Calculation of Power Efficiency of Installed Photovoltiac(PV

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Transcript of Calculation of Power Efficiency of Installed Photovoltiac(PV

International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 01 10

1110506-1201-7979 IJVIPNS-IJENS © February 2012 IJENS I J E N S

Calculation of Power Efficiency of Installed Photov oltiac(PV) Solar Panels at Different Temperatures- A Test Case

M.Arshad Javeed 1, Sarfraz Hussain 1, Sikandar Saneen 2, Namra Ahmad 2, Shahbaz Ali, Zeba Arshad

1Govt. Choudhary Ilam-Din Degree College, Alipur Chattha, Gujranwala, Pakistan

2University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan. E_mail:

Fax: +92556332780

Abstract Pakistan is an energy deficient country, where a large fraction of the population still does not

have access to modern day energy services such as electricity. This is due to very limited fossil fuel resources and poor economy, which restrains the import of fossil fuels on a large scale. To overcome energy shortage, Pakistan needs to develop its indigenous energy resources like hydropower, solar and wind. Pakistan lies in an area of one of the highest solar insulation in the world. All this will help in both reducing the import of fossil fuels and dependency of people on fuel wood, which in turn will provide some respite for the dwindling forest reserves of Pakistan. Accordingly, the status and outlook of solar energy use in Pakistan is discussed. In addition, the role of Rand D organizations in the promotion of solar energy technologies in Pakistan is also presented including a description of some proposed projects. It is concluded that the current infrastructure has not been able to advance the status of solar energy in Pakistan. Significant efforts are needed to effectively utilize this cheap renewable energy source. Solar power is a term that refers to several alternative sources of energy by which sun-light is harnessed to do useful work for mankind. People know that it is energy since the same alone implies this but man people think it is expensive and not a preferred method of producing energy. We need to find out how cost effective it is how useful solar power technologies involves the use of photovoltaic cells. Which is true to their name (Photo-light, Voltaic-electricity), converts sunlight directly when light strikes the photovoltaic cell. Key Words: Solar Energy, Solar Cell, Solar Collectors, Solar Electric Power

1. INTRODUCTON The worldly capacity of acting is multiplying as the whole Habitants remain to increase in size

greatly remaining and having life standard are rising everyday on the other hand we are presenting greatly depending on our finite assets of oil about 10 decades. Since some of the pecuniary means are merely advantageous in few areas of the world. The lack also having a danger to National and Regional security and sovereign as well as to international security (as the global war and Afghanistan, Iraq has demonstrated). A part is from the risk associated with shortage of combustible matter the use of these capacity mediums multiply Carbon Dioxide emitting. Which guides to the Green House effect with probable destructive effects on the earth through a multitude of conversion in weather. Nuclear energy has been supposed to decrease Carbon Dioxide emitting. But it is unmatchable for a number of other causes initially because of high price risk of nuclear proliferation and decommissioning of the Nuclear waste uranium advantageous. Nuclear capacity will only available for nearly other 81 years. Energy proficiency steps are one of the most effecting source of lowering these negative effects. Renewable capacities as such a wind power. Water Biomass and efficient and inefficient Sun capacity of acting, have power to hold grip these problems as they are unlimited and don’t produce any sum of Carbon dioxide due to the decentralized division of nature of most the capacity of acting advantageous. They give the energy when and where it is required and ensure National Regional Resource Security (NRRS). The dependence of the electric energy supply from renewable powers are usually higher than that from traditional energy sources. Despite variations in wind speed and sun heat. For example [1]. The energy demands and the electric power generation from, renewable energy sources, Especially from single

