By Pastor Emmanuel Akinola - Winners Chapel Int....

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Transcript of By Pastor Emmanuel Akinola - Winners Chapel Int....

In the course of this month, we have been looking at

wisdom. Therefore, expect to be impacted with the

Spirit of wisdom as you study this text in the name of

Jesus. Whatever your heart desires the Lord will

perfect in the name of Jesus.

The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among them

therefore the Word of the Lord will visit you and turn

unfruitfulness to fruitfulness in the name of Jesus. Last

week, we considered meditation as one of the tools to

connect with divine wisdom. This week, we shall be

focusing on reasoning to access divine wisdom.

Isaiah 1:18—“Come now, and let us reason together,

saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they

shall be as white as snow; though they be red like

crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and

obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.”

God is inviting you and I to reason together with Him.

Our mind has been created to reason the way out of

every challenge we might face and not to store junk. It

is wise to obey God’s words.

Deuteronomy 28:1-2

“And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken

diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to

observe and to do all his commandments which I

command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set

thee on high above all nations of the earth. And all these

blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou

shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.”

WHAT IS REASONING? It is the act of logical, rational and analytical thinking.

The Apostles reasoned against the involvement in social

activities and focused on their agenda concerning the

Word of God and prayer.

It is thinking through Scriptures to find the way out of

challenges. During the construction of Faith Tabernacle,

Bishop David Oyedepo was informed that there was no

money to complete the project in the time frame they

had before the dedication of the building. Rather than

accept the report, Bishop went back and reasoned with

God by studying the book of Genesis. It was while

reasoning with God that the Holy Spirit ministered to

him saying “I created the world in six days” therefore,

two months is more than enough for me to complete this

building. As the Lord said,, so it was. Therefore, I see

God giving you solution to every challenge of your life

in the name of Jesus.

Thinkers are risers. If you can think, you will arise out of

Vol. 13 No. 4 Produced By: WCI PUBLICATIONS, 2, 3740 - 27th Street NE, Calgary. T1Y 5E2. Tel: 403-560-7024

By Pastor Emmanuel Akinola

Vol. 13 No. 4 Produced By: WCI PUBLICATIONS, 2, 3740 - 27th Street NE, Calgary. T1Y 5E2. Tel: 403-560-7024

the situation. The prodigal son found himself eating

with pigs. When he reasoned about what he left behind

in his father’s house, he was able to retrace his steps

back to luxury.



1. By defining the subject for which you require

insight and direction

There is power in the Word of God if you can think

through it. For example, if you reason through what the

Scripture says in the book of Romans 8:1, you will

discover that there is no need to ever feel condemned

neither can you ever be accused by the devil because

you are the child of the living God.

2. A lifestyle of meekness

A life style of meekness enhances your access to light

and divine wisdom from the Word of God. If you are

not meek, you will not be receptive to knowledge.

Psalm 25:9—“The meek will he guide in judgment: and

the meek will he teach his way.”

Meekness prevented Rockefeller from losing it all by

joining the insurance venture of the Titanic. In this

commission, we do not do anything without direction

from God because our father in the Lord is meek and

constantly seeks God’s face on what to do next.

Matthew 5:5

“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”


Every siege over your fruitfulness is hereby broken in

the name of Jesus; every area of unfruitfulness shall be

terminated in the name of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 1:3

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

Genesis 1:14-15

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of

the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them

be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and

years. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the

heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.”

There was a testimony of a woman who travelled from

Australia to Faith tabernacle in Nigeria and she

conceived her baby. By the reason that we are

connected to same unction as it is in our headquarters,

any area of unfruitfulness in your life is terminated in

the name of Jesus. Brethren, you need to know that

every covenant child of God is ordained a fruitful vine.

Deuteronomy 7:14—“Thou shalt be blessed above all

people: there shall not be male or female barren among

you, or among your cattle.”

Every one that might be called barren either in your

body or any area of your life, I declare you fruitful in

the name of Jesus Christ. Your present challenge or

delay does not change the fact that you are ordained for

fruitfulness. All you have to do is to believe.

