Capacity Planning for Event-based Systems using Automated ... · meta-model for component-based...

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Capacity Planning for Event-based Systems usingAutomated Performance Predictions

Christoph RathfelderFZI Research Center for Information Technology


Samuel KounevKarlsruhe Institute of Technology


David EvansUniversity of Cambridge


Abstract—Event-based communication is used in differentdomains including telecommunications, transportation, and busi-ness information systems to build scalable distributed systems.The loose coupling of components in such systems makes it easyto vary the deployment. At the same time, the complexity toestimate the behavior and performance of the whole system isincreased, which complicates capacity planning. In this paper, wepresent an automated performance prediction method supportingcapacity planning for event-based systems. The performanceprediction is based on an extended version of the PalladioComponent Model – a performance meta-model for component-based systems. We apply this method on a real-world case studyof a traffic monitoring system. In addition to the applicationof our performance prediction techniques for capacity planning,we evaluate the prediction results against measurements in thecontext of the case study. The results demonstrate the practicalityand effectiveness of the proposed approach.


The event-based communication paradigm is used increas-ingly often to build loosely-coupled distributed systems inmany industry domains including telecommunications, trans-portation, supply-chain management, and business informationsystems. Compared to synchronous communication using, forexample, remote procedure calls (RPCs), the event-based com-munication among components promises several benefits, likehigher system scalability and flexibility [1]. The deploymentof components as well as the connections between producersand consumers of events can be easily changed. However,the event-based programming model is more complex as theapplication logic is distributed among multiple independentevent handlers with decoupled and parallel execution paths.For this reason, predicting the system’s behavior and estimat-ing the required infrastructure resources is a complex task. Toguarantee adequate performance and availability, systems intoday’s data centers, are often deployed on server machineswith highly over-provisioned capacity [2]. Capacity planningis performed based on data collected on test systems or livesystems with a similar setup and workload. Thus, changingthe system by adding new components and functionality orchanging the workload, often requires expensive and time-consuming load testing. To improve the capacity planningprocess and thereby the energy and resource efficiency of

This work was partially funded by the European Commission (grant No.FP7-216556) and the German Research Foundation (grant No. KO 3445/6-1)

event-based systems, automated techniques are required thathelp to estimate the amount of resources required for providinga certain Quality-of-Service (QoS) level. Such techniques helpto answer the following questions that arise frequently both atsystem deployment time and during operation:

• What would be the average utilization of system compo-nents and the average event processing time for a givenworkload and deployment scenario?

• How much would the system performance improve if agiven server is upgraded?

• How would a change in the workload affect the system’sperformance?

• What maximum load level can the system sustain for agiven resource allocation?

• What would be the influences of adding new eventproducers and consumers on the system’s performanceand resource utilization?

• What would be the performance bottleneck for a givendeployment?

Answering such questions requires the ability to predictthe system’s behavior and performance for a given workloadand deployment scenario. Performance prediction techniquesfor component-based systems, surveyed in [3], support thearchitect in evaluating different design alternatives. However,they often provide only limited support for modeling event-based communication and automated evaluations of differentload scenarios. Both aspects are essential for the capacityplanning of event-based systems.

The Palladio Component Model (PCM) [4] is a maturemeta-model for component-based software architectures en-abling quality predictions (e.g., performance, reliability) atsystem design-time. As shown in a small proof-of-conceptcase study [5], PCM can be used to evaluate the performanceof event-based systems, however, the modeling effort is ratherhigh, as manually performed workarounds [6] are required torepresent event-based communication. In [7], we presented anextension of the PCM which natively supports the modelingand prediction of event-based communication in component-based systems. An automated transformation, which maps thenewly introduced model elements to existing PCM modelelements, allows us to exploit the available analytical andsimulative analysis techniques, e.g., [8], [9], [10], while sig-

978-1-4577-1639-3/11/$26.00 c© 2011 IEEE ASE 2011, Lawrence, KS, USA


nificantly reducing the modeling effort by more than 80%.Although the approach was shown to be conceptually sound,so far no validation was presented to evaluate its effectiveness,practicality and accuracy when applied to realistic systems.

In this paper, we present an in-depth evaluation and ex-perience report on the use of our automated performanceprediction technique for capacity planning in a realistic con-text. We present a novel case study of a real-life trafficmonitoring system based on the results of the TIME project(Transport Information Monitoring Environment) [11] at theUniversity of Cambridge. We conducted capacity planningfor different evolution stages of the system. In various sce-narios, we changed the deployment of software componentson the hardware infrastructure and/or enhanced the systemfunctionality by adding or substituting components. We eval-uate the accuracy of our performance prediction techniqueusing measurements taken on a testbed distributed over upto 10 quad-core machines and consisting of 8 different com-ponents each deployed with up to 8 instances in parallel.The prediction error was less than 20% in most cases. Astoday’s systems are often over-provisioned by a factor of2 or more [2], integrating our approach into the capacityplanning process promises significant improvements in termsof resource efficiency. Additionally, the case study shows thatour extension and its automation reduces the effort required forperformance predictions within the capacity planning processdrastically. In summary, the contributions of this paper are:i) An experience report on using an automated PCM-basedperformance prediction for event-based systems to support thecapacity planning process, ii) a novel capacity planning casestudy of a real-life event-based system considering multipledeployment scenarios and resource allocations, and iii) adetailed evaluation of the accuracy of our approach based onmeasurements taken in a realistic test environment. To the bestof our knowledge, no comparable case studies of similar size,complexity and representativeness exist in the literature. Thecase study presented here is the first comprehensive validationof our approach in a realistic context.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sect. IIintroduces the capacity planning process in general as wellas our automated performance prediction approach. Sect. IIIpresents our case study of a traffic monitoring system and theapplication of the capacity planning process. In Sect. IV, weevaluate the prediction accuracy of our approach and analyzethe achieved effort reduction. Next, we present an overview ofrelated work and finally in Sect. VI we conclude with a briefsummary and a discussion of future work.


