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Briefing: Salary Assessment for Aided Secondary Schools (Paid out of Salaries Grant)

Teacher Administration Section

9 July 2018

Note: The contents in the powerpoint slides should only be regarded as supplementary information for explaining the relevant cases during the briefing. For comprehensive reference of the rules and practices on salary assessment, please refer to the Guide to Salary Assessment for Aided Primary / Secondary Schools.

Preparing Salary Assessment for Teachers

Preparing Salary Assessment - Teachers (1)

WHO (Salaries Grant)

•Newly join the school

•Renew contract

•Regrade in the same school

WHAT 1.Teacher Registration (i.e. PT / RT) (S42 Cap279 Edu. Ord.)

PT : without initial teacher training AND apply by school

RT : with initial teacher training AND apply by teacher

2.Appointment Forms / Regrading Forms

3.Certified True Copies of qualifications

4.Certified True Copies of Certificate(s) of Service

TOOLS •Guide to Salary Assessment for Aided Primary / Secondary Schools

•Code of Aid for Aided Schools

•Others (for examples, EDB circulars)

Preparing Salary Assessment - Teachers (2)

Appointment Form

Preparing Salary Assessment - Teachers (3)

Preparing Salary Assessment - Teachers (4)

Supporting documents checklist (for example)

Standard Qualifications Degree (Transcript/ Graduation letter / Certificate)

Teacher training

Teaching Experience – Certificate of Service Rank(s) (substantive / comparable)

Full-time / Part-time with fraction (%)

Each period of service

Source of funding(s)

No pay leave record (if any)

Preparing Salary Assessment - Teachers (5)


1. Confirm the establishment / entitlement

(please refer to the approval letter)

2. Confirm the qualifications and incremental credit

for experience (ICE)

3. Base on the available information to complete

and confirm the salary assessment

4. Submit appropriate form(s)

Principles on Salary Assessment for Teachers

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (1)

What? Rank

Appointment Requirements (CoA) Salary Scales [CoA App3 (non-IMC

Schools) and Compendium to CoA for Aided Schools, Section 4

Qualifications for New Recruits (IMC Schools) & GSA App.6A-D]

When? Date

Entry at the rank Starting Point / Salary bar (CoA App3 (non-IMC

Schools) and Compendium to CoA for Aided Schools, Section 4

Qualifications for New Recruits (IMC Schools) & GSA App. 6A-D)

Where? Sector

Public / others Salary Arrangement

How? Arrangement

Carry-forward (c/f), Re-assessment (RA) Pay Pt. (MPS)

Why? Data

Inconsistent Attention!

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (2)

What? Rank

Basic Rank


Non-graduate Post: CM

Graduate Post: GM

Regrading • For example: CM (Sec) GM AM (Sec) GM SAM (Sec) GM PAM (Sec) SGM

Direct Appointment to

promotion ranks (subject to PSEd's

approval for non-IMC Schools, CoA Sect 59(a)

and IMC's fully justifiable support for IMC Schools,

Compendium to CoA for Aided Schools, Section 4

Qualifications for New Recruits)

Promotion Rank •For example: AM, SAM, SGM, PGM, Pr

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (3)

What? Rank

Promotion Rank (without Break in service) On/ after 1.9.2006

Same or higher rank carry-forward for changing within same rank For example:

AM (Sec) AM (Sec)


starting point for changing to higher rank For example:



Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (4)

What? Rank

Promotion Rank (without Break in service) On/ after 1.9.2006

Same grade but in lower rank prevailing starting point + experience at or above the rank

For example:




Break in Service Starting Point

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (5)

What? Rank

Overlapping scale (without Break in service) On/ after 1.9.2006

For example PGM (MPS Pt 38-41) Pr II (MPS Pt 40-44)

SGM (MPS Pt 34-39) PGM (MPS Pt 38-41)


1. Pay Point at the date of promotion

2. ID

3. Date of Promotion

4. Refer to CoA Appendix 5/Attachment A & B (non-IMC Schools)

and Compendium to CoA for Aided Schools, Section 4

Qualifications for New Recruits (IMC Schools)

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (6)

What? Rank


Local / Non-local Qualifications (GSA App2A-D)

HKCAAVQ for non-local qualifications

except for those in EDBC 41/1998

For example: Teacher Certificate (TC), Degree, Certificate

In-service Course of Training for Teachers in Primary/

Secondary School (ICTT(P/S))…

A higher degree (e.g. a Master’s degree) should NOT be

accepted automatically in its own right for meeting the

qualification requirement for appointment as GM / APSM /

CM in aided schools (GSA, Appendix 2D)

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (6a)

What? Rank Report for

Qualifications Assessment

Mr XX’s Bachelor (Honours)

Degree meets the standard of a

local Bachelor (Honours)

Degree and is considered to

have been attained as from 2008.