International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 01 11

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silicon photovoltaic cells (SPV cells) follow same every day patterns top during the middle of the day. If excess power is generated it can be sent to the electricity or saved in batteries etc. “particularly for stand alone setup.” [2]. Comparatively high prices are inhibiting the worldwide spread of stretches of renewable capacities of acting and particularly of silicone photovoltaic cells (SPV cell) this reflects the imbalance of external prices that are generally not fully counted in the cost. These prices are, at times very hard to get, even they can be the countless consequences from environmental destruction, effects of climate, change, securing resources (sometimes military etc). Present global market price for electric power is about to (4-6 dollar) per watt [3]. For all its qualities there exist two major challenges for photovoltaic cell. On one side, to low the cost of material and processing and on the other hand, to increase the change proficiency. In order to lower the price per watt, photovoltaic cells need to become less costly and easier to benefit the global spread stretches for many systems. Present technologies need to get better and new methods searched. In this struggle we are concentrating on electric power production and on the performance increment of photovoltaic cells, especially for the new technology of sole crystal silicon photovoltaic cell. Sun rays descend the earth upper condition at a price of 1367 (W/m2) [3]. The first map shows how the sun heat converts in many behaviors. While passing through the space, 5% of the descending Sun’s beams (insulation) is passed and 15% is busy consequences in high radiation at the equator of 1,020 W/m2 [5]. Amount atmospheric situations (clouds, dust pollutants) lesser insulation by 22% by spreading 4% via entrance [6]. Atmospheric conditions not only decrease the quantity of insulation. Reaching the Earth’s surface but also harms the quality of insulation absorbing incoming light and changing its color. The second picture shows the average worldly heat considered from satellite data from 1993 to 1995. For pro-type, the North America, the heating low whole time including nights and times of cloudy weather lies between 120 and 370 w/m2. This shows that available energy, taken electricity. Now, photovoltaic panels typically change about 15% of happening/control board same in the world, on common delivers to 21 to 58 W/m2. The black disc in the third map on the right is an example of the land areas that, if place over 9% control board, solar generate first power in 2004. Quantity filling, power of ability, energy ability concerned situations of ability at a specific place. Energy from solar shape of visible, heat to produce by chemical power by photosynthesis. People regularly utilize energy to get fire. Recently relates world is darkening, an impact of solar energy from the day light, items heating conversion, tolls of sun power due to the permanent capacity in future getting less in supplied sun energy. [7]

2. LITERATURE SURVEVY There are different solar collector systems used for Solar Electric Power and Generation (S.E.P.G), the

commonly used one is concentrator collector and Flat-plate Collector due to its low cost design, easy installation and effectiveness in cloudy day. In order to improve the efficiency of Flat-plate Collector, selective coating on the appropriate surface would be such that it absorbs maximum Solar Radiations with minimum emission of long Wave Length Radiations. For this purpose, different types of coating, e.g., semiconductor coating dielectric coating and metallic coating has been used on sucker plate of collector. Their optical, structural and electrical characteristics were studied to find out improvement in heat absorption[8].

2.1 HISTORICAL SURVEVY Nicholas de Saussure (1740-1799), a Swiss naturalist, conclude the fundamental recorded experimentation in applying the solar beams for cooking use. He called his Solar oven a “Heat Box”, and it was composed of multiple separated glass covers positioned over a blackened surface. The bottom-land sides of the open were surrounded with insulation, it was recorded that the oven achieved a temperature of 160 0 C. Saussure did, indeed, use the solar oven to prepare food. A slightly different solar oven was introducing in 1837 by an astronomer from U.K. John Fredrick Herschel. But the son of German born astronomer Sir William Herschel, john Fredrick constructed a little sun stove as on a trip to Africa’s Cape of Good Hope. He made it of padding. A twice glazed wrap, the only part of the tool is left uncovered, served to reduce loses through apex, as letting in the day light. The stove recorded a greatest heat of approximately 117.9 Co, and was utilized throughout out the journey by Herschel and his team to boil both meat and vegetables. One of the initial spaces heating purpose was declared in 1882 by professor E.S. Morse, in an invention for “utilizing Sun Rays in “Warming Houses”. It consisted of surface of a blackened slate under glass, fixed to the sunny side of the house, with vents in the wall arranged

