Cambridge...2020/04/24  · East Pakistan. He was honest and talented politician. He knew that...

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Transcript of Cambridge...2020/04/24  · East Pakistan. He was honest and talented politician. He knew that...


Subject: HISTORY (2059/1)

Class: CII

Lesson : 3


Topic: Khawaja Nazimuddin

(2nd Governor General of Pakistan)

and Liaquat Ali Khan

( 1st Prime Minister of Pakistan)

Learning Objective(s):

By the end of the topic students would be able to……….

1. Discuss the role of Khawaja Nazimuddin and his main


2. Examine the achievements of Liaquat Ali Khan as 1st

Prime Minister.

3. Analyze the importance of objective resolution which

became main base of constitution on ISLAMIC ideology.


Pakistan won independence under extremely difficult conditions. The

next task was setting up of a new state. There was no administrative

structure. Riots, refugee’s problem and economic pressures were

challenging for the new state. Negative attitude from Indian

government and war on Kashmir created problems in relations with


The Government of India Act 1935 was adopted as the first Interim


Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the first Governor General (GG) of

Pakistan and Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister (PM).

Governor Generals:

1. M. A. Jinnah August Sept. 1947-Sept. 1948

2. Khawaja Nazimuddin Sept. 1948-Oct 1951

3. Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan Aug.1947- Oct 1951

Resource Books:

1.The History and culture

of Pakistan

by Nigel Kelly

2.Pakistan History,

Culture and


by Nigel Smith

3.History book

by Farooq Naseem Bajwa


1st Prime Minister of


1st Prime Minister:

Liaquat Ali Khan (August 1947-Oct 1951)

>Objectives Resolution

>First move towards constitutional development

>Focused on principles of Islam and human rights

>Designed to deflect criticism from religious leaders


•Objectives Resolution

•Minority Pact( Liaquat-Nehru Pact)

•1950 Proper handling of coup (Rawalpindi conspiracy)

•Managed to keep economy going and produce surplus budgets for

new state.


•PRODA repealed

•Failed to frame constitution

• Failed to handle Hyderabad crisis

• Unable to resolve Kashmir issue (ceasefire)

After independence, Quaid-i-Azam and Muslim League appointed

Liaquat to be the head of the Pakistan Government. Being the first

Prime Minister of the country, He had to deal with a number of

difficulties facing Pakistan in its early days. Liaquat Ali Khan

helped Quaid-i-Azam in solving the riot and refugee problem and

setting up an effective administrative system for the country.

After the death of Quaid-i-Azam, Liaquat tried to fill the vacuum

created by the departure of the Father of the Nation. The life of

Liaqat Ali Khan, who earned the titles Quaid-e-Millat and Shahid-

e-Millat, was one of complete service to the Muslims of India and

the cause of Pakistan. He was so devoted that Muhammad Ali

Jinnah himself referred to Khan as his “right hand man”.

Khan’s life ended tragically in October 1951, after he was shot to

death while giving a speech in Rawalpindi. His dying words, after

reciting the Islamic declaration of faith were, “May God protect


Khawaja Nazimuddin

2nd Governor General

Under Quaid-i-Azam’s constitutional framework, executive powers

lay with the Prime Minister. When Liaquat Ali Khan was

assassinated on October 16, 1951, Khawaja Nazimuddin, who was

the Governor General at that time, took over as the second Prime

Minister of Pakistan. Ghulam Muhammad, who had been Finance

Minister since the inception of Pakistan, was elevated to the post of

Governor General.

It was under Prime Minister Khawaja Nazimuddin that the second

draft of the Basic Principles Committee was presented to the

Constituent Assembly on December 22, 1952. He remained in

power till April 1953 when Ghulam Muhammad removed him from

the office. Khawaja Nazimuddin’s downfall was not only due to his

meekness of character, but also due to the power struggle amongst

the various leaders. The movement for Tahaffuz-i-Khatam-i-

Nabuwat and the worsening food condition in Punjab caused a lot

of trouble for Khawaja Nazimuddin.

The anti-Ahmadiya movement was started in Punjab by the Ahrar

and had the support of Mian Mumtaz Daultana, the Chief Minister of

Punjab. This movement soon spread to other parts of the country.

There were widespread disturbances and the situation in the country

soon worsened to the brink of anarchy and civil war. Imposition of

Martial Law became imminent. Khawaja Nazimuddin was

summoned by the Governor General along with his Cabinet and

ordered to resign. Khawaja Nazimuddin declined but was dismissed

by Malik Ghulam Muhammad on April 17, 1953. After the dismissal

of Khawaja Nazimuddin, the Governor General appointed

Muhammad Ali Bogra, an unknown person from East Pakistan, as

the Prime Minister.

Most historians agree that the removal of Khawaja Nazimuddin was

improper and undemocratic because the Prime Minister still enjoyed

the confidence of the Parliament. This act set an unhealthy tradition

and precedent for the future Presidents who were fond of removing

elected governments, thus creating continued instability in the


Timeline base important events

(1947-1951)14 Sept 1948:

Khawaja Nazimuddin made Governor General of Pakistan at that

time he was the leader of Muslim league and Chief Minister of

East Pakistan. He was honest and talented politician.

He knew that Liaquat Ali Khan (Prime minister ) had influence

over people so he allowed him to hold government and role of

governor general became less important.

12 March 1949: Objective Resolution

I n 1947 Pakistan was ruled by the Indian Independence Act so a

new constitution was important for Pakistan for its stability. For

this purpose Objective resolution was passed which contained

several references to Islam to avoid criticism by ulemas.

17 Sept 1948-9:

January 1949 war with India over Kashmir

5 Jan 1949:

UNO organized a cease fire between India and Pakistan.

1949: [PRODA]

The Public and Representative Disqualification Act

It allowed the government to disqualify persons found guilty of

"misconduct," a term that acquired a broad definition. In 1952

the Security of Pakistan Act expanded the powers of the

government in the interests of public order.

28 Sept 1950:

Basic Principles Committee recommended bicameral legislature

with equal powers but it was criticized bitterly.

Liaquat –Nehru Pact :

Both [Indian and Pakistani] government were responsible for the

safety of minority groups in their country and visa system was


January 1951:

Sir Douglas Gracy the British Commander in – chief of the

Pakistan was replaced by General Ayub Khan.

In March 1951: Major General Mohammad Akbar Khan, chief of

the general staff, was arrested along with fourteen other officers on

charges of plotting a coup. The authors of what became known as

the Rawalpindi Conspiracy were tried in secret, convicted, and

sentenced to imprisonment. All were subsequently released.

16 Oct 1951 : assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan, resolution of

these issues became unlikely.

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