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Living the Word—Volume 2, No. 3-Sep. 2008

"“Do not let anyone look down on you just because you are young, but be an example for the believers in your speech,

conduct, love, faith and purity”

1 Timothy 4:12

We Need More St. Monicas! t. Monica is the saintly mother who prayed for her son, Augustine, aka St. Augustine. She prayed for her son to turn away from a sinful life and to reconcile his intellect

to the wisdom of the Church. Her prayers worked! God, in His time, answered her prayers. And Augustine finally un-derstood why Faith meant so much to his mother. Eventu-ally, Augustine experienced an intellectual conversion and a change of heart. With St. Monica’s inspiration, Augustine became one of the greatest intellectual and theologically inclined saints in the Catholic Church’s history. Monica is a great example for many families who may feel

frustration and even despair that their children may not be practicing their Faith as the parents taught them and want for them. Parents write to me all the time, or stop me at a conference and ask, “what do I do? My children aren’t practicing their faith anymore?” Unfortunately, in these brief emails or meetings, I can’t answer all of the various situations that are posed to me. However, I can suggest a few different ways that parents can preserve and encourage their family’s faith. First, start young! Children are naturally more receptive to faith when they are raised in it. Teaching the basics in prayer means developing a prayerful foundation. Yet, teaching them from the start isn’t a “guarantee” your children will be saints. Therefore, if you did raise your children in faith, but they are no longer practicing or starting to question their faith, make sure you remain open to their questions and try to seek answers to their questions or issues of doubt TOGETHER! Don’t just dismiss them in your frustration. Instead, try to seek the response to their concerns. Keep open the lines of communication and try to grow more confident in your own faith by trusting that God still loves your child more than you can imagine. Another con-sideration is to make sure that you as parents are practicing what you preaching. The children see that mom and dad DO pray together and with others – and not just in church. The kids see that mom and dad ARE serious about their faith. The statement, “I believe faith is a ‘private’ thing” is unfortunately a temptation of the devil. We are tempted to not live our faith outside our home or church. The fact is, if you really have faith, you will not be afraid to share it everywhere! I realize that people are convinced that separation of church and state means that no one should talk about faith outside of church. But the fact is, God’s kingdom is not limited to church walls or my bedroom door! Make sure your children see that you are practicing your faith, and trying to practice what Christ preaches. Cont’d...

Fr. Leo speaks on Parenting and FaithFr. Leo speaks on Parenting and FaithFr. Leo speaks on Parenting and Faith

Cont’d… Here’s another little tip to help: make sure there is a balance between praying and playing! It would be nice if children and teenagers were naturally inclined to prayer. Although I do know some children who are, it is more likely they are more interested in playing outside or video games. The reality is, we can’t and should not force kids to say “formal prayers” all the time. That would be imbalanced. Remember, families are families. They aren’t mini-monasteries, or mini-convents, or mini-seminaries. Therefore, make sure you and your family have a healthy and balanced “diet” of activities - playing, praying, eating, relaxing, learning, talking, etc., etc.,If your whole life exists around a particular sport or hobby, to the exclusion of other wholesome and inspiring activities, then you may need to take a break from it. Especially if it’s slowly creeping out time for prayer, excluding family meals, and just ‘chilling out’ as a family! The balance of a healthy life requires us to make sure we master our schedules instead of having our schedules master us! Another suggestion would be for the families to encourage their children to make sure they have good friends. Make sure parents ask their kids questions about what makes a good friend for you? How can your children be good friends for others? Ask, “how do you know if a friend is helping or hurting you?” Children should know how to make these important interpersonal relational distinctions. To summarize, I know that St. Monica provides for us a living example of what is necessary to preserve your family. Are you “waiting” for your children to grow up before making a decision to raise them in faith? If you are, you are denying them grace now! Are you telling your children to pray, but at the same time not praying yourself, or not letting your own children see you pray? If so, then your children are receiving mixed messages from you! Is there is a balance in your family, or do you just try to “squeeze in” prayers and church? If there is an imbalance, trust that the devil will always push and pull us off the path that requires us to be balanced if we want to ‘walk the talk.’ Finally, are you helping your children to “flock together” with other good kids? Trust me, they ARE out there! Are we helping them to understand healthy distinctions in relationships by making sure we have good relationships ourselves – starting with your spouse? Ultimately, your children will make their own decisions. You can’t force them to be a saint right here and now! Just ask St. Monica who witnessed her son, Augustine, take baby steps in Faith only when she was ready to die! We have to trust that God is hearing your prayers. Parents have a great responsibility AND privilege to raise their children in faith. Don’t worry, you are not alone. And, above all, God knows that you are trying to do your best. And, if you’re not doing your best, then God can also give you the courage and strength to do your job better. Go ahead and talk with the one who helped St. Monica get through her difficult years with her son, who eventually became a great saint!

