, interaction and partnership

Public Participation programmes (Council Outreaches/Imbizo)

Coordination of Council Outreaches/Imbizo

CDM Number of Council Outreaches/Imbizo

New indicator

4 Council Outreaches/Imbizo coordinated

1 Council Outreaches/ Imbizo coordinated

Achieved. 1

Council Outreaches/ Imbizo coordinated

420 000.00 145 405.00

None None Attendance Registers/Programmes


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Spatial Rationale

To engage in Programmes that foster participation, interaction and partnership

Youth Parliament

Coordination of Youth Parliament

CDM Number of Youth Parliament coordinated

1 Youth Parliament coordinated

1 Youth Parliament coordinated

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

85 000.00 0.00 None None Attendance Registers/Programmes


Good Governance and Public Participation

To engage in Programmes that foster participation, interaction and partnership

Women Parliament

Coordination Women Parliament

CDM Number of Women Parliament coordinated

1 Women Parliament coordinated

1 Women Parliament coordinated

1 Women Parliament coordinated

Achieved. 1

Women Parliament coordinated

85 000.00 0.00 None None Attendance Registers/Programmes


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Good Governance and Public Participation

To engage in Programmes that foster participation, interaction and partnership

Ward Committee Support

Strengthen capacity of ward committees

CDM Number of capacity building programmes coordinated

New indicator

1 Ward Committee Capacity Building Programme coordinated

Concept document approved


Concept document approved

500 000.00 0.00 None None Attendance Registers/Programmes


Good Governance and Public Participation

To engage in Programmes that foster participation, interaction and partnership

State of the District Address

Coordination of State of the District Address

CDM Number of State of the District Address coordinated

1 State of the District Address coordinated

1 State of the District Address coordinated

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

500 000.00 0.00 None None Programmes/ Attendance Registers


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Good Governance and Public Participation

To engage in Programmes that foster participation, interaction and partnership

Mayoral outreach programme

Coordination Mayoral outreach programmes

CDM Number of Mayoral outreach programmes coordinated

4 Mayoral outreach programmes coordinated

4 Mayoral outreach programmes coordinated

1 Mayoral outreach programmes coordinated

Achieved. 1

Mayoral outreach programmes coordinated

585 000.00 75 563.66

None None Programmes/invitations


Basic Services

To engage in Programmes that foster participation, interaction and partnership

Back to School Campaign

Coordination of the Back to school campaign

CDM Number of back to school campaign coordinated

1 back to school campaign coordinated

1 back to school campaign coordinated

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

185 000.00 0.00 None None Programmes/invitations


Business Unit Strategic Executive Management Services –Vote 1

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Financial Viability

To monitor department expenditure

Acquisition management

Compliance to the SCM regulations

CDM % of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100 percent of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure


100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

Opex Opex None None Zero irregular expenditure/Payment Vouchers



Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification



Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic water services

Procurement of O&M Tools

Procurement of O&M Tools

CDM Percentage of requested tools procured

50% of requested tools procured

100% of requested tools procured.

Preparation of Specification for required tools


Preparation of Specification for required tools completed

150 000 0.00 None None Delivery Note


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic water services

Procurement of Diesel Engines

Procurement of diesel engines

CDM Number of requested diesel engines procured as and when required.

2 Diesel Engine Procured.

4 diesel engines procured as and when required.

1 Diesel Engine Procured as and when required

Not Achieved

1 000 000 0.00 No request/requirement for diesel engine procurement in quarter 1

None Delivery Note


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic water services

Water infrastructure Repairs and Maintenance

Replacement of pipe-line, flow meters, major repairs of

CDM Percentage of reported breakdowns attended

90% of water schemes operational.

95% of water schemes operational.

95% of water schemes operational


95% of water schemes operational in quarter 1

28 212 000

R9 872 825.26

None None Progress Reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

water equipment and infrastructure


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic water services

Water Tankering

Water Tankering

CDM Percentage of water supply to all affected areas

90% supply of water to all affected areas.

90% supply of water to all affected areas.

90% supply of water to all affected areas.


90% supply of water to all affected areas achieved in quarter 1.

1 000 000 287 957.00 Current budget fully committed and will be exhausted by end October 2017

Additional budget required to avoid no water supply to affected communities.

Delivery Reports


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic water services

Procurement of O&M Material.

Procurement of O&M Material.

CDM Percentage of requested O&M material procured.

50% of requested O & M Material procured.

90% of requested O & M Material procured.

90% of requested O & M Material procured.


90% of requested O & M Material procured in quarter 1

4 000 000 1 682 213.00 None None Delivery Notes


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic water services

WSIG Schemes O&M

Implementation of WSIG Programme

CDM Percentage Implementation of Municipal Water Infrastructure

90% Implementation of WSIG Programme..

100% Implementation of WSIG Programme

Site Investigation and Programme Scoping/Budget Pricing.


Site Investigation and Programme Scoping/Budget Pricing

74 561 000

2 501 359.20 None None Receipts


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

Grant (WSIG) projects.

completed. Scoping reports received.



Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic water services

Procurement of Water Quality Laboratory Equipment /Instruments.

Supply, delivery & installation of Water Analysis Instruments

CDM/University of Limpopo

Percentage of all required water quality laboratory instruments/ equipment procured.

New indicator

95% of all required water quality laboratory instruments/ equipment procured.

Planning & Terms of reference Approved


Terms of reference approved, project advertised and at adjudication

800 000 0.00 None None Approved TOR Appointment letter of the service provider Progress report


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Implementation of water safety and security plans recommendations

Implementation of water safety and security plans recommendations

CDM (all LM’s)

Percentage of Implementation of water safety and security plans recommendations



30% of


on on of








5% of intervention on of water safety plans recommendations completed


Planning & Terms of reference Approved

525 000 0.00 None None Approved TOR Appointment letter of the service provider Water safety report


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Water Quality monitoring and sampling

Collection of water and wastewater samples throughout the district

CDM (all LM’s)

Number of chemicals and microbiological samples collected



800 chemicals and 1 000 microbiological samples collected

200 chemical and 250 Microbiological samples collected

Not Achieved

193 chemical collected and 235 Microbiological samples collected

400 000 0.00 No water during sampling days

Affected areas to be revisited

Sample reception log sheet


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development To provide

Procurement of Disinfection chemicals

Procurement of Disinfection chemicals

CDM (all LM’s)

Number of Disinfection chemicals procured



2 500 Kg of disinfection chemicals procured

Planning & Terms of reference Approved


Terms of reference approved

210 000 0.00 None None Approved TOR Appointment letter of the service provider Invoice Delivery note


Basic Services

Procurement of Water and Wastewater consumables.

Procurement of consumable reagents to enable functioning of the Laboratory

CDM/University of Limpopo

Percentage of all requested water and wastewater consumables procured



100% of



d water






25 percent of all requested consumables procured


30 percent of all requested consumables procured

350 000 0.00 None None Delivery note Invoice


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

sustainable basic services and infrastructure development



Basic Services

Unit Process Audit

Assess the capacity and operational effectiveness of the Water Supply & Wastewater systems

CDM (All LM’s)

Number of Water Supply & Wastewater Systems Assessed/ audited

New Indicator

3 Water Supply & 3 Wastewater Systems Assessed

Planning & Terms of reference Approved


Terms of reference Approved

365 000 0.00 None None


Spatial Rationale

To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Maintenance of Water Quality Laboratory accreditation status.

Maintain accreditation status of the Water Quality Laboratory

CDM/University of Limpopo

Percentage participation on SANAS, NLA and SABS by the Water Quality Laboratory



100% participation on SANAS, NLA and SABS by the Water Quality Laboratory

100% participation on SANAS, NLA and SABS by the Water Quality Laboratory


100% participation on SANAS, NLA and SABS by the Water Quality Laboratory

100 000 0.00 None None NLA,SABS reports


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic services and

Implementation of Waste Water Risk Abateme

Implementation of Wastewater Risk Assessment

CDM (LM’s)

Percentage completion on Green Drop

New indicator

30% completed on Green Drop Interventi

5% completed on Green Drop Interventions


Planning & Terms of reference Approved

200 000 0.00 None None Approved TOR Appointment letter of the


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

infrastructure development

nt Plans



ons service provider Progress report


Basic Services

To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Operations of waste water treatment works

Operations of waste water treatment works

CDM (LM’s)

Percentage of waste water treatment works operated

New indicator

100% of waste water treatment works operated

100% of waste water treatment works operated


100% of waste water treatment works operated Work order issued for purchase of Gas chlorine

2000 000 49 382.29 None None Approved TOR Appointment letter of the service provider Progress report Delivery note Invoice




Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of

Blackhill Water Scheme (Blackhill, Brana, Mangalo, Legwara, Hlako, Mampote,

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number

New indicator

100 Percent construction of water supply project 2 167 househol

70 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting


96.5 Percent construction of water supply project 0 households

4 386 000

0.00 None None Progress reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

the population by 2030

Bokfram, Dithabaneng)

of household with water access

ds with water access

with water access


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Lipzight (Sesalong) Water Supply

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

New indicator

100 Percent construction of water supply project 636 households with water access

50 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting


98 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting Evaluation stage

3 509 000

2 160 040 None None Progress reports


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Burgerreght/ Motlana/ The Grange (Glenfirness Phase 5) Water Supply

