Cancer Test Market & Forecast, Companies Cancer Test Platform, Pipeline Analysis and Clinical Trials

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Renub Research study titled “Cancer Test Market & Forecast, Companies Cancer Test Platform, Pipeline Analysis and Clinical Trials - Global” provides a comprehensive assessment of the fast-evolving, high-growth of Cancer Test market segment. This 277 page report with 52 Figures and 57 Tables studies the Cancer Test Platform of 20 Companies. This report is broadly divided into 8 chapters. A. Global – Cancer Testing Market and New Cases (Chapter 2) B. Global – Cancer Testing Market Share & Forecast (Chapter 3) C. Global – Segment Wise Cancer Testing Market & Forecast (Chapter 4) D. Global – Organ Specific Cancer Testing Market & Forecast (Chapter 5) E. Cancer Diagnostics – Companies Novel Test Platform Analysis (Chapter 6) F. Geographic Region – Number of New Cancer Cases (Chapter 7) G. Number of New Cancer Cases by Site - Geographic Region Distribution & Clinical Trials (Chapter 8) Click here to view the report details:

Transcript of Cancer Test Market & Forecast, Companies Cancer Test Platform, Pipeline Analysis and Clinical Trials

Cancer Test Market & Forecast, Companies Cancer Test Platform, Pipeline Analysis and Clinical Trials - Global


Published: October, 2013Copyright © 2013 Renub Research – All Rights Reserved

Cancer is the second-leading cause of death and disability in the world, behind only heart

disease. More people die from cancer every year around the world than AIDS, Tuberculosis and

Malaria combined. Cancer testing has tremendous growth opportunities for the next five years.

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), 85% of cancer patients are treated in

community-based, private practice oncology settings. Accordingly, global expansion of cancer

marker technologies may be fueled by an increased marketing of new diagnostic tests to

physicians. During the next five years, the worldwide cancer diagnostics market is promising to

be an exciting, dynamic and rapidly expanding field. The anticipated technological

breakthroughs will create numerous opportunities for determining genetic predisposition,

detecting specific tumors, and monitoring biological response to cancer therapy. The global

cancer test market is expected to be more than US$ 14 Billion by 2018.

Renub Research study titled “Cancer Test Market & Forecast, Companies Cancer Test

Platform, Pipeline Analysis and Clinical Trials - Global” provides a comprehensive assessment

of the fast-evolving, high-growth of Cancer Test market segment. This 277 page report with 52

Figures and 57 Tables studies the Cancer Test Platform of 20 Companies. This report is broadly

divided into 8 chapters.

A. Global – Cancer Testing Market and New Cases (Chapter 2)

B. Global – Cancer Testing Market Share & Forecast (Chapter 3)

C. Global – Segment Wise Cancer Testing Market & Forecast (Chapter 4)

D. Global – Organ Specific Cancer Testing Market & Forecast (Chapter 5)

E. Cancer Diagnostics – Companies Novel Test Platform Analysis (Chapter 6)

F. Geographic Region – Number of New Cancer Cases (Chapter 7)

G. Number of New Cancer Cases by Site - Geographic Region Distribution & Clinical Trials

(Chapter 8)

Global – Segment Wise Cancer Testing Market (To 2018) (Chapter No. 4)

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test Market & Forecast

Fecal Occult Blood Test Market & Forecast

Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) Test Market & Forecast

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Test Market & Forecast

Bladder Test Market & Forecast

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Serum Based Cancer Markers Market & Forecast

Pharmacognostic Histology Market & Forecast

Flow Cytometry Market & Forecast

Other Test Market & Forecast

Global – Organ Specific Cancer Testing Market (To 2018) (Chapter No. 5)

Bladder Cancer Test Market & Forecast

Breast Cancer Test Market & Forecast

Cervical Cancer Test Market & Forecast

Colorectal (Colon) Cancer Test Market & Forecast

Ovarian Cancer Test Market & Forecast

Prostate Cancer Test Market & Forecast

Liver Cancer Test Market & Forecast

Flow Cytometry Market & Forecast

Other Organ Specific Cancer Test Market & Forecast

Cancer Diagnostics – Companies Novel Test Platform Analysis (Chapter No. 6)

1 Abbott 11 Genomic Health Inc

2 Radient Pharmaceuticals 12 QIAGEN Marseille (Earlier Ipsogen)

3 BD Diagnostics 13 Myriad Genetics, Inc

4 Beckman Coulter, Inc. 14 Panacea Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

5 BioCurex 15 Qiagen

6 bioMerieux 16 Siemens Heathcare Diagnostics

7 Cepheid 17 Roche

8 CytoCore Inc. 18 Ventana Medical Systems

9 DiagnoCure, Inc 19 Trovagene Inc

10 Gen-Probe, Inc. 20 Vermillion, Inc

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Geographic Region – Number of New Cancer Cases (To 2020) (Chapter No. 7)