International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 01 12

1110506-1201-7979 IJVIPNS-IJENS © February 2012 IJENS I J E N S

such that cold air in a room was let out at the bottom of the slate and the glass. This method was used to heat Professor Morse’s own house in fine weather. Also at the same period the first use of Flat- plate collector is reported, but its application to water pumping system [9]. The first experiment with Flat-plate collectors began in 1902, carried out by Willsie and Boyle. The Flat-plate device was a shallow box with black internal surface, a clear glass cover plate, and was cooled by some form of transfer fluid flow, usually water. Willsie and Boyle, s collector used the heated water to vaporize some volatile liquid (such as ammonia, sulfur, dioxide, ether, etc). The performance of their collector, although it was built of admitedly crude materials, was such that “even in cold, raw October weather was high enough to vaporize sulfur dioxide for the engine”. Subsequent work with two–fluid engine encouraged the formation of the Willsie sun power company, which built an ammonia- driven solar engine system in Stlouis, Missouri, in 1904. Flate –plate collector research began in 1907 by frank shaman, of Philadelphia. Water, as usual, was used as a heat transfer fluid. Like willsie and Boyle, Shaman’s system used a second fluid to drive a steam engine in the case ether. His installation was located in Tacony, Pennsylvania, and included 111.5m2 of collection surface. A large, 956.9 m2 system of flat collector were built at Taconic in 1911.

2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Many publications cover silicon photovoltaic panels (SPV panels) in several aspect and thus, only a moderately concise depiction of PV is got here. The sun panel is a semiconductor linked tool that straightforwardly changes day-light in electrical energy. It contains two semi-conducting equipment consisting a seam (Brendel. R., 1994a). PV results is a straight change of photons in electrical energy(electricity). In P type and N type materials (semiconductor) an event photon can be riveted and electrify an electron from the valence band-leaving gap after. In the simplest PV cell, these photo generated carries are separated by the field resulting from p-type and n-type doping in a p-n junction [10].The energy band drawing of a single band-gap p-n junction cell demonstrate the PV effect. There are so many losses in apparatus. The photo produced transporters rapidly thermalize to the border of the band-gap losing energy in surplus of band-gap. Some of the transporters recombine either radioactivity emitting a photo or non- radioactivity for instance via impurity conditions. They also exist when the transporters transverse the losses junction and at the contacts. The utilizable energy (q.v) is, therefore, significantly lesser than the energy of the incident photon and also lesser than the band-gap. Hence the photons with the power larger than band-gap are riveted raising the electron hole pairs. Generation of voltage by the light incidence up, on the semiconductor materials system is known as photovoltaic [11]. There are three main processes responsible for photovoltaic effect. • Absorption of light in the semiconductor to create transporters. • Separation and collection of these charges by an internal field. • Distribution of these charges via an external lead. The word “Sun” is repeated 20 times and word “moon” 26 times in the Holy Quran (which was revealed to last Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH)). In Quran Para 29 Surah Noah here in brief that “(Allah) has made the Moon a light and sun a lamp”. The sun is complex radiator whose spectrum can be approximated by a 6050 K0 black-body. This black-body spectrum is modified by the variation in temperature across the sun dies and the effect of solar atmosphere. In outer space 98% of the total energy radiated by the sun lies between 0.25-3.0 µm ranges. The earth rotating around the sun in elliptical orbit with major and minor axes differ in by 1.7 %. The earth is closest to the sun on December 21 at a distance of about 1.45× 1011 m and further on June 22 at about 1.39× 109 m and subtends an angle of 32 minutes at the earth. For all practical purpose, therefore, the sun has an effective black-body temperature from the earth of 5762 K0. The Sun’s interior is much hotter and denser than its surface. At it’s center the temperature is estimated at 8× 108 to 40× 106 K0 and the density at about 105 Kg/m3. Total mass of the sun (a small to medium sized star) is equal to 1.6×1030 Kg. Mainly significant factor of the environment are the water substance, turbidity effect expressing the effect of haze and related scattering and the ozone content. According to recent research the hole in the ozone layer is equal to in size (area) equal to the size in Vatican City in Italy.

2.3 SOLAR COLLECTORS Collector is the “furnace” of a sun warming scheme is the part that is uncovered to the sun emission from the solar and conditions the procedure of bind sun power into dependable temperature

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cause for residence, trade and manufacturing. Of all the fundamentals in sun aided warming scheme, antenna is the mainly significant part [12]. Sun antennas may be classified into two common groups: (i)Tracking and (ii) Non-tracking. Major aim of the tracking kind is to present the shell straight towards the solar to get highest energy. An antenna parallel to the solar obtains no emission. As antennas are huge in amount and need complicated mechanisms, tracking type is rarely utilized. Fixed antennas are in common utilizing. The antennas as exposed are consist of a part of a spherical mirror located in a motionless location facing the daylight . It has a linear sucker that can track the picture of the daylight by a simple rotating movement about the center of curvature of the reflector[13].