The use of event-based communication in software systemspromises better performance and scalability. However, themaximum processable workload is highly dependent on theavailable infrastructure resources. Due to the decoupling ofcomponents in an event-based system, parts of the systemcan be easily overloaded without any impact on the rest ofthe system. Nevertheless, in such cases, the system would

Capacity Planning


Result Evaluation

Model Adaptation

QoS Requirements fullfilled?



Variation of Architecture/Deployment

Capacity Planning

System Evolution/Workload Changes

System Deployment and Reconfiguration

Resources used efficiently?



System Modeling/Resource Demand Estimation

Fig. 1. Capacity Planning in the Software Life Cycle

be in an unstable state resulting in loss of events or othermalfunctions, which are hard to detect. Therefore, determiningthe resource dimensioning and system deployment to ensurestable processing of the system workload is crucially importantand it is the main goal of capacity planning. Additionally, theremight be QoS requirements, like maximum event processingtime, that must be fulfilled by the system. To guaranteeavailability, hardware resources are often highly over provi-sioned [2]. Increasing the efficiency of the system by removingbottlenecks, substituting components, or reducing the requiredinfrastructure while ensuring the availability of the system isan additional aspect of advanced capacity planning processes.

The integration of architecture-level performance predictiontechniques into the capacity planning process, as sketched inFigure 1, enables software architects to analyze and evaluatedifferent system configurations and deployments. The specifi-cation of the performance model including the estimation ofresource demands has to be done only once in the system’slife cycle and later adapted to be aligned with the evolutionof the implemented system. The resource demands can beestimated by the component developer or, if an implementationof the system is available, based on measurements conductedwith this implementation. The performance model itself canbe developed manually or generated automatically as donefor example in [12]. The performance predictions within thecapacity planning process are performed at the model-level,thus the implementation is not affected by the evaluation ofdifferent configuration and deployment options. The runningsystem is only reconfigured if the prediction results show thatthe considered reconfiguration scenario meets the performanceand efficiency requirements. As the system evolves (e.g., newcomponents or new hardware is added) or changes in thesystem’s workload are detected, the capacity planning processhas to be conducted iteratively.

Each iteration of the capacity planning process consists ofseveral sub-activities. First, if required the system performancemodel is adapted to reflect the current configuration of thesystem. Then, by means of the model, a series of performancepredictions are conducted in which the load on the system issystematically increased until the maximal sustainable load isreached. The workload variation as well as the execution of theperformance predictions is fully automated. We will presentmore details on our automated prediction approach afterintroducing PCM in the next section. The results indicate the


maximal workload that can be processed by the system. Theyare additionally used to evaluate if the system fulfills all QoSrequirements. In case these requirements are not satisfied withthe evaluated system configuration and deployment, the systemarchitect modifies the configuration and/or deployment andrepeats the performance prediction process. If the requirementsare fulfilled, the system efficiency is evaluated. In case of anefficient resource utilization, the capacity planning iterationends and the implemented system is reconfigured according tothe evaluated model. If efficiency improvements are required,the architect again modifies the system configuration and/ordeployment within the model and repeats the performanceprediction process. In the following, we first give a generaloverview of the PCM, then introduce our extension of the PCMthat enables the modeling of event-based communication, andfinally present the automation of the prediction process.

A. Performance ModelWe use the Palladio Component Model (PCM) [4],

which is a domain-specific modeling language for modelingcomponent-based software architectures. It supports automatictransformation of architecture-level performance models topredictive performance models including layered queueingnetworks [9], queueing Petri nets [10] and simulation mod-els [8]. PCM supports the evaluation of different performancemetrics, including response time, maximum throughput, andresource utilization. The PCM approach provides an Eclipse-based modeling and prediction tool1. Further details and atechnical description can be found in [8].

The performance of a component-based software system isinfluenced by four factors [8]: The implementation of systemcomponents, the performance of external components used, thedeployment platform (e.g., hardware, middleware, networks),and the system usage profile. In the PCM, each of these factorsis modeled in a specific sub-model and thus can be adaptedindependently. The composition of these models forms a PCMinstance.

The Component Model specifies system components andtheir behavior. Components refer to interfaces which areprovided or required. The PCM provides a description lan-guage, called ResourceDemandingServiceEffectSpecification(RDSEFF) to specify the behavior of components and theirresource demands.

The Composition Model describes the structure of thesystem. By interconnecting components via their providedand required interfaces, it specifies which other components acomponent uses.

In the Deployment Model, physical resources are allocatedto the components of the system. It is required to specifythe hardware environment the system is executed on (likeprocessor speed, network links, etc).

