Bootiga Short Demo

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Bootiga Short Demo

The Rise of Facebook Commerce

Facebook fan bases have become companies largest web presence

1 in 4 people have made a purchase via a brand’s Facebook page


“If I had to guess, social commerce is the next area to really blow up ”

-Mark Zuckerberg, August 2010

25% of customers connect with brands on FaceBook to receive discounts

More than 50% of FaceBook fans and 67% of Twitters users are more likely to make a purchase from the brands they follow

FaceBook and Twitter visitors spend 1.5x more online that other Internet users

is growing…

And now consumers can purchase products without leaving the FaceBook environment.

Examples of brands using F-Commerce…

Levi’s Friends Store

Earlier in the year Pampers offered it’s facebook fans a chance to buy their new Pampers Cruisers product 3 weeks before they went in store .

1,000 packs went in under an hour.

The interesting thing was how they conveyed this offer – they posted the offer on FaceBook fan’s walls. The FaceBook user then clicked on the image, which then expanded to display more information and then had the option to buy the product, all within FaceBook.

HerStyler on FaceBookThe Shop is Implanted directly inside FaceBook!

HerStyler on FaceBook

Let every one See your products categorized in Different Categories

HerStyler on FaceBook

Let Your Fans Get an Auto Discount for “Liking” The page!

HerStyler on FaceBook

Let every visitor at the Shop to obtain more information using Video, Sound and Pictures!

HerStyler on FaceBook

Products can be added easily with ONE click only!

Shopping has never been faster and


HerStyler on FaceBook

Give your customers FREE gifts to Encourage them to spend more!

HerStyler on FaceBookAccept Customer Payment WITHOUT leaving FaceBook!

Form is fully secured.

HerStyler on FaceBookUsing our BackOffice Coupon interface, you can setup your coupons for different Resellers, Agents and Affiliate programs.Our System enables you full control on all your coupons .

HerStyler on FaceBookUsing our State of the art “Salon System” you can Invite your customers to visit you over and over!

Each Customer can easily set up an appointment to your location without leaving FaceBook.


Create an Advocate Marketing



The Future is Social Commerce

One month after store launch, the base level of traffic equals 1 to 10% of fan base.

Facebook stores on average generate a 17% social engagement rate (merchandise “likes” and “shares” per visitor*).

*Source: Webtrends

Facebook is gaining an approval as a place to connect with brands online, and is

progressively more often selected over the websites of certain companies.

FaceBook is gaining an approval as a place to connect with brands online, and is progressively more often selected over the websites of certain companies.

Facebook stores now have the same sales conversion rates as e-Commerce websites. FaceBook stores now have the

same sales conversion rates as e-Commerce websites.

*Source: Webtrends

FaceBook stores are efficient at acquiring visitors cheaply through wall posts, with post-launch wall posts generating on average 1,673% points

in store traffic.*

•Window Shopper – Compare prices and consult with friends.•Instant Simple buy with “3 Clicks”•Add another Branch (at no cost) to your •business•Let others work for you with our Coupon system•Grow your sales – a customer that is exposed to your product will sure buy it in FaceBook on your website or at your Store!•Let Customer Connect where they buy, and Buy where they connect!

•Engage your customer, talk to him and his friends, market and SELL all without •leaving FaceBook!•Friends “Likes” and “Shares” are favor to drive the customer to make a purchase now!•Creating long last relationships with your customers assures Happier Bottom Line$$$ •Our Shop creates a new and refreshing Shopping experience by making purchases available to anybody at any time and from everywhere!