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water

New indicator

100% construction of water supply project. 636 households with water access

5 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

Not Achieved

0 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting Tender

20 747 000

0 Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

access evaluation stage


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Ga-Hlako Water Supply

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

30 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

100% construction of water supply project. 432 households with water access

50 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting


90 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

10 526 000

5 683 474 None None Progress reports


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Langlaagte (Rammutla)/ Vergelegen

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

New indicator

100% construction of water supply project. 211 households with water access

5 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

Not Achieved

0 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting Tender evaluation stage

13 367 000

0.00 Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Lethaleng, Puraspan (Ga Machaba) Ext Water Supply

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

New indicator

100% construction of water supply project. 2320 households with water access

5 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

Not Achieved

0 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting Tender evaluation stage

17 810 000

0.00 Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress reports


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Sadu Water Supply

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

30 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

100% construction of water supply project. 367 households with water access

50 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting


55 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

8 824 000

2 239 443

None None Progress reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Senwabarwana Water Supply

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

New indicator

100% construction of water supply project. 0 households with water access

5 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

Not Achieved

0 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting Tender evaluation stage

17 544 000


Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress report



Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of

Groothoek (Lebowakgomo Zone B) Water Supply

Construction of Water supply project

Lepelle Nkumpi

Percentage construction of water supply project Number

New indicator

40 % construction of water supply project 0 households with

Appointment of service provider

Not Achieved

Service provider not appointed Tender evaluation

17 544 000


Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

the population by 2030

of household with water access

water stage


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Groothoek Gedroogte water supply

Construction of Water supply project

Lepelle Nkumpi

Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

New indicator

100% construction of water supply project. 2000 households with water access.

Appointment of service provider

Not Achieved

Service provider not appointed Tender evaluation stage

11 469 000

0.00 Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress reports


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the populatio

Mphahlele (Bolatjane, Phalakwane, Makurung and Dithabaneng) RWS

Construction of Water supply project

Lepelle Nkumpi

Percentage construction of water supply project Number of househol

New indicator

35% construction of water supply project 0 households with water access

Appointment of service provider

Not Achieved

Service provider not appointed Tender evaluation stage

17 544 000

0.00 Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

n by 2030

d with water access



Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Mogwadi Borehole

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

30% construction of water supply project 0 households with water access

100% construction of water supply project 388 households with water access

50% construction of water supply project 0 households with water access

Not Achieved

0 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

4 047 000

0.00 Project Steering Committee being re-established after project was stopped for more than 2 years

Expedite the re-establishment of the Project Steering Committee

Progress reports


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the populatio


Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of househol

New indicator

100% construction of water supply project. 465 households with water access

90% construction of water supply project. 0 households with water access


90% construction of water supply project. 0 households with water access

1 754 000

0.00 None None Progress reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

n by 2030

d with water access


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Molemole Cluster A (Makgato, Ga Mokganya and Molotong) RWS

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

25 Percent construction completed, 0 households benefiting

100% construction of water supply project. 314 households with water access

40 Percent construction of water supply project 0 households with water access


50 Percent construction of water supply project 0 households with water access

8 772 000 2 071 803 None None Progress reports


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Matseke WS

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

25 Percent construction of water supply project 0 households with water access

100% construction of water supply project. 287 households with water access

40 Percent construction of water supply project 0 households with water access


45 Percent construction of water supply project 0 households with water access

3 413 000

1 615 495 None None Progress reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Nthabiseng/ Capricorn Park WS

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

New indicator

100% construction of water supply project. 208 households with water access

Appointment of service provider

Not Achieved

Service provider not appointed Tender evaluation stage

2 634 000

0.00 Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress reports


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Sephala, Mokopu, Thoka, Makwetja RWS

Construction of Water supply project


Percentage construction of water supply project Number of household with water access

New indicator

40 % construction of water supply project 0 households with water access

Appointment of service provider

Not Achieved

Service provider not appointed Tender evaluation stage

14 430 000

0.00 Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress reports



Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Drilling of Boreholes

Drilling of Boreholes

CDM Number of boreholes drilled

10 boreholes drilled

10 boreholes drilled

Appointment of service provider


Service provider appointed

7 010 000.00

0.00 None None Progress reports


Municipal transformation and organisational development

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Planning and development of technical reports

Planning and development of technical reports

CDM Number of technical reports developed

New indicator

15 technical reports developed

2 technical reports developed


2 technical reports being developed

10 000 000.00

0.00 None None Progress reports


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification



Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

WSIG Scheme Lepelle Nkumpi Sanitation


Lepelle Nkumpi

Number of household with sanitation access

862 households with sanitation access

862 households with sanitation access

Appointment of service provider

Not Achieved

Service provider not appointed Tender evaluation stage

4 386 000

0.00 Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress report


Basic Service

To provide

Lepelle Nkumpi


Lepelle Nkumpi

Number of

862 househol

862 househol

Appointment of

Not Achieved

5 848 000 0.00 Overwhelming high

Project Manage

Progress report


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification


affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030


household with sanitation access

ds with sanitation access

ds with sanitation access

service provider

Service provider not appointed Tender evaluation stage

volume response to the bid

rs assisting in order to fast track the process


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

Molemole Sanitation



Number of household with sanitation access

862 households with sanitation access

515 households with sanitation access

Appointment of service provider

Not Achieved

Service provider not appointed Tender evaluation stage

5 848 000 0.00 Overwhelming high volume response to the bid

Project Managers assisting in order to fast track the process

Progress report


Basic Services

To provide affordable, clean

Blouberg Sanitation

Sewer Blouberg

Number of household with

New indicator

515 households with sanitation

Appointment of service provider

Not Achieved


5 848 000 0.00 Overwhelming high volume response

Project Managers assistin

Design report


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

and potable water according to 100% of the population by 2030

sanitation access

access provider not appointed Tender evaluation stage

to the bid g in order to fast track the process



Good Governance and Public Participation

Facilitation of Infrastructure Projects

Water and Sanitation projects facilitation

Facilitation of Project Steering Committees, development of scope of works and memoranda of agreements, conflict management and resolution during implementation of

CDM Percentage of approved water and sanitation projects facilitated for planning, implementation and operations & maintenance

100% of approved water and sanitation projects facilitated for planning, implementation and operations & maintenance

100% of approved water and sanitation projects facilitated for planning, implementation and operations & maintenance

100% of approved water and sanitation projects facilitated for planning, implementation and operations & maintenance


100% of approved water and sanitation projects facilitated for planning, implementation and operations & maintenance

Opex 0.00 None None Quarterly report


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

Water and Sanitation projects


Good Governance and Public Participation

Facilitation of Infrastructure Projects

Job creation and training facilitation

Facilitation of job opportunities and training using EPWP guidelines in the implementation of water and sanitation projects

CDM Percentage of job opportunities and training facilitated in the implementation of water and sanitation projects

New baseline

100% of job opportunities and training facilitated in the implementation of water and sanitation projects as per the EPWP agreed target

100% of job opportunities and training facilitated in the implementation of water and sanitation projects as per the EPWP agreed target

Not achieved

0% of job opportunities and training facilitated in the implementation of water and sanitation projects as per the EPWP agreed target

Opex 0.00 Contractors not yet on site and therefore no job opportunities can be facilitated

Job opportunities will be facilitated as soon as contractors are on site

Quarterly report


Good Governance and Public Participation

Facilitation of Infrastructure Projects

Coordination of Water and Sanitation Community Forums

Involvement of stakeholders in the planning and development of water

CDM Number of Water and Sanitation Community Forums coordinated

4 Water and Sanitation Community Forums coordinated

4 Water and Sanitation Community Forums coordinated

1 Water and Sanitation Community Forums coordinated


2 Water and Sanitation Community Forums coordinate in Lepelle-Nkumpi and Blouberg

Opex 0.00 None None Quarterly report


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

and sanitation projects

local municipalities


Good Governance and Public Participation

Facilitation of Infrastructure Projects

Coordination of District Sanitation Task Team

Involvement of stakeholders in the planning and development of sanitation projects

CDM Number of District Sanitation Task Team coordinated

4 District Sanitation Task Team coordinated

4 District Sanitation Task Team coordinated

1 District Sanitation Task Team coordinated


1 District Sanitation Task Team coordinated

Opex 0.00 None None Quarterly report


Good Governance and Public Participation

Facilitation of Infrastructure Projects

Water Conservation Awareness Campaigns

Minimize the effects of illegal connections and tempering on the water and sanitation infrastructure

CDM Number of Water Conservation Workshops conducted

New baseline

3 Water Conservation Workshops conducted


4 Water Conservation Workshops conducted

Opex 0.00 None None Quarterly report


INFR – 74

Financial Viability

To ensure compliance on

Management of the Municipal

Establish and enforce project

CDM Percentage of expenditure on

80% of expenditure on MIG

85% of expenditure on MIG

20% of expenditure on MIG funded


34.34% of expenditure on MIG

R 235 037 000

80 700 001

None None MIG Monthly Report


Business Unit Infrastructure Department -Vote 2

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs: Improving access to basic services

Implementation of the community works programme

Actions supportive of human settlement outcome

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To provide sustainable basic services and infrastructure development