(For more on Fr. Leo, go to info@gracebeforemeals.com)

round mid-day on August 17th, 2008, we gathered in the school gym together with the large assembly of youth dele-

gates who had come to Toronto for the North American Youth Inter-District Conference (YIC). We waited for Fr. Leo to process down the aisle to start Sunday mass to culminate what had been a very powerful and Spirit-filled weekend. But to our surprise, he went up the altar with none of the customary vestments a priest dons for mass.

Fr. Leo explained he would give a “teaching” mass. And thus would begin what I consider a priceless lesson the youth delegates and all those pre-sent would take home from that memorable weekend: the jewel we of the Catholic faith have in the celebration of the Mass. Fr. Leo then proceeded to instruct us. He looked at the youth present and posed a question to them: The Olympic Games are presently being staged in Beijing. What makes the Olympics so exciting? Is it not because all the spectators are so “in” the moment? Even we, watching in the comfort of our own homes, get so caught up in it ourselves! As they wait for the events to begin, the spectators are on the edge of their seats. And when the players get on the field, it’s all they can do to burst out with a sense of anticipation and excitement! Is this the same for you at mass? Do you get excited by mass? For some people, mass only serves as a necessary distraction, to be indulged in once a week. Some even get angry because they are challenged to sit for an hour! Vatican 2 calls us to be active participants at mass. But we have been brought up in a “fast food” culture. We are living our faith with a microwave mentality – zap! and it’s done, no fuss, no muss! And so we find mass boring – the same old routine over and over again. The problem with mass is not that it is boring, but that we are easily bored. And perhaps it is because we don’t know any better. Mass should be the most important thing for us. For it is the place where a priest depends on the power of God to work His supernatural miracle through his hands and by his words. The mass becomes all about what the priest will give to us – the real Presence of Jesus in the bread and wine. . Cont’d….

Mass – the Jewel of our Faith By: Menchu Ealdama

In celebrating mass, having a choir is not necessary. What it needs is the enthusiasm you can bring as a participant. “Enthusiasm” has its root word from the Greek “theos” – meaning “in God”. Is God in you so that you can be in Him? The mass starts when we recognize the power of God inviting us to communion with Him. . A priest brings so much of himself when he says mass. It is about his heroism – for how he is going to battle for you. This battle happens even before mass starts. It happens at the sacristy – where a warrior – the priest – says a special prayer as he puts on each vestment to prepare him for a spiritual battle. And it was at this point that Fr. Leo brought out one at a time the vestments he will wear for mass. He identified them all for our benefit and asked us to pay attention to the prayer he would say while putting on each one of them. As he put on the amice, a piece of white linen, over his head he prayed: “Set upon my head, O Lord, the helmet of salvation, that I may over-come the assaults of the devil”. Then he put on the alb, which is a long, white vestment that symbolizes purity: “Make me white, O Lord, and cleanse my heart; that, being made white in the Blood of the Lamb, I may have the fruition of everlasting joy.” He then ties the alb with a cincture, praying “Gird me, O Lord, with the girdle of purity, and quench in my loins the passion of lust; that there may abide in me the virtue of continence and chastity”. And it was not until after Fr. Leo had prayed over each of the remaining garments, when he was fully arrayed for “battle”, that he stepped down the stage, went to the back of the gym, and mass finally got underway. I am sure that all of us have not had the privilege of listening to these beautiful prayers before but now we can understand and see why, when a priest is fully vested, we say he is “clothed in prayer”. Fr. Leo proceeded to celebrate mass, which lasted almost two hours. But I am sure I speak for most of us who sat transfixed by what we were witnessing that time was the last thing in our mind. This man of God took the time to explain what it was he was doing and what the prayers signified and, all of a sudden, the familiar rites, the prayers we had gotten accustomed to hearing and those we recite mechanically began to take on a whole new different palette, bringing out the richness and magnificence of the Mass and the privilege that is ours to be called to celebrate our togetherness as one body in Christ. Thanks be to God for the gift of Fr. Leo who opened up to us and to our youth delegates – BLD’s future leaders - the significance and beauty of the Mass. To be sure, Mass for them will never be quite the same again! Praise God!