1. Africa

2. Americas

3. Asia

4. Europe

5. Oceania

Number of New Cancer Cases by Site - Geographic Region Distribution (To 2020) (Chapter


1 Bladder Cancer 15 Myeloma

2 Brain Cancer 16 Nasopharynx

3 Breast Cancer 17 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

4 Cervix Cancer 18 Oesophagus

5 Colorectal Cancer 19 Oral Cavity

6 Corpus Cancer 20 Other Pharynx

7 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 21 Ovary Cancer

8 Kaposi Sarcoma 22 Pancreas Cancer

9 Kidney Cancer 23 Prostate Cancer

10 Larynx Cancer 24 Stomach Cancer

11 Leukaemia 25 Testis Cancer

12 Liver Cancer 26 Thyroid Cancer

13 Lung Cancer 27 Other Sites

14 Melanoma

Cancer Site - Clinical Trials (Chapter 8)

1. Bladder Cancer

2. Cervical Cancer

3. Colorectal Cancer

4. Liver Cancer

5. Ovarian Cancer

6. Prostate Cancer

Data Sources

This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and

secondary research and in-house analysis by Renub Research team of industry experts.

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Primary sources include industry surveys and telephone interviews with industry experts.

Secondary sources information and data has been collected from various printable and non-

printable sources like search engines, News websites, Government Websites, Trade Journals,

White papers, Government Agencies, Magazines, Newspapers, Trade associations, Books,

Industry Portals, Industry Associations and access to more than 500 paid databases.

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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global – Cancer Testing Market and New Cases

2.1 Global – Cancer Testing Market (2010 – 2018)

2.2 Global – Number of New Cancer Cases (2009 – 2020)

3. Global – Cancer Testing Market Share

3.1 Global – Segment Wise Cancer Testing Market Share& Forecast (2011 – 2018)

3.2 Global – Organ Specific Cancer Testing Market Share & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

4. Global – Segment Wise Cancer Testing Market

4.1 Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

4.2 Fecal Occult Blood Test Market & Forecast (2009 – 2018)

4.3 Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

4.4 Human PapillomaVirus (HPV) Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

4.5 Bladder Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

4.6 Serum Based Cancer Markers Market & Forecast (2008 – 2018)

4.7 Pharmacognostic Histology Market & Forecast (2011 – 2018)

4.8 Flow Cytometry Market & Forecast (2011 – 2018)

4.9 Other Test Market& Forecast (2011 – 2018)

5. Global – Organ Specific Cancer Testing Market

5.1 Bladder Cancer Test Market& Forecast (2010 – 2018)

5.2 Breast Cancer Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

5.3 Cervical Cancer Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

5.4 Colorectal (Colon) Cancer Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

5.5 Ovarian Cancer Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

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5.6 Prostate Cancer Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

5.7 Liver Cancer Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

5.8 Other Organ Specific Cancer Test Market & Forecast (2010 – 2018)

6. Cancer Diagnostics– Companies Novel Test Platforms & Pipeline Analysis (20 Companies


6.1 Abbott

6.1.1 Abbott – Cancer Test Platforms

6.1.2 Abbott's Cancer Pipeline Analysis

6.2 Radient Pharmaceuticals

6.2.1 Radient Pharmaceuticals – Cancer Test Platforms

6.3 BD Diagnostics

6.3.1 BD Diagnostics – Cancer Test Platform

6.3.2 BD Diagnostics Pipeline Analysis

6.4 Beckman Coulter, Inc.

6.4.1 Beckman Coulter, Inc. – Cancer Test platform

6.5 BioCurex

6.5.1 BioCurex – Cancer Test Platform

6.5.2 BioCurex – Pipeline Analysis

6.6 bioMerieux

6.6.1 bioMerieux – Cancer Test Platform

6.6.2 bioMérieux - Pipeline Analysis

6.7 Cepheid

6.7.1 Cepheid – Cancer Test Platform

6.7.2 Cepheid – Pipeline Analysis

6.8 CytoCore Inc.

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6.8.1 CytoCore Inc. – Cancer Test Platform

