Canadian Forestry Corps...

Post on 05-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Canadian Forestry Corps...

Canadian Forestry Corps Orchestra

CFC HQ War Diaries - 10 Jul 1941 – recently arrived from Canada played at a Grand Concert Phipps Hall. Beauly

Photos courtesy of Garry McConnell

Canadian Forestry Corps Orchestra

Private Chuck – (last name unknown)

Piano player

Chuck’s family back in Canada

One of the photos shows his parents, 4 brothers and sister. 3 of his brothers are in military

uniform and Chuck has written their names on the back. From what I can make out (writing not

too clear) the names of his brothers who are in uniform are Earle, Howard and Norman(??). His

younger brother is Gerald and his sister is Olive.

Private Jimmy (last name unknown) trumpet player

CFC HQ Canadian Forestry Corps Aug 1941 Scotland

He is in this photo

Believe to be No. 42