3. TECHNIQUES Surface light into electric power, is used. The electric power produced in this method is stored in

electrical storage system (Rechargeable batteries). Such kind of storage setup contained of photovoltiac (PV ) energy asset associated to a battery via an inverter, charge controller and inverting leads. PV acid batteries are called good kind of batteries having low up from price and more availability.The Selenium is a good photoconductor and Photovoltaics are made . Daryl Chapin made a sun cell made of silicon in 1954 [14]. In 1958, PV’s were used successfully as an energy way for the satellite. This prototype was followed by many others, so that by the late 1960s PV had become the made source of power for satellites. It played an essential part in the success of early profitable satellites [15]. For local purposes the rate of PV was the major restrictive fact. It continued above $90 per watt throughout the 1960s. However, work by Elliot Berman during the early 1970s lowered the cost $20 per watt and this price reduction made PV production competitive in a range of purposes, particularly, in distant regions without linking to a power network. Utilizes extra cathodic save of pipelines and power for off-shore oil rigs, rail, road crossings and rays houses. The 1973 oil and 1979 energy disasters gave more thrust to PV development. An investigation for alter to oil resulted in motivation plans as the Federal Photovoltaic Utilization Program in the USA and the Hot sun shine Program [16]. Microscopic study of SPVC tells us that SPVC have life period of 30-35 years and dry batteries havelife 10-15 years. For example, the whole project of 50 KW will be installed at Govt. Degree College Ali Pur Chatha (GRW) by getting funds from the HEC, Punjab Govt. or some other agency etc. and the price of this project is Rs. 40 mil., on the other hand side price calculated per unit sun energy and price calculated per unit Wapda electricity.

4 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES AND DISCUSSION The experimental technique that is used in this research is very simple. The 10 solar panels are (purchased) installed on the roof of Govt. Degree College Alipur Chattaha situated 120 km in the north of Lahore. The solar panels have been used in parallel with a storage battery normally rated at 12 volts be efficiency of system is quite stable and reliable. So this system can be used to power any conventional electrical application. Hence, the 76 watts solar energy saver has been providing light during that load-shedding hours. In this way goal of research project has been achieved. All these panels are mounted on a MS stand. The measurement of Solar Electric Power in the form of A.C, D.C. volt, current and Power efficiency (η) of the system by using inverter (regulated voltage) when solar panels are connected in parallel combination at different temperature with time of the day. The results of solar cells connected in parallel show that only short circuit current and maximum power output are added up. This is because the current is added in parallel circuits and voltage remains constant. The changes in fall factors and efficiencies are only because of changes in solar intensities i.e. by connecting the solar cell modules in parallel, efficiency is not added up. The readings for ten solar panels connected in parallel were taken at different temperature of the the day. The month-wise readings taken at Govt. Degree College Alipur Chattha have been tabulated in tables 1-6. As individual solar cell gives 0.5A closed circuit current and 17V in normal conditions. So the resulted output power will be 76watts. The graphs shows that efficiency of solar cell increases with increasing solar intensity. And also indicates that short circuit current increases by increasing the solar intensity. The graphs are not linear because the readings were taken in natural environment where it is not possible to make solar intensity and temperature constant that is supposed in this experiment.In the light of above discussion and on the bases of results obtained and observations found. Moreover there are number of Applications in which solar energy can be used as basic power for their operation throughout the world. A study of graphs between available efficiency and time of the day. Our

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study about temperature data collected in 6 months and graphs ploted between efficiency and days are shown that if the temperature increases, efficiency of the signification crystal decreases and if the temperature decreases, efficiency of the crystal increases.