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key Perform

ance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress


Annual Budget



Corrective Measures

Means of verification

MIG Requirements

Infrastructure Programme

management standards

MIG funded projects

funded projects

funded projects

projects funded projects


Good Governance and Public Participation

To ensure up to date electronic record keeping of infrastructure assets

Management of GIS

Monitoring of infrastructure projects through GIS

CDM Percentage of infrastructure projects monitored through GIS

50 % of infrastructure projects monitored through GIS

80% infrastructure projects monitored through GIS

80% infrastructure projects monitored through GIS

Not achieved

30% infrastructure projects monitored through GIS

Opex Opex Projects still at evaluation stage

Projects will be monitored once contractors are appointed

GIS report

FD-07 Financial Viability

To monitor departmental expenditure

Acquisition Management

Compliance to the SCM regulations

CDM Percentage of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

1 draft 2015/16 annual budget tabled as per Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) by 31 March

100 percent of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100 percent of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100 percent of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

83 409 731.29

0.00 None None Zero irregular expenditure/ Payment Vouchers


3. Corporate Services –Vote 3

Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification



Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide legal services

Litigation Management

Litigation of instituted and defended cases

CDM Percentage of instituted or defended cases attended and managed

Percentage of instituted or defended cases attended and managed

100% attendance and management of all cases instituted or defended

100% of instituted or defended cases are attended and managed


100% of instituted or defended cases are attended and managed

2 358 000.00 1 183 346.50

None None Litigation





Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide legal services

Advisory Services

Legal advices and support

CDM Percentage of requested legal advices and support provided

Percentage of requested legal advices and support provided

100% provision of requested legal advices and support

100% requested legal advices and support provided


100% requested legal advices and support provided

Opex Opex None None Advisory Services Report


Municipal Transformation and

To provide legal services

Contracts development

Contracts development or edition and signing

CDM Percentage of requested contracts develope

Percentage of requested contracts develope

100% Development or Edition of requested

100% requested Contracts Developed or Edited


100% requested Contracts Developed or Edited

Opex Opex None None Contract Register Report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

Organizational Development

d or edited

d or edited




Spatial Rationale

To provide legal services

Development or review of by laws

By-law development or review

CDM Percentage of requested By-Laws developed or reviewed

Percentage of requested By-Laws developed or reviewed

100% Development or Review of requested By-Laws

100% requested Draft By-Laws Developed or Reviewed 100% requested Final Draft Developed or Reviewed 100% requested Approved Final Draft Gazetted

Not applicable

No requested received for Draft By-Laws Development or Review No requested received for Final Draft Developed or Reviewed No requested received for approval of Final Draft Gazetted

200 000.00 0.00 None None By-law development or review Report


Local Economic Developme

To effectively and efficiently

Recruitment and selection

Recruit and select suitable candidates for

CDM Percentage filling of all funded vacancie

90% Percent filling of all funded

90% Percent filling of all funded

90% Percent filling of all funded vacancies


90% Percent filling of all funded

569 000.00 0.00 None None Report on filling of funded vacant positions


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations


positions s vacancies




Good Governance and Public Participation

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

Performance Management Capacity building

Coordination of Capacity Building Activities

CDM Number of Performance Management support sessions conducted

4 Performance Management support sessions conducted

4 Performance Management support sessions conducted

1 Performance Management support session conducted


1 Performance management session conducted

Opex Opex None None Attendance registers


Municipal Transformation

To effectively and efficiently

Performance reviews

Performance Reviews

CDM Number of Performance reviews

4 Performance reviews conducte

4 Performance reviews conducte

1 Performance review conducted

Not achieved

0 Performance review conducted

5 600 000.00 0.00 Lack of submission of performance

Performance review will be conduc

Performance review Report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

and Organizational Development

recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relation


d d review plans by Executive mangers to prepare for the assessments.

ted in October


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

Medical surveillance

Conduct medical surveillance

CDM Number of employees underwent medical surveillance

200 employees underwent medical surveillance

150 employees underwent medical surveillance

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

Opex Opex None None Attendance Register


Municipal Transformation and

To effectively and efficiently recruit

Hazard Identification and Risk Assess

Conduct HIRA

CDM Number of HIRA activities conducted

2 Hira activities conducted

2 Hira activities conducted

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

Opex Opex None None HIRA Report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

Organizational Development

and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relation



Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

OHS Capacity Building

Capacity building on OHS activities

CDM Number of OHS capacity building activities conducted

4 OHS capacity building activities conducted.

2 OHS capacity building activities conducted.

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

247 000.00 0.00 None None Attendance Register


Municipal Transformation and Orga

To effectively and efficiently recruit and

Personnel protective Clothing

Supply of protective clothing to requesting departments

CDM Percentage provision of personnel protectiv

100% implementation of employee wellness

100% provision of personnel protective

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

2 150 000.00 0.00 None None Personnel protective Clothing report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

nizational Development

retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

e equipment to qualifying employees


equipment to qualifying employees.


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

Employee Wellness Program

Implementation of Employee Wellness Programme

CDM Percentage implementation of employee wellness interventions

100% implementation of employee wellness interventions

100% implementation of employee wellness interventions

100% implementation of employee wellness interventions


100% implementation of employee wellness interventions

2 100 000.00 0.00 None None Progress Report


Basic Services

To effectively and efficiently recruit and

Sports activities

Coordination of Sports Activities

CDM Number of employee sports activities coordinated

4 employee sports activities coordinated

2 employee sports activities coordinated

1 employee sports activities coordinated


1 employee sports activities coordinated

Opex Opex None None Sports activities Report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relation


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

Employee (Labour) Relations

Effective Management of Labour cases

CDM Percentage of referred cases attended to within the required time frame

100 percent of referred cases attended to within the required time frame

100 percent of referred cases attended to within the required time frame

100 percent of referred cases attended to within the required time frame


100 percent of referred cases attended to within the required time frame

360 000.00 0.00 None None Employee (Labour) Relations Report


Municipal Transforma

To effectively and efficient

Induction sessions

Induction of new and current employees

CDM Number of induction sessions

10 induction sessions conducte

2 induction sessions conducte

No target for the quarter

Not applicable

100 000.00 0.00 None None Attendance Register


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

tion and Organizational Development

ly recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations


d d


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relation

Submission of WSP.

Submission of the WSP to LGSETA

CDM Number of Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report (WSP and ATR) submitted to LGSETA

1 Workplace skills plan and Annual Training report (WSP and ATR submitted to LGSETA by April 2017

1 Workplace skills plan and Annual Training report (WSP and ATR submitted to LGSETA by April 2018

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

Opex 0.00 None None WSP document


Municipal Transforma

To effectively and efficient

Training of employees

Training of employees

CDM Percentage of the training budget

100 percent of the training

100 percent of the training

25 percent of the training budget spent on training of

Achieved 52% percent

of the training

1 250 000.00

654 313.00

Expenditure Report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

tion and Organizational Development

ly recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

spent on training of employees.

budget spent on training of employees

budget spent on training of employees

employees budget spent on training of employees Employees were placed on training in the month of August.


Financial Viability

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relation

Training of councillors and Magoshi

Training of Councillors

CDM Percentage of the training budget spent on training of councillors and Magoshi

New indicator

100 percent of the training budget spent on training of councillors and Magoshi

25 percent of the training budget spent on training of councillors and Magoshi

Not Achieved 8 % percent

of the training budget spent on training of councillors and Magoshi 41 Councillors

were placed on training in the 1st Quarter.

1 500 000.00 119 946.00

Training that was done in first quarter was paid in June

Further training will be coordinated and paid for in the second quarter

Expenditure Report


Municipal Transforma

To effectively and efficient

Bursary fund Internal

Awarding of bursaries to internal

CDM Percentage of eligible employe

100 percent of eligible employe

100 percent of eligible employe

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

1 000 000.00 78 293.04

None None Bursary fund Report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

tion and Organizational Development

ly recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

employees es awarded with bursaries in line with available budget

es awarded with bursaries in line with available budget

es awarded with bursaries in line with available budget


Financial Viability

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relation

Bursary fund external

Awarding of bursary to external people

CDM Percentage of eligible people awarded with bursaries in line with available budget

100 percent of eligible people awarded with bursaries in line with available budget

100 percent of eligible people awarded with bursaries in line with available budget

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

1 000 000.00

0.00 None. None Bursary fund Report


Local Economic Developme

To effectively and efficiently

Learnership, Internships and

Capacitate young people in the district with regard

CDM Number of programs put in place to

3 programs put in place to capacitat

1 programs put in place to capacitat

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

Opex 0.00 None None Attendance register/Programmes


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

nt recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

experiential training

to Learnership,internship and experiential training

capacitate young people in the district (learnerships, internships, or experiential training)

e young people in the district (learnerships, internships or experiential training)

e young people in the district (learnerships, internships or experiential training)


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relation

Job Evaluation

Conduct job evaluation

CDM Percentage of identified jobs evaluated

100 percent of identified jobs evaluated

100 percent of identified jobs evaluated

100 percent of identified jobs evaluated


100 percent of identified jobs evaluated

50 000.00 0.00 None None Job Evaluation report


Municipal Transformation and

To effectively and efficiently recruit

Employment Equity report

Submission of the employment Equity report to Departmen

CDM Number of employment equity report

1 employment equity report submitte

1 employment equity report submitte

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

Opex Opex None None Employment Equity Report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

