Brown gerald 4.4_ppp

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Full Sail PPP

Transcript of Brown gerald 4.4_ppp

The Path to Success

Photo created by:

P1.  The  path  to  success  is  long  and  dif5icult;  it  requires  much  sacri5ice,  patience,  and  endurance.  

Patience, Sacrifice and EndurancePhoto Credit: <a href="">The National Guard</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>photo by Tom Cherry

Some  know  these  lessons  better  than  others

Jerry Brown, Music Production

Personal photoPhotographer: Jerry Brown

P2.  My  names  Jerry  Brown,  I’m  currently  enrolled  in  my  senior  year  of  the  Music  Production  program

United States Air Force Security Forces

Personal photoPhotographer: Unkown

Currently active duty USAF. Talk about current military experience and work.

Battle Field Airman

photo by Staff Sgt. Sheila deVera

Talk about current military goals and values you’ve learned, crosstraining into a battle field airman position. Military has taught me to work independently and to exceed in everything I do, no room for failure.

Driven to SucceedPhoto Credit: <a href="">Presidio of Monterey: DLIFLC & USAG</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>PHOTO by Steven L. Shepard

Very motivated and driven to succeed, don’t let obstacles get in my way. Military has allowed me to establish these values and live by them that I can apply to the civilian world.

Video Game Music ScoresPhoto Credit: <a href="">IainStars</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>Photo Credit: Iain

Music goals, working freelance with a video game company. Discuss how they tie in with past military experience.

Never Quit, Never Fail

npBuLR-nE4w8j-nHTy4r-oiKeoT-ogWoPW-kyvAHD-dNKHKZ-nqPxq4-9oUX9A-e62UGN-avHKDF-naH8w2-haUHDP-8Vnapg-dcgmVx-cJkLZq-a6YF94/Photo by Staff Sgt. Jonathan Snyder

I’m very motivated as a result of my military and life experiences.


Master Sgt. Scott Thompson

P3. My  brand  Mantra  is  motivated,  dedicated.  This  is  a  re5lection  of  my  military  work  and  the  thought  process  we  have  every  day,  mission  comes  5irst,  stop  at  nothing  to  accomplish  it.  

Motivated and Driven to Succeed

Photo Credit: <a href="">liza31337</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>Photo Credit: Liza

I  can  easily  apply  this  theme  to  my  work  as  a  professional  composer.  I  remain  driven  and  motivated  to  complete  my  schooling  as  well  as  pursue  my  career  in  music.  Any  project  I  have  I  apply  these  concepts  and  make  sure  I  do  a  phenomenal  job.

Composing for video games Credit Geralt

P4. I  would  eventually  like  to  spend  a  few  more  years  in  the  military  and  then  get  on  board  a  gaming  company  such  as  Bethesda  composing  soundtracks  for  video  games.  


Photo Credit: <a href="">IainStars</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>Photo Credit: Iaim

Bethesda  has  created  many  games  that  I’ve  enjoyed  since  I  was  a  child  such  as  the  Elder  Scroll  series.  

Military Core Values Credit: Wikilimages

As  a  composer  you’re  often  working  from  your  home  doing  freelance  work.  The  military  has  instilled  several  values  that  will  help  me  be  self-­‐motivated  and  ensure  I  can  be  dedicated  to  completing  my  work  while  keeping  myself  accountable

Realistic approach to games

aBRUbN-5CM7cV-9snGeV-akoyy6-nvjMGU-akgxWB-aBRTrW-588PkG-88JyLg-88MJmY-88JuEe-88Jx4v-88MJwA-88Ju9M-88JwPp-88MMkq-88Jwdg-88JtsrPhoto Credit: Bago Games

In  addition  I  can  bring  my  experiences  from  the  military  to  bring  a  sense  of  realism  to  the  games,  portraying  the  emotions  and  experiences  we  deal  with  while  serving  into  the  game  and  my  music.  

Unusual experience, deeply motivated

bZMw17-c91o8u-c91m7L-nhQ4bs-81AtSK-nzM2Cg-aiCtS6-dMj7eX-c9158Y-8x3dxj-ahyNrh-ecNnVX-8wZkrP-mcSAFG-c2hNdf-6HWnvphoto by Spc. Tristan Bolden

The  military  has  provided  a  huge  advantage  for  me.  I’m  motivated  and  dedicated  to  my  work,  will  stop  at  nothing  to  accomplish  my  goals,  and  can  bring  a  sense  of  realism  into  many  styles  games  from  the  things  I’ve  experienced  that  most  designers  and  composers  haven’t.  

Full Sail advantage Credit Wikimedia Commons

P.5 Full Sail has provided me a huge advantage by having my music in some video games already and teaching me the various composition and platform techniques for video games.

Game and movie scores Credit: Jarmoluk

Composed  several  songs  and  video  game/movie  scores  in  several  different  genres.  


Personal Photo, created by Exothermic DesignOriginal Artwork: Mike Grasso

Worked  with  several  rock  and  metal  bands,  composing  and  writing  songs.

Freelance work Credit: Gerald

Starting  to  do  freelance  work,  composing  scores  for  smaller  video  games.  

Military and music careers

nMUunn-6uNMaR-6PBzpm-kqbJ1b-ebyJvy-9rhBUG-7cEqxw-p8i7cV-e2RZ14-jeDqn6-7cAx28-6FCf1G-Cg2Ay-doiDmx-dUopNs-jBWbHC-g2BEt1-eVUp22-jNEz4dphoto by Master Sgt. Becky Vanshu

I’d  like  to  spend  a  while  longer  in  the  military  and  develop  my  military  career  further.  After  that  I’d  like  to  switch  into  the  guard/reserve  and  either  work  from  home  doing  freelance  work  or  as  a  composer  for  a  gaming  company.  

Time with family

Personal PhotoPhotographer: Sandals Resort

Would like to be able to make a living from home so I can spend more time with my family and make up for the time I’ve had to spend away.

Always ready

jNEz4d-9reE5r-9gW6Jp-9reE1p-9reE44-e1pnK7-9reE38-bF1Sm4-6ojTdL-g2HArc-g2HvLS-g2HidU-g2Ht3e-g2HoKf-g2HWPp-g2HvVt-g2J4rH-g2HnGphoto by Cpl. Justin A. Boppz

This will also help me have time to focus on my military training and keeping ready while I serve in the guard.


Photo Credit: Torley

P.6 Soundcloud page with various songs written during school for video games.

Soldier of Fortune

Personal photo, created by Exothermic DesignOriginal Artwork: Mike Grasso

Undiminished songs I’m currently writing for rock/metal band.

True Success Credit: Gerald

P.7 Success  ultimately  means  that  I  can  do  things  that  make  me  happy,  money  isn’t  as  big  of  an  object  for  me.  

Looking back with no regrets

eM2nTf-dAtzGK-4cDH3c-bpzZXc-3EAcBy-dvaC3-9UitN-9uHzpk-8VBkwc-8eakUV-KYkCX-efWxey-aj3r8Y-8Phfzm-5UmJSP-dwWHw5Photo Credit: Flazingo Photos

When  I’m  60  I  want  to  be  able  to  look  back  at  my  life  and  be  able  to  say  I  did  all  the  things  I  wanted  to  do,  I  followed  my  heart  and  dreams  and  have  absolutely  no  regrets,  with  both  my  military  and  music  careers.  This,  is  true  success.