6.8.2 CytoCore Inc. – Pipeline Analysis

6.9 DiagnoCure, Inc.

6.9.1 DiagnoCure, Inc. – Cancer Test Platform

6.9.2 DiagnoCure Inc. – Pipeline Analysis

6.10 Gen-Probe, Inc.

6.10.1 Gen-Probe, Inc. – Cancer Test Platform

6.11 Genomic Health Inc.

6.11.1 Genomic Health Inc. – Cancer Test Platform

6.11.2 GenomicHealth, Inc. – Pipeline Analysis

6.12 QIAGEN Marseille (Earlier Ipsogen)

6.12.1 QIAGEN Marseille – Cancer Test Platform

6.13 Myriad Genetics, Inc

6.13.1 Myriad Genetics, Inc – Cancer Test Platform

6.13.2 Myriad Genetics, Inc – Pipeline Analysis

6.14 Panacea Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

6.14.1 Panacea Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – Cancer Test Platform

6.15 Qiagen

6.15.1 Qiagen – Cancer Test Platform

6.15.2 Qiagen – Pipeline Analysis

6.16 Siemens Heathcare Diagnostics

6.16.1 Siemens Heathcare Diagnostics – Cancer Test Platform

6.17 Roche

6.17.1 Roche – Cancer Test Platform

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6.17.2 Roche – Pipeline Analysis

6.18 Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.

6.18.1 Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. – Cancer Test Platform

6.19 TrovageneInc.

6.19.1 Trovagene, Inc. – Cancer Test Platform

6.19.2 TrovageneInc. – Pipeline Analysis

6.20 Vermillion, Inc

6.20.1 Vermillion, Inc – Cancer Test Platform

7. Geographic Region – Number of New Cancer Cases

7.1 Africa – Number of New Cancer Cases & Forecast (2009 – 2020)

7.2 Americas – Number of New Cancer Cases & Forecast (2009 – 2020)

7.3 Asia – Number of New Cancer Cases & Forecast (2009 – 2020)

7.4 Europe – Number of New Cancer Cases & Forecast (2009 – 2020)

7.5 Oceania – Number of New Cancer Cases & Forecast (2009 – 2020)

8. Number of New Cancer Cases by Site - Geographic Region Distribution & Clinical Trials

8.1 Bladder Cancer Number of New Cases & Clinical Trials

8.1.1 Bladder Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.1.2 Bladder Cancer – Tests Being Studied in Clinical Trials

8.2 Brain Cancer Number of New Cases

8.2.1 Brain Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.3 Breast Cancer Number of New Cases

8.3.1 Breast Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.4 Cervix Cancer Number of New Cases & Clinical Trials

8.4.1 Cervix Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -2020)

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8.4.2 Cervical Cancer – Test Being Studied in Clinical Trials

8.5 Colorectal Cancer Number of New Cases & Clinical Trials

8.5.1 Colorectal Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -


8.5.2 Colorectal Cancer – Test Being Studied in Clinical Trials

8.6 Corpus Cancer Number of New Cases

8.6.1 Corpus Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.7 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Number of New Cases

8.7.1 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -


8.8 Kaposi Sarcoma Number of New Cases

8.8.1 Kaposi Sarcoma Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.9 Kidney Cancer Number of New Cases

8.9.1 Kidney Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.10 Larynx Cancer Number of New Cases

8.10.1 Larynx Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.11 Leukaemia Number of New Cases

8.11.1 Leukaemia Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.12 Liver Cancer Number of New Cases & Clinical Trials

8.12.1 Liver Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.12.2 Liver Cancer – Test Being Studied in Clinical Trials

8.13 Lung Cancer Number of New Cases

8.13.1 Lung Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

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8.14 Melanoma Number of New Cases

8.14.1 Melanoma Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -


8.15 Myeloma Number of New Cases

8.15.1 Myeloma Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -


8.16 Nasopharynx Number of New Cases

8.16.1 Nasopharynx Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -


8.17 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Number of New Cases

8.17.1 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic

Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.18 Oesophagus Number of New Cases

8.18.1 Oesophagus Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -


8.19 Oral Cavity Number of New Cases

8.19.1 Oral Cavity Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -


8.20 Other Pharynx Number of New Cases

8.20.1 Other Pharynx Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.21 Ovary Cancer Number of New Cases & Clinical Trials

8.21.1 Ovary Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.21.2 Ovarian Cancer – Tests Being Studied In Clinical Trials

8.22 Pancreas Cancer Number of New Cases

8.22.1 Pancreas Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -


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8.23 Prostate Cancer Number of New Cases & Clinical Trials

8.23.1 Prostate Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 -2020)

8.23.2 Prostate Cancer – Test Being Studied in Clinical Trials

8.24 Stomach Cancer Number of New Cases

8.24.1 Stomach Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.25 Testis Cancer Number of New Cases

8.25.1 Testis Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.26 Thyroid Cancer Number of New Cases

8.26.1 Thyroid Cancer Number of New Cases & Forecast – Geographic Distribution (2009 - 2020)

8.27 Other Sites – Number of New Cases

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List of Figures

Figure 2-1: Global – Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 2-2: Global – Forecast for Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 2-3: Global – Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Figure 2-4: Global – Forecast for Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Figure 3-1: Global – Segment Wise Cancer Test Market Share (Percent), 2011 – 2012

