Brian garrett joseph provides useful advice for budding football players

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Brian garrett joseph provides useful advice for budding football players

Brian Garrett Joseph Provides Useful Advice For Budding

Football Players

Brian Garrett Joseph has played football for many years and many parents often consult him for his expert advice about the performance of their sons. He suggests them to be realistic about their children and their athletic abilities. The father that holds his newborn son in his arms for the first time and looks in his face and has visions of athletic grandeur need to see the reality, adds Brian Joseph. Parents should realize that very few athletes possess the athletic skills necessary to become a scholarship football player at a major Division I University.

He says that it is a well-known fact that not everyone has the physical gifts of a Randy Moss, Joe Montana or an Adrian Peterson and no amount of private training will make a have not into a have. In today's era of sport specialization, private coaching has been deemed as a necessity by parents; a way to give their son an athletic edge, even when they do not have the natural God given talent.

Brian Garrett Joseph says that it has been noticed that the more affluent the parent, the more they are willing to spend to make their child into a superstar. Athletes from humble backgrounds, single parent homes and limited resources may not have the financial resources needed to procure private coaching yet they still succeed as they are just athletically gifted.

He says that being realistic about your son's athletic abilities lays the path towards their success. If your son does not have the talent or skills, there is nothing wrong with that, and you can save that money and invest in his college education.

Brian Joseph has many years of professional teaching experience. Brian Joseph has performed a variety of administrative functions and served as an educational leader of the school.

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