The Usage Model describes the workload induced by thesystem’s end-users. For example, the workload may specifyhow many users access the system, the inter-arrival time ofrequests, and their input parameters.










ep 2

Fig. 2. Automated Model-to-Model Transformation

B. Modeling Event-based Interactions

To enable the semantically correct modeling of event-driven communication, we extended the PCM meta-modelwith new constructs (e.g., EventSource, EventSink,EmitEventAction) and enhanced the graphical editors tosupport them. An automated model-to-model transformationtransforms these new elements into existing PCM model-ing constructs. The transformation allows us to exploit theavailable analytical and simulative prediction techniques. Wesubstitute the connectors between sources and sinks withseveral components which cover all aspects of the eventprocessing chain like processing on the client and receiverside, distribution and replication of events, as well as server-side processing. These elements are sketched in Fig. 2. Formore details on the component internals we refer to [7].The transformation includes interfaces to integrate additionalcomponents describing the behavior and resource demands ofthe employed middleware.

C. Automation of the Performance Prediction Process

In the capacity planning process normally different designvariations as well as different load situations need to beanalyzed and evaluated. In order to reduce the required effort,we have automated the performance prediction process (seeFig. 3). The input of the performance prediction process isa model of the system combined with a specification of theparameter variations. This specification includes the upper andlower bounds as well as the increments of the parametervariations. By means of this specification, the values of modelparameters are set. This adapted model is the input of amodel-to-model transformation which, as described above andillustrated in Fig. 2 (Step 1), substitutes the new elements ofthe PCM with elements already supported within the classicalPCM. In a second step, components specified in a middleware-specific repository are woven into the PCM model. Dependingon the selected prediction technique, this architecture-levelmodel is transformed into a prediction model, e.g., layeredqueueing network or queueing Petri net, or it is transformed





TransformationPrediction Model

End of Parameter Range?


Fig. 3. Automated Performance Prediction Process


into a Java-based simulation code. As a last step, the predictionitself is performed by solving the analytical models or runningsimulations. If the upper bounds of the considered param-eters are reached, the prediction process ends. Otherwise,the process starts again with a new parameter variation. Wenow present our case study applying the presented capacityplanning and performance prediction process in the context ofa real-world event-based system.


The system we study is an event-based traffic monitoringapplication based on results of the TIME project (TransportInformation Monitoring Environment) [11] at the Universityof Cambridge. It consists of several components emittingand consuming different types of events. The system isbased on a novel component-based middleware called SBUS(Stream BUS) [13], which was also developed as part ofthe TIME project. The SBUS framework encapsulates thecommunication between components and thus enables easyreconfiguration of component connections and deploymentoptions without affecting the component’s implementation.After a short introduction of SBUS , we present the differentcomponents the traffic monitoring system consists of. Finally,we conduct the capacity planning process using our PCM-based performance prediction approach in four different evo-lution scenarios of the system.

A. SBUS Middleware

The SBUS middleware supports peer-to-peer event-basedcommunication including continuous streams of data (e.g.,from sensors), asynchronous events, and synchronous remoteprocedure calls (RPC). In SBUS each component is dividedinto a wrapper, provided by the SBUS framework, and thebusiness logic that makes up the component’s functionality.The wrapper manages all communication between compo-nents, including handling the network, registration of eventsinks and sources, and marshaling of data.

The basic entity of SBUS is the component. Componentscommunicate via messages and this is how all data exchangeis implemented. Messages are published from and are receivedby endpoints; each endpoint is connected with one or moreothers. An endpoint specifies the schema of the messages thatit will emit and accept. The framework enforces matching ofsender and receiver schemas, ensuring that only compatibleendpoints are connected. Each endpoint can be a client, aserver, a source, or a sink. Clients and servers implement RPCfunctionality, providing synchronous request/reply communi-cation, and are attached in many-to-one relationships. On theother hand, streams of events emitted from source endpointsare received by sink endpoints in a many-to-many fashion.

B. Traffic Monitoring Application

The traffic monitoring application we study consists of 8different types of SBUS components (see Figure 4).



LPRCamCam Speeding


Bus Proximity

Fig. 4. Overview of Case Study Components

1) Cameras (the “Cam component”): As described in [14],street lamps are equipped with cameras. These cameras onlycollect anonymized statistical data. In our scenario, camerastake pictures of each vehicle on the street. Each camera isaccompanied by an SBUS component, which is responsibleto emit the picture combined with position information of thecamera and a timestamp as an event to all connected sinks.

2) Licence plate recognition (the “LPR component”):The LPR component can be connected to one or more Camcomponents. The implementation of our LPR components usesthe JavaANPR library [15] to detect license plate numbers ofobserved vehicles. The recognized number combined with thetimestamp and the location information received from the Camcomponent is then sent out as an event.

3) Speeding Detection (the “Speeding component”): Onecomponent consuming the events of detected license platenumbers is the Speeding component. The component calcu-lates the speed of a vehicle based on the distance between twocameras and the elapsed time between the two pictures. [16]reports about the installation of a similar system in London.

4) Toll Collection (the “Toll component”): Another com-ponent processing the events emitted by the LPR component isthe Toll component. Assuming all arterial roads are equippedwith Cam components the toll component determines the tollfee that must be payed for entering the city. The Express TollRoute ( system that is installed nearToronto is an example of such a system which calculatesroad fees amongst others based on recognized license platenumbers.

