Camp Lecture

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Transcript of Camp Lecture

  • 8/3/2019 Camp Lecture


    Circumscribe Our Desires

    What come you here to do? To subdue my passions and improve myself in


    One of the exclamations you will here at each opening on the first degree in lodge is the

    statement I have used as a title. What come you here to do? To subdue my passions and improve

    myself in Masonry. If you do this job, you will be doing the true work of a Freemason. But what

    exactly does it mean? What passions exactly do we mean? And for that matter, what does it

    mean to subdue them?

    The word subdue means to calm, vanquish, or tame. By passions we usually mean

    some kind of intense emotion. So we pledge to calm our emotions and master them, most

    especially when they are too extreme or likely to make us commit acts that are unwise and will

    lead to bad consequences. We might think of anger, lust, jealousy, envy, hate.

    I recently read a short story about one of the methods Eskimo's use to kill wolves that are

    ravaging their traps and dog teams. Without going into too graphic a detail, it involves the

    coating of a razor sharp knife in layers of animal blood so that when it is found by the wolf, and

    he licks it, his thirst for blood becomes so intense that he does not realize that he has uncovered

    the knife blade and cut his own tongue. His thirst for the taste of blood becomes so intense that

    he does not recognize that the blood he tastes is his own, to the point that he will eventually

    bleed to death on the spot.

    Freemasonry teaches us a lot about "circumscribing our desires and keeping our passions

    within due bounds". We as individuals can very easily become so focused upon one certain topic,

    that we fail to see what is actually going on around us. Sometimes this focal point, can be

    something less that admirable. We should count any man braver who overcomes his desires, than

    he who conquers his enemies, for sometimes the hardest victory is the victory over self. We

    should attempt to continue with self introspection on an ongoing routine.

    The business of Masonry is to make good men better. As Masons, we are engaged in the

    process of self-improvement, and that process must begin in each of us by taking control of our

    own bodies and personalities. It must be clearly understood that subduing the passions does not

    mean eliminatingthem! By the above definition, the act of subduing something is the act of

    bringing it under control -- conscious control, in the case of our passions. In each and every one

    of us there are physical and mental activities that take place below the level of our conscious

    awareness. These activities are always agreeable to control by suggestion, whether or not we are

    personally aware of making such suggestions, and they largely determine the outcome of

    whatever we set out to do. Our desires are one of the most potent forms of such suggestions, and

    without them we would have no "will" and would never accomplish anything, good or bad. By

  • 8/3/2019 Camp Lecture


    taking conscious control of our passions, deliberately cultivating our desires and making them

    work for us, we stand a much greater chance of attaining that of which we are in pursuit. The

    alternative is to allow our passions to control us, in which case we are really working for them,

    and are left with "pot luck" on the outcome of any personal endeavor.

    All of us are human, and all of us, therefore struggle against the same enemies. All of us

    have within us a something to subdue as well as a something which subdues. As Freemasons we

    are taught that we came here to subdue our passions and improve ourselves in Masonry; we

    accomplish the former only as we succeed in the latter. Passions, my brother, does not mean

    merely anger or lust. The passion of selfishness, the passion of self interest, the passion of

    materialism of deceit, of un-neighborliness, of cruelty, of carelessness; these, as well as all the

    other enemies against which mans spirit struggles are to be subdued and conquered; the more

    easily as we bring the fighting ranks of Freemasonrys militant teachings to engage them. This is

    not intended as preaching, my brother; this is but a humble attempt to answer the question you

    are to ask yourself, as to how may you help Freemasonry. You may help her by helpingyourself; by helping your family, by helping your neighbor and your friends; and all these you

    may do by making Freemasonry the rule and guide of your daily life just as you make the Book

    upon the Altar the Rule and Guide of your Faith and Life.

    Examine yourself frequently to see if you care. Step aside and look at your state of mind,

    what lies behind your ego and your actions. Do you care? Or do you not care? And what is the

    nature of that caring? For too often we think we are acting because we care about other peoples

    welfare, but are motivated by our own pride, our belief that we know what is right for other

    people because we are superior men. Subdue that desire to be better than others and then care

    about them. That is the only way to Love your neighbor as yourself.

    What if you were to take each of these troublesome passions in turn, one for each day

    of the week? Take just ten minutes to write about your state of mind on that day and whether

    you felt any of these Errors of Attitude, as we might call them. Realizing that you have felt the

    tug of one of these dangerous currents turning your boat off course, allows you to make daily

    course corrections, and to keep your own inner Helmsmen at the Wheel. Or, to use a more

    Masonic allegory, you must each day consult the designs on the trestleboard to make sure that no

    mistakes are being made in the building of your temple.

    Freemasonry has a way of reminding us of this on a regular basis. By congregating withour brothers regularly, we can uplift one another with "friendly counsel" and a sharing of values

    and enlightenment.

    Remember brother, the night we received our third degree marks but the beginning of our

    journey, not the end. Now, put on your apron and try it.

  • 8/3/2019 Camp Lecture


    Travel light brothers.