By: Brienna &Emily. Family Leisure Time Or Recreation Food And Shelter History (Nile) Basic...

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Transcript of By: Brienna &Emily. Family Leisure Time Or Recreation Food And Shelter History (Nile) Basic...

By: Brienna By: Brienna



Family Leisure Time Or Recreation Food And Shelter History (Nile)

Basic Needs

The simple basic needs of a family would be

water, food, shelter. Most Egyptians were farmers, and tied to the

land A family provided food and shelter. Children learned the rules of society and

beliefs through there parents.


An Ancient Egypt Family

Leisure time: Children played with wooden balls, tops as well as dolls

and craved wooden animals. Board games were popular, Senet was a favourite.

Leisure Time And Recreation

Food: they ate wheat and barley for bread and beer leaks,

lettuce, onions, and all kinds of beans. They were often served with a oil and viniger dressing .There was not much fruit because it was to hard to grow. They did not eat very much meat they would much rather there animals were kept milk. The rich people ate large variaties of meats like hyena and antelope fish was eaten by the poor.



Fashion Religon Gods Mummication Embalming

Cultural Expressions

Clothing: the cloths worn by most egyptians was made of

linen. Flax which linen was made from grew well in Egypt

tempature. The fabric was cool and comfortable . Only rich egyptians could afford brightly colored linen. Men wore linen wore linen around their waste like a kilt.


Ancient Egypt Fashion

Important gods: Ra the sun god Amun the god of air and thebes Osiris god of the dead Isis the godess and protector of women Ptah the god of Shu the god of a personification of air Geb is the god of earth Set the god of the desert Horus is the oldest most significant god Ma’at the god of concept , truth, balance, order , law, morality, and



Osiris and Isis

The entire process of mummification took 70

days Several people worked on the task at hand The chief wore a mas to represent anubis All organs except the heart was removed the

heart was left because egyptins it was the organ that contained all inteligance and emotions

The removed organs were put in a jar that were placed in the tomb at the time burial

the brain was useless took it out through the nose with a wire


A Mummy

Egyptians believed in after life. Egyptians spent there hole life getting ready for the after

life. To get into the after life egytians belived that the dead

person would be judged by Osiris. (Was the god of the dead)

Osiris judged them with a ritual called “Weighing Of The Heart”

After the ritual he decided if they had lead a worthy life. To remane in

The After Life

The purpose of embalming is to disinfect,

temporarily preserve and restore a person's body to a natural appearance to allow for the viewing of the body.



Cultural Structures

Was the absolute ruler. Whatever a pharaoh said was law To say justice was what the pharaoh loves And to say what was wrong was what the pharaoh hates A pharaoh would marry his own sister so his children

would have the blood of the gods The pharaohs cheif adviser was the second most

powerful man in the land The pharaoh had very little time to himself In the 3000 years when egypt was powerful there were

over 300 pharaohs


King Tut

Writing Pyramids and architecture Systems of record keeping Great works

Egyptian Legacies

Used picture letters called Hieroglyphs. There was over 700 of these little pictures. The word signs were simple, and easy to read.( For them)Ex. A series of wavy lines were water. They wrote on paper called papyurs. ( made from red

stems witch had been dried fattened and stuck together to make pages.)

A piece of sharp ( dipped in ink) reed was used to write with.


The tombs of the pharaohs were huge and took years and

years to build. The riches in-side led to tomb robbing. Because of his

tombs were starting to be underground. ( still most these got robbed.

The top of the pyramids were the Pharaohs then another level down was Nobles and Military Leaders, next down was Priests and Scribes, then Crafts People and Merchants, then Peasant Farmers, and finally the Slaves.


Pyramid and Sphinx


Great Works

Silt-fertile soil Delta- triangle shaped marshey area Papyrus- paper for writing Shemu- harvest time akhet- flood time Peret- sowing time Hieroglyphs- little pictures Adobe- sun dried mud Kohl-a black powder mixed with water Ochre- red clay

Key Terms

Henna- plant dye Amulets- good luck charms Shift- loose fitting dress Loin cloths- wrap around skirts Pharaohs- egyptian kings Embalming- to keep the corpses from decaying Mummification- preserving kings corpses sarcophagus- stone coffin Nomarchs- tax collectors

Key Terms

Q: Why were Egyptians excited about the Nile flooding it’s

banks? How did this eventually help with the settlement along the Nile?

A: How did writing help Egyptians with there life? A: What were some of there legacies left behind from Egypt? A:


In Egypt, the pharaoh made laws to control

people. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of having laws the control all aspects of a person’s life.


More Questions