Menchu, Cip & Emmy, Roy & Carmen and Romy & Minda are shown here with the St. Catharines youth delegation.

The adults who chaperoned the youth.

Menchu introduces the DCS at an assembly of peers from the different Districts who gathered to brainstorm how to establish and grow a fledgling Youth Ministry, such as contemplated by St. Catharines.

Fr. Leo autographed his book "Grace Before Meals" which sold like hotcakes!

Truly a Memorable Experience for our Youth!

Cip Tabios

t about 2pm on Friday, August 15th, Roy and Carmen Mitra left their Mississauga home

to drive to St. Catharines to help Romy and Minda Panday in transporting the St. Ca-tharines youth delegation to the 2nd North American Youth Inter-District Conference (YIC) being sponsored by our Toronto District. All in all, we needed 3 vans driven by Romy, Minda and Carmen, in addition to the 10 seater rental van driven by Roy to transport the 23 delegates – 13 boys and 10 girls. Emmy and I joined them as well. Accommodations were arranged for Emmy and 7 of the girls with Romy and Bernie Ocampo, BLD members who live on the same street as our District Shepherds. 7 of the boys and I stayed with Kuya Olie and Ate Menchu. The rest of the youth were billeted at the nearby Best Western Hotel, courtesy of Romy and Minda. (Praise God for Air Miles!) Of the 23 youth, only 6 of them were no strangers to BLD as they were graduates of Toronto’s Youth Encounter held in the summer of last year. The rest of the contingent was made up of their friends whose first encounter with the BLD was on July 11th this past summer when they were present at the praise and worship which the Toronto Youth brought to St. Catharines. And that joyful and Spirit-filled event that they all witnessed gave them a foretaste of what the YIC could be about. But it was so much more than just the prayers and the praising. You will read in the succeeding pages the impressions written by some of our delegates, which leaves no doubt of the kind of impact the YIC weekend has had in their lives. The YIC, in my view, was so beautiful and spectacular! Indeed, the memories of the YIC weekend will for-ever be remembered and cherished. And the friendships formed will always bring a warm smile to our hearts. We wish to extend our gratitude to our District Shepherds, Kuya Olie and Ate Menchu, and the rest of the DCS body who worked untiringly, offering their time and unwavering support so that our St. Catharines youth could be a part of the wonderful experience of the YIC.

Some of Our Youth Delegates Speak Out on Their YIC Experience . . ..

Every Christian retreat I attend, I try to find God. When does an individual truly find Him? I think I am at the midst of touching and understanding only to discover that He is no longer at my arm’s length, which isn’t far, seeing as I’m under 5 ft, but leagues away. Schindler, played by Liam Neeson in Schindler’s List, felt the same way. No matter how much love he gave, he still felt he could have given more. This is my re-lationship with God; I merely see a glimpse of His distorted


With the way I felt, thought, and acted, I wanted to back out from attending Toronto’s Youth Inter-District Conference (“YIC”). I have this thing where I constantly observe and analyze others as well as myself. In so doing, it was evident that I have little tolerance for some, I dis-tance myself from others, and that I am a harbourer of emotions. But now I realize that I may have needed this conference after all. The YIC provided me with self-awareness.