Month Wise Readings Taken at Govt. Degree College A lipur Chatha, Distt. Gujranwala

Table No. 1 Month of July 2007

Date Day Time

Room Temp T1

Outside Temp T2

Efficiency ETA%

9-Jul-07 Monday 8am 35c° 38c° 46.3

10-Jul-07 Tuesday 9am 36c° 37c° 51.4

11-Jul-07 Wednesday

8:15am 35c° 37c° 43.8 12 pm 35c° 36c°

2:05pm 35c° 40c°

12-Jul-07 Thursday

8:49am 34c° 35c° 48.1 11:40 AM 35c° 39c°

1:20pm 35c° 40c°

13-Jul-07 Friday

8:30am 34c° 29c° 45.8 11:32am 32c° 30c°

4:00pm 34c° 35c°

14-Jul-07 Saturday

8:50am 31c° 34c°

43.8 12:15pm 32c° 37c° 1:45pm 32c° 39c° 4:00pm 31c° 38c°

15-Jul-07 Sunday

6:45am 30c° 32c° 43.8

4:00pm 35c° 39c°

16-Jul-07 Monday

8:35am 30c° 32c° 44.5

1:05pm 31c° 39c°

17-Jul-07 Tuesday

9:30am 32c° 39c° 45.1 12:00pm 34c° 40c°

2:00pm 33c° 40c°

18-Jul-07 Wednesday

8:15am 33c° 35c° 46.2

12:00pm 35c° 40c°

19-Jul-07 Thursday

8:30am 34c° 33c° 48.0 12:20pm 35c° 40c°

12:09pm 36c° 40c°

20-Jul-07 Friday

8:30am, 33c° 31c° 44.1 12:05pm 36c°, 40c°

12:50pm 34c° 39c°

21-Jul-07 Saturday

8:30am 33c° 37c° 51.5

12:00pm 34c° 39c° 22-Jul-07 Sunday 6:30am 32c° 34c° 46.8

23-Jul-07 Monday

8:00am 31c° 29c°

53.3 12:15pm 33c° 38c° 2:15pm 32c° 36c° 3:46pm 35c° 37c°

24-Jul-07 Tuesday

8:15am 34c° 32c° 54.4

1:28pm 34c° 37c°

25-Jul-07 Wednesday

8:20am 33c° 32c° 53.0 12:15pm 34c° 39c°

12:50pm 35c° 42c°

26-Jul-07 Thursday

8:20am 35c° 38c° 57.5

12:00pm 35c° 41c°

27-Jul-07 Friday

8:30am 34c° 29c° 49.2

12:00pm 33c° 37c°

28-Jul-07 Saturday

8:15am 33c° 32c° 47.2

12:00pm 34c° 40c° 29-Jul-07 Sunday 12:00pm 34c° 40c° 54.7

30-Jul-07 Monday

8:15am 32c° 29c° 55.9

12:00pm 31c° 30c°

31-Jul-07 Tuesday

8:10am 32c° 30c° 53.0 12:10pm 33c° 38c°

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Graph No. 1: Month of July

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Table No. 2 Month of August 2007