Organizational Development

and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

t of Labour submitted to DoL

d to DoL by January 2017

d to DoL by December 2017


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

Employment Equity Plan

Implementation of employment equity plan

CDM Percentage of filled positions occupied by employees from Employment Equity target groups employed in the four highest levels of management in compliance with the

97 percent of filled positions occupied by employees from Employment Equity target groups employed in the four highest positions

97 percent of filled positions occupied by employees from Employment Equity target groups employed in the four highest positions

97 percent of filled positions occupied by employees from Employment Equity target groups employed in the four highest positions


97 percent of filled positions occupied by employees from Employment Equity target groups employed in the four highest positions

Opex Opex None None Employment Equity Plan Report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

Employment Equity Act


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To effectively and efficiently recruit and retain competent Human Capital and sound labour relations

Leave Management

Management of leave

CDM Percentage capturing of approved leave in the system

New Indicator

100% capturing of approved leave in the system

100% capturing of approved leave in the system


100% capturing of approved leave in the system

Opex Opex None None Leave Report


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide effective and efficient ICT services within the Municipality

Implementation of file server solution ( to secure municipal information)

File server for central, audited information

CDM Number of file server solution implemented

New indicator

1 file server solution implemented by June 2018

No targets for the quarter

Not Applicable

300 000.00 0.00 None None Report and proof of payment


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide effective and efficient ICT services within the Municipality

Procurement and implementation of computer hardware, software, and networks

Procurement Internal software, network, switches, tablets and computers

All CDM offices

Number of computer hardware equipment, software and networks procured and implemented

289 Computer equipment’s available

45 computer hardware equipment, software and networks procured and implemented

No targets for the quarter

Not Applicable

1 530 000.00 0.00 None None Report and proof of payment


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide effective and efficient ICT services within the Municipality

Maintenance of IT systems and licences

SAP, Teammate, Antivirus, EMS/DMS, Microsoft, Telkom, MPLS (Multiprotocol label switching)

CDM Percentage of systems maintained and licenced

100% maintenance of ICT systems and licencing

100% maintenance of ICT systems and licencing

100% maintenance of ICT systems and licencing


100% maintenance of ICT systems and licencing

5140 000.00 821 987.91

None None Report and proof of payment


Municipal Transformation and Organizati

To provide effective and efficient ICT services within

Maintenance of computer equipment

Computers, switches, Cameras, Access control

All CDM offices

Percentage of computer equipment maintained

100% of computer equipment maintained

100% of computer equipment maintained

100% of computer equipment maintained


100% of computer equipment maintained

313 000.00 50 531.60

None None Report and proof of payment


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

onal Development

the Municipality


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide effective and efficient ICT services within the Municipality

Financial System Upgrade, enhancement and Maintenance

SAP/Vesta support ( Financial systems maintenance and support)

CDM Percentage upgrade, enhancement, maintenance and support of SAP and VESTA system

100% maintenance and support of SAP and implementation of Vesta system

100% upgrade, maintenance and support of SAP and VESTA system

10% maintenance and support of SAP and VESTA system


10% maintenance and support of SAP and VESTA system

6 000 000.00 795 509.43

None None Report and proof of payment


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide effective and efficient ICT services within the Municipality

Access Control System

Access Control System at the remote office

CDM Number of offices installed with access control

5 sites installed with access control system

1 CDM offices installed with access control

No target for the Quarter

Not Applicable

100 000.00 0.00 None None Report and proof of payment


Municipal Transforma

To provide auxiliary

Office Furniture

Procurement of office furniture

CDM Percentage of requested office

100% of requested Plant and

100% of requested Plant and

No targets for the quarter

Not Applicable

2 000 000.00 0.00 None None Report and proof of payment


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

tion and Organizational Development

support services to all departments

furniture procured

Equipment purchased in line with the available budget by June 2017

Equipment purchased in line with the available budget by June 2018


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide auxiliary support services to all departments

Procurement of Air- Conditioner

Procurement of air conditioners

CDM Number of air-conditioner s procured

20 air-conditioners procured

5 air-conditioners procured

No targets for the quarter

Not Applicable

200 000.00

0.00 None None Report and proof of payment


Basic Services

To provide auxillary support services to all departments

Construction of Blouberg water offices

Planning and Construction of Blouberg offices

CDM Number of Phase 1: Blouberg water offices constructed

1 Blouberg water offices constructed

1 Blouberg water offices constructed

No targets for the quarter

Not Applicable

7 000 000.00 0.00 None None Progress report


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide auxillary support services to all departments

Repairs and maintenance of vehicles

Repairs and maintenance [Vehicles]

CDM Percentage compliance with vehicle maintenance

100 % compliance with vehicle maintenance

100 % compliance with vehicle maintenance

100 % compliance with vehicle maintenance


100 % compliance with vehicle maintenance

5 000 000.00 1 543 723.97

None None Vehicle Compliance report


Basic Services

To provide auxillary support services to all departments

Plant and equipment purchases

Purchasing of plants and equipment

CDM Number of Plant and Equipment purchased

2 Water tankers purchased by June 2016

3 Vehicles purchased

TOR developed and approved


TOR developed and approved.

5 000 000.00 0.00 None None Report and proof of payment


Basic Services

To provide auxillary support service

Water vehicles

Purchasing of trucks and bakkies

CDM Number of vehicles purchased

2 Water tankers purchased by June 2016

3 Water tankers purchased

No targets for the quarter

Not Applicable

5 000 000.00 0.00 None None Report and proof of payment


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

s to all departments


Basic Services

To provide auxillary support services to all departments

Paving of fire station

Installation of paving at fire stations

CDM fire stations

Number of fire station paved.

2 fire stations installed with paving

1 fire stations paved

No targets for the quarter

Not Applicable

110 000.00 0.00 None None Progress report on installed with paving


Basic Services

To provide auxillary support services to all departments

Installation of razor wire

Installation of razor wire

CDM fire stations

Number of razor wire installed

New Indicator

1 razor wire installed

TOR developed and approved


TOR developed and approved.

90 000.00 0.00 None None Progress report on Installation of razor wire


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide auxillary support services to all departments


Provision of guardhouses

CDM fire stations

Number of Guard-houses provided


Guard-houses installed

3 Guard-

houses provided

No targets for the quarter

Not Applicable

200 000.00 0.00 None None Guard-houses Reports


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide auxiliary support services to all departments

Professional fees( planning,designs and construction of TOR development and approved for offices and disaster management

Professional fees( planning,designs and construction of TOR development and approved for offices and disaster management centre

CDM Number of Professional fees( planning,designs and construction of TOR development and approved for offices and disaster management

New indicator

1 Professional fees( planning,designs and construction of TOR development and approved for offices and disaster management centre

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

Opex Opex None None Professional fees Reports


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

centre centre


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide auxiliary support services to all departments

PAIA Compliance

Annual PAIA report submitted to South African Human Rights Commission

CDM Number of PAIA reports compiled and submitted to Huma Right Commission and Dept. of Justice

4 PAIA reports compiled and submitted to Huma Right Commission and Dept. of Justice

4 PAIA reports compiled and submitted to Huma Right Commission and Dept. of Justice

1 PAIA reports compiled and submitted to Huma Right Commission and Dept. of Justice


1 PAIA reports compiled and submitted

Opex Opex None None PAIA Compliance Reports


Municipal Transformation and Organizational Development

To provide auxiliary support services to all departments

Records Management

Implementation of records management

CDM Number of compliance reports compiled and submitted on file plan

4 compliance reports compiled and submitted on file plan

4 compliance reports compiled and submitted on file plan

1 compliance reports compiled and submitted on file plan


1 compliance reports compiled and submitted on file plan

Opex Opex None None Records Management Reports

CPS Munic To Constru Constructio Lepelle/ Number New 2 No target for Not 400 000.00 0.00 None None Progress


Business Unit Corporate Services –Vote 3

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective Measure

Means of verification

D-52 ipal Transformation and Organizational Development

provide auxiliary support services to all departments

ction of external toilets and showers

n of external toilets and showers

Nkumpi and Molemole

of external toilets and showers constructed

Indicator external toilets and showers constructed

the quarter Applicable Reports


Financial Viability

To monitor department expenditure

Acquisition management

Compliance to the SCM regulations

CDM % of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100 percent of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

Opex 0.00 None

None Zero irregular expenditure/Payment Vouchers



Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification



Municipal Transformation and Organisational Development

To prepare a credible and realistic budget in line with MFMA timelines

Budget Compliance

To prepare a credible adjustment budget and annual budget to be tabled and adopted as per Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) timelines

CDM Number





nt budget

as per




ment Act


by 28


1 approved credible adjustment budget as per Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) by 28 February

1 approved credible adjustment budget as per Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) by 28 February

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

Opex Opex None None Adjsutment budget adopted by council

Number of draft credible annual budgets tabled as per Municipal Finance Manage

1 draft credible annual budget tabled as per Municipal Finance Management Act

1 draft credible annual budget tabled as per Municipal Finance Management Act

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

Opex Opex None None Draft 2018/19 budget adopted by council


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification

ment Act (MFMA) by 31 March

(MFMA) by 31 March

(MFMA) by 31 March

Number of credible annual budgets adopted as per Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) by 30 May

1 credible annual budget adopted as per Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) by 30 May