The Holy Ghost empowers believers for supernatural

fruitfulness amongst other things. Some things might

look absolutely impossible because of the medical

report but by virtue of your study of this Word, the

Holy Ghost will do a quick work in your life that will

result in supernatural conception in the name of Jesus.

Brethren, the Holy Ghost dwells in the anointing oil. As

we know, you cannot stand outside a building if you

intend to do some work on the inside for instance. If

you want to sweep a room, you would have to go into

the room to sweep it. The Holy Ghost has in His hand,

the fan and fire. He will go into your body and

thoroughly sweep every chaff on your inside and set it

ablaze. Therefore, when you take a shot of the anointing

oil, everything termed impossible concerning your

fruitfulness shall be burnt to ashes in the name of Jesus.

The case of Sarah was a closed case but God got

involved and turned the situation around. Therefore, I

see God reversing every evil diagnosis in the name of

Jesus Christ. We heard a testimony of someone that was

ten years barren and she went to Shiloh. While at

Shiloh, she heard God’s servant say in nine months

time you are coming with your baby and she believed.

However, her natural monthly cycle kept appearing

every month. She refused to be discouraged and

believed. Just as declared, she was delivered of a baby

in nine months!



1. Service

Serving God as a way of life entitles us for fruitfulness

as a reward.

Matthew 6:33—“But seek ye first the kingdom of God,

and his righteousness; and all these things shall be

added unto you.”

One of the members of the choir in Canaanland shared

a testimony; she had been married for seven years and

the devil afflicted her with miscarriages but she

continued to serve God with the choir unit and believed

in Him. She suddenly noticed that she could not sing for

“Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.” - Isaiah 8:16

long time without getting fatigued. Unknown to her,

she was pregnant. When she was to deliver her baby,

the devil wanted to raise his ugly head by planting the

placenta inside of her for almost four hours but God

delivered her. Therefore, whatever devil has said you

will not have your children will die today in the name

of Jesus.

It is very important to note that you need to serve God

with joy because it is with joy that you draw water out

of the well of salvation.

1 Samuel 1:18—“And she said, Let thine handmaid

find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way,

and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.”

The moment sadness is found in you, you cannot be a

partaker of God’s blessing because the sadness pushes

God away. So do not give in to sadness rather burst

into singing. Do not be moved by what you see rather

believe on the Word of God because God is the

baby-maker and we cannot be baby-beggars.


Our consciousness of the mystery is what determines

what will happen to us.

What is in the anointing oil?

The Spirit of God that destroys yoke

The Healing Power of God

The Breakthrough Power of God

The Protection Power of God

Miracle Conception Via Kingdom Endeavours!

“We joined this Commission in 2011 but before then,

my wife was diagnosed with Hepatitis B virus and we

went to different hospitals for treatment, to no avail.

After our wedding, my wife could not conceive. We

participated actively in our Units in church until the

midst of the year outreach last year.

We were instructed by Papa that we should spend more

time praying for the Kingdom than our own personal

challenges. We keyed into that instruction and other

directives. We started praying for souls and went out

sharing fliers and tracts.

During the last week of the Midst of the Year, my wife

started feeling funny; so, we went for test and

discovered that she was two weeks pregnant.

Miraculously, the Hepatitis B test was also negative.

Today, God has blessed us with a daughter. To God

To God alone be the glory!” - Mr. & Mrs. Adetayo

8 Years 10 Months Career Stagnation Destroyed.

I was employed in 2008 into one of the first-generation

Banks in April 2008. After some years, I desired

promotion from the Bank but it wasn't coming.

Since then I've been believing God for promotion. Even

after several prayers and fasting for my career, to no

avail. I was frustrated, tired and ashamed as most of my

peers who joined other Banks have moved 2 steps


During the 21 days’ prayer and fasting of 2017, when

the servant of God was preaching, I heard a voice say

"If you take my work seriously, I will take your career


After that service, I wrote plainly that this year 2017,

I’ll serve God with all of my being and take God

seriously in praying kingdom advancement prayer,

outreaches and anywhere he wants me to go. Papa will

always advise during the 21 days’ prayer & fasting that

we should pray for 1 hour during the night. At first, I

found this so challenging, but the holy spirit helped me.