Date Day Time Room Tem


Outside Temp

Efficiency ETA%

1-Aug-07 Wednesday

8:30am 31c° 30c°

55.4 1:15pm 33c° 39c°

2:15pm 33c° 40c°

2-Aug-07 Thursday

8:05am 34c 39c° 51.0

12:00pm 33c° 39c°

3-Aug-07 Friday 8:15am 32c° 37c° 48.5

6-Aug-07 Monday 8:00, 12:00pm

32c° 26c° 52.0

32c° 27c°

7-Aug-07 Tuesday 8:00am, 12:00pm

31c° 32c° 53.9

32c° 41c°

8-Aug-07 Wednesday 8:30am, 12:00pm

33c° 35c° 55.4

34c° 40c°

9-Aug-07 Thursday 8:15am, 12:00pm

33c° 32c° 51.6

34c° 38c°

10-Aug-07 Friday 8:15am 34c° 39c° 50.7

11-Aug-07 Saturday 8:20am, 1:05pm

35c° 39c° 45.7

36c° 41c°

13-Aug-07 Monday 8:30am 33c° 31c° 53.9

15-Aug-07 Wednesday

8:30am 33c° 32c° 55.5

1:50pm 33c° 40c°

16-Aug-07 Thursday

8:30am 32c 35c° 44.1

12:45pm 34c° 40c°

17-Aug-07 Friday

8:15am 33c° 32c° 53.4

12:00pm 34c° 40c°

18-Aug-07 Saturday

8:20am 34c° 35c° 51.8

1:00pm 34c° 40c°

20-Aug-07 Monday

8:30am 33c° 34c°

57.6 11:35pm 34c° 35c°

2:00pm 33c° 38c°

8:30pm 33c° 34c°

21-Aug-07 Tuesday

9:58am 34c° 37c° 56.3

2:20pm 34c° 39c°

22-Aug-07 Wednesday

8:15am 34c° 35c° 52.6

1:00pm 34c° 39c°

23-Aug-07 Thursday

8:30am 33c° 34c°

42.6 11:54am 34c° 38c°

2:56pm 35c° 36c°

6:15pm 34c° 33c°

24-Aug-07 Friday

8:15am 34c° 35c° 49.1

11:55am 34c° 39c°

25-Aug-07 Saturday

8:15am 34c° 36c° 51.4

12:00pm 35c° 39c°

27-Aug-07 Monday

5:40am 34c° 32c° 59.6

8:15am 34c° 35c°

28-Aug-07 Tuesday 8:30am 32c° 33c° 58.7

29-Aug-07 Wednesday 8:30am 31c° 33c° 60.3

30-Aug-07 Thursday 9:00am 32c° 33c° 58.8

31-Aug-07 Friday 12:56pm 35c° 40c° 55.8

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Graph No. 2: Month of August

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Table No. 3 Month of September 2007

Date Day Time Room Temp Out side

Temp Efficiency ETA%

1-Sep-07 Saturday

8:39am 31c° 28c° 57.3

2:12pm 34c° 40c°

3-Sep-07 Monday

8:50am 31c° 28c°

55.5 12:00pm 31c° 36c°

3:33pm 31c° 40c°

4-Sep-07 Tuesday

8:35am 31c° 30c° 58.8

2:23pm 32c° 38c°



8:30am 32c° 30c° 54.0

2:51pm 31c° 30c°

6-Sep-07 Thursday

3:15pm 30c° 27c° 59.6

2:06pm 30c° 29c°

7-Sep-07 Friday

8:45am 30c° 29c° 46.6

12:50pm 30c° 39c°

8-Sep-07 Saturday 8:00am 30c° 31c° 54.5

10-Sep-07 Monday

7:45am 31c° 29c° 49.3

12:00pm 32c° 39c°

11-Sep-07 Tuesday 8:05am 29c° 25c° 62.3


Wednesday 8:45am 30c° 32c°


13-Sep-07 Thursday

9:34am 30c°

34c°,38 61.4

2:20pm 32c°

14-Sep-07 Friday 8:00am 30c° 32c° 56.6

15-Sep-07 Saturday 8:00am 31c° 31c° 57.3

17-Sep-07 Monday 7:55am 32c° 30c° 55.9

18-Sep-07 Tuesday 8:00am 31c° 30c° 49.7

20-Sep-07 Thursday 8:00am 32c° 31c° 49.2

21-Sep-07 Friday 11:38am 31c° 39c° 55.8

22-Sep-07 Saturday 7:50am 29c° 25c° 42.9

24-Sep-07 Monday 8:00am 29c° 30c° 53.6

25-Sep-07 Tuesday 7:55am 29c° 30c° 52.3


Wednesday 10:38am 30c° 36c°


27-Sep-07 Thursday

8:10am 30c°

27c° 46.6

11:25am 30c°

28-Sep-07 Friday 8:00am 28c° 25c° 45.0

29-Sep-07 Saturday 8:07am 29c° 26c° 45.8

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Graph No. 3: Month of September

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Table No. 4 Month of October 2007