1 credible annual budget adopted as per Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) by 30 May

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

Opex Opex None None 2018/19 Annual budget adopted by council


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification


Municipal Transformation and Organisational Development

To prepare a credible and realistic budget in line with MFMA timelines

Financial reporting

To prepare and submit credible financial information

CDM Number of quarterly financial statements submitted to stakeholders within 25 working days after the end of the quarter

4 quarterly financial statements submitted to stakeholders within 25 working days after the end of the quarter

4 quarterly financial statements submitted to stakeholders within 25 working days after the end of the quarter

1 quarterly financial statements submitted to stakeholders within 25 working days after the end of the quarter

Achieved. 1

quarterly financial statements submitted to stakeholders within 25 working days after the end of the quarter

Opex Opex None None Quarterly financial statements

Good Governance and Public Participation

Number of Unqualified audit opinion

1 Unqualified audit opinion

1 Unqualified audit opinion (without material matters)

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

Opex Opex None None Auditors report

Number of annual financial statemen

1 annual financial statement and

1 annual financial statement and

1 annual financial statement and

Achieved. 1

annual financial

Opex Opex None None Annual financial statement and


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification

ts and performance reports submitted to the Auditor General by 31st August

performance reports submitted to the Auditor General by 31st August

performance reports submitted to the Auditor General by 31st August

performance reports submitted to the Auditor General by 31st August

statement and performance reports submitted to the Auditor General by 31st August

performance reports

Number of draft budget submitted to Treasury within10 working days after tabling

1 draft budget submitted to Treasury within10 working days after tabling

1 draft



d to







No target

for the


Not Applicable.

Opex Opex None None Acknowledgement from Treasury of report being submitted

Number of final budget submitted to Treasury within 10 working

1 final budget submitted to Treasury within 10 working days

1 final budget submitted to Treasury within 10 working days

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

Opex Opex None None Acknowledgement from Treasury of report being submitted


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification

days after approval

after approval

after approval

Number of budget return submitted to Treasury by 20 July

1 set of budget return submitted to Treasury by 20 July

1 set of budget return submitted to Treasury by 20 July

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable.

Opex Opex None None Acknowledgement from Treasury of report being submitted

Number of quarterly MFMA budget return submitted to Treasury within 30 working days

4 quarterly MFMA budget return submitted to Treasury within 30 working days

4 quarterly MFMA budget return submitted to Treasury within 30 working days

1 quarterly MFMA budget return submitted to Treasury within 30 working days

Achieved. 1

quarterly MFMA budget return submitted to Treasury within 30 working days

Opex Opex None None Acknowledgement from Treasury of report being submitted

Number of monthly budget statements submitte

12 monthly budget statements submitted to

12 monthly budget statements submitted to

3 monthly budget statements submitted to

Not Achieved.

Opex Opex Incomplete posting of transactions

The service provider is being engaged.

Acknowledgement from Treasury of report being submitte


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification

d to Treasury within 10 working days after month-end

Treasury within 10 working days after month-end

Treasury within 10 working days after month-end

Treasury within 10 working days after month-end



Municipal Transformation and Organisational Development

To prepare a credible and realistic budget in line with MFMA timelines

Treasury management

Monthly monitoring over the financial processes regarding cash flow management

CDM Number of monthly cash flow projections, bank and investment reconciliations prepared

12 cash flow projections bank and investment reconciliations prepared

12 cash flow projections bank and investment reconciliations prepared

3 cash flow projections bank and investment reconciliations prepared

Achieved. 3 cash

flow projections bank and investment reconciliations prepared

Opex Opex None None cash flow projections, bank and investment reconciliations



Financial Viability

To ensure effective and efficient payment of liabilities within set time frame and in compliance

Payables Adhere to service standards and MFMA for payment of

CDM Percentage creditors reconciled and paid within 30 days

80% creditors reconciled and paid within 30 days

100% creditors reconciled and paid within 30 days

100% creditors reconciled and paid within 30 days

Achieved. 100%

creditors reconciled and paid within 30 days

Opex Opex None None Payment reconciliation report and proof of payment within 30


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification

with MFMA liabilities days


Municipal Transformation and Organisational Development

To ensure effective and effective payment of salaries and related costs

Employee benefits

Accurate payment of salaries and related costs monthly

CDM Number of payroll runs and reconciliations performed

12 payroll runs and reconciliations performed

12 payroll runs and reconciliations performed

3 payroll runs and reconciliations performed

Achieved. 3

payroll runs and reconciliations performed

Opex Opex None None Payroll reconciliations performed reviewed

Accurate payment of salaries and related costs monthly

CDM Number of employee cost benefit evaluations performed

1 Employee cost benefit evaluation performed

1 Employee cost benefit evaluation performed

1 Employee cost benefit evaluation performed

Achieved. 1

Employee cost benefit evaluation performed

50 000.00 0.00 None None Report on employee cost benefit evaluation



Local Economic Development

To ensure that the resources required to fulfil the needs identified in the strategic plan of the institution are efficient and

Demand management

Development and Implement the procurement plan

CDM Number of municipal procurement plan developed and implemented

1 municipal procurement plan developed and implemented

1 municipal procurement plan developed and implemented

1 municipal procurement plan developed and implemented

Achieved. 1

municipal procurement plan developed and implemented

Opex Opex None None 1 municipal procurement plan developed and implemented


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification

effective (at the correct time, price and place and that the quantity and quality will satisfy those needs)

The optimum method to satisfy the need is considered, including the possibility of procuring goods, works or services from other institutions.

Supply Chain Management (SCM) requirements linked to the budget

CDM Percentage of Supply Chain Management (SCM) requirements that are linked to the budget

100% Supply Chain Management (SCM) requirements that are linked to the budget

100% Supply Chain Management (SCM) requirements that are linked to the budget

100% Supply Chain Management (SCM) requirements that are linked to the budget

Achieved. 100%

Supply Chain Management (SCM) requirements that are linked to the budget

Opex Opex None None 100% Supply Chain Management (SCM) requirements that are linked to the budget


Financial Viability

To ensure that resources required to fulfil the needs identified in the strategic plan of the institution are efficient and effective

Acquisition management

Compliance to the SCM regulations

CDM Percentage of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expendit

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expendit

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expendit

Achieved 100%

of compliance to the SCM regulations that resulted in R nil

Opex Opex None None 100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expendit


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification


ure ure ure irregular expenditure


Basic Services

Prepare and submit bid documents for evaluation, adjudication award and contracting

CDM Number of days taken to appoint service providers since advertising of goods and services

90 days taken to appoint service providers since advertising of goods and services

90 days

taken to






g of




90 days taken to appoint service providers since advertising of goods and services

Achieved. 90

days taken to appoint service providers since advertising of goods and services

Opex Opex None None 90 days taken to appoint service providers since advertising of goods and services


Spatial Rationale

To ensure proper valuation, safeguarding, optimisation and disposal of municipal assets in compliance with relevant legislation

Assets and logistics management

Periodic asset counting

CDM Number of asset verifications performed

2 asset verification performed

2 asset verification performed

1 asset verification performed

Achieved. 1

asset verification performed

Opex Opex None None 2 asset verification performed


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification

Regular update and/or maintenance of asset register

CDM Number of inventory and asset registers compiled and updated

1 inventory and one asset register compiled and updated

1 inventory and one asset register compiled and updated

1 inventory and one asset register compiled and updated

Achieved. 1

inventory and one asset register compiled and updated

Opex Opex None None 1 inventory and one asset register compiled and updated


Basic Services

Assets management (Unbundling of infrastructure assets)

Unbundling of infrastructure assets

CDM Percentage of infrastructure assets unbundled in accordance with the accounting framework

100% of





d in


ce with






100% of infrastructure assets unbundled in accordance with the accounting framework

100% of infrastructure assets unbundled in accordance with the accounting framework

Achieved. 100%

of infrastructure assets unbundled in accordance with the accounting framework

3 100 000.00

0.00 None None 100% of infrastructure assets unbundled in accordance with the accounting framework



Financial Viability

To ensure revenue of the municipality is

Water revenue collection

Collect revenue billed and

CDM Percentage of water

10% of water collection

15% of water collection

3% of water collection

Achieved. 3% of


7 000 000 00

0.00 None None

Billing reconcilation


Business Unit Finance –Vote 4

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organizational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Project Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description


Key performance Indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Target

Quarter 1 Targets

Quarter 1


2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective measure

Means of verification

collected VAT due to municipality.

collection from service charges billed

from service charges billed

from service charges billed

from service charges billed

collection from service charges billed

reviewed charges billed


5. Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification



Spatial Rationale

To coordinate and promote reliable, safe road network ,efficient, accessible and affordable transport services

Development of Rural Roads Assets Management System (Public Transport Rural Infrastructure Planning)

Rural Roads Assets Management Systems (Traffic data, bridge condition survey, mapping of visual conditions, Extended visual condition assessment.