Mr XX’s teacher training

qualification meets the standard

of a local Postgraduate

Diploma in Education.

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (7)

What? Rank

Qualification(s) – Teacher Training

Certificate / Award

Teacher Certificate TC 教師證書

In-service Certificate of

Teacher Training (Primary /


ICTT (P/S) 在職小學/中學教師訓練課程證書

Certificate in Primary /

Secondary Education

Cert. in Prim. /

Sec. Ed.

小學 / 中學教育證書

Postgraduate Certificate /

Diploma in Education

PGCE / PGDE 學位教師教育證書


Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (7a)

What? Rank Qualification(s) – Certificate of Bachelor of Education

Date of


Certificate/ Diploma/

Degree obtained

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (7b)

What? Rank Qualification(s) – Testimonial of Bachelor of Education

Level “for trained practising

primary teacher”

Certificate/ Diploma/

Degree obtained

Date of Award

“April 2006”

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (7c)

What? Rank Qualification(s) – Statement of

Results of PGDE

Level “Primary”

Certificate/ Diploma/

Degree obtained

Date of Award

“27 June 2012”

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (7d)

What? Rank Qualification(s) – Testimonial of

B.A. and PGDE

Certificate/ Diploma/

Degree obtained

Date of Award

“June 21,2011” & June 26,


Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (7e)

What? Rank Qualification(s) – Transcript of


Certificate/ Diploma/

Degree obtained

Date of Award

“Jun 2012”

Level “Primary”

When? Date

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (8)

Salary Scale or Teaching Grades (by periods) (with local degree)

Appendix 6A-D CM

(MPS Pt. &

salary bar)


(MPS Pt. &

Salary bar #)

1.10.2010 - present Pt. 14-24 (#19) Pt. 15-33 (#20)

1.8.2007-30.9.2010 Pt. 14-24 (#19) Pt. 17-33 (#22)

1.4.2000-31.7.2007 @ Pt. 12-24 (#17) Pt. 12-33 (#17)

Before 1.4.2000 Pt. 14-24 (#19) Pt. 17-33 (#22/27)

Awarded 2 additional increments after appropriate teacher training # untrained teachers should not proceed beyond the salary bar (薪金關限) @ Normal conversion arrangement (GSA, App 16)

Where? Sector

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (9)

Incremental Credit for Experience (ICE)

(by counting relevant post-qualification experience)

Certificate of Service

Aided schools, private schools, Others

Note Ensure Consistency vs document (GSA App.14)


Each Period of service (dd/mm/yyyy)

Source of funding(s)

No-pay leave

Where? Sector

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (10)

Substantive Rank(s)

for each period of


Funding(s) for each

period of service

Each Period of Service

Where? Sector

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (11)

Incremental Credit for Experience (ICE)

Complete month

Funding: Salaries Grant, Others in public sector schools

School Types / Sector

DSS, Caput and government schools

Private schools (formal curriculum, full-time students)

Relevant working experience (EDB, education faculties of

recognized local tertiary institution) w.e.f. 1.9.2006


Evening schools

Daily paid & hourly paid

Capped Experience: salary bars would be set at 5 pay points above the

prevailing starting salaries (w.e.f. 1.9.2007)

Compressed ICE: part-time post-qualification experience may be

compressed to full months

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (12)

How? Arrangement

Basic Formula

Starting Pt. of

appropriate salary


Relevant post-




teacher training


Salary Pt.

Incremental Date (ID)

Salary Bar

Determined by the date of

assumption of full duties

Falls on or between 1st – 15th day of the month

ID is the 1st day of the month

Falls on or between 16th – the end of the month

ID is the 1st day of the following month

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (13)

How? Arrangement

Salary Arrangement – Carry-forward (c/f) & Reassessment (RA)

c/f Retain salary


Change in sector and

Change in rank and

Break in service and

Change in FTE

c/f Affecting ID and

Salary Pt.