The YIC was definitely a fun and memorable event. Fun, because it was entertaining as we sang, jumped, and listened to Father Leo’s humorous, yet enlightening presentations. Memora-ble, because of the relationships some of us developed. For me, this conference would have been what I needed three years ago. Throughout the weekend I kept thinking, “Rambel, Joseph, and Lawrence should be here.” These are my cousins who are back home. I say this only because YIC does a great job in fulfilling its purpose, to engage youth in actively wor-shipping God. With the role of the leaders, the youth find among themselves a group of indi-viduals who they may emulate. Witnessing the happiness and awe of the participants, the YIC was a definite success and I would like to thank BLD for the opportunity and experience.

“Dear young people, let me now ask you a question… How are you using the gifts your have been given, the “power” which the Holy Spirit is even now prepared to release within you? What legacy will you leave to young people yet to come? What difference will you make?” Pope Benedict XVI—World Youth Day 2008

Searching for God at the YIC

By: Cherie May Cadiz (19)

The Youth Inter-District Conference was one of the best sum-mer experiences. It has been some weeks since we attended the Conference, yet I still remember how much fun I had learning new songs, meeting fresh faces, listening to Father Leo, and most importantly, being closer to God.

I am very thankful for Toronto BLD who has done so much to put out a great weekend for all of us. They shared inspiring stories that lightened our hearts and spirits. Their talented musi-

cians, for sure, lifted our voices and energy to sing, dance, clap, and jump around while prais-ing the Lord. Additionally, they added group activities that helped bloom our faith while meet-ing other youths from different districts. I never thought that there would be so many young people that have strong faith and enthusiasm as us.

To make the conference even more significant, the hosts brought out Fr. Leo to speak to us. Fr. Leo taught us the real meaning of being beautiful, how to be a good example to others and to break away from sins. His great knowledge made his teachings more stimulating that grabbed not only the youths' but also the adults' attention. For instance, he showed us how to breakaway from sins by explaining the ABCD step while demonstrating a martial art tech-nique. My most memorable moment was when he begun talking about how Caucasians say that "all Filipinos look alike." Fr. Leo as a proud Filipino did nothing but agreed "yes, we are all brothers and sisters." I thought that was brilliant of him to say that.

Thus, as a pop-locking, break dancing, singing, cooking, black-belt priest, Fr. Leo is one of the most influential people today. Overall, that weekend taught me how to not allow anyone dero-gate me being a young person growing in faith. I am looking forward to the next YIC at Long Island, NY.

By: Carissa Miles ( 17)

This conference was a real great experience! It gave us the op-portunity to meet new friends, and of course, to praise God. The YIC weekend gave others and me so much fun and excitement when we shouted out to the Lord through our praise songs. I found Fr. Leo's words so inspiring which I will remember for a long time. I expect to be in the next YIC in Long Island, NY in 2010, and I'll be expecting those people who went this year to show up too. By: Matt Panday ( 17) Toronto YLSS

Over the weekend of August 15, 16, 17, I was in Toronto for the Youth Inter District Conference. I feel so blessed to have been able to go. It has been a really, really fun and spiritual adventure.

Our guest speaker was Fr. Leo Patalinghug. HE WAS THE BEST SPEAKER EVER! He knew how to keep us awake and listening to him. When he spoke to us, it was like he was one of us. I learned so much from him. One of the things I remember that Fr. Leo said that I really understood was "Everyone

is always saying they want to be different; well, if you want to be different why do you all look and dress the same." It really made me think about that. Another thing Fr. Leo said was "You will need surgery from God and his "light saber" to break away from the bad sinful crowd." I learned that it's hard being a teenager but if you stay on the path and not give into the temptations, you will make it out okay.