CDM Number of Rural Roads Asset Management Systems

1 Rural roads infrastructure data-base

1 Rural Roads Assets Management System developed and implemented

25 % Rural Roads Assets Manage ment System impleme nted and update i.e. Traffic Data Round 2 , Bridge Condition Surveys Round 2, Visual Condition Assessm ent on surfaced & gravel roads- Round 2


29.24 % Rural Roads Assets Manage ment System impleme nted and update i.e. Traffic Data Round 2 , Bridge Condition Surveys Round 2, Visual Condition Assessm ent on surfaced & gravel roads- Round 2

2 120 000.00

0.00 None None Progress Report


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Good Governance and public participation

To coordinate and promote reliable, safe road network ,efficient, accessible and affordable transport services

Monitoring of public transport facilities (Blouberg, Lepelle-Nkumpi, Molemole)

Monitoring of public transport facilities (Blouberg, Lepelle-Nkumpi, Molemole)

Blouberg, Lepelle-Nkumpi, Molemole

Number of Public Transport Facilities monitored

District Integrated Transport Plan

4 public transport facilities monitored per municipality

4 public transport facilities monitored per municipality


4 public transport facilities monitored per municipality i.e. 29/08/2017 Leporogong Taxi Rank, Seleteng Taxi Rank, Mamaolo Taxi Rank. 30/08/201 Dendron Taxi Rank

Opex Opex None None Progress Reports/ Minutes/Attendance Register


Good Governance and public participation

To coordinate and promote reliable, safe road network ,efficient, accessible and

Road safety awareness campaign

Conduct Road safety awareness campaign to promote road safety in the district.

CDM Number of road safety awareness campaign conducted

5 Road safety education and communications campaign facilitated and coordinated

5 road safety awareness campaign initiatives conducted

1 road safety awareness campaigns initiatives conducted


1 road safety awareness campaign in the form of Participatory Education Techniques held on the 05

50 000.00

0.00 None None Progress Reports/ Attendance register


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

affordable transport services

August 2017 Traffic Station Polokwane


Good Governance and public participation

To coordinate and promote reliable, safe road network ,efficient, accessible and affordable transport services

Transport Forum Engagement

Transport Forum Engagement

CDM Number of Transport Forum engagement conducted

None 4 Transport Forum engagement conducted

1 Transport Forum engagement conducted


1 Transport Forum engagement conducted on the 28th September 2017

Opex Opex None None Minutes, Attendance register


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification



Basic Services

To protect the environment

Management of Blouberg landfill site

Management of the Blouberg landfill site


Number of landfill management reports compiled

4 Landfill Management Reports compiled

Management of 1 landfill site (Blouberg)

1 Landfill management report


1 Landfill management report is available

3 000 000.00


None None Project management report


Spatial Rationale

To protect the environment

Laboratory analysis air quality (Air quality monitoring)

Passive ambient air quality monitoring (Laboratory Analysis Air Quality)

All municipal areas

Number of reports on passive ambient air quality monitoring results

4 Reports on passive ambient air quality monitoring results

4 Reports on passive ambient air quality monitoring results

1 Quarterly report on passive ambient air quality monitoring results


1 Quarterly report on passive ambient air quality monitoring results is available

22 000.00

1 824.00 (8.3%)

None None Air quality monitoring report


Basic Services

To protect the environment

Air quality monitoring (Repair & Calibration of equipment)

Repair & calibration of air quality monitoring equipment

CDM Number of air quality monitoring equipment repaired and calibrate

5 Monitoring stations repaired and calibrated

5 Monitoring stations repaired and calibrated

Availability of Terms of Reference and tender advertised


Terms of Reference is available. No need for advertisement - Request

119 000.00


None None ToR / Tender advertisement / Approved Deviation


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification


submitted to the Tender Adjudication Committee for approval to use sole provider


Spatial Rationale

To protect the environment

Environmental compliance inspections and enforcement (Compliance monitoring and enforcement)

Conduct compliance inspections

CDM Number of environmental compliance inspection reports prepared

4 Environmental compliance inspection conducted

4 Environmental compliance inspection reports prepared

2 Environmental compliance inspection conducted


(9) Nine compliance inspections conducted;

Botlokwa at the Matoks Shopping Complex on 19 July;

Alldays Landfill construction site and at Marula Mall in Alldays on 21 July

1 August at Bendor-

20 000.00

0.00 None None Progress reports


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

Aloe Estate construction site;

16 August at Shell Polokwane Depot;

17 August at Total Polokwane Depot

Senyane Manganese mine at Lebowakgomo on 24 August

BLITZ operation conducted at Mogodi for illegal manufacturing of aluminium pots and Deforestation / wood selling at Zebediela / Moletlane on 26


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification



Good Governance and Participation

To protect the environment

Support to Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA) Eco Schools Environmental Education awareness campaign

Supporting WESSA Eco Schools Environmental Education campaign

CDM Number of signed MOUs for transfer of funds to WESSA

1 Signed MoU and 4 progress reports for transfer of funds to WESSA

1 Signed MOU for transfer of funds to WESSA

1 Progress report for transfer of funds to WESSA


1 Progress report for transfer of funds to WESSA is available Draft MoU has been forwarded to WESSA for input / signature

157 000.00

0.00 None None Progress report


Spatial Rationale

To protect the environment

Environmental awareness campaigns

Conduct environmental awareness campaigns

All municipal areas

Number of environmental awareness

8 Environmental awareness campaig

8 Environmental awareness campaig

2 Environmental awareness campaign conducted


3 (Three) Environmental awareness campaigns

150 000.00

13 685.80 (9.1%)

None None Environmental awareness reports


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

campaigns conducted

ns conducted.

ns conducted.

conducted; • 30 August with LEDET for Traditional Leaders in Polokwane

1 September for Ward Committees at Mohodi in Molemole LM;

20 September for Ward Committee members at Zebediela in Lepelle-Nkumpi LM



Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Local Economic Development

To create a conducive environment and ensure support to key economic sectors Agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and mining

LED Stakeholder engagement

Hosting of LED forum meetings to integrate plans

CDM Number of LED Meetings coordinated.

4 LED Forum Meetings held

4 LED Forum Meetings held

One (1) LED Forum i.e. stakeholder engagement meeting held


One (1) LED Forum i.e. stakeholder engagement meeting held on the 08th September 2017

Opex 0.00 None None Attendance register LED forum Reports


Local Economic Development

CDM Economic Profile

Compilation of district economic profile

CDM Number of district economic profiles produced

1 District Economic Profile produced

1 district economic profile produced

Data Collection


Data has been collected

Opex 0.00 None None Data Collection report


Local Economic Development

To create a conducive environment and ensure support to key econo

Job creation monitoring

Monitor and report on the number of jobs created in the district

CDM Number of job creation reports developed

4 job creation reports developed

4 job creation reports developed

One (1) quarterly job creation report developed ( jobs created by the district)


One (1) quarterly job creation report developed ( jobs created by the district CDM

Opex 0.00 None None Job creation report


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

mic sectors Agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and mining

created a total number of 542 jobs in the 1st Quarter of the 2017 /18 financial year. Breakdown of jobs in terms of targeted groups is as follows: Youth – 250 jobs Women- 334 jobs Disabled – 9 jobs


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Local Economic Development

To create a conducive environment and ensure support to key economic sectors Agriculture, tourism

Entrepreneurship support for SMME

Supporting farmers with linkages and information

CDM Number of SMMEs supported in farming

New indicator

5 farmers supported with linkage to markets and information

1 information sharing session held


1 information sharing session held. This was on linkages to markets. It was held in Lepelle -Nkumpi on the 13 September 2017

310 000. 00

11 490.00

None None Reports


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

, manufacturing and mining

Incubation of SMMEs

CDM Number of SMMEs incubated

New indicator

15 SMMES incubated

Development of project charter


Development of project charter done

None None None Project Charter


Local Economic Development

To create a conducive environment and ensure support to key economic sectors Agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and mining

SMME support (exhibitions)

Facilitate the exhibition of SMME products (exhibitions)

CDM Number of SMME exhibitions coordinated

4 SMME exhibitions coordinated

4 SMME exhibitions coordinated

One (01) SMME exhibition coordinated


Two SMME Exhibitions were coordinated at Mall of the North on the 02 September 2017 and 14 to16 September 2017

164 000. 00

5100.00 None None Project report


Local Economic Development

Monitoring of SETAS initiatives in the district

Monitoring of SETAS in the district

CDM Number of monitoring reports developed

None 4 Monitoring Reports developed

(One) 1 Monitoring report developed


One (01) Monitoring report developed

Opex 0.00 None None Monitoring report


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Local Economic Development

Motumo Trading Post

Development of Motumo Trading Post

CDM Number of monitoring reports developed

4 monitoring reports developed

4 monitoring reports developed

1 Monitoring Report


1 Monitoring Report developed

Opex 0.00 None None Monitoring report


Local Economic Development


Development of an Agri Park in the District

CDM Number of monitoring reports developed

4 monitoring Reports developed

4 Monitoring reports developed

1 Monitoring Report


1 Monitoring Report developed

Opex 0.00 None None Monitoring reports


Local Economic Development

To create a conducive environment and ensure support to key economic sectors Agriculture, tourism,

Review of Investment and Marketing Strategy

Review of Investment and Marketing Strategy

CDM Number of Investment and Marketing Strategies reviewed

1 Investment and Marketing Strategy reviewed

1 Investment and Marketing Strategy reviewed

Appointment of service provider

Not Achieved. Service Provider not appointed. Progress is as follows: 1-24 July - Development of TOR 25 July 2017 TORs

865 000. 00

0.00 The Terms of reference served at the Bid Specifications Committee and were referred back to user department for corrections 27 July to 30 August experienced SCM gap delay

The Terms of Reference were resubmitted to Supply Chain for advertisement.