Change in sector and

Change in rank and

Break in service and

Change in FTE Note: Compressed ICE

No-pay leave taken Note: Defer ID




Change in sector or

Change in rank (except in regrading) or

Break in service

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (14)

How? Arrangement

Teaching Experiences – with no-pay leave

Please note No-pay leave, if any ID is affected, without break in service For serving teachers:

No service for (days) To defer ID by

1 -15 Not applicable 16 -45 1 month 46 -75 2 months 76 -105 3 months 106-135 4 months 136-165 5 months 166-195 6 months … …

Principles on Salary Assessment - Teachers (15)

How? Arrangement

Salary Arrangement – Carry-forward (c/f) & Reassessment (RA)

(GSA – App.10A)

New Recruits ALL RA

NG → NG e.g. CM CM c/f

G → G e.g. GM GM



NG → G (same sch. level)

e.g. CM(S) GM

c/f or RA =>


NG → G (diff. sch. level)

e.g. CM(P) GM RA

G → NG e.g. GM CM RA

Break in service ALL RA

Principles on Salary Assessment for

Non-Teaching Staff

What? Rank

Appointment Requirements (CoA) Salary Scales [CoA App3 (non-IMC

Schools) and Compendium to CoA for Aided Schools, Section 4

Qualifications for New Recruits (IMC Schools) & GSA App.6A-D]

When? Date

Entry at the rank Starting Point / Salary bar (CoA App3 (non-IMC

Schools) and Compendium to CoA for Aided Schools, Section 4

Qualifications for New Recruits (IMC Schools) & GSA App. 6A-D)

Where? Sector

Public / others Salary Arrangement

How? Arrangement

Carry-forward (c/f), Re-assessment (RA) Pay Pt. (MPS)

Why? Data

Inconsistent Attention!

Principles on Salary Assessment – Non-Teaching (1)

Principles on Salary Assessment – Non-Teaching (2)

What? Rank Salary Scales of Non-Teaching Staff in Aided Primary/ Secondary/ Special Schools (GSA App.6A-D)

Principles on Salary Assessment – Non-Teaching (3)

What? Rank


Local / Non-local Qualifications (GSA App2A-D)

HKCAAVQ for non-local qualifications

Refer to CoA (non-IMC Schools) and Compendium to CoA

for Aided Schools (IMC Schools)

Principles on Salary Assessment – Non-Teaching (4)

When? Date

• Examples on Salary Scales of Non-teaching Staff in Aided Secondary Schools (GSA App.6)

Rank Effective before 1.4.2000

Effective from

1.4.2000 to 31.7.2007

Effective from

1.8.2007 to 30.9.2010

Effective from


Lab Tech II

Pt. 10-17@-21 Pt. 6-21 Pt. 8-21 Pt. 8-21

EP II Pt. 25-33 Pt. 20-33 Pt. 25-33 Pt. 23-33

ASWO Pt. 18-33 Pt. 13-33 Pt. 18-33 Pt. 16-33

Principles on Salary Assessment – Non-Teaching (5)

Salary arrangement for Non-teaching staff Paid by Salaries Grant upon Appointment / Transfer to the New Post (Effective from 1.8.2007)

(GSA App. 10C)

Where? Sector & How? Arrangement

No break in service

Principles on Salary Assessment – Non-Teaching (6)

How? Arrangement

c/f No Change in rank; and

from aided school (paid out of Salaries Grant on MPS) to aided

school (paid out of Salaries Grant on MPS); and

No break in service

Note: Laboratory Technician (including LT III on TPS), transfer

between aided schools / from Caput, DSS schools to aided schools (Note: For the appointment of LT II, candidate who did not have LT II

experience in aided school (paid by Salaries Grant), please approach REO.)



NOT Apply to

clerical and janitor staff paid by the Administration Grant, Revised

Administration Grant or other non-Salaries Grants in aided schools; and

non-specialist staff on Model Scale I (MODI), including workshop

attendants, teacher assistants, watchmen and janitor staff paid by Salaries

Grant; and

non-teaching staff transferring from the civil service or other subvented

sectors to aided schools.

