Business practices

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Business practices


Charmaine OngTan Chun Xian

Tan Jia HuiTan Jun Wei


Social Norms

In General…• Gender inequality in India.

• Members of the society tend to put high value on males.• High Masculinity

• Indians' marriage are usually planned by their parents which they could only abide.

• A man is allowed to remarry or initiate divorce, but not a woman


GREETINGS AND GIFTS• Always greet the eldest or most

senior person first.

• When leaving a group, each person must be bid farewell individually. 

• Yellow, green and red are lucky colors.

• Hindus should not be given gifts made of leather. 

• Muslims should not be given gifts made of pigskin or alcoholic products. 

• Gifts are not opened when received. 

DINING• No beef, no pork, no alcohol. 

• People in India generally eat with their hands (Right). 

• Start eating as soon as food arrives.

• Some food left on the plate= satisfied + had enough food. 

• No food is left = you are still hungry.

Take note!• Always take off your shoes before entering

the house. 

• Wait to be told where to sit.

• Dress modestly and conservatively. 

• Politely turn down the first offer of tea, coffee, or snacks.  Saying no to the first invitation is part of the protocol.

COMMUNICATION Indians thinks that rejecting offers is rude

and offensive.

• Indians are highly family-oriented.

• However there are seldom handshakes between men and woman due to religious beliefs. If you are uncertain, wait for them to extend their hand.

Business Practices/Etiquette

Before the meeting…

Best time for a meeting: Late morning or early afternoon

Ensure appointment not on holidays/festivals

Keep schedule flexible◦Indians not particular about punctuality


Dress conservatively in suits or dresses◦The weather often determines clothing.


During the meeting

AddressingUse titles to address them

◦E.g. “Dr Pandian, Miss Chandra”

Approach and greet the most senior figure first.

‘Getting to know you' process. ◦Cricket, latest business news◦Avoid sensitive issues

HandshakeShort and light, not firm, handshake

Shake hands with women at their initiatives

Namaste◦In the absence of handshake

Business CardMust exchange after the initial handshake

and greeting

Use the right hand to give and receive business cards.

Present your business card so the recipient may read the card

Postures and actions to avoid :

Hands on hips


Leg over the other legWag finger

Motioning to someone with a palm

NegotiationsBe patient and show good


NEVER express anger or frustration

Be polite

Never appear overly legalistic during negotiations

Expect concessions in both price and terms.

Criticisms and disagreements should be expressed only with the most diplomatic language.

Indians prefer to have long-standing personal relationships prior to doing business◦ Trust and respect

Decision-makingThey use intuition, feeling and

faith to guide them.

Decisions are reached by the person with the most authority.

Decision making is a slow process.

Successful negotiations are often celebrated by a meal.

Workforce Norms

• Family Oriented/Filial Piety

• British Raj Cultural Trait 

• High Power Distance

• Time consideration

• Consultation

Family Oriented • Family takes precedence


• High-ranking positions in company are usually taken by   family members   

British Raj Cultural Trait•  English is the language used in the business world.  


•  Mixed with Indian dialects and Hindi

•  Speakers of Indian English tend to increase volume when they want recognition

Time Consideration• Businessmen expected to be punctual

• Buffer time must be allocated for travelling as transport are not punctual

Consultation• Used only in the legal, technology and marketing industry.

• Viewed as cost inefficient

• Hired only when government provides grants for their hire

• Value opinion of superiors highly

• Believes that superiors are always right

• Accept decisions according to position of power and not quality of decision

High Power Distance

Hierarchical• Strictly followed

Recommended Management Style Autocratic management style

(I want you to... style)

“Need to knows” by managers...

• Negotiations are slow

• Multi-tasking

• Inductive approach

Who to bring?Jane John India

Low power distance

High power distance

High power distance

Low uncertainty avoidance

High uncertainty avoidance

Low uncertainty avoidance

High context

Low context

High context

Polychronic Monochronic


Jane, age 26Reasons:

• Low Uncertainty Avoidance

• High Context

• Polychronic

Some other helpful facts….

Shaking head is a "yes" for the Indians instead for a "no“

Do not walk over books and paper

Do not use the same hand for eating and also for taking food from a common dish on the dining table. 

Homosexual relations for men are also illegal in India ,according to Section 377 of the National Legislation.

Indians are conservative and hence should abstain physical contact among different gender.