Bowdoin College Data Driven Socities 2014 - Data/Tech History 01/27/14

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Transcript of Bowdoin College Data Driven Socities 2014 - Data/Tech History 01/27/14

Data Driven Societies: How the Internet WorksProfessors Gaze & Gieseking

The Internet

If you haven’t yet experienced the Web, the best way to find out about it is to try it.

—Tim Berners-Lee, 1994

What came before and since?

Lascaux Caves 15,000 BCE

Printing Press 1450-1500

DARPA Net 1970

DARPA Net 1977

Altair 8800 1975

Coding in BASIC 1976

WWW Project Pages 1998

Mosaic Netscape

DotCom Boom 2.0 2006

Our site: public or private?

✦ Pros: share with public, create portfolio of work, represent Bowdoin

✦ Cons: learning process


What makes a good post?✦ Length: 2-4 paragraphs

✦ Language:

✦ academic

✦ clear, concise, and cogent

✦ first person when necessary

✦ accurate and, when possible, catchy title

✦ Links / Embedding:

✦ relevant articles and websites of record

✦ visuals when appropriate

What makes a good comment?✦ Length: 2 paragraphs in length

✦ Language:

✦ supportive and fair response to your peer’s ideas

✦ academic

✦ clear, concise, and cogent

✦ first person often

✦ Links / Embedding:

✦ relevant articles and websites of record

✦ visuals when appropriate