I learnt to wake at night to pray as instructed. I engaged

in fervent prayers for the kingdom using the

intercessory guidelines and church growth prayer

guidelines forgetting about my own challenge. In

February, I went for interviews in an international

company and another Bank. Behold, I was successful in

all the stages. On the 28th February, I got an offer letter

for employment from the international firm. The next

day, after I had accepted the offer, the HR of the Bank

called me, informing me of my success in the

interviews and they would like me to meet with the

GMD. I replied that I had already accepted an offer and

committed myself to an employer.

To God be the Glory, the package is 4 times what I used

to earn with my former employer.

Indeed, matt 6:33 works so quick and my case is

different. I thank the God of Bishop Oyedepo for

confirming his word and for changing my level within

one month. - Olu B. D.

Divine Healing & Supernatural Breakthrough “I joined this Commission fully in November 2015 with

a challenge of redness of the eye. Before then, I had

gone to different hospitals and was finally scheduled for

eye surgery in April 2016. A week before the day, I was

privileged to be in a Special Healing Service. I keyed in

to the Bishop’s testimony, where he said that on a

fateful day he had running nose and while ministering,

he became angry in his spirit and declared that enough is

enough. The following Sunday, I brought all the eye

drop to church and left it there. I continued to engage in

Kingdom advancement prayers only, shared fliers and

tracts, pursued after souls and other covenant practices,

while adhering strictly to all divine instructions from the

altar. Like a dream of the night, the redness of the eye

vanished without any surgery and I remain healed till

today. Indeed, 2016 was a year of fulfilment of the From

Glory to Glory prophetic word in my life. I went to Italy

without any financial stress as first gift of the year and it

was beyond my imagination. The Italian government

was responsible for all travelling expenses and care. I

came back with a reserved posting in my office without

any consultation. l give all praises, glory and adoration

to the God of Bishop David Oyedepo!” ---Adejumo Bisi

This program shall feature facilitated

teachings on Self-Discovery &

Skill Acquisition. So make plan to attend

and you life will never remain the same.

Worship with us every

3740 - 27th Street NE,

Calgary, AB. T1Y 5E2

SUNDAY (9:00AM - 11:00AM)

MID-WEEK SERVICE: Holds on Wednesday (6:00PM - 8:00PM)

For more info contact:


Free Transportation is Available, Call:


Have you ever asked Jesus to come into your heart?

That is, are you BORN AGAIN?

If your answer is ‘NO’, or you are

not sure, please pray this prayer

with all sincerity and confidence!

Lord Jesus, I come to You today!

I am a sinner, I cannot help

myself. Forgive me my sins.

Cleanse me with your precious

blood. Deliver me from sin and

Satan, to serve the Living God.

Today, Lord Jesus, I accept You

as my Lord, and my Saviour.

Thank You Jesus, for saving me!

Now I know, I am born again! I

am now a Child of God!

Please declare this to yourself this week:

As I maintain my covenant walk with God all through the year 2017, while others may be drying up, I shall be flourishing, because my case is different – Mal. 3:6-10/17-18/ Gen. 47:15-27 As I continue to serve God with joy and gladness, God shall make me to laugh, and all that hear shall laugh with me – Gen. 21:6/ Ps 35:27 As I serve the interest of the kingdom of God through-out the year 2017 and beyond, I shall never lack bread and water on my table–Exo. 23:25/Matt.6:31-33 Because I have made my choice to serve the Lord, no matter how many businesses collapse in this season of uncertainties, none of mine shall collapse – Exo. 9:1-7/ Mal. 3:18/ Mal. 4:1-2 By the light of life all through 2017, I shall never get to a point where I will not know the way forward – Exo. 10:21-23/ Ps 25:12-14/ Jn 8:12

Vol. 13 No. 4 Produced By: WCI PUBLICATIONS, 2, 3740 - 27th Street NE, Calgary. T1Y 5E2. Tel: 403-560-7024

Thursday March 30, 2017

@ 6.00am - 8.00pm