Bowdoin: Data Driven Socities 2014 - The Search Engine & the Search for Privacy 2/12/14

Data Driven Societies: The Search Engine & the Search for Privacy Professors Gaze & Gieseking


Data Driven Societies Digital & Computational Studies Bowdoin College February 12, 2014 Professors Gieseking & Gaze Lecture Slides "The Search Engine & the Search for Privacy"

Transcript of Bowdoin: Data Driven Socities 2014 - The Search Engine & the Search for Privacy 2/12/14

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Data Driven Societies: The Search Engine &the Search for PrivacyProfessors Gaze & Gieseking

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Big Data & Privacy (recap)

✦ Ethical research !

✦ Data sample and data access


✦ Defining big data, defining privacy…

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Searching the Engine / for Privacy

✦ Filter bubble, machine learning, privacy ✦ Team exercise on blog posts ✦ Begin lab ✦ Quiz

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Algorithms: the good, the bad, & the (supposedly) ugly

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On being captain of your own destiny

Girl-in-the-bubble photo by Mike Renlund used under a Creative Commons license.

Filter bubble - predictive engines that use machine learning to constantly create and refine an idea of who you are, what you do, and what you will do next (Pariser 2011) !

Machine learning - training a computer to recognize patterns !

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Testing the Filter BubbleGo to & login (if you have one). Under Your Account, choose Recommendations for You. Does what you see represent *you*?

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Defining Privacy

In US Constitutional Law, the right of people to make personal decisions regarding intimate matters.

Under the Common Law (from courts/legal decisions), the right of people to lead their lives in a manner that is reasonably secluded from public scrutiny.

In statutory law (from regulations/laws), the right of people to be free from invasion of privacy such as unwarranted drug testing and Electronic Surveillance.

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Care to know more?

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Next Class: Feb. 17✦ Today: filter bubble, machine learning, privacy

✦ Blog comment: type up your notes from your presentation of your peer’s post today as a comment (2-3 paragraphs)

✦ Readings: Donovan, Odewahn, & Golbeck

✦ Next class: ✦ private/public ✦ networks 101 ✦ lab & quiz follow-up