5) Bus location provider (the “ACIS component”): The buslocation provider uses sensors (in our case, GPS coupled witha proprietary radio network) to note the locations of busesand report them as they change. The component produces astream of events, each containing a bus ID, a location, and thetimestamp of the measurement.

6) Location storage (the “Location component”): The lo-cation storage component maintains state that describes, for aset of objects, the most recent location that was reported foreach of them. The input is a stream of events consisting ofname/location pairs with timestamps, making ACIS a suitableevent source.

7) Traffic light status reporter (the “SCOOT component”):In the city of Cambridge, the city’s traffic lights are controlledby a SCOOT system [17], designed to schedule green and redlights so as to optimize the use of the road network. TheSCOOT component is a wrapper of this system. It suppliesa source endpoint emitting a stream of events correspondingto light status changes (red to green and green to red), a


second source endpoint emitting a stream of events that reflectSCOOT’s measurements of the traffic flow, and two RPCendpoints that allow retrieval of information about a junction.

8) Proximity detector (the “Bus Proximity component”):The Bus Proximity component receives a stream of triggerevents reflecting when lights turn from green to red. Thisstream is emitted by the SCOOT component. Upon sucha trigger, the SCOOT component’s RPC facility is used todetermine the location of the light that just turned red. Thisis collated with current bus locations (stored in a relationaldatabase by the location storage component) to find whichbuses are nearby.

C. Capacity Planning Study

Thanks to the SBUS middleware, which completely en-capsulates the communication between components, the de-ployment of components as well as the connections betweencomponents can be changed with almost no effort. However,as already mentioned in Sect. I, the influence of such changeson the system’s performance are hard to estimate. In thefollowing, we apply the capacity planning process introducedin Sect. II to the traffic monitoring system. After introducingthe initial performance model, we incrementally extend themodel aligned with the system’s evolution from a single serverdeployment to a distributed environment.

1) Performance Model: In this case study, we use theextended version of PCM, which natively supports modelingof event-based communication. The performance model con-sists of several sub-models described in the following. Thecomplete model is available online2.

a) Component Models: The parametrization of PCMallows us to specify a repository with reusable componentsthat can be instantiated multiple times if component redun-dancy is required in the system. To connect the componentswith the usage model, which specifies the rate of incomingevents, we need some additional trigger interfaces. Thus, inaddition to the event sinks and sources in Figure 4, the threecomponents ACIS, SCOOT, and Cam provide such additionaltrigger interfaces. Except for the LPR, the resource demandsof the components are nearly constant and independent of thedata values included in the event. This allows us to modelthem as fixed demands in an InternalAction of the respectiveRDSEFF associated with the component. For each componentwe measured the internal processing time under low systemload and derived the resource demands. Measurements withdifferent pictures showed, that the resource demands requiredby the LPR component highly depend on the content ofthe picture. PCM allows to specify parameter dependencies,however, it is not possible to quantify the content of a picture.Thus, we modeled the resource demand using a probabilitydistribution. We systematically analyzed a set of 100 differentpictures. For each image, we measured the mean processingtime required by the recognition algorithm over 200 detectionruns. The standard deviation was less then 2% of the mean

2 Event-Based Communication

value for all measurements. The measurements indicated thatthe processing of pictures that can be successfully recognizedis nearly log-normal distributed (µ = 12.23,σ = 0.146).Pictures where no license plate could be detected have asignificantly higher but fixed processing time of 109.2ms. Torepresent this behavior in the RDSEFF of the LPR component,we used a BranchAction. One BranchBehavior contains anInternalAction with the fixed demand for undetected imagesand the other one contains a log-normal distribution which wefitted to the measurements for successfully detected images.

The second component repository we use in our predic-tion model is the SBUS-specific middleware repository. Themodeled middleware components are integrated into the pre-diction model by the automated model transformation. Therepository includes one component representing event sourcesand one representing event sinks. Both components includea semaphore to model the single threaded behavior of theSBUS implementation. Furthermore, the RDSEFFs includeInternalActions to represent the resource demands requiredwithin the SBUS-middleware. We instrumented the SBUSimplementation to measure the processing time in the differentevent processing steps.

b) Composition Model: In the composition model, in-stances of the components in the repository are connected tobuild the system. The EventSource role of a componentis connected with the receiving EventSink roles. In caseof a reconfiguration of the component connections, the modelcan be adapted by dragging the Connector from one com-ponent to another. The composition model describes only theconnection between components and thus it is independent ofthe component’s deployment on different hardware resources.

c) Deployment Model: The deployment model de-scribes the allocation of components on individual hard-ware nodes. It consists of two parts, the resource envi-ronment model, which describes the available hardware,and the allocation model, which specifies the mapping ofcomponents to hardware nodes. In our case study, the re-source model describes our test environment, which con-sists of 8 ResourceContainers each containing oneProcessingResource representing the CPU. We selectedprocessor sharing on 4 cores as SchedulingPolicy, asall machines in our testbed are equipped with quad-coreCPUs. The ResourceContainers are connected by aLinkingResource with a throughput of 1 GBit/s. Themapping of components to hardware nodes is adapted accord-ing to the individual deployment options in the scenarios.

d) Usage Model: The usage model consists of threedifferent types of scenarios, which are executed in paral-lel. Two UsageBehaviors are used to trigger SCOOTand ACIS to emit events. For both behaviors, we specifyan OpenWorkload with an exponentially distributed inter-arrival time with a mean value of 200ms. Additionally, weintroduce a UsageBehavior for each street equipped withtwo cameras. In these behaviors, the two triggering calls ofthe cameras are connected by a DelayAction. With thisequally distributed delay, we simulate the driving time of


10 8 6 4 2





Timespan between two images [s]









● AllOnOneDistrib. LPDDistrib. Other

(a) Scenario 2

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5





Timespan between two images [s]










● 1 LPR: LPR3 LPR cent.: LPR3 LPR: decent.: LPRProc. decent.

