CanWell Program CPAC Presentation 2010

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Innovative Exercise and Education community based program for Well Cancer Survivors

Transcript of CanWell Program CPAC Presentation 2010

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

CPAC  Cancer  Workforce  SymposiumJan.  25th  2010,  MontrealBreakout  Session  1C  Community

CanWell  Program:An  Innovative  Community  Cancer  Care

 Service  Delivery  Model

Presented  byFidelma  Serediuk  &  Jan  Park  Dorsay

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

CanWell  Project  Team

Fidelma  Serediuk,  PT,  B.Sc.(  PT) Oren  Cheifetz,  PT,  M.  Sc., Jan  Park  Dorsay,  RN(EC),  MN,  NP-­‐Adult,CON  (C)

Genevieve  Hladysh,  B.  Sc.  Kin. Linda  Woodhouse,  PT,  Ph.  D.

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

What  was  the  CanWell  Project? a demonstration project to create and deliver a community-

based exercise and education program for people with cancer,

made possible through one time funding from Optimizing HealthCompetencies Fund (Health Force Ontario-MoHLTC)

Participant Criteria: over 18 yrs. with any cancer diagnosis or treatment stage,

independent mobility with no gait aides, medically stable. Study Size: 32 enrolled, 18 completed 12 week evaluations

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

CanWell  Program  Goals

To promote optimal wellness for survivors of cancer To promote inter-agency and inter-professional

collaborative care, knowledge and competencies inthe area of exercise for people with cancer

To develop and establish competencies andexpertise related to exercise for cancer survivors bytesting a model which may be implemented in othercommunities

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

Why  CanWell  ?  The  evidence  supports; Primary Prevention

Exercise may decrease the risk of developing cancer.

Secondary Prevention

Decreased risk of recurrence in long term follow-up.

Improved QOL and decreased symptoms

Helps manage treatment side effects and toxicities,maintain physical functioning, prevent muscle loss andfat gain, and improve mood and QOL, and

Facilitates completion of difficult treatments

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

CanWell  –  response  to  a  need

Cancer and Exercise Survey (N=648) > patients’knowledge and preferences (Cheifetz & Park Dorsay, 2007)

adapt knowledge to the local communitycontext >survey conducted at Juravinski Cancer Centre,

Hamilton, ON. 47% of men and 59% of women indicated

interest in an exercise program 21% of breast cancer survivors and 18% of

prostate cancer survivors actively participate inan exercise program

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

CanWell  -­‐  response  to  a  need

52% of respondents preferred a supervised exerciseprogram

43% plus 25% preferred an exercise program in thehome or community

The majority of respondents reported exercising withstaff knowledgeable about the specific needs ofcancer survivors was important; this contributed totheir feelings of safety and confidence

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

The  CanWell  Pilot  Project:    Results

Average age 52.6 years (32-73) 72% female, majority breast cancer Statistically significant results: participants walked

faster, further and reported improved quality of life No reported increase in pain or other symptoms Safe: no injuries while exercising More regular exercisers after 12 week program (pre-

CanWell less than 10%, post-CanWell greater than60%)

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

The  CanWell  Pilot  Project:    Results “Exercise gives me back some of my self image. I’m

working through my frustration that cancer treatmentisn’t a do it, get it done, over deal.”

“Before cancer, I was fearless. I back packed through18 countries solo. After cancer, I became a personafraid to walk to the store. I became fearful, andagoraphobic. Eight weeks into the CanWell program, Irealized I was no longer fearful or agoraphobic. I’mfine outside of my home now. This is huge for me.Thank you CanWell.”

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

Service  Delivery  Human  Resource  Model-­‐CanWell

YMCA based; Kinisiologist Fitness Trainers

Hospital & YMCA based Health Professional consultationsupport;

Physiotherapist Nurse Practitioner

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

CanWell  Program  Model

Intake Screening ProcessCanWell Trained YMCA Kinisiologist HHS

Physiotherapist &Nurse Practitioner

Participant accepted into 12 week Supervised CanWell Exercise & Education ProgramCanWell TrainedYMCA Kinisiologist & Fitness Trainers


Consult PRN

Self Referral orHCP Referral

With Physician ClearanceSubmitted to YMCA

6 wk eval.

12 wk eval.

Participant continues independently Accesses CanWell team

as needed

Advise referralsource if notaccepted intoCanWell

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

The  CanWell  Program  Pilot  Project:    the  process  andproducts

Physiotherapist and NP developed YMCA staff trainingmaterials based on best available evidence

Two day staff training sessions provided for YMCA staff Physiotherapist and Kinisiologist provided 1-1 staff training on

assessment and evaluation of participants YMCA staff actively engaged in on-going data collection Physiotherapist and NP available for on-going onsite

consultation support to YMCA staff and participants as needed Participant education sessions developed based on participant

requests, delivered by health professionals in the community

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

Challenges-­‐ Myth Busting- overcoming beliefs that exercise

is not beneficial to people with cancer! Inter-agency and inter-professional

collaboration requires time+++ andcommitment to achieve effectivecommunication

Timeline of project – originally was 12 months-needed a time extension of 3 months toachieve all project deliverables

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

Strategies  for  Success Alignment with emerging Community Health Partnership

framework Building community based competencies & capacity through

transfer of knowledge related to cancer and exercise Multiple networking and communication strategies (Rounds, TV

media, CanWell Video, webpage, brochures, posters, word of mouth, newsletters) Building a founding inter-professional team that possessed

diverse skills and strengths Engagement of organizational senior leaders to support the

vision Integrating survey results that identified what people with

cancer needed regarding exercising

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

Strategies  for  Success

Identification of a service gap;lack of resources for cancer survivors to exercise safely inthe community,participant preferences known from previous study

Knowledge adapted to local context ;opportunity for partnership with HHS-YMCA-McMaster University

Interventions selected, tailored & implemented;CanWell Demonstration Project Oct. 2008 –Dec.2009

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

The  CanWellProgram:An  InnovativeCommunityCancer  CareServiceDelivery  Model

CanWell Pilot Research

Les Chater YMCA,2009


Increasing capacity in the community thru

knowledge andskills


Cancer and exercise

Survey: JCC 2007,(Cheifetz &

Park Dorsay)

Adding to publishedevidence

on the benefits of exercise for cancer


Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010

CanWell  Key  Learnings; Transfer of cancer and exercise knowledgeand competencies so as to provide a safe andeffective education and exercise program forpeople with cancer in a community setting is

possible For people with cancer - exercise can be both

safe and effective !

Copyright  CanWell  Program  2010