Principles on Salary Assessment – Non-Teaching (7)

Where? Sector & How? Arrangement Ref. GSA Section 3 3.2 Granting of ICEs for non-teaching staff upon transfer with a break in service Rank (Paid by Salaries Grant, with a break in service)

Revised pay scale plus recognised experience

Starting Salaries on the revised pay scale

Lab Tech

Occupational Therapists *

Physiotherapists *

Speech therapists

Educational psychologists


Staff at the social work officer or social work assistant grade

Other non-teaching staff

Principles on Salary Assessment – Non-Teaching (8)

Where? Sector & How? Arrangement

Granting ICEs for specialist staff *

(with a break in service)

recognised experience of same rank at subvented

post in NGOs at the basic rank when assessing


* Note:

Please approach REO for direct appointment of

Physiotherapist I and Occupational Therapist I (Aided

Special Schools)

Case Study for Teaching Staff

Case 1

A GM will be appointed in an aided secondary school on 3.9.2018.

Qualification(s) B.Ed (Secondary) HKIED (7.7.2009)

Experience 1.9.2009-31.8.2017 GM Salaries Grant

1.9.2017-31.8.2018 Teacher (comparable to GM) in an international school*


Previous Salary (as at 31.8.2018)

MPS Pt. 27 Incremental Date: 1.9

Salary Assessment: [GM in private school GM in aided school] (i) Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 15-20#-33 (salary scale effective from 1.10.2010) (ii) Steps: Date MPS Pt. ICE Counted

1.9.2009-31.8.2017 8y

1.9.2017-31.8.2018 1y


26 15 + 2 ICQ + 9y ICE

Pt 26

ID = 1.9, NID = 1.9.2019

• * Subject to consideration on a case-by-case basis • ICQ: Incremental credit for qualification

Case 2

A CM will be appointed in an aided secondary school on 1.9.2018.

Qualification(s) B.Ed (Secondary) HKIED (25.6.2014)

Experience 1.9.2014-31.8.2018 0.8CM (Sec) Salaries Grant

Previous Salary (as at 31.8.2018)

MPS Pt. 17 Incremental Date: 1.9

Salary Assessment: [0.8 CM full-time CM] (i) Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 14-24 (salary scale effective from 1.10.2010) (ii) Steps:

Date MPS Pt. ICE Counted

1.9.2014-31.8.2015 14 48m of 0.8CM compressed

1.9.2015-31.8.2016 = 38m

1.9.2016-31.8.2017 = 3y2m



17 14 + 3y2m

2m left ID = 1.7, NID = 1.7.2019

Case 3 (1)

A GM will be appointed in an aided secondary school on 3.9.2018.

Qualification(s) B.A. HKU (8.6.1998)

PGDE CUHK (23.6.2014)

Experience 1.9.2006-31.8.2018 GM Teacher Private School

Previous Salary (as at 31.8.2018) $50,000 + allowance

Incremental Date: N.A.

Salary Assessment: [Private Aided] (i) Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 15-20#-33 (salary scale effective from 1.10.2010)

(ii) Steps:

Case 3 (2) Date MPS Pt. Remarks

1.9.2006-31.8.2007 15 ID=1.9; Salary bar at MPS Pt. 20

1.9.2007-31.8.2008 16

1.9.2008-31.8.2009 17

1.9.2009-31.8.2010 18

1.9.2010-31.8.2011 19

1.9.2011-31.8.2012 20 ID=1.9

23.6.2014-31.8.2014 20# + 2 2 additional increments granted upon

completion of appropriate PGDE and the

teacher was allowed to proceed beyond salary

bar, ID retained

1.9.2014-31.8.2015 23 ID=1.9

1.9.2015-31.8.2016 24

1.9.2016-31.8.2017 25

1.9.2017-31.8.2018 26


1.9.2012-22.6.2014 20# Experience capped at the salary bar

27 ID = 1.9; NID = 1.9.2019

Case 4 (1)

A GM will be appointed in an aided secondary school on 1.9.2018.

Qualification(s) Teacher Certificate SRBC (7.6.1995)

B.A. HKU (30.6.1999)

Experience 1.9.1996-31.8.1997 CM (Pri) Salaries Grant

1.9.1999-31.8.2018 APSM Salaries Grant

Previous Salary (as at 31.8.2018) MPS Pt. 29 (Max.of APSM)

Incremental Date: N.A.