(b) Scenario 3



2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5





Timespan between two images [s]






● Cent. LPRDecent. LPRCent. Proc.

(c) Scenario 4 - Old Cam





2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5





Timespan between two images [s]






● Cent. LPRDecent. LPRCent. Proc.

(d) Scenario 4 - New Cam

Fig. 5. Predicted CPU utilization

a vehicle from the first cam on the street to the secondone. Each camera call includes the specification of the imagesize. Similar to the other behaviors, we use an exponentiallydistributed inter-arrival time for the first camera. To analyzedifferent load situations, we automatically vary the mean valueof this distribution function in a predefined value range.

2) Capacity Planning: After introducing the system’s com-ponents and the performance model, we now apply the PCM-based performance prediction technique to conduct capacityplanning. In the real-world, the requirements on the system,the system itself, and the available hardware infrastructureevolve over time. These changes require to evaluate the systemand conduct the capacity planning process iteratively. Our casestudy consists of four different scenarios which cover most ofthe changes (e.g., change of the system’s workload, change ofthe available hardware resources, modification of a component,or introduction of new components) that require a new iterationof the capacity planning process. We consider four scenariosrepresenting different steps in the evolution of the system.

a) Scenario 1: Base Scenario: The scenario we use asa basis for all other scenarios consists of single instancesof SCOOT, ACIS, Location and Bus Proximity. ACIS andSCOOT have a fixed event-rate of 5 events per second.Additionally, one street is equipped with two cameras andtwo instances of the Cam component which are connectedto one LPR component. The detected license plate numbersare processed by the Speeding component. In this scenario,all processing components (i.e. LPR, Speeding, Location,and Bus Proximity) are deployed on one central server. Theutilization of this central server needs to be analyzed. TheCam components are running on individual computing nodeswhich are part of the camera systems mounted on the streetlights. In our model, we deployed them on a separate node toavoid any influences on the other components. As ACIS and

SCOOT are the connections to other system and thereby toother network segments, they have to be deployed on separateservers for security reasons. In this scenario, there is only onepossible deployment option, however, for capacity planningthe utilization of this central server as well as the maximalthroughout needs to be analyzed subject to the event-rate. Themaximal utilization of the CPUs should not exceed 80% toguarantee a stable operation.

In this scenario, we have only one system and allocationmodel. To analyze and evaluate different load situations, weautomatically reduced the timespan between two picturesemitted by the Cam component. The results showed that thesystem can handle a traffic flow of up to 0.35 seconds betweentwo cars respectively a frequency of ≈2.86 cars per seconduntil the limit of 80% resource utilization is reached.

b) Scenario 2: Growing Workload: In this second sce-nario, two additional streets are equipped with cameras tomonitor the traffic, thus the load on the system is increased toa total of six cameras sending images. Additionally, a secondserver is available. As with the previous scenario, we firstanalyze the deployment option with all processing componentson a single machine, the AllOnOne option, to detect thecomponent which induces most load. We add the new cameracomponents to the performance model and connect themwith the LPR component. Again, we specify a automaticvariation of the workload induced by the cam components.The bottleneck analysis shows that the recognition algorithmof LPR induces most load on the CPU, so this component isthe best candidate to be deployed on the second server. Wecompare these two deployment options, namely all processingcomponents on one system and LPR separated from theother processing components. In Fig. 5(a) the results of theprediction series are visualized. As the machine hosting theLPR component is still the bottleneck no further optimizationis possible in this scenario. Assuming an upper limit of 80%CPU utilization for a stable state, the prediction results showthat the AllOnOne deployment can handle up to 0.8 images persecond and Cam. The Distributed deployment can handle up to1 image per second. Thanks to the easy to use graphical editorsthe required adaptations of the composition and allocationmodels could be done in less than 10 minutes. After that, theprediction and variation of the event-rate is fully automated.

c) Scenario 3: New Functionality: With the camerasadded in the previous scenario, in this scenario all arterialroads in and out of the city centre are equipped with cameras.Based on this data, it is possible to monitor vehicles enteringand leaving the inner city. This allows to build up an automatedtoll collection system, represented by the Toll component. TheToll component is the second component processing the eventsemitted by the LPR component. It induces additional load onthe CPU which was not foreseen in the previous scenarios.To increase the system’s throughput, additional hardware isadded and it is now possible to run three independent instancesof LPR on different nodes. In the first configuration scenariowe consider, the new hardware is not used and the LPRcomponent is running separated from all other components


similar to the previous scenario. Again, the LPR componentis the bottleneck. Based on these results, we evaluated twofurther deployment options. In both options, three individ-ual instances of LPR are running on different nodes eachresponsible for the events of two cameras. In the first case,all other components are running on one node (see Figure 6)(centralized deployment) and in the second case Speeding andToll are deployed with three separate instances and co-locatedwith the LPR instances on the three nodes (decentralizeddeployment).