My favourite memory from this experience was meeting everyone. I remember how they would always pat my head and tell me how cute I am. Their faces always looked so close to tears when they saw me. It was funny. Everyone was so nice. We were all so sad when it was over. I am really happy to have gone to the YIC. It was one of the best experiences ever! I can't wait for YIC in 2010!


Kate Rebarter ( 13)

My experience at the YIC was fun. I met new people and everyone there was so energetic. The one thing that I didn’t really like was the fact that I didn’t get enough sleep at night so in the morning I was really tired. But other than that, the whole experience was quite fun. The songs were catchy and I enjoyed most of them. I thought Fr. Leo was fascinating. He was a really good speaker and a very interesting person. Be-cause of him, I understand the importance of mass better and why it is important to put God first. I FELT THE PRESENCE OF GOD THERE!!! By: Nicole Panday (14)

YIC Reflection By: Jessica Mitra—Toronto YE#10 (15) When I first found out about the Youth Inter-District Conference (YIC for short) this summer, I wasn’t too excited. Considering I hadn’t been to a youth gathering in over a year, I couldn’t help but feel anxious as to what to expect. Then the weekend had finally arrived, and I went into it expecting a lot of prayers and boring talks. But it was nothing like that at all. I had met many new friends and youth members from across the district and we got to know one an-other. The praise and worship were inspiring and they made me feel a spiritual high that I had almost forgotten. It was an awesome feeling, and it felt good to ex-perience it once again. Father Leo Patalinghug was one of the greatest priest I’ve ever listened to. He was understanding of our age group, and he was able to get through to us unlike many adults. He was very humorous and enthusiastic, but at the same time very focused on one mes-sage; 1 Timothy 4:12 – “Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for other believers in your speech, behavior, love, faithfulness, and purity.” This weekend was one to remember, and if I could do it again, I would.

Overall, there really isn't much I can say about the YIC. that has not been already said by my fellow youths. I will, however, comment on the richness of the theological lessons given to us by Fr. Leo from which there was much to be digested. We were reminded during the weekend of the importance of being firm not only in our faith, but also in moral principles. As it was made apparent to us, contemporary life has not been exactly helpful in nurturing some of the cherished values and ide-ologies handed down to us by our parents and the Church. The YIC helped in fostering my beliefs and solidifying my place in the modern world as a young Christian. I think it would be safe for me to

say that I learned more about my religion on that particular weekend than at any other time in the 17 years that I have been on this earth. For that, I am truly grateful to have been a part of the experience. Paul Respicio Toronto YE#10, Toronto YLSS (17)

The YIC was a lot of fun and exciting. I met lots of new people and made many new friends. One of my favorite things about the YIC were Fr. Leo's talks because they were quite funny and very interest-ing. I greatly appreciate and thank everyone who contributed to the event. I�m very glad that I went and would be happy to go again in 2010. Jack Witek Toronto YE#10 (14)

Amazing!, the whole experience was so amazing, touching, absolutely fun, and very very enjoyable. I was pretty much with the presence of our Lord the whole time.

When we arrived at OLA on Friday, my heart was full of joy and excitement as soon as we were out of the van. Friday’s Praise and worship was a long and very emotional night. I thank God for the prayer leaders. Some of our delegates were all still very shy because they did not know each other, but turned ok because we experienced how BLD Toronto Youth can get us to our feet jumping. By the time we got home to our respective host families, it was very late. They treated me and my friends as if we were their own sons, because they always had food prepared for us in the morning as we woke up.