Salary Assessment: [APSM GM] (i) Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 19-29 (salary scale for APSM before 1.4.2000)

MPS Pt. 19-33 (salary scale for GM before 1.4.2000)

(ii) Steps:

Case 4 (2)

Date MPS Pt. Remarks

1.9.1999-31.8.2000 19 ID=1.9

1.9.2000-31.8.2001 20

1.9.2001-31.8.2002 21

1.9.2002-31.8.2003 22

1.9.2003-31.8.2004 23

1.9.2004-31.8.2005 24

1.9.2005-31.8.2006 25

1.9.2006-31.8.2007 26

1.9.2007-31.8.2008 27

1.9.2008-31.8.2009 28

1.9.2009-31.8.2018 29 Max. Pt. of APSM rank


29 Switching to the GM salary scale by carry-forward arrangement (GSA App10A(a)) ID = 1.9; NID: 1.9.2019

At APSM Rank

Case 5 (1)

A CM will be appointed in an aided secondary school on 3.9.2018.

Qualification(s) Certificate in Primary Education HKIED (28.6.2002)

B.Ed. in Secondary Education OUHK (21.7.2011)

Experience 1.9.2008-31.8.2010 CM (Pri) Salaries Grant

1.9.2012-31.8.2015 CM (Pri) Salaries Grant

Previous Salary (as at 31.8.2015) MPS Pt. 18 Incremental Date: 1.9

Salary Assessment: [CM(Pri) CM(Sec) ; break in service] (a) Assessed by Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 13-24 (Appendix 6Dii 1e) Cert in Pri. Ed.)

Attained on 28.6.2002


(b) Assessed by Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 14-24 (Appendix 6Dii 2a)ii) Degree +


Attained on 21.7.2011

Case 5 (2)

(a) Assessed by Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 13-24 (Appendix 6Dii 1e) Cert in Pri. Ed.)

(b) Assessed by Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 14-24 (Appendix 6Dii 2a)ii) Degree + PGCE(Sec))

Date ICE

counted Remarks ICE

counted Remarks

1.9.2008-31.8.2010 2y Cert in Pri. Ed

since 28.6.2002


1.9.2012-31.8.2015 3y 3y Degree since 21.7.2011


• Salary Scale

MPS Pt. 13-24

• 13 + 5y ICE

= Pt 18

• ID = 1.9;

• NID = 1.9.2019

• Salary Scale

MPS Pt. 14-24

• 14 + 3y ICE

= Pt 17

• ID = 1.9;

• NID = 1.9.2019

Case Study for Non-Teaching Staff

Case 1(1)

A staff member will be appointed as LT II in an aided secondary

school on 21.9.2018.

Qualification(s) 5 subjects passed in HKCEE and relevant requirements stipulated in CoA


Experience 1.9.2008-31.8.2011 LT III Salaries Grant

1.9.2011-31.8.2018 LT II Salaries Grant

Previous Salary (as at 31.8.2018) MPS Pt. 14 Incremental Date: 1.9

Salary Assessment: [LT II ; no break in service] (i) Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 8-21 (salary scale effective from 1.10.2010)

(ii) Steps:

Case 1(2)

Date MPS Pt. Remarks

1.9.2011-31.8.2012 8

1.9.2012-31.8.2013 9

1.9.2013-31.8.2014 10

1.9.2014-31.8.2015 11

1.9.2015-31.8.2016 12

1.9.2016-31.8.2017 13

1.9.2017-31.8.2018 14

1.9.2018-20.9.2018 No service for 20 days, defer ID 1m


15 ID = 1.10; NID 1.10.2019

Case 2 (1)

A staff member will be appointed as EP II in an aided secondary

school on 3.9.2018.

Qualification(s) B.Soc Sci in Psychology CUHK (23.6.2004)

Master Degree in Educational Psychology HKU (27.6.2009)

Others Obtain full membership of the Division of Educational Psychology (DEP) of the Hong Kong Psychological Society


Experience 1.9.2010-15.8.2011 EP II in NGO

Subvented by government


1.9.2016-31.8.2018 0.5 EP II in NGO

Previous Salary (as at 31.8.2018) $46,445

Salary Assessment: [0.5 EPII in NGO EPII in Aided school] (i) Salary Scale: MPS Pt. 23-33 (salary scale effective from 1.10.2010)

(ii) Steps:

Case 2 (2)

Date ICE



1.9.2010-15.8.2011 11m

28.11.2011-30.6.2012 7m

1.9.2016-31.8.2018 12m 0.5 EPII, 24m x 0.5 = 12m


ICE : 11m + 7m + 12m =30m (2y6m)

Pt 23 + 2y6m = Pt 25

ID = 1.3; NID 1.3.2019

Thank You