The required adaptation effort of the model is slightly highercompared to the previous scenario. However, the adaptationcan still be done in less than 20 minutes. The results of theprediction series are visualized in Fig. 5(b). The option withonly one instance of the LPR has a maximum throughput ofabout 1 image per second and camera while the other twooptions (with three instances) can handle up to 2.5 imagesper second and camera. Looking at the load balance betweenthe machines hosting the LPR and the machine hosting theother components, the centralized deployment is preferable.The most efficient utilization, i.e., equally balanced CPUutilization, is at an event load with an offset of roughly 0.9seconds between two images.

d) Scenario 4: Upgraded Hardware: In this last sce-nario, an additional street is equipped with two cameras.Furthermore, the existing cameras are replaced by a newerand improved model. The new cameras are able to takepictures with higher resolution and improved quality. Withthe improved quality, the detection error ratio can be reducedfrom 30% to 5%. It is known, that the resource demandsfor processing pictures with undetectable license plates issignificantly higher than for successfully recognized licenseplates. However, the resource demands also depend on theimage size. In this scenario, the influences of introducing thenew camera version on the overall system’s performance areevaluated. This evaluation allows to decide if the investmentinto new cameras will improve the system’s performance.Similar to the previous scenario, we evaluate a centralized anda decentralized deployment of the Toll and Speeding compo-nents. These two deployment options that are considered, bothhave four instances of LPR, as a new server node is available.

To represent the new cameras in the prediction modelonly two model parameters, the size of an image and theprobability of an unsuccessful detection, must be changed.Additionally, the new Cam and LPR instances must be addedto the composition and allocation models. Nevertheless, therequired modeling time is less then 20 minutes. The results








Cam LPR Server 1


Cam LPR Server 2


Cam LPR Server 3 Processing Server Gateway Server

Fig. 6. Scenario 3: Centralized Deployment

are visualized in Fig. 5(c) and (d). In contrast to all otherscenarios, the bottleneck in the centralized deployment optionwith the new cameras is the machine hosting the eventprocessing components and not the machines hosting the LPRcomponents. This means that further replication of the LPRcomponent has no influence on the maximum throughput.Comparing the new and old cameras, the max throughputcould be improved slightly by the introduction of the newcameras.


When applying the PCM-based performance predictiontechnique in the previous section, we assumed that the ac-curacy of the results is sufficient. In this section, we willvalidate this assumption and compare measurements in ourtestbed with the predicted values. Furthermore, we evaluatethe effort reduction, that can be achieved by our performanceprediction approach.

A. Prediction Accuracy

To evaluate the prediction accuracy, we set up all scenariosdescribed in Sec. III-C in our testbed depicted in Fig. 7.We extended the implementations of SCOOT, ACIS and Camwith configurable and scalable event-generators. The eventsemitted by SCOOT and ACIS are based on an event streamrecorded in the City of Cambridge. The event generator addedto the Cam component uses a set of real pictures of differentvehicles including their license plates. All event generatorshave in common that the event-rate can be defined using aconfiguration file.

A single run of the prediction series simulates about 100,000pictures and its execution lasts about 3 minutes. On a realsystem, measuring such a set of data will last up to 5 hoursand longer. For this reason, we had to limit the number ofexperiment runs and workload scenarios. For each scenario,we conducted up to seven experiments which cover the wholerange from low to high load on the system. In the following,we present the results of these measurements compared to thepredicted values.

1) Scenario 1: Base Scenario: In the base scenario, allevent-consuming components are deployed on the same ma-chine. In our testbed, we used three machines. On the firstone, we deployed ACIS and SCOOT, on the second one thetwo Cam components, and on the last one the LPR componenttogether with Speeding, Location, and Bus Proximity. Table Ishows the measured and predicted values combined with the





S4 S5 S6

S10 S11 S12


Each machine equipped with:Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2,4GHz,8GB RAM, Ubuntu 8.04

Fig. 7. Experiment Testbed


Image rate per Cam [1/s]: 0.67 1 1.43 2 3.33

CPU Utilization:Measurement [%]: 24.78 33.9 54.64 68.63 92.5Prediction [%]: 21.8 30.7 42.4 56.9 92.8

Error [%]:: 12 9.4 22.4 17.1 0.3

Event Processing Time in LPD:Measurement [s]: 0.517 0.52 0.637 0.806 2.409Prediction [s]: 0.48 0.485 0.503 0.538 2.09

Error [%]:: 7.3 6.9 21.1 33.3 13.2


calculated prediction error. Overall, the mean prediction erroris less than 20% and the maximal error less than 25% andthus sufficient for capacity planning purposes.

2) Scenario 2: Growing Workload: We set up theAllOnOne as well as Distributed deployment option in ourtestbed. Figure 8(a) visualizes the predicted and measuredmean CPU utilization of the machines hosting the LPR compo-nent as well as the machine hosting the remaining componentsin the distributed deployment. Overall, the mean predictionerror of the CPU utilization in this scenario is less than 5%.In both deployment options, the prediction error increases withhigher CPU load, which can be explained by caching effectssince the algorithm used within the LPR component is verymemory-intensive and the high CPU load leads to increasingnumber of context switches during execution. The measuredutilization under the highest load in both options is lower thanexpected. The analysis of throughput measurements shows thatsome images were queued up and not processed by the LPRcomponent, if the CPU utilization is higher than 80%. Thisis an indicator for an overloaded and instable system state.We conducted some more experiments running the systemcontinuously over several hours as well as with an increasedevent rate. In both cases, the system crashed and completelyhalted. This confirms our assumption of an overloaded andinstable system state.