Date Day Time Room Temp Outside Temp

Efficiency ETA%

1-Oct-07 Monday

8:00am 28c°

26c° 55.0

1:00pm 30c°

2-Oct-07 Tuesday 7:45am 28c° 26c° 45.1

3-Oct-07 Wednesday 8:15am 27c° 25c° 57.3

4-Oct-07 Thursday 8:15am 28c° 29c° 51.4

5-Oct-07 Friday 8:51am 27c° 29 43.8

6-Oct-07 Saturday 8:00am 27c° 25c° 48.1

8-Oct-07 Monday 9:00am 27c° 28c° 43.8

9-Oct-07 Tuesday 8:00am 26c° 22c° 44.5

10-Oct-07 Wednesday 8:35am 26c° 29c°


12-Oct-07 Friday

9:00am 25c° 25c° 48.0

12:30pm 26c° 35c°

15-Oct-07 Monday 12:30pm 26c° 34c°


16-Oct-07 Tuesday

9:00am 25c° 25c° 48.0

2:44pm 26c° 36c°

17-Oct-07 Wednesday 2.55pm 25 c° 33 c°


18-Oct-07 Thursday 3.30pm 26 c° 30 c°


19-Oct-07 Friday 3.50pm 25 c° 29 c°


20-Oct-07 Saturday 1.30pm 32 c° 31 c°


21-Oct-07 Sunday 2.00pm 33 c° 35 c°


22-Oct-07 Monday

8:40 26c° 25c° 46.3

2:08pm 26c° 35c°

23-Oct-07 Tuesday

9:00am, 25c° 21c° 47.1

2:20pm 25c° 37c°

24-Oct-07 Wednesday

9:15am 23c° 21c° 52.3

2:15pm 25c° 35c°

25-Oct-07 Thursday 2.30pm 24 c° 34 c°


26-Oct-07 Friday 3.00pm 24 c° 33 c°


27-Oct-07 Saturday 9.30pm 26 c° 22 c°


28-Oct-07 Sunday 11.30pm 27 c° 23 c°


29-Oct-07 Monday 1.00pm 33 c° 32 c°


30-Oct-07 Tuesday 10.30pm 27 c° 25 c°


31-Oct-07 Wednesday 4.30pm 23 c° 31 c°


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Graph No. 4 Month of October

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Table No. 5 Month of November 2007