Appointment letter


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification


submitted to Supply Chain Management. 23 August 2017 - Bid Specification Committee Meeting did not Quorate. 30 August 2017 - The Bid Specification Committee met and made comments / inputs on the TOR 07 September 2017 - Amendments were made and submitted

20 September received new inputs. Service Provider not appointed. Progress is as follows: 1-24 July - Development of TOR 25 July 2017 TORs submitted to Supply Chain Management. 23 August 2017 - Bid Specification Committee Meeting did not Quorate. 30 August 2017 - The Bid Specification Committee met and made comments / inputs on the


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

to SCM. 20 September 2017 - The Bid Specification Committee met and made new inputs/ comments. 21 September 2017 - Amendments were made and submitted to SCM for circulation to all members of the Bid Specification Committee

TOR 07 September 2017 - Amendments were made and submitted to SCM. 20 September 2017 - The Bid Specification Committee met and made new inputs/ comments. 21 September 2017 - Amendments were made and submitted to SCM for circulation to all members of the Bid Specification Committee


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Local Economic Development

To create a conducive environment and ensure support to key economic sectors Agriculture, tourism, manufacturing

Inward and outward mission

Support investment in the district

CDM Percentage of Inward and Outward Mission conducted

New indicator

100% of inward and outward Mission conducted

40 % inward and Outward Mission conducted (Identification of inward and Outward mission)

Achieved. Inward and Outward Mission conducted (Identification of inward and Outward mission conducted)

160 000. 00

0.00 None None List of identified inward and outward missions


DPEMS - 28

Local Economic Development

To address unemployment through EPWP

EPWP coordination

EPWP Forum


Number of EPWP Forums coordinated

4 EPWP Forums coordinated

4 EPWP Forums coordinated

1 EPWP Forums coordinated

Achieved. EPWP Forum coordinate and held on the 27th September 2017

Opex Opex None None

EPWP Report/ Attendance Register


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

DPEMS - 29

EPWP work opportunities created


Number of EPWP work opportunities created

2 166 EPWP work opportunities created

2 400 EPWP work opportunities created

No target for the quarter

No target for the quarter (although

541 EPWP work opportunities already created)

Opex Opex None None EPWP RS Reports

DPEMS - 30

Implementation of EPWP grant projects

Implementation of EPWP grant projects


Number of EPWP grant projects implemented

6 Expanded Works Programmes projects implemented

6 Expanded Works Programmes projects implemented

2 Expanded Works Programmes projects implemented

Achieved. 2 Expanded Works Programmes projects implemented (EPWP Data Capture started 04 July 2017, Community Waste: Molemole started 05 September 2017)

Funds transferred

5 080 000

1 454 000

None None

EPWP RS Reports/

EPWP projects reports


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

to municipalities for project implementation





Planning and


To manage and


e spatial planning within

the district


n of SPLUM

A (District Municip

al Plannin

g Tribuna


Coordination of

District Municipal Planning Tribunal


Number of District Municipal Planning Tribunal sessions coordinat


District Municipal Planning Tribunal establishment of

the District

Municipal Planning Tribunal received

4 District Municipal Planning Tribunal sessions coordinat


1 District Municipal Planning Tribunal sessions


Achieved. 1 District Municipal Planning Tribunal sessions


Gazette notice for

the District Municipal Planning Tribunal

400 000

4 725

33 352.33

(Committed i.e Sitting

Allowance & S&


None None

Progress Reports/

Attendance Register


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

published on the 07th July 2017

Municipal Planning Tribunal session

coordinated and held on the 17th July 2017

& participate

d in the tribunal

workshop held on the 22 – 23rd August 2017.

DPEMS – 32

Implementation of the Spatial Development Framework (SDF)

Implementation of the Spatial Development Framework (SDF)


Number of the Spatial Development Framework (SDF) projects implemented

1 SDF (2017) available

2 projects implemented

Appointment of service Provider

Not Achieved. Appointment of service Provider in process Meeting with

700 000 0.00

Delay in receiving comments to ensure ToR are SPLUMA compliant.

Fast track

ToR to serve in

the next SCM



Project Progress Reports


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

DRDLR & Molemole LM held on the 22 September 2017 to finalise the Terms of Reference that are SPLUMA compliant


MS -


Spatial Planning and Rationale

To manage and co-ordinate spatial planning within the district

Spatial Planning awareness session

Coordination of IDP awareness sessions


Number of awareness sessions coordinated







4 Spatial Planning awareness sessions coordinated

1 Spatial Planning awareness sessions coordinated


1 Spatial Planning awareness sessions targeted for the District Municipal Planning Tribunal coordinated and held on the 22 & 23rd August 2017

50 000

3 463.32 None None

Awareness session package/ Attendance registers


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification



Municipal Transformation and organisational Development

To manage and coordinate development and review of IDP/Budget within the District

Review of IDP/Budget

Review of Integrated Development Plan

CDM Number of IDP/ Budget reviewed

1 IDP/ Budget developed

1 IDP/ Budget reviewed

IDP/Budget Frame work/Process Plan prepared


IDP/Budget Frame work/Process Plan prepare d and approved by council on the 28th July 2017

624 000

105 320.00 (Order)

None None IDP/Budget report


Good Governance and Public Participation

To manage and coordinate development and review of IDP/Budget within the District

Strategic Planning Sessions

Coordination of strategic planning sessions

CDM Number of strategic planning sessions coordinated

8 strategic planning sessions coordinated

8 strategic planning sessions coordinated

Concept Document for Strategic Planning Sessions Approved.


Concept Document for Strategic Planning Sessions Approved in August 2017.

575 000.00

66 330.00 (Order)

None None Strategic planning session packages/attendance register/ Strategic planning reports


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification


Good Governance and Public Participation

To manage and coordinate development and review of IDP/Budget within the District

IDP Awareness Sessions

Co-ordination of IDP awareness sessions

CDM Number of awareness sessions co-ordinated

3 awareness sessions co-ordinated

4 awareness sessions co-ordinated

2 IDP Awareness Sessions coordinated


2 IDP Awareness Sessions Coordinated (IDP stakeholders session held on 19 July 2017 and 01 September2017)

70 000.00

0.00 None None IDP Awareness reports/ Attendance reports


Municipal Transformation and organisational Development

To provide direction on development impact within the District

Review of 2030 Growth and Development Strategy (GDS)

Review of 2030 Growth and Development Strategy

CDM Number of 2030 Growth and Development Strategy reviewed

New 1 2030 Growth and Development Strategy reviewed

Appointment of Service provide r


Appointment of Service provide r achieved in June 2017

950 000.00

0.00 None None Project Progress reports


Business Unit Development Planning Environmental Management Service-Vote 5

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 5: Deepen democracy through a refined ward committee model

Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: To increase the capacity of the district to deliver its mandate

Project No.

Key performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator

Baseline 2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1


Quarter 1 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget


Challenges Corrective Measure

Means of verification

FD-- 08

Financial Viability

To monitor departmental expenditure

Acquisition Management

Compliance to the SCM regulations

CDM Percentage of compliance to the SCM regulation that result in R nil irregular expenditure

1 draft 2015/16 annual budget tabled as per Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA by 31 March

100 percent of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100 percent of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure


100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

R21 886 000.00

R213 392.12 Committed(R33 352.33)

0.00 N/A Zero irregular expenditure/ Payment Vouchers



Roll Over Projects

Local Economic Development

To protect the environment

Alien plant eradication project

Eradication of alien plants in Blouberg and Lepelle-Nkumpi LM’s

Blouberg and Lepelle-Nkumpi LM’s

Number of EPWP jobs create through alien plant eradication project

200 EPWP jobs created

200 EPWP jobs created

Availability of draft Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)


Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) signed and available. Project progress report is available

1 900 000.00

0.00 None None MoU’s / Project progress report

Roll Over Projects

Spatial Rationale

To protect the environment

Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP)

Review of the District Air Quality Management Plan

CDM Number of AQMP’s reviewed

1 Old AQMP

1 Reviewed AQMP

1 Progress report on review of AQMP

Achieved. 1 Progress report on review of AQMP is available Project running well. Draft AQMP will be submitted to the PSC in October for comments

550 000.00

0.00 Committed: 164 160.00

None None Report



Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification



Basic Services Delivery

To ensure provision of effective fire fighting and rescue services in the district

Fire and rescue infrastructure

Establishment of Fire Station in the former Aganang (Tsholo Fire Station)


Percentage of establishment of Aganang Fire Station

Signed agreement with the appointed Contractor.

40 % of Fire station established

Appointed contractor, Site establishment


Appointed contractor, Site establishment

10 929 000.00

0.00 None None Appointment letter, SLA and invoices.


Basic Services Delivery

To ensure provision of effective firefighting and rescue services in the district

Extrication equipment

Procurement of firefighting water tankers

CDM area

Number of set of extrication equipment procured.

3 sets equipment procured.