3) Scenario 3: New Functionality: Again, we set up twodeployment options in our testbed. In the centralized deploy-ment, the event processing components with exception of thethree instances of LPR are deployed on one machine. In thedecentralized option, one instance of Toll and one instance ofSpeeding are deployed with one instance of LPR on the samemachine. Figure 8(b) shows the predicted and measured meanutilization of the machines hosting the LPR component forboth deployment options. Additionally, it includes the utiliza-tion of the machine hosting the processing components in thecentralized deployment options. We leave out the values forthe decentralized deployment options, as they are independentof the image frequency. Overall, the mean prediction error forthe CPU utilization of the machine hosting the LPR componentis 11.52% and never exceeded 20%.

Image rate per Cam [1/s]: 0.4 0.67 1 1.43 2 2.5 3.33

Measurement (centralized) [s]: 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.55 0.66 0.84 1.99Prediction (centralized) [s]: 0.41 0.47 0.44 0.43 0.52 0.59 0.96

Error (centralized) [%]: 12.4 2.0 10.0 21.7 21.7 30.4 52.1

Measurement (decentralized) [s]: 0.49 0.48 0.52 0.57 0.68 1.09 -Prediction (decentralized) [s]: 0.44 0.47 0.44 0.44 0.49 0.73 -

Error (decentralized) [%]: 9.6 2.8 15.0 22.4 27.4 32.2 -


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2





Scenario2 CPU utilization

Frequency of images per Cam [1/s]





AllOnOne Meas.AllOnOne Pred.Distrib. Meas. LPDDistrib. Pred. LPDDistrib. Meas. OtherDistrib. Pred. Other

(a) Scenario 2

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0





Scenario3 CPU utilization

Frequency of images per Cam [1/s]





LPD Meas. (decent.)LPD Pred. (decent.)LPD Meas. (cent.)LPD Pred. (cent.)Proc. Meas. (cent.)Proc. Pred. (cent.)

(b) Scenario 3

1 2 3 4 5





Scenario 4 CPU utilization

Frequency of images per Cam [1/s]





Meas. (cent., old)Pred (cent., old)Meas. (decent., old)Pred. (decent., old)Meas. (cent., new)Pred. (cent., new)Meas. (decent., new)Pred. (decent., new)

(c) Scenario 4

Fig. 8. Predicted and Measured CPU Utilization

Additionally, we compared the measured and predicted pro-cessing time within the LPR component. The results are listedin Table II and visualized in Figure 9(a). Under the highestworkload, the decentralized deployment option was overloadedand thus these values are not present in the table and figure.Due to the caching effects, which can not be predicted bythe model, the prediction error increases with higher event-rates respectively higher CPU utilization. However, the meanprediction error is still under 20%.

4) Scenario 4: Upgraded Hardware: In this scenario, weset up four different variants of the system, in which wevaried between the new and the old version of the cam-eras by changing the used images and considering again acentralized and decentralized deployment. The results of themeasurements and predictions of the mean CPU utilization ofthe machines hosting an instance of the LPR component areshown in Figure 8(c). Again the prediction error increases withhigher load due to the caching effects induced by the memoryintensive algorithm of the LPR. However, the mean predictionerror is only 5.56%.

We also analyzed the measured and predicted mean pro-cessing time within the LPR component. In Figure 9(b), we

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0







Scenario3 CPU Mean Processing Time of LPD

Frequency of images per Cam [1/s]



ng T



● ●●

● ● ● ●●

Meas. (decent.)Pred. (decent.)Meas. (cent.)Pred. (cent.)

(a) Scenario 3

1 2 3 4 5






Scenario4 − New Cam Mean Processing Time of LPD

Frequency of images per Cam [1/s]



ng T



● ●●

● ● ●

Meas. (decent.)Pred. (decent.)Meas. (cent.)Pred. (cent.)

(b) Scenario 4 (New Camera)

Fig. 9. Predicted and Measured Mean Processing Time of LPR


present the processing times of LPR in the scenarios using theimproved cameras. The mean prediction error is 5.36% andnever exceeded 15%. Similarly to Scenario 2, the measuredCPU utilization and processing time in the decentralizeddeployment option are lower than expected as again eventsare queued up. The results for an even higher load whichcompletely overloaded the system are not included.

B. Modeling and Prediction Effort

Thanks to the automated prediction process (Sec. II-C) theonly manual task that needs to be performed is the adaptationof the system’s architecture-level model. In [7], we alreadydemonstrated that the presented PCM extensions combinedwith the automated model-to-model transformation reduce themodeling effort by up to 80% compared to the use of theoriginal PCM. As already mentioned in the different scenarios,the adaptations of the models could be done with a timeeffort less than 30 minutes in all cases. The execution of theprediction series is then fully automated. To evaluate the effortreduction achieved with our process automation, we comparethe required time to execute the prediction with the timerequired to conduct equivalent measurements on our test sys-tem. One simulation run, which consists of 100000 simulatedevents, takes about 3 minutes on a MacBook Pro with Corei7 processor and 8 GB RAM. Assuming the highest event-rate of five images per camera per second, this correspondsto a time span of 2.7 hours to collect the same amount ofmeasurements in the testbed. For lower event-rates the requiredtime can be a whole day or more. Thanks to the automatedparameter variation, different load situations can be evaluatedautomatically in less than 1 hour which might require severaldays of measurements on the test system to obtain the sameresults.