Date Day Time Room Temp Out side Tem c

Efficiency ETA%

2-Nov-07 Friday 9:15am 23c° 26c° 57.5

3-Nov-07 Saturday

9:05am 22c° 22c° 49.2 11:35am 23c° 28c°

1:00pm 23c° 29c° 4-Nov-07 Sunday 1.30pm 22 c° 28 c° 47.2

5-Nov-07 Monday

9:30am 22c° 21c° 54.2

1:30pm 22c° 27c°

6-Nov-07 Tuesday

8:45am 21c° 19c°

55.9 12:20pm 24c° 32c° 2:44pm 23c° 31c° 3.30pm 22c° 33c°

7-Nov-07 Wednesday

9:12am 22c° 20c° 53.0 12:00pm 23c° 29c°

2:00pm 23c° 28c°

8-Nov-07 Thursday

8:44am 22c° 24c° 55.4 12:00pm 24c° 29c°

2:46pm 24c° 30c° 9-Nov-07 Friday 3.00pm 23 c° 24 c° 47.4

10-Nov-07 Saturday

8:33am 21c° 18c° 48.5

12:05pm 22c° 27c° 11-Nov-07 Sunday 1.50pm 22 c° 26 c° 50.8

12-Nov-07 Monday

8:35am 20c° 17c° 52.6

1:00pm 22c° 26c°

14-Nov-07 Wednesday

8:50am 20c° 17c° 48.8 1:48pm 22c° 28c°

3:00pm 23c° 29c°

16-Nov-07 Friday

9:25am 20c° 18c° 54.3

12:30pm 22c° 23c°

17-Nov-07 Saturday

9:20am 19c° 18c° 45.2 10:46am 20c° 23c°

1:00pm 20c° 25c° 18-Nov-07 Sunday 2.00pm 20 c° 25 c° 47.1

19-Nov-07 Monday

9:05am 18c° 15c° 52.3

1:00pm 20c° 26c°

20-Nov-07 Tuesday

8:45am 18c° 14c° 56.4 11:55am 19c° 24c°

1:30pm 19c° 24c°

21-Nov-07 Wednesday

8:55am 18c° 15c° 51.0 12:15pm 19c° 27c°

2:05pm 19c° 28c°

22-Nov-07 Thursday

8:45am 18c° 15c° 48.5 12:00p 19c° 28c°

1:15pm 19c° 27c°

23-Nov-07 Friday

8:45am 18c° 15c° 50.8

12:00pm 18c° 27c°

24-Nov-07 Saturday

9:00am 18c° 19c° 52.6

12:30pm 19c° 27c° 25-Nov-07 Sunday 1.30pm 18 c° 25 c° 52.0

26-Nov-07 Monday

8:35am 17c° 12c° 53.9 11:20am 18c° 18c°

2:45pm 19c° 23c° 27-Nov-07 Tuesday 3.00pm 17 c° 21 c° 55.4

28-Nov-07 Wednesday

9:00am 17c° 12c° 51.3

12:00pm 18c° 22c°

29-Nov-07 Thursday

6:38am 18c° 48.9 9:00am 18c° 12c°

11.00am 19 c° 13c°

International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 01 23

1110506-1201-7979 IJVIPNS-IJENS © February 2012 IJENS I J E N S

Graph No. 5 Month of November

International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 01 24

1110506-1201-7979 IJVIPNS-IJENS © February 2012 IJENS I J E N S

Table No. 1 Month of Decembers 2007

International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 01 25

1110506-1201-7979 IJVIPNS-IJENS © February 2012 IJENS I J E N S

Graph No. 6 Month of December


Sr. No Date Day Average Percentage Efficiency

1 30-11-08 1 53.63

2 04-12-08 2 67.41

3 05-12-08 3 38.54

4 07-12-08 4 48.93

5 08-12-08 5 51.29

6 11-12-08 6 55.24

International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 01 26

1110506-1201-7979 IJVIPNS-IJENS © February 2012 IJENS I J E N S

5. CONCLUSION From our study of collection data it is clear that the conversion efficiency of the system in use is about 40%.The efficiency of PV panel use is, according to the manufacturer specifications, is 40%.This makes the conversion efficiency to about 5.5%.Such a figure may not appear attractive under present day circumstances. However, it is only a matter of time that even this figure will appear significant. If only arid areas of Pakistan, which have a total area of about 500,000 square kilometers, are utilized to the extant of 5%, then about 25,000 square kilometers can be used for having solar energy. The average intensity in Pakistan is about1000 watt/m² .At 5.5% conversion efficiency, the available solar electrical power is about 1.4 Terra watts. This clean power is about 70 times greater than Pakistan’s present generation capacity. Most important part of this study is that it shows that this vast amount of power is readily available without the use of any unconventional, controversial or advance technique. Our study of solar power conversion clearly establishes that it is the only viable, economical and practical method of power generation for the future generations of Pakistan. Our study will certainly attract attention of public sector power generation entites, nevertheless, because of its short set up and in future short pay-back time will also attract many private sector organizations, especially, the house developers. With the application of study, even the owners of arid land shall be able to earn a reasonable income leasing their land to solar generation companies. Part of the solar electric power generated may also be used for lighting, water from the well in area like cholistan. This may not only give a boost to the well being of the resident but also improve the agriculture of these areas. It is proposed that electric solar energy power obtained by a vast array of solar cells will be converted in to the high voltage alternative current which will then be exported to Europe through sub marine cables in Mediterranean sea. It is estimated that only a portion of the Sahara Desert will enough to provide power to whole of Europe through out the year. Present load shedding in urban areas has recently given birth to the UPS technology in Pakistan. A very large middle to high class homes and small to medium business establishment have started relying upon this system (uninterrupted power supply). The UPS system comes half way between the system used by the Author. If only an appropriate number of PV arrays and

International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 01 27

1110506-1201-7979 IJVIPNS-IJENS © February 2012 IJENS I J E N S

a control regulation system is incorporated in present day UPS system, it will be able to take up 50% of the total electrical load of small home or 25% of the total electrical load of small business establishment. In this way, this system can provide an immediate relief of about 155 to our overloaded national grid System.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are cordially grateful to Mr. Professor Nazer Hussain,Govt. Degree College Hafizabad, Mr. Talat Mehmood, Mr. Shaique Cheema, Mr. Majid Idrees, Mr.Shakaib Arsalan Qaiser to present this work.

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