Saturday’s Praise and Worship, talks, prayers, reflections, group discussions, games, skits, activities, and songs were remarkable. I had fun meeting new youth from the States and other areas. Our priest of course, Fr. Leo Patalinghug, had great demonstrations, talks and jokes. We learned the A- Avoid, B- Block, C- Control, D- Destroy in Spiritual Combat and how God uses a “light saber” to pull us away from the bad. We also learned how to be a follower of Christ as a teenager with “PB&J” - Peace, Balance, and Joy. Our theme for our YIC weekend was “DO NOT LET ANYONE LOOK DOWN ON YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE YOUNG, but be an example for the believers in your speech, conduct, your love, faith and purity” 1 Timothy 4:12

Our ultra fun, hyper, super, crazy, fantastic, board-breaking, hip-hopping, break-dancing, very untiring, bold, priest Rev. Fr. Leo was amazing beyond expectations. He was 100 times better than I had expected. He always kept us on the edge of our chairs wanting to know more, laughing like lunatics because of his hilarious jokes and gave us good inspiration because of his all-out wonderful talks.

Many activities and games were entertaining and many presented a lot of good morals, funny moments, and spiritual highs. Overall, the one I liked the most was when we did our skits. It was fun doing ours and watching others.

I want to thank personally everyone who was part of the Youth Inter-District Conference,

Fr. Leo, the titos and titas, prayer leaders, praise team, host families, the service and cooks (which made really good food) and of course the delegates. This YIC changed me by the way I should talk and act. I hope to be a better follower of Christ.

And YES, YIC 2010 in Long Island, here we come!! St. Catharines is coming to you. And for those who have not taken YE, YLSS or YIC, well then JUST DO IT!!!!! John Paul Tabios

Toronto YE# 10 (13)

3-Oct Gerry Ongcangco

6-Oct Art Edralin

8-Oct Rolly de la Cruz

11-Oct Willie Due

15-Oct Lani Lirio

19-Oct Carmen Mitra

24-Oct Madilyn Condez

24-Oct Paul O'Brien

27-Oct Rhoda Gonzales

28-Oct Mary Nigh

28-Oct Danny Zapata

7-Nov Sister Jerrylyn Obrero

12-Nov Olie Ealdama

13-Nov Cirilo Respicio

17-Nov Fe Edralin

22-Nov Benny Pestano

23-Nov Darlene Aubin

29-Nov Lumen Soltes

29-Nov Tony Ugarte

2-Dec Romy Panday

4-Dec Richard Lirio

9-Dec Violly Rillera

12-Dec Gina Co

17-Dec Nimfa Ortega

18-Dec Judith Migrato

21-Dec Mercy Guzman

2-Sep Willie & Susie Due

12-Sep Henry & Luz Bustos

22-Oct Paul & Karen O'Brien

22-Nov Rading & Etas Egamino

2-Dec Nestor & Myrna Egamino

8-Dec Roy & Carmen Mitra

8-Dec Benny & Celia Pestano

26-Dec Billy & Lumen Soltes

28-Dec Richard & Lani lirio

31-Dec Jun & Gina Co


Oct 3 Fri Corporate Worship, LSS # 10 – God’s Love LSS # 10 “Salubong” (Introduction of Shepherds to Lambs)

4 Sat Pastoral Teaching in Toronto (by invitation only) By Eliong/Leah Sison, Pastoral Servant Leaders, Manila

10 Fri Corporate Worship, LSS # 10 – Salvation

17 Fri Corporate Worship, LSS # 10 – New LIfe

18-19 Sat-Sun

2009 Planning in Toronto (by invitation only)

24 Fri Corporate Worship, LSS # 10 – One-on-One Shepherding

25 Sat Singles Encounter # 1 Grand Reunion, 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. Cathedral Basement

31 Fri Healing Mass

Nov 1 Sat BLD Toronto Fall Dance

7-9 Fri- Sun

LSS # 10 Weekend Proper

14 Fri Corporate Worship, LSS # 10 – Growth

21 Fri Corporate Worship, LSS # 10 – Transformation

28 Fri Healing Mass

29 Sat-

DLC Pre-Advent Celebration

Dec 5 Fri Corporate Worship, Fellowship

7 Sun LSS # 10 Grand Reunion

12 Fri Corporate Worship (Last prayer meeting for 2008). Fellowship

14 Sun