In summary, the prediction error of CPU utilization andresponse time is less than 20% in most cases and the max-imum error of the always underestimated CPU utilizationnever exceeded 25%. With this accuracy, the performanceprediction can improve the system performance and efficiencysignificantly given that today’s systems are normally over-provisioned by a factor of 2 or more [2]. The presentedextension of the PCM combined with the automated model-to-model transformation leads to a significant reduction of themodeling effort by up to 80%. Furthermore, the automated ex-ecution of performance prediction series dramatically reducesthe required time compared to the execution of measurementson a test system.


Over the last fifteen years numerous approaches have beenproposed for integrating performance prediction techniquesinto the software engineering process. Efforts were initiatedwith Smith’s seminal work on Software Performance Engi-neering (SPE) [18]. Since then a number of architecture-level performance meta-models have been developed by theperformance engineering community. The most prominentexamples are the UML SPT profile [19] and its successor

the UML MARTE profile [20], both of which are extensionsof UML as the de facto standard modeling language forsoftware architectures. Classical capacity planning techniquesbased on queueing theory have been studied by Menasce [21].However, these model do not support an explicit modeling ofthe software architecture.

In recent years, with the increasing adoption of component-based software engineering, the performance evaluation com-munity has focused on adapting and extending conventionalSPE techniques to support component-based systems whichare typically used for building modern service-oriented sys-tems. A recent survey of methods for component-basedperformance-engineering was published in [3].

Several approaches use model transformations to deriveperformance prediction models (e.g., [22], [23], [24], [8]).Cortellessa et al. surveyed three performance meta-modelsin [25] leading to a conceptual MDA framework of differentmodel transformations for the prediction of different extra-functional properties [26]. The influence of certain architec-tural patterns on the system’s performance and their integrationinto prediction models was studied by Petriu [23] and Go-maa [27]. In [23], UML collaborations are used to model thepipe-and-filter and client-server architectural patterns whichare later transformed into Layered Queueing Networks.

A method for modeling message oriented middleware sys-tems using performance completions is presented in [28].Model-to-model transformations are used to integrate low-level details of the middleware system into high-level softwarearchitecture models. However, this approach is limited toPoint-to-Point connections.

In [29], an approach to predicting the performance ofmessaging applications based on Java EE is proposed. Theprediction is carried out during application design, withoutaccess to the application implementation. This is achievedby modeling the interactions among messaging componentsusing queueing network models, calibrating the performancemodels with architecture attributes, and populating the modelparameters using a lightweight application-independent bench-mark. However, again the workloads considered do not includemultiple message exchanges or interaction mixes.

Several performance modeling techniques specifically tar-geted at distributed publish/subscribe systems exist in theliterature (e.g., [30], [31]). However, these techniques arenormally focused on modeling the routing of events throughdistributed broker topologies from publishers to subscribers asopposed to modeling interactions and message flows betweencommunicating components in event-driven applications.

In [32], a methodology for workload characterization andperformance modelling of distributed event-based systems ispresented. A workload model of a generic system is developedand analytical analysis techniques are used to characterize thesystem traffic and to estimate the mean notification deliverylatency. For more accurate performance prediction queueingPetri net models are used. While the results are promising, thetechnique relies on monitoring data obtained from the systemduring operation which limits its applicability.



In this paper, we presented the application of an automatedperformance prediction approach in the context of capacityplanning for a real-world traffic monitoring system. Theperformance prediction approach is based on the PalladioComponent Model (PCM), which we extended to supportthe modeling of event-based communication. An automatedmodel-to-model transformation allows to exploit all existingperformance prediction techniques supported by the PCM. Thepresented case study includes different evolution scenarios towhich the capacity planning process was applied. A detailedexperimental evaluation of the prediction accuracy using anumber of different scenarios representing different systemconfigurations and workloads showed the applicability andaccuracy of the prediction approach. The prediction error wasless than 20% in most cases. Compared to the original PCMapproach, our extension reduces the required modeling effortfor event-based systems by up to 80%. The automation ofthe performance prediction process promises a significant timereduction compared to measurements on a test system.

The presented case study covers the most common evolutionscenarios of event-based systems in general and not only inthe context of traffic monitoring systems. For this reason,the presented work forms the basis to apply the automatedperformance prediction approach to different event-based sys-tems in industry and research. The approach allows us toevaluate different design options and supports the detectionof performance bottlenecks.

The results presented in this paper form the basis for severalareas of future work. In the current version of the proposedPCM extension, filtering of events has to be modeled manuallyin the sinks. We plan to further extend the PCM to specifyfiltering rules. Furthermore, we plan to work on extractingprediction models automatically at run-time. The resourcediscovery component (RDC) which is part of the SBUSframework provides methods to determine the connectionsbetween endpoints. This information can be used to createthe system model. Additionally, we plan to extend the instru-mentation we integrated in the SBUS framework making themeasured resource demands available during operation. Thiswill allow to extract model parameters dynamically at run-time and will support the use of models for adaptive run-timeperformance management. Analyzing the influences of cachingeffects on the system’s performance and their considerationwithin performance predictions is an additional research topic.


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