Figure 3-2: Global – Forecast for Segment Wise Cancer Test Market Share (Percent), 2013 – 2018

Figure 3-3: Global – Organ Specific Cancer Testing Market Share (Percent), 2010 – 2012

Figure 3-4: Global – Forecast for Organ Specific Cancer Testing Market Share (Percent), 2013 – 2018

Figure 4-1: Global – PSA Test Market (Million US$), 2010 –2012

Figure 4-2: Global – Forecast for PSA Test Market (Million US$), 2013 –2018

Figure 4-3: Global – Fecal Occult Blood Test Market (Million US$), 2009 –2012

Figure 4-4: Global – Forecast for Occult Blood Test Market (Million US$), 2013 –2018

Figure 4-5: Global – FISH Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 4-6: Global – Forecast for FISH Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 4-7: Global – HPV Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 4-8: Global – Forecast for HPV Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 4-9: Global – Bladder Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 4-10: Global – Forecast for Bladder Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 4-11: Global – Serum Based Cancer Markers Market (Million US$), 2008 – 2012

Figure 4-12: Global – Forecast for Serum Based Cancer Markers Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 4-13: Global – Pharmacognostic Histology Market (Million US$), 2011 – 2012

Figure 4-14: Global – Forecast for Pharmacognostic Histology Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 4-15: Global – Flow Cytometry Market (Million US$), 2011 – 2012

Figure 4-16: Global – Forecast for Flow Cytometry Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 4-17: Global – Other Test Market (Million US$), 2011 – 2012

Figure 4-18: Global – Forecast for Other Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 5-1: Global – Bladder Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 5-2: Global – Forecast for Bladder Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 5-3: Global – Breast Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2013

Figure 5-4: Global – Forecast for Breast Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 5-5: Global – Cervical Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 5-6: Global – Forecast for Cervical Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

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Figure 5-7: Global – Colorectal (Colon) Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 5-8: Global – Forecast for Colorectal (Colon) Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 5-9: Global – Ovarian Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 5-10: Global – Forecast for Ovarian Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 5-11: Global – Prostate Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 5-12: Global – Forecast for Prostate Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 5-13: Global – Liver Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 5-14: Global – Forecast for Liver Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 5-15: Global – Other Organ Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2010 – 2012

Figure 5-16: Global – Forecast for Other Organ Cancer Test Market (Million US$), 2013 – 2018

Figure 7-1: Africa –Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Figure 7-2: Africa – Forecast for Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Figure 7-3: Americas –Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Figure 7-4: Americas – Forecast for Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Figure 7-5: Asia –Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Figure 7-6: Asia – Forecast for Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Figure 7-7: Europe – Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Figure 7-8: Europe – Forecast for Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Figure 7-9: Oceania –Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Figure 7-10: Oceania – Forecast for Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

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List of Tables

Table 6-1: Effectiveness of Onko-Sure Within Different Cancer Types

Table 6-2: Beckman Coulter – Flow Cytometry Technology portfolio and Various Bundling Options

Table 6-3: Beckman Coulter – Hematology Test Product portfolio

Table 6-4: bioMérieux – Tumor Markers offerings for Various Cancer

Table 8-1: Bladder– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-2: Bladder– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-3: Brain– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-4: Brain– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-5: Breast – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-6: Breast– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-7: Cervix– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-8: Cervix– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-9: Colorectal– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-10: Colorectal– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-11: Corpus– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-12: Corpus– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-13: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-14: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number),

2013 – 2020

Table 8-15: Kaposi Sarcoma – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-16: Kaposi Sarcoma– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 –


Table 8-17: Kidney– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-18: Kidney– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-19: Larynx– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-20: Larynx– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-21: Leukaemia – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-22: Leukaemia– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-23: Liver – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-24: Liver– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-25: Lung – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-26: Lung– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-27: Melanoma– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-28: Melanoma– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

© Renub Research Page 16 of 19

Table 8-29: Myeloma– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-30: Myeloma– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-31: Nasopharynx – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-32: Nasopharynx– Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 –


Table 8-33: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 –


Table 8-34: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases

(Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-35: Oesophagus – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-36: Oesophagus – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 –


Table 8-37: Oral Cavity– Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-38: Oral Cavity – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-39: Other Pharynx – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-40: Other Pharynx – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 –


Table 8-41: Ovary – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-42: Ovary – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-43: Pancreas – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-44: Pancreas – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-45: Prostate – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-46: Prostate – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-47: Stomach – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-48: Stomach – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-49: Testis – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-50: Testis – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-51: Thyroid – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-52: Thyroid – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

Table 8-53: Other Sites – Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2009 – 2012

Table 8-54: Other Sites – Forecast for Region Wise Number of New Cancer Cases (Number), 2013 – 2020

© Renub Research Page 17 of 19

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