Briefing future learning technologies

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Briefing future learning technologies

Future Learning Technologies

Educational Development Unit CLTE


The opportunity has arisen to review the technology that supports our learning, teaching and assessment; particularly with a view to the future of Oasisplus.

Virtual learning environment

The process of “virtualisation of learning, teaching and assessment activity” rather than a propriety system such as Oasisplus/Blackboard/WebCT/Moodle

Where we are now


•Social networking, Web 2.0

•Podcasting/Lecture capture

•Personal learning (PLE)/Pebblepad

•Student portal

The future

•Graduates for the 21st Century

•Cap on full-time student numbers

•Renewed emphasis on part-time numbers

•Overseas campuses and partner expansion

•e-Assessment and e-Feedback initiative

•Increased delivery of DE programmes


Scoping exercise:

•Institutional aims and objectives

•Academic/Learning and Teaching requirements

•External considerations

•Project Board

•Teaching and Learning committee

Your views

Wiki -

Post it wall -

Briefing events

Annual teaching and learning conference - 28th June

Questions and Discussion ?