Can’t We All Just Get Along. The Dictionary Definition – Conflict: A state of opposition...

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Can’t We All Just Get Along. The Dictionary Definition – Conflict: A state of opposition...


Can’t We All Just Get Along

Let’s Begin With Some Definitions

The Dictionary Definition – Conflict: A state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests

- A very abstract definition. What does conflict mean to you?





Conflicts are experienced at home, at work, in social settings, and in recreation

As long as you have people living together, working together, meeting deadlines, and making decisions; you will have conflicts


Let’s Be Honest, Not All Conflict Is Bad

Edison vs. Tesla


Edison still retains a reputation as a genius on par with Leonardo DaVinci

Tesla’s system is the one we use today, and here he is portrayed by David Bowie with Gollum and Wolverine


Conflict becomes a problem when there is an issue that prevents the constructive resolution of that conflict

- People have the idea that there is always a “winner” and a “loser” in any conflict

- Much of the time, all parties involved in a conflict believe their opinion is fact

- Both parties perceive all destructive acts carried out by others, completely blind to identical acts carried out by self or those on ‘my’ side

Conflict Resolution

The Number One Rule of Conflict Resolution:


Conflict Resolution

Communication is one of the keys to conflict resolution

Not all communication is created equal

Texting =/= Email =/= Phone Call =/= An Actual Face-to Face Conversation

Conflict Resolution

Active Listening Skills


Willingness to Change

Agree to Disagree

Conflict Resolution

Strong communication skills means you, “seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

Conflict Resolution

Active Listening Techniques Attending


Asking / Clarifying



Conflict Resolution


There’s a general principle of conflict resolution that the more shaky a relationship is the more flexible individuals will have to be to resolve conflict in a way that preserves relationships

Conflict Resolution

Agree to Disagree

You might not change someone’s mind or change their opinions about a conflict, but that doesn’t mean an agreement can’t be reached

Conflict Resolution

Willingness to Change

The success of any compromise, accommodation, or arbitration all depend on a person’s willingness to change their behavior


Mediation is…

the intervention of an acceptable and impartial third party in a dispute


1. Preparation

2. Storytelling

3. Defining Points of Dispute

4. Creating Options

5. Forming an Agreement

In Conclusion…

Being able to help people resolve conflict is practically a superpower

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