Can You Get Cancer from Baby Powder

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Can You Get CancerFrom Baby Powder

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Ovarian Cancer is the 5th Leading Cause of Cancer Death

According to, an estimated 22,280 women in the United States will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year, ultimately resulting in 14,240 deaths. Ovarian cancer is uncommon and the cause is largely unknown.

Does Talcum Cause Ovarian Cancer?

Maybe. There is currently conflicting information.

In 1971, a study was published by British researchers for found talc particles “deeply embedded” in 10 of the 13 ovarian tumors they looked at.

In 1982, a study by Boston epidemiologist Daniel Cramer found the first statistical link between using genital talc use and ovarian cancer.

In 1997, the Associate Press reported on an internal memo, which stated, “anybody who denies the risk of using hygienic talc and ovarian cancer is denying the obvious in the face of all evidence to the contrary.”

In 2006, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified genital exposure to talc as potentially carcinogenic.

In 2015, the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer reported studies which found that ovarian cancer risk following talc exposure was increased by 30–60%.

Talcum powder? A threat?

Yes, the soft, sweet-smelling, talcum-based product widely known as “baby powder”…the same product manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson…the same product women have used to soften and smooth their skin for more than 120 years, and consequently used without reservation on their female children …potentially causes ovarian cancer.

How Did This Happen?

Talcum powder is made from talc, a mineral comprised of elements such as magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. As a powder, talc absorbs moisture well, helping to keep skin dry and prevent rashes. For more than 100 years, women have relied on talcum-based powder products to stay cool and comfortable.

However, using talcum powder for this purpose allowed the fine dust to enter the female reproductive tract and to be inhaled through the lungs, exposing women to the development of ovarian cancer.

Still Disagreement

The American Cancer Society website states, “There is very little evidence at this time that any other forms of cancer are linked with consumer use of talcum powder” but goes on to say that switching to cornstarch-based powders may be a safe alternative.

What’s Being Done?

Today, Johnson & Johnson is the subject of multiple lawsuits claiming the company’s talcum-based products, Baby Powder and Shower to Shower, are responsible for causing ovarian cancer.

Johnson & Johnson to Fight in Court

Since 2013, Johnson & Johnson has spent more than five billion dollars resolving legal claims related to its drugs and medical devices, including one of the largest health fraud penalties in the history of the United States involving Risperadal, an antipsychotic drug.

The company’s 2015 annual report cited 75,000 liability claims filed, excluding talcum powder cases.

The Question Remains

Did Johnson & Johnson Know That Talcum Powder Could Cause Cancer?

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