1 set of extrication equipment procured

No target for the quarter

Not applicable

1 000 000.00

0.00 None None Delivery note and invoices


Basic Services Delivery

To ensure provisio

Fire safety awarene

Fire safety week

CDM area

Number of Fire safety

1 fire safety week -

1 fire safety awarene

Draft project scoping



150 000.00

0.00 None None Agenda Attendance register


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

n of effective fire- fighting and rescue services in the district

ss programme

awareness week events held.

awareness event held.

ss event held

project scoping done


Spatial rationale

To promote and sustain an integrated approach to disaster management continuum in CDM

Review of District Disaster Management Plan and Framework.

Review of District Disaster Management Plan and Framework.

CDM Number of disaster management plans and Framework reviewed

1 Service provider appointed for the development and review of Disaster Management Framework and plan

1 District Disaster Management Plan and Framework reviewed

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

200 000.00

0.00 None None Reviewed Disaster Management Framework and plan


Basic Services

To promote and sustain an integrated approa

Disaster risk management capacity building workshops for

Capacity building workshops on disaster management for communit

LMs Number of Disaster Management Capacity building

4 disaster management workshops conducted

4 disaster management Capacity building worksho

1 disaster management Capacity building worksho


1. disaster management Capacity building

50 000.00

R12 280.00

None None Agenda/Attendance register


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

ch to disaster management continuum in CDM

community based structures.

y based structures.

workshops conducted

ps conducted

ps conducted

workshop conducted


Good Governance and Public Participation

To promote and sustain an integrated approach to disaster management continuum in CDM

Disaster management coordination services (Advisory Forum)

Disaster management advisory forum meetings arranged


Number of disaster management advisory forums coordinated

6 disaster management advisory forum meetings coordinated

5 disaster management advisory forum coordinated

1 disaster management advisory forum meeting coordinated


1 disaster Management advisory forum coordinated.

50 000.00

R12 280.00

None None Agenda/Attendance register


Local Economic Development

To promote and sustain an integrated approach to disaste

Recruitment, engagement and registration of disaster management volunteer

Recruitment, engagement and registration of disaster management volunteers

CDM Number of Disaster management volunteers engaged and monitor

50 Disaster management volunteers, engaged and registered

50 Disaster management volunteers engaged and monitored

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

210 000

0.00 None None Attendance register


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

r management continuum in CDM

s ed


Basic Services

To promote and sustain an integrated approach to disaster management continuum in CDM

Procurement of Disaster relief materials and shelters

Procurement of disaster relief material

CDM Number of Disaster relief material and shelters procured

100 tents, 70 sleeping mats, 100 blankets, 140 lamps, and 100 salvage sheets, 15 foldable shacks procured

Procurement of 90, tents, 150 sleeping mats,800 blankets, 100 lamps, and 100 salvage sheets, 5 foldable shacks

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

1 220 000.00

0.00 None None Delivery note and invoice


Basic Services

To promote and sustain an integrated approach to disaster

Disaster management awareness services

Commemoration of International day for disaster risk reduction (IDDRR)

CDM Number of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) awarene

1 IDDRR awareness event held

1 IDDRR awareness and disaster risk management summit held

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

150 000.00

0.00 None None Concept Document and Attendance register


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

management continuum in CDM

ss and summit held


Basic service delivery

To ensure provision of effective Municipal Health Services in the District that efficiently address all the felt needs and aspirations of local communities

Monitoring of food handling facilities

Monitoring of Food handling facilities for compliance with food and water quality standards

All LMs

Number of reports on monitored food handling facilities

12 reports on monitored food handling facilities

12 reports on monitored food handling facilities

3 reports on monitored food handling facilities


3 reports on monitored food handling facilities compiled

Opex 0 None None Reports compiled


Basic service delivery

To ensure provisio

Water quality inspected

Monitoring of water sources

All LMs

Number of reports

12 reports on water

12 reports on water

3 reports on water


3 report

Opex 0.00 None None Reports compiled


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

n of effective Municipal Health Services in the District that efficiently address all the felt needs and aspirations of local communities

/tested at sources

on water sources inspected

sources inspected

sources inspected

sources inspected

on water sources inspected compiled


Basic service delivery

To ensure provision of effective Municipal Health Services in the

Procurement of Food and Water quality monitoring accessories

Procurement of 18 x Infrared Thermometers -36 Boxes Gauze swabs -18 x Butane Gas

CDM Number of food and water quality monitoring accessories procured

boxes of food and water quality monitoring accessories procure

boxes of food and water quality monitoring accessories procured

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

85 000.00

0.00 None None Delivery note Invoice


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

District that efficiently address all the felt needs and aspirations of local communities

cartridge 190g EN 417 -36 X Boxes Latex gloves -18 x50m Strings


Basic service delivery

To ensure provision of effective Municipal Health Services in the District that efficiently address all the felt needs

Procurement of Food and water quality monitoring equipment

procurement of 18 x 10 Litres Cooler boxes -72 x Standard Ice packs -9 x 209 litres Refrigirators -2 x Gazibos -8 x Chairs -2 x Tables

CDM Number of food and water quality monitoring equipment procured

100 food and water quality monitoring equipment procured

food and water quality monitoring equipment procured

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

400 000.00

0.00 None None Delivery note Invoice


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

and aspirations of local communities


Basic service delivery

To ensure provision of effective Municipal Health Services in the District that efficiently address all the felt needs and aspirations of local communities

Food and Water control

Food and Water sampling

All LMs

Number of reports on food and water sampling

12 reports on food and water sampling

12 reports on food and water sampling

3 reports on food and water sampling


3 reports on food and water sampling compiled

50 000.00

0.00 None None Reports compiled

CM Basic To Planting Planting of All Number 12 12 3 Achieve 105 00 0.00 None None Reports


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification


service delivery

ensure provision of effective Municipal Health Services in the District that efficiently address all the felt needs and aspirations of local communities

of Moore pads

Moore pads for cholera surveillance

LMs of analysis reports on Moore pads planted

analysis reports on Moore pads planted

analysis reports on Moore pads planted

analysis reports on Moore pads planted


3 analysis reports on Moore pads planted compiled

0.00 compiled


Basic service delivery

To ensure provision of effective Municipal Health

Communicable disease monitoring and control

Follow-up of reported communicable diseases

All LMs

Number of reports on reported communicable diseases cases

12 reports on reported communicable diseases followed

12 reports on reported communicable diseases followed

3 reports on reported communicable diseases followed


3 report on reported communicable diseases

Opex Opex None None Reports compiled


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

Services in the District that efficiently address all the felt needs and aspirations of local communities

followed up

up up up followed up compiled


Basic service delivery

To ensure provision of effective Municipal Health Services in the District that efficiently address all the

Monitoring compliance with health legislation of non-food handling premises

Monitoring of non-food handling premises

CDM Number of reports on non-food handling premises monitored

12 reports on non-food handling premises monitored

12 reports on non-food handling premises monitored

3 reports on non-food handling premises monitored


3 report on non-food handling premises monitored compiled

Opex Opex None None Reports compiled


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

felt needs and aspirations of local communities



Good Governance and Public Participation

To ensure co-ordination and promotion of sports and recreation, arts and culture in Capricorn District Municipality

Coordination of Community Safety Forums

Coordination of four community safety forums

CDM Number of Community safety forums coordinated

2 Community safety forums coordinated

2 Community safety forums coordinated

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

100 000.00

0.00 None None Agenda Attendance register


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification


Local Economic Development

To ensure co-ordination and promotion of sports and recreation, arts and culture in Capricorn District Municipality

Heritage event celebration

Celebration of one heritage event

LMs Number of heritage events celebrated

1 heritage event celebrated

1 heritage event celebrated

1 heritage event celebrated


1 heritage event celebrated

115 000.00

R104 807.74

None None Agenda Attendance register


Municipal Transformation and Institutional Development

To ensure co-ordination and promotion of sports and recreation, arts and culture in

Refurbishment of community assets.

Refurbishment of identified community sport and recreation, arts and culture facilities in local municipalities

LMs Number of community sport and recreation, arts and culture facilities refurbished

1 community sport and recreation, arts and culture facility refurbished

1 community sport and recreation, arts and culture facility refurbished

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

410 000

0.00 None None Completion certificate


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification

Capricorn District Municipality


Local Economic development

To ensure co-ordination and promotion of sports and recreation, arts and culture in Capricorn District Municipality

Sport and Recreation, Arts And Culture Development programme(s)

Organising sport and recreation development event in collaboration with relevant stakeholders

LM Number of sport and recreation, arts and culture development programmes organised

1 sport and recreation, arts and culture development programme organised

1 sport and recreation, arts and culture development programme organised

No target for the quarter

Not Applicable

215 000.00

0.00 None None Attendance register


Business Unit Community Services Department - Vote 6

Outcome 9: Responsive, Accountable, Effective and Efficient Local Government System

Outputs 1 & 7: • Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support • Administrative and financial capability

Key Strategic Organisational Objectives: • To enhance financial viability and management

Project No.

Key Performance Area

Strategic Objectives

Project Name

Project Description (major activities)


Key performance indicator


2017/18 Annual Targets

Quarter 1 Targets

2017/18 Progress

2017/18 Annual Budget



Corrective action

Means of verification


Financial Viability

To monitor departmental expenditure

Acquisition management

Compliance to the SCM regulations

CDM % of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100 percent of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure


100% of compliance to the SCM regulations that result in R nil irregular expenditure

Opex Opex None